Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 583: Strong and strong home [first! 】

puff! One! Oh, another! puff……

Ling Hanyu sat on the ground, and his body was like being nailed to the ground. He couldn't move. He wanted to close his eyes, but he didn't listen to the eyelids. He couldn't close it.

Just staring at it with big eyes.

I’m looking at it with my heart and my heart...only what is going out and out of the uncontrollable front and back...

Mom... nine! A full nine ghosts! A full nine!

Looking at the front row of people, looking at this graveyard, just nine graves...

Is it... is it...

The next moment, nine people's heads, uniform and uniform, all extended a black arm, five fingers black lacquered, the bones rang, and pointed to Ling Hanyu...

Ling Hanyu’s eyes widened to the maximum, and the next moment, he softly fainted...

Oh... horrible...

He fainted, naturally did not hear the words of the nine people: "*** ... stinks ... punishment one, this person was scared by you and pulled down..."

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know... look at this costume, like the Ling family, and the status is not low..."

"Lingjia people? Isn't the identity low? Is it so scared?"

"Ha ha ha..."

A burst of laughter.

Immediately, Chu Yang urged: "Quickly, go out, don't reveal a head... The amount, I understand that this person will scare this way... It turns out that this is still a graveyard... ”

Everyone is relatively speechless.

It’s so smart.

With a bang, Chu Yang took the lead and jumped out. Immediately, it was like pulling a radish. Everyone jumped out one by one.

Others are hiding far away, so the punishment is naturally to take hold of Ling Hanyu - always understand where this is, what is the situation?

Although this kid is stinky, it is also the most suitable candidate.

Ling Hanyu felt that she had made a terrible nightmare!

In the dream...the horror is extremely...

He woke up, but when he woke up, he felt that something was wrong, it seems...

Look down. I couldn't help but scream: Just on my chest, a **** hand grabbed on my robes and smashed myself up...

Look up...

The sentence bowed one by one and grinned: "Kid, what is your name..."

Ling Hanyu suddenly saw him with a white mouth, and suddenly fell down... He wants to eat me! He wants to eat me! !

In an instant, the spirit was extremely collapsed, and a high scream was heard. Then the body trembled and shocked, and a green mucus spurted out from the mouth. Then the blood wow wows one by one...

The body is weak. Immediately, the body was quite stiff and trembling. Two eyes turned white, one shocked, no breath...

One sentence at a time: "Is this person stunned?"

Chu Yang took a look. I couldn't help but sigh: "The gallbladder is scared... The extreme fear, the heart broke... The punishment is one, you are arrogant! You directly scared a master to live... or the important person of Lingjia... ...not a law enforcer, it’s a torture church... it’s sharp!”

When I was sentenced, I was stupid, and I threw out Ling Hanyu with a hand: "As for it... I rely on this guts, but I also came out to sway the rivers and lakes... I really served... Lingjia, this is what some people have raised. ... I can't ask a message."

It is at this time.

"Where is the ghost? Let's put down our four masters!" A voice violently screamed, but it sounded like courage.

I saw that seven people flying over the same fly over there.

These few people are Ling Hanyu's personal bodyguards. At the beginning, they did not dare to disturb the four souls to comfort the undead. Just watching it from a distance, but I feel that something is wrong for a while.

Because Siye suddenly sat down, still mumbling to call her mother...

The graves blocked the line of sight, they couldn’t see it at all, and there were so many heads on the ground in the graveyard...

Just sigh in the heart: the life of the four masters is also enough, and there is no mother in a small time... Nowadays, touch the scene. I remembered my mother... It’s justifiable!

People in temperament...

Immediately, the situation is even worse...

Actually... there was a **** man with a dark lacquer? A hand grabbed the four masters? Then the four masters made a scream? There is no sound?

What's the matter?

Looking at this gloomy graveyard, everyone has some drums in their hearts.

Seven people are brave enough to hurry. When people have not arrived, they are exhaling. If it is really a ghost... Let's so many yang of the living, it will definitely dispel...

These seven people came over. This side has also been brushed up to meet seven.

In addition to Chu Yang and Wei Wuyan, the other seven people all happily greeted them. Under the ground, it is really dead...

噗噗噗 Seven sounds rang in series, and in the future, the activities were open, and three, five, and two... These seven people were taken to justice...

The neatness makes Chu Yang a little surprised.

Damn, even my author didn’t think how to describe the move, so I took it...

It is actually a bit of bullying - the seven supremes join hands to deal with the seven monarchs...

This is no longer a battle, even... not even playing.


Looking at the trial of a person waiting for a person to deal with one, Chu Yang’s head is somewhat dizzy: This is the person sent by Lingjia?

