Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 611: Purple gas is coming from the east, and the moon is coming out of the mountain [

Ning Tianya once went up, but was thrown down. Appointed him to look at the nine heavens.

The person who appointed Ning Tianya is actually snow and tears?

"You are born again... it is a reversal of the track of the Nine Heavens. The three-million-dollar people of Nine Heavens are reversed for you! Not for your regret!"

Ning Tianya Zhangkou's first sentence, badly dispelled Chu Yang's doubts.


"You are also responsible for saving!" Ning Tianya said: "On this changed track, you have to get out of the right path, and you, lacking several strengths. So, these forces will make up for you from your woman. ""

"Your past life is too strong, so Wu Qianqian gives you softness. Your past life is too straight, so the iron-filled heaven gives you wisdom. Your past life is ruthless, so this life is not a light dance to make up for you."

"Your road is too single, so there is still a variable in your hit!" Ning Tianya said faintly: "But now, that variable, you have also found it."

"So your regrets, your embarrassment, are inevitable. But this will not be your demon, because they are all by your side! You regret, oh, although you will torture yourself, but this Isn’t it your performance as a man and a responsible person?"

"If you don't have this feeling in your heart... then, it turns out that you haven't touched the truth in them!"

"So, you have the pain of it. This, you can be painful to the end of the world, no one will sympathize with you!" Ning Tianya laughed: "Because of the beauty of the world, you have been alone, suffering, and what is the relationship ...."

Chu Yang’s sad sigh: “You mean to go”... Does this not become a hindrance? ”

Ning Tianya smiled: "The sword master, your concerns are a little more.

Chu Yang angered: "Then why don't you say it early"... Snow tears this old and undead... He said that I let it go, I don't say "...""...

Although his mouth is relieved, Chu Yang knows that Ning Tianya’s words are hitting his heart: no matter what it is, he may not care!

It’s impossible

But the wood has become a boat!

Although Chu Yang is embarrassed, although regretting, although some feel that he is a very beast, but it is undeniable..., there is also a kind of ecstasy in my heart.

Or this goes "... the bad roots of men?

Ning Tianya is on the eighth floor, and there are words in his mouth.

"No matter what your heart is, the sky is there! You call the scorpion sky, the sky is still heaven. How many great powers have changed in the past, but now the sky is still, those powers are gone..."

It seems to be immersed in an important pass.

The words of Chu Yang caused the touch of the soul. It seems that a new realm is in front of his eyes and will open....

Chu Yang has been rushed down.

Now on the fourth floor.

After asking a few words about Lang Yilang, Ning Tianya threw him very impatiently: "You are so interested, you don't have to go where you go to find him?"

Now Chu Yang has been here for three days. He was extremely cautious. When he passed through every fork, he carefully remembered it. Once he found out that he was not, he immediately returned and went to the next fork.

Ning Tianya knows that Lang Yilang has been here, but with his cultivation, he is really not interested in observing where Lang Yilang disappeared. Chu Yang looked for three days, but he still didn't have a clue.

But Chu Yang knows that the sixth piece of no-robbing sword is here, and the heart has already been settled. Where do you dare to have a little negligence?

Purple gas comes to the east, the moon goes out of the mountains, when the heavens and the earth are in the same light, the night is cold!

After reading these words one by one, Chu Yang frowned.

"Sword spirit, is there any induction?" Chu Yang asked.

"No." Sword Ling was a little depressed: "This Pagoda Hill, shielding all the induction..., I have no feeling at all."

Chu Yang sat on the top of the mountain, holding both hands and said: "Sword Spirit, do you feel that this Pagoda Hill..., some weird?"

"Weird?" Sword Ling was a bit puzzled.

"Yes." Chu Yang's eyes flashed with light. "It seems to be imaginary, it seems to be imaginary... It is between the heavens and the earth, not between heaven and earth, half in the gloom, half in the sun, and in its own way. Hundreds of thousands of sects and sorrows, nothing in the air, accommodating everything, from heaven and earth "..."

The face of Sword Spirit has changed.

"Do you think that this is like a nine-robbery space?" Chu Yang asked quietly: "Or, is it similar to the nine-robbery space..., something? Or, treasure?"

Sword spirit made a sigh: "This... it's really hard to say"..."

"I have a feeling anyway, there is definitely another thing here! And... definitely not a mountain!"

Chu Yang is very confident that he looks at the endless mountains. Chu Yang stretches his hand and strokes the stone on the ground. He whispers: "It's too clean! There is no dust..."

Jian Ling suddenly had some creeps. After a reminder from Chu Yang, Jian Ling discovered it.

On this pagoda mountain, there is really nothing even a little dust!

