Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 599: Living is luck, death is life! [First! 】

Chu Yang’s heart shook a lot.

The Zhuge family’s budget is really amazing. When the confession of the sky is not clear at the moment, it is possible to accurately calculate such a thing.

In fact, even if the opposite of Zhuge soul is not sure, the true meaning of these words is not sure, whether it is right or not.

But Chu Yang knows that it is true.

As long as you are caught in the Zhuge family, or assimilated by the Zhuge family, then the Zhuge family is foolproof!

Completely correct! Because I am the master of the nine robbers.

Nine heavens in the middle of the night; the tiger is in the plain dragon in the sky.

These two sentences, the first sentence said the position, the second sentence said that he and the night drunk two? Are the tigers falling in Pingyang? Or is it drunk at night? Are you a dragon in the sky?

Think of it, Chu Yang has some fever.

There is a dream in the drunk. Is it drunk at night? Falling into the sky is safe... Should it be the biggest purpose of Zhuge Soul? But this sentence is also somewhat vague.

Is it that you fall into the sky or whether you and the night drunk are falling into the sky... will you be safe?

Chu Yang sighed in his heart.

This Zhuge family is also really worth the money, actually willing to use the life of three ancestors, in exchange for a chance prediction!

He did not know that the Zhuge family was even more helpless!

First, a million-dollar ceremony, the whole family was turned upside down, and then a battle of the canal, the overall high-end strength of the Zhuge family was not a small.

And there are things that the nine robbers will come up. The Zhuge family’s burnt heads should not be overwhelmed.

All the top experts have retired and are ready to increase their strength before the advent of the war.

At this time, the three elders of the saints who were already dying in the secret suddenly escaped from prison! This is a bad thing, everyone at the top is retreating, and there is no defense against this.

Actually, the three elders and the saints who had been waiting for him to meet him rushed out of the Zhuge family.

Then the Zhuge family was really panicked.

Once the three elders go back, the saints retaliate, it is not fun.

Preparing to hunt down, suddenly indirectly arrived at the news: Li family made a big move, there is a big move! Suspected that the nine robbers swordsman was born!

This is really a rainy day, and the ship broke the wind.

The Zhuge family was a little embarrassed for a while.

Zhuge Cangzhen then spelled the secret of the world, and took a look; the image shows: within three years, Zhuge died!

So the Zhuge family became even more panicked. In order to save the family, the three ancestors of the six sages contributed their own cultivation beyond the fairy tales, contributed their own lives, and used their own souls as blood to break through the celestial locks and find a way to survive. .

But find a road that is so inexplicable... Then the three ancestors will die.

The Zhuge family is also confused: What is going on?

Just a few words that are so inexplicable, so a person who is irrelevant can decide the life and death of the Zhuge family?

Under the suspicion, only Ning is credible and it is not credible.

Therefore, the Zhuge family made a big move and mobilized all-round, and the elders of the saints were not eager to catch the case. Instead, they became a bait and rushed into the night family territory. At the same time, Zhuge soul shouldered the heavy responsibility and came to the night house and night. Get drunk and get along, then pretend to be a little bit of a bad breath.

Night is drunk as a big man at night, what kind of wisdom is that? Just a little bit of a tone, I guessed the truth.

Then grab the front of Zhuge Soul to hunt down the three elders of the Holy Tribe.

Predicting all this progress, in the "Baidu Post Bar, slogan", silently, in accordance with the strict budget of the Zhuge family, proceeded in an orderly manner until now.

At this juncture, Chu Yang was driven out of the inn by the dance city, galloping all the way, as fast as a spark, and quickly catching up and catching up... The prophecy of the Zhuge family, Chu Yang finally succeeded to become one of the most important roles... ...

Now that San Cao is on the case, everyone is confused...

However, the night drunk to escape, Chu Yang to escape, Zhuge soul has to catch the two together - said ‘falling into the heavens from the security’, but did not say that this guy is alone.

The safest way, of course, is to grab the two guys together!

The night family is naturally big; the Zhuge family usually does not dare to provoke. But now, the Zhuge family has not been in existence for three years... What night house do you care about?

So what's the big deal with the night drunk?

The cause and effect of the matter is like this. So developed, the three elders of the saints who were still very heavy and heavy, at this moment... no one has noticed!

This world is so wonderful.

As for the Lan family, it is the solid ally of the Zhuge family: the Lan family is gradually fading, and the master loses more than any family; under the guise, only before the Zhuge family is fully united.

Zhuge soul looked at Chu Yang's eyes is also a bit complicated: Who is this guy? It seems that it is not only embarrassing, but also dirty, especially now, barely the big feet, the whole body is hurt, it seems that there is only one breath left - Chu Yang is now full of oil, the dirt is still on the body The face, especially now, is bloody...

