Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 600: The magic of the sky [second! 】

This is really unexpectedly unexpected.

The fighting power of the night drunk, everyone is clear, and of course understand that the night drunk is not good. But the sword that was drunk in the chest at night was clearly created by Jianqi, and it hurt the muscles.

In such a situation, the night drunk can not play the highest combat power, this is for sure!

At present, the swordsmanship of the night is confirmed by everyone's guess.

But what is really unexpected, but definitely not a night drunk, but Chu Yang!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the scar on this guy is definitely no less than fifty. Although it is a flesh-and-blood injury, but in the night drunk, the sword in the sword is like this, I am afraid it is dying.

Not to mention the sword on the leg almost cut off the leg, which is visible to everyone.

Even a few four-person supremes have unanimously determined that if they are forced to fight, the combat power of this person will definitely not play the usual 20%!

That wants to get a shot at the moment, actually more than 12% of the combat power!

Even if you are completely unharmed, it is very difficult to do so.

Moreover, more than that, the original guy seems to have been shaken by the injury... but in the blink of an eye, it is reversed?

It’s too late to say it!

There is a night drunk in front of you, there is Chu Yang behind you!

At the same time, the two swords were all at the same time, and they took the dumplings in the blink of an eye. The swords were in the air, and the three supreme screams were too late to become a savage.

The two three-product supremes slammed out and smashed out, and the swords were scarred.

The two four-person supremes finally stabilized their positions, and they screamed with anger, but they tried their best to counterattack!


Chu Yang and the night drunk both at the same time in the palm of one hand, while snoring, Chu Yang snorted, do not know what bones break, but the two will finally come together, the Jianqi skyrocketed, two Dajianghui A torrent! The mighty bombardment of Zhuge Soul and Lan Meng!

Zhuge soul screamed, and both of them shot at the same time, all efforts to block!

This seemingly gentle Zhuge family big man is actually a supreme product!

On all sides, all the masters will come here at the same time!

Chu Yang and the night drunk at the same time violently drink, Jianguang suddenly turned hard, playing with the body to bear the blow of several masters, blood at the same time mad squirting, but finally changed the direction, rubbing the body of Zhuge soul, mad towards the side Shoot out!

On the other side, Lan Meng wanted to watch the lively, and the result was a combination of two Jianguang lights, and the rushing thunder and power rushed toward him!

For a time, I couldn’t help but succumb to the dead, and I was crying, and I almost cried, "Cry for help..."

But the guards around him just moved, rushing to block, and it’s too late to come back.

next moment!

Under the eyes of the public, the scream of the Lanjia Erzi was suddenly broken.

The Lanjia Erzi is also a sad reminder. The level is always under the suppression of Lan Dalan Ruo. Now, the boss is not in the air, and he has to take a wind and leave a life pocket.

Other families are still not very good, the Lan family's grandson Lan Ruo, the second son of Lan Meng, San Gongzi Lan singing has died of the light.

As the night drunk said previously: no one has succeeded!

Chu Yang is also a black heart: until today, one of the nine family members of the Lan family, four sons have died in the hands of him alone!

And they are all ranked first.

When Lan Meng died, he suddenly revealed an empty door.

Chu Yang and the night drunk two people turned into an electric light and flew out, flying straight on the grass.

"Chasing!" Zhuge soul sighed coldly: "Northeast direction? Do I not know... Is there a complicated place? The four five-supreme supreme is there waiting for you two defeated soldiers to see where you are going to escape!"

The crowd whispered and chased them away.

Only a few of the descendants of the Lan family stopped, watching the two sons have become thousands of pieces of body, want to cry without tears.


Lan Meng’s head fell from the sky at this time, and the sword marks were everywhere. There were hundreds of ......


Chu Yang and the night drunk all the way.

At this moment, both of them are truly seriously injured! Before Chu Yang shot, there were two incomplete versions of Jiuzhong Dan in his mouth. After the shot, in a time when he couldn’t breathe, the two Jiu Dan Dans were exhausted!

Two Jiuzhong Dans represented two fatal injuries and recovered twice!

Plus the previous one, it is equal to the time of the semi-column, the incomplete version of the nine heavy Dan spent three!

Spin at the door of Hell, back and forth three times!

This frequency is simply to let Chu Yang himself be in the cold sweat, the souls are all!

With this road galloping,

Chu Yang suddenly found that the breath of night drunk is slowly changing. He was injured repeatedly, and he was beaten by the four supreme masters. The ribs on his chest were broken three times. It should be that the weakening is the normal reaction, but now he is not getting weaker, but more and more The more crazy.