This mountain, no matter what it is, but exposed to the heavens and the earth, the wind and the sun are blowing every day, actually there is no dust? Is this not a strange thing?

Chu Yang said yes. It is said that this Pagoda Mountain is an entity. From the back, nothing can be seen. Even ordinary people can wear it, but from the south, it is a solid mountain, a small stone on the mountain. Pinnacle Supreme can't move!

Why is that?

Sword spirit suddenly became confused.

Is it really the same as Chu Yang said: This is not a mountain, but a magic weapon?

However, if it is a magic weapon, then, there is such a great power, but in the nine heavens are all robbed the baby! How can I leave it here regardless of whether?

The sword spirit time is lost.

"Sword spirit, have we found a few directions?" Chu Yangdao.

"Thirteen!" Sword Spirit replied accurately.

"Well, continue to find the eighteenth!" Chu Yang smiled. "Even if I have found the first thousand and eight hundred, I must find it, the sixth cut nine swords!"

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

In the early morning, Chu Yang was sitting on a prominent large stone on the fourth floor of the mountain.

It should be here, how come?

Chu Yang can't understand it. He almost turned the entire fourth floor and did not find the hole that the night drunk entered, and did not find the Amethyst cave that Lang Yilang entered!

However, these two things are actually on the fourth floor! This is not a mistake!

South, east, west, Chuyang have been found again.

This is the normal thinking inertia: they all come from the south. Of course, they must start from the south. Once they reach the north, if they fall into the emptiness, is it even more impossible to find? ".

In the six days, starting from the morning of the next day, the masters of the night house continued to come, slowly blocking the road from the Baota Mountain. On the sixth day, the night family has grown to thousands of people.

From the position where Chu Yang is located, you can clearly see that people at the foot of the mountain are not as good as ants.

But Chu Yang did not care about it: there is a super bodyguard of Ning Tianya, Zhu Yang, if you still care about these small shrimps... Then he really does not have to live: Ning Tianya will also slap him to death, too look down on the old man!

When you mention Ning Tianya, you can't help but say one thing: In the past six days, Ning Tianya has been in the same place, keeping the same posture, and never moving!

Chu Yang has some helpless standing up: "It seems that this side is not."

"The east side of the south side, the west side, the southeastern southwest..." have all been looked for, and there are no omissions in all angles! Then the rest, there is only Zhengbei, northwest and northeast."

Chu Yang muttered to himself: "Go!"

Chu Yang stepped out in one step. Let’s talk about these faces first.”

Another three days passed. Chu Yang has some helplessness.

In the early morning of this day, Chu Yang sat on this large rock facing north. But in the feeling, I was sitting in the air, but I didn't feel under the ass. I couldn't see anything in my eyes. Looking down, it was full of clouds and looking back. It was also a void.

But I am still on this mountain.

When you look up, the sky is about to light up, and the moon hangs on the horizon, a semicircle. Cold and cold, people have a feeling of loneliness.

"Nothing can be seen here, of course, it will not be found." Chu Yang said to the sword spirit, but in the nine robbery space, the sword spirit suddenly widened his eyes.

The next moment, Jian Ling suddenly ran out of the burning ground in the nine farming space. Chu Yang was shocked: "Hey! What happened to you?"

Sword spirit looked at the East with a stunned voice, muttering: "The sun is coming out..., the purple gas is shining..."

Chu Yang impatiently said: "What is so strange, every day like this..., amount?!"

Suddenly turned suddenly: "What?"

"Every time I find the sixth cut of the robbery sword, there will always be a purple chamomile to teach"..." Sword spirit looked at the East and muttered.

Chu Yang heart shocked, suddenly wake up like a dream.

Suddenly stood up and looked at it.

I saw it in the West, and the half moon was hanging obliquely. In the east, there was a violent rise of purple. The sun is coming out!

Purple gas is coming from the east, and the moon is coming out of the mountain!

Chu Yang was a little trembling, looking at the sky purple, and then suddenly twisting his neck to look to the west, only to see the West, the clouds are floating, the shadows of the mountains are so clear, and a round of moon It is hanging in the mountains.

It seems that this round of the moon is slowly rising from the mountains.

The next moment, a red sun jumped out from the eastern horizon.

Suddenly the sky is in the sky!

At the same time, the bright moon seems to be emitting the final brilliance, and there is also a cold light shining on the earth.

Chu Yang stood on the top of the mountain and suddenly found that there was a rare sight in this world.

The eastern Xiaguang Wandao, the purple gas filled; the western Qinghui sprinkled, a quiet.

The East is a warm and magnificent, and the West is the quiet of Enron!

However, it is true that the East and the West are lit up at the same time.

Heaven and earth with the light!

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