Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 612: The breath of the sixth section of the sword [fourth more! 】

The night of the haze on the top of the head seems to be slowly lifted up by a big hand, revealing the face of the sky, and the earth under the feet, slowly dyed the glow of the sun...

However, Chu Yang has discovered that the place where he is is completely different.

The sky above the head has been illuminated, and the earth under the feet has been shining everywhere. But it is only within the scope of the mountain where you are located. Within ten feet of your own body, it is still dark at night!

It seems that this day, with this place, is not in a space!

Heaven and earth are already in the same light, and it is still dark night!

Chu Yang’s breathing was rushing.

The purple gas is coming from the east, the moon is coming out of the mountain; when the sky is in the same light, it is cold in the night!

The scenery depicted in the verses of these four sentences finally appeared in front of Chuyang!

There is absolutely no mistake, this is what Lang Yilang said!

In the dense place of Amethyst, the land of Fuyuan is deep!

Everything is all in line!

Chu Yang’s hands are a little trembling, but both eyes are still watching all this coldly! He has a clear premonition: the answer, coming soon!

Finally, at the moment when the sun rises across the horizon!

A purple light, shot from the eastern horizon; a clear glow, coming from the western moon.

Qinghui just appeared in the sky, and the moon fell on the hill and could no longer be seen.

However, this Qinghui, still persistently put into this misty night.

At the same time, the purple light is also overbearing.

Qinghui and Ziguang meet in front of Wuyang in front of Wuzhang! It was the moment when the two lights suddenly collided. The interchange was lighted up at once, and the original piece of vanity disappeared, and the surrounding rocks slowly emerged and lost. Expose a passage.

Chu Yang took a deep breath, his body feathers generally floated, and fell at this intersection, slowly moving forward two steps, entered this magical channel!

The two lights led Chu Yang to a turn and disappeared.

Then Chu Yang discovered that he was facing Zhengnan. The fog of the night disappeared. Everything around. The fiber is complete. In front of yourself, a straight passage leads to a black hole.

Sword spirit exclaimed excitedly: "I feel it! I feel the breath of the sixth cut nine swords!"

In the middle of Dantian, the top five of the nine robbery swords trembled at the same time.

Sword. Violently moving up the body of the nine robbers.

At the entrance of the hole, a faint purple color will be sprayed out!

Chuyang has already smelled the amethyst mine! Yes, inside this hole, it is rich and unbelievable. Amethyst breath!

Here, it must be a super amethyst mine! Or, not amethyst mine at all, but... the whole amethyst! Pure amethyst!

Among the amethysts. There is a sharp atmosphere of the nine robbers!

It seems that I have to smash this Pagoda Mountain and fly out!

Sword spirit urged: "Go in! Go in the sixth quarter and rob the sword!"

Chu Yang stopped at the entrance to the cave.

He can feel the urgency of the sword spirit. Can also feel the desire of the nine robbery sword. But he has stopped now!

If I go in now, then. I will be able to get the sixth interception sword.

If I get the sixth interception sword, the nine heavens will resume in the middle and lower days.

The people of Lanjia will inevitably send people to see Tieyun.

So, is it faster for me to go back? Or is it faster for Lanjia?

I can get a nine-robbery sword, which will inevitably take some effort, or half a day, one day, or even three days.

But Lanjiaben is on the south side of the mainland. There, there will be a passage to the next three days!

They can reach Tieyun within a day.

I need to digest the sixth interception sword from here, and then break through the blockade of the night house, starry night and rush to the passage, enter the passage back to the next three days, and rush to Tieyun!

Can I have time?

Such a calculation, Chu Yang feels that he is at least three days later than the Lan family!

However, at this time, don't say three days, even if it is a day, an hour... or even a late blink of an eye, it will cause regrets that will be irreparable for life!

Although it has improved the strength of the iron-filled days, and has also arranged for a cool wind, but Chu Yang clearly knows that this power is simply not enough to fight against the Lan family!

Chu Yang frowned and stopped. At the edge of the sixth section of the Nine Robbery Sword, which was within reach, stopped.

And my brother!

In the middle of three days, it is difficult to ensure that no one has the heart to find out the relationship between us. As long as there is a little doubt, they will be finished.

Chu Yang frowned and looked up. He said: "Ning old, can you hear it?"

A little bit, the voice of Ning Tianya came: "What?"

"Can you please come to me here." Chu Yang said.

A little while, Ning Tianya followed Chu Yang’s voice and volleyed. Then he gave a surprise: “What is going on?”

He fell down in silence, but he fell into a void, but when he saw Chu Yang, he was bright and everything was back to normal.

"The wonder of heaven and earth, can't explain." Chu Yang said briefly.

"What?" Ning Tianya naturally knows that there are so many things on this Pagoda Hill that the truth cannot be explained by the reason, and it is no longer tangled. "I am so anxious, is it going to collapse?"

Chu Yang laughed and said: "Yes, for me, it is the sky that is going to collapse."

