Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 584: Extreme Chasing Team [Second! 】

Everyone looked at each other and they were a little disappointed.

The same troubles during this time, especially the people in the tunnel, are in the dark, but in the hearts of the people, it is the most memorable period.

Because this time, the most pure. Even the occasional intrigue between colleagues is not there!

Some are just the most simple mutual support.

At this moment, suddenly, everyone is not in the heart.

"I will do a good job of the law enforcement person as soon as possible." Punishment Zheng said: "Then go to the southeast to find you!"

"Don't forget what I said." Chu Yang smiled.

"Of course."

Chu Yangdao: "There is one more thing, you have to be careful... After all, although you are the last wish to execute the first wave of the wave, but to a certain extent, betray the law enforcer..."

"We know." One or four people were sentenced to Zheng.

"Along the way!" said Wan Jie. Cheng Duying and Wei Youyan did not hold the boxing at the same time.

It seems that the punishment is slow, and the boxing ceremony is held: "The brothers take care!"

Finished, watching Wei Wuyan: "Old Wei, don't die! You can't bear your wife and children, but the brothers can't bear you..."

Wei Wuyan’s face was stiff and a strong laugh: “By the way! Take care!”

"See you next time, a drunk party!"

The four people laughed and turned away.

If the same breeze blows across the earth. I have to go without a trace in an instant...

Chu Yang and Wei Wuyan and others stood on the hill and watched the figure of the four people slowly disappearing on the horizon without speaking.

"Wei brother, how do you feel..."

Chu Yang did not look back and said slowly.

Three people and three other people looked at each other and quietly retreated.

I know that Chu Yang and Wei Youyan have something to say, if they stay here, of course, it is feasible, but... Wei Wuyan’s face, he and others still need to take care of.

Wei Wuyan is silent.

"In the days of the underground, how can you live well?" Chu Yang said: "These brothers. Can you have false feelings?"

Wei Wuyan took a long breath and said: "Chu brother, you can rest assured... I will not take the initiative to find death!"

Chu Yang’s eyes showed a smile: "Oh?"

Wei Wuyan showed a hint of helplessness: "Actually... I can't bear you."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Wei Wuyan said: "They are both girls...the pain in my heart forever, I really want to go... I am afraid, no, I am by their side, even if they are sneaky, there are evil spirits bullying their orphans and widows... I also I really want to go see my wife. Tell her. I know, I understand... I am stupid, I am stupid... I regret..."

He smiled awkwardly: "But beyond that. I..."

"Now, I have brothers... they can't bear me."

"I can't bear them either."

Wei Wuyan smiled bitterly: "Now, I want to die. I don't want to die... It's very contradictory. But at least... I won't find myself."

Chu Yang let go of his heart and said: "You can think of these. In fact... In this world, there are many hypocrites like Hong Wuquan. There are countless people who are being deceived by them, and even... they are also broken. Lao Wei You have such a mind now, may wish to... pay more attention to it, if it can help those who have the same opportunities as you. Break the mask of the hypocrites... Isn't it also merit?"

Wei Wuyan’s eyes suddenly brightened.

Yes, if so, isn’t it better?

No one knows that Wei Wuyan’s hatred of Hong’s hypocrisy is such a slap in the face!

Chu Yang huh, a smile, and my heart is thinking about the words of Lang Yilang, what exactly does it mean?

It is at this time. I heard Wei Wuyan said: "Chuyang... Although I will not think for myself, but... I still ask you for that matter. If one day... I am dead in battle, if you can catch up... Also please... Give me the petals of the sky!"

Chu Yang suddenly speechless, said: "You can rest assured! If it is really one day ... you will not die. Then ... I will certainly fulfill you!"

Wei Wuyan was relieved and said: "Thank you!"

Chu Yang's heart. Suddenly passing a burst of discomfort, there seems to be an unpredictable hunch...

This unpredictable hunch made Chu Yang feel uncomfortable, and he quickly made a decision.

"Wan brother, Wei brother, next, you will disguise all the way, how to return to the southeast?" Chu Yang will be a few people, said.

"Back to the Southeast?" The four were all stunned.

"Yes, then, I am going to do something extremely important." Chu Yang said: "But you four, I am not at ease. After we have dialed, this area, the war is on the verge. And, there is no What are we doing... I will be relieved only if you return to the southeast safely!"

"Good!" Wanjie agreed.