In this way, I am able to force the family to retreat.

Is this... not a dream?

Nine Supreme have to fight the tunnel to escape. After escaping, they find that the people they care about have lost in a group of monarchs.

"He ***!" Chu Yang shouted. The mood is extremely unhappy!

After a while...

Listening to the report of the first-class person, Chu Yang gradually came up with some ideas.

For the trial of Wan Jie and others, Chu Yang did not listen to it directly: On this aspect, who can compare with the experience of criminal punishment?

These people are not the main force of Lingjia.

Ling Hanyu is here, just the highest commander in the name, representing the family. In fact, there are others.

But the highest commander is just a nine-level holy class. After all, just harassment...

Li Jia does have scruples, although these people are not enough for the Li family to send a supreme. But still vote for the mouse. Because, apart from the Zhuge family, the people from the Eight Great Family are all such people...

When you move them, it is to fight; and the eight big families are fighting!

Do you dare to move?

Just blame!

So the situation here is very subtle...

After listening to all the reports, Chu Yang frowned and thought for a long time before he categorically said: "Now, I have handled the tunnel first. Don't let people find it... wash the bath. Change clothes, change clothes for Lijia... Well, so So... then we will be different..."

"Good! Just let us go before giving it to us."


Half a day later, Ling family found out how the four masters went to daydreaming and didn't return for a long time. When they sent people out to look for it. The bodies of eight people were found.

On the body, on the Ling’s signature white coat, four words were written with blood: “Get out of the northwest!”

In addition, there is no other clue!

In the cold moonlight, in the white snow, in a graveyard... the four words are written on the body!

Its warning means that it is self-evident!

"Lijia!" Lingjia's slender eyes shot brilliantly: "Lijia finally started! Immediately communicate the family, report the news of the death of the four masters! Please the second batch of supreme masters, speed to help! Everyone. Withdraw three hundred miles and step up your alert!"



This evening, it was destined to be an unusual evening.

The conflict with the Li family some time ago caused the people of the major families to retreat 50 miles, and the nerves of the battle were the tightest moments.

Li Jia, once again have an action!

One is the supreme!

I heard that Lingjia was the first to suffer. Then there was the Shijia, Shijia was attacked by three supreme, and the death and injury were heavy. Moreover, Shi Jiashu, a son of the Shijiazhao family, was killed!

The Lan family was attacked by the Supreme. More than 30 people were killed or injured, and the other party was warned: Get out of the northwest! otherwise. Do your best!

Night house... Xiao family...

Wait, the eight big families are not spared, this night, blood flows into the river!

The camp of law enforcers was also attacked.

The northwestern law enforcers, especially those who died this night, Li seems to have identified the law enforcement, the killer is fierce; and, I heard that some of them said: "Even if the law is in person, you must roll out the northwest!"

This sentence, the power is endless!

Let the law enforcers go crazy one by one...

On the northwestern edge, there is a boiling! Numerous communication birds, rushing to the sky, with a grievance of blood, flew in all directions.

This is already the second emergency communication!


Three days later, the same attack occurred again. At this time, the major family reinforcements have not yet arrived, and of course they have been killed.

And the loss is even bigger!

After running away overnight, the people of the major families found that they had returned to the starting point! Throughout the northwest, during these time, the sites that were eaten by these people... now return to the hands of Li!

Moreover, it is faintly expanding outside!

The lineup of 500 law enforcers is even more dead than 378. Only the remaining soldiers will be defeated.

Li Jia, the plot is really small! Moreover, being able to make such a move is sure to rely on it!

Moreover, after the family was expelled from the major families and other people, Li Jia immediately gathered back, and the large land that had been given up by the major families did not send people to guard.

However, in front of the stone monuments distributed by the nine family forces, a blood line was clearly drawn!

Make it clear: This is just a demonstration! Do not know how to raise your family! Going beyond this line, you will die!

The communication spirits once again flew up and flew to all aspects of the mainland.

Li Jia, too arrogant!

Your family has supreme, isn't our family? !


It was another night.

"Almost..." Chuyang squats slowly, Yushu Linfeng generally stands on a hillside and whispers: "You should go back..."


<Update is late, sorry. After I finished writing last night, the whole person was sleeping in a state of collapse. Until this afternoon, if I was not a show, I would call me, I am afraid I still have to sleep...

After waking up, my hands and feet are weak... I have adjusted for a long time.

Very helpless, everyone is used to my more updates, my outbreak has become the most powerful way to ask for a monthly ticket, no outbreak, no vote, want a monthly ticket, must break out, and it is a big explosion...

Hehe... a bitter smile, this is the first, I continue to code the second more... Today... there will be an outbreak...


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