Zhuge Soul certainly can't recognize it. This guy in front of him is Chu Yang and Chu Yuzu who once made the Tianji City a chicken-flying dog.

Besides, he did not have any contact with Chu Yang at the time.

"Hello, who are you?" asked Zhuge soul.

Chu Yang was silent, but did not answer his words, but faintly said: "Zhuge Dagongzi, I heard that the four sentences you said seem to be poetic things, this celestial slang seems to be somewhat incomplete? There should still be Did you say a few words?"

Zhuge's soul suddenly changed his face, and his grin smiled: "All and incomplete, when you arrive at Tianji City, you can fully understand!"

Chu Yang indulged a bit and said sincerely: "Going to the Zhuge family, there is no worry about life... Naturally, it is not difficult; but... Can you let me consider some time?"

Zhuge soul is a bit strange, but it is still pretending to be generous: "Of course!"

Chu Yang went down.

Because just now, there was a sound like a mosquito in his ear: "We rushed out together!" It was the sound of night drunk.

When Chu Yang saw it, he saw that the night drunk and his lips were closed. He didn't move at all. He really didn't know how he made the sound, and he was able to condense into a line and send it.

Chu Yang did not have such a skill, but had to bow his head. It seemed to be deeply contemplative, but he asked without a trace: "Where to go over there? How to rush? Which side is more complicated?"

The sound of night drunk continued: "They still have a few five-supreme, but they are not found next to them, so they must wait outside... We can only bet on luck."

Chu Yangdao: "The direction of the night house is not to go."

Night drunken road: "From here to the northeast, it is the first **** mountain in the mainland; Baota Mountain. The terrain is the most complicated. As long as you enter the mountain, it is a thousand turns. Even people who are familiar with the terrain may not be able to get around. But now, we are only safe here, as for things that can come out in the future... I will talk about it later."

Chu Yang agrees: "Yes, save your life!"

"How is your injury?" asked the night drunk.

"I am worried about your injury!" Chu Yang sounded a smile.

The night drunk also laughed: "In this case, look at my gestures, let us work together, do not seek to kill the enemy, first rushed out!"

"Since the terrain is complicated, there must be a high-level ambush." ​​Chu Yangdao.

Night drunk: "If there is, you have to try your best to fight; if you rush to the past, you can't rush to death!"

Chu Yang’s heart is filled with appreciation.

Night drunk as a big man at night, although this person is not a good person, but the heart can be seen open, but it is indeed the world's first class!

But Chu Yang knows that there is probably nowhere to go. With the means of Zhuge Soul, since this happens, there is definitely a percent of 10,000!

Chu Yang even found the fifth gentleness and the characteristics of Mo Zhen.

Of course, compared with these two people, one of the obvious weaknesses of Zhuge Soul is that there are too many words.

That being the case, then when you get to the top of the mountain, you will find another chance. At least, after getting out of this encirclement, it is wide and wide.

It may be easy for them to catch the night drunk, but it is not that simple to catch yourself...

"I thought about it!" Chu Yang looked up.

Zhuge Soul faint smile: "Oh?"

"I can promise to go to the Zhuge family, but I have a condition." Chu Yang said seriously.

"What conditions are "Baidu Post Bars?" "Zhu Ge soul is deep in the city, but the heart can not help but a happy.

"I don't agree!" The night drunk yelled: "You are going to the Zhuge family. I will kill you first! The Zhuge family wants to deal with me. How can I allow you to help them! If you want to die, everyone will die together." !"

Zhuge soul was very angry and shouted: "First take the night drunk!"

With one order, seven or eight figures flew up at the same time.

The night drunk and screamed, the sword light flashed, not flashing away, turned out to be the back of Chu Yang.

Chu Yang was shocked, furious, and disappeared. He yelled: "Are you crazy?!"

The night drunk and screamed, violently shouted: "Everyone will die together!"

Rush again! A rotation of the body, a somersault, has been condensed into a rounded sword light in the air, like Changhong flying, flying toward Chuyang!

Chu Yang’s forehead sweating, the leg that had been seriously injured before seems to be not very flexible, and the wolf is extremely embarrassed, shouting: “ are not yet...”

The voice has not fallen, and the night drunk sword light has already been shot.

Chuyang cross sword one block, but did not block, chest and small belly suddenly bloody, suffocating under the pain, softly fell backwards.

The night drunk is like a thunder, continue to kill, it seems that this guy will not swear to boiled meat sauce!

"Block him!" Zhuge soul has a little doubt in his heart, add a sentence: "Be careful!"

However, although Zhuge Soul thought that the other party might be a bitterness, the few Supremes who did not have the brains of Zhuge Soul. They only know that this person is very important.

If you are drunk at night, you must protect him.

When you are in the body, you are in front of the night drunk.

At this time, the front and the back of the body are at the same time swearing!

The two swords are at the same time!

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