After this period of time, Wan Jie also expelled the ambiguity of his heart; originally, he felt that Chu Yang was a master like a cloud, and he and others could not help much, and his self-esteem was somewhat damaged, so he and Wei Wuyan had a long history.

But... Now this kind of thinking, I think it’s ridiculous when I think about it: Why did Chu Yang have been scorned because he couldn’t help himself?

Some time ago, the desperate rescue of life and death, did you prove everything?

For such a brother, what if you are wronged? What's more, it is not even aggrieved.

"You go back this time, and you have to help me find a few people along the way... headed by, called Nangong's death; you know." Chu Yangdao: "I used to secretly rush to the southeast, but... until I came out I haven't seen them go back. You pay attention to them along the way. If you find them, take them back together; then... you have a few old rivers and lakes, and you can adjust them. They are good materials for intelligence."

Wan Jiejie readily agreed.

Knowing that Chu Yang from this moment is equivalent to assigning work to several people: intelligence!

He also understands that Chu Yang means to let himself wait for someone to do something. He will not think that Chu Yang is raising himself in vain... This is also a psychological balance for himself and others.

I can't help but make up my mind: In any case, you must do this intelligence work!

"Let's go, we can still walk for a while. In the middle, we are not too late to break up." Chu Yang turned back and looked at the northwest under the night, revealing a smile: "Here, we have done what we did." Can you fight it, to what extent? We have already said it is not..."

Everyone smiled with ease, staring at the night, all the way to the southeast.


Broad northwest.

Li Jia is so bad that it has reached a certain level.

On the one hand, family reconstruction requires a lot of manpower and material resources. On the other hand, the few people who had been chased suddenly disappeared, just like mud cows entering the sea, and they could no longer find a trace.

Although I know that the nine people are still in the northwest and have not escaped, they don’t catch their hands in one day, they always feel uneasy...

All the masters, attention is all in. For the outside world, everyone is not in a hurry: all families have warned again, if they are not interested again... wait for them to come in and say.

Of course, the Li family will not know that some people have already issued a series of warnings to the eight families and law enforcers after they have warned the big families one after another!

Li’s warning, of course, is to pick some people who are not very important.

However, those few people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and they will select the important figures among the major families to start. At present, they have already created a **** debt.

And these blood debts will be counted on the Li family!

Nowadays, the reinforcements of the major families are already on the road. This time they are all supreme masters and the family is elite!

A war that swept the northwest is about to start!

But as the target of the public, it is still in the dark.

But these, as the initiator of Chu Yang, have already let go...

Love it.


Five people have gone all the way. At this moment, they are already surrounded by the chasing and killing of Li, and everyone has no scruples. Together with each other, they have upgraded their products and want to try.

So this way, it’s really catching the wind!

Just one morning, the 1300-mile journey has been left behind.

There are mountains in front and towering into the clouds.

There is a martyrdom. One to the southeast, one to the center!

It was time to break up.

Wei Wuyan smiled and reached out and said: "When I came, I remember there was a tavern in front of Chu Yang. We are not in a hurry. How about breaking up and breaking up?"

The tens of thousands of people and the single-chip package do not return the same three people at the same time.

Chu Yang smiled slightly and said: "Good!"

Five people laughed, and at the same time, they stood up and shot at the corner.

Suddenly, in the direction of the front of the crowd, suddenly the hoofs are like a thunder, faintly passed; seeing this situation, there are even large groups of people coming.

The five people are a bit strange at the same time: Who are you coming from? Is it such a powerful voice? Moreover, this sound is not like a hoof?

The face of the tens of thousands of people suddenly changed, saying: "Is this the chasing beast in Mercedes? If so, is the person who came, is it the Chen family's supreme chasing team?"

"Supreme Chasing Team?" Chu Yangyi frowned, what do you mean?

Among the nine families, only Chen had an ancestor in his early years, and he got the secret method of domestication of the beasts. He sent a large number of people, or bought, or arrested, and gathered a large number of eight-level spirit beasts. Beast, after domestication, as a mount!"

"It is said that Chen’s ancestor, and in order to domesticate these beasts, exhausted Shouyuan; and died in the world. Since then, Chen has no one to have this strange ability... So Chen’s chasing beast also The more precious it is; the later, the secret snow cover, I heard that the supreme and above are the only ones that have the qualification to chase the wind beast..."

Wan Jie explained: "Now, listen to this movement, at least one hundred chasing beasts come... Is it that Chen’s family has sent the Supreme to the northwest?"


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