It seems that this repeated injury, but what tyrannical factors were suddenly triggered.

The kind of extinct, violent, cruelty of the body is getting heavier and heavier!

Every minute of this breath, his speed can be accelerated, and his breath is more magnificent...

Moreover, even in such a violent rush, the night drunk on the sword, there is a faint glimmer of black gas slowly emerging...

The more black gas came out, Chu Yang was surprised to find that the wound in the chest before the night was slowly healed. The bones in his body were also squeaking, gradually returning to position and then recovering. ......

"What is going on?" Even though the two cooperated, Chu Yang couldn't help but be shocked!

"This is magic!" Sword Spirit slowly said in the space of consciousness: "No wonder the night drunk cultivation is so fast, the more his body can breed the magic. But he is an ordinary person, how can there be such magic in his body? produce?"

"Magic? The breath of the demon outside the domain?" Chu Yang felt a shock, asked. This shock is no different, almost stop.

"I have never seen the extraterrestrial demon..." Sword is somewhat embarrassed: "However, according to the legend, this breath is very similar..."

Chu Yang suddenly doubts in the heart: night drunk, how can there be a magical atmosphere? Can this nine heavens continent be exposed to the extraterrestrial demon?

If so, I am afraid that this continent has long since disappeared.

Can you still stay now?

Sword spirit indulged and said: "It is not necessarily... this kind of breath, there are several possibilities. The first one is that after a powerful demon burst, it passes through the space and comes to the Jiuzhongtian continent, but it is Night drunk is getting. But then, night drunk should not be as weak as it is now."

Chu Yangdao: "The second possibility?"

"The second possibility is that something that is worn by an extraterrestrial demon, such as jade, such as a sword...etc., was drunk by the night; but the night drunk has not really opened the secret... but it is already open. ......"

"The third possibility is that it is possessed by the evil spirits outside the domain... However, if it is attached, the nine heavens are no longer there at the moment... so the third is impossible."

Sword spirit said in one breath.

If Chu Yang’s heart is realized: “That is, there is only a second possibility!”

Sword spirit nodded and said: "The night drunk must have an adventure, and, certainly, it is related to the demon!"

A sword light passed by on the grassland. Speed, directly is not like a stream of light, but a stream of light!

Behind him, there are a few figures like the skeleton of the skeleton, and they are chasing after them.

Tens of miles, the blink of an eye is over.

The night drunk is also a bit puzzled by Chu Yang around me: Is this goods not dying? How come suddenly alive and dead? Did you fight with me just now, he has been saving strength?

So to say... After this incident, this person can’t rush to kill, it’s better to fight again.

Jianguang slammed through a jungle and slammed it. He plunged directly into a straight and straight passage; there was a mountain in front of him.

This mountain is really awkward. The whole mountain is like a pagoda.

From the bottom up, layer by layer, from the second layer, the cloud is hidden, looming, starting from the fourth floor, you can't see anything directly.

Moreover, this is still in the midst of a day when there is no cloud.

If it rains on a cloudy day... This mountain can't see anything directly from the foot of the mountain.

Baota Mountain, the traits are like the nebula mountains on the Zhuge family, and even the texture is more solid than the Xingyun Mountain. All parties in the mainland have such a singularity or a strange place. It seems to be a coincidence, and it seems to be... deliberate arrangements.

But if it is about the mysterious degree, then the Pagoda Mountain is the most!

There is a folk song in the local area, which is the Baota Mountain: the Baota Mountain, the top of the tower, the pointed tower against the gods, one foot on the ground, one hand holding the sky, the sky, this is the nine heavens!


In front of the pagoda.

From this direction into the Baota Mountain, there are only four roads.

Now, these four roads are occupied by four people.

Looking at the blazing sword light that was rushing in the distance, the four people automatically adjusted and gave up the two roads on the side, holding the two mountain roads in the middle.

"Sure enough, as the big man expected, they really rushed out, and it really came to this side." One of them had a smile on his face: "Maybe the night drunk does not know, if he really goes to the night If the direction of the family escapes, there is really no one to stop there!"

The other person smiled and said: "The greatness of the Dagongzi has really reached a certain level!"

The third person said: "They are getting closer, we have to win it!"

The other three people laughed at the same time: "I have already prepared! Even if these two people are the masters of the nine robbers, today, they can't escape the palms of you and me!"

This sentence is not a bit of a bragging.

Four of the five products supreme, against a four-sword sword that has been seriously injured, a dying two-piece sword in the supreme, it is definitely hand to come, there is absolutely no half-point difference pool.

If there is an accident like this, then the four five-pronged cross-swords will be suicidal. (To be continued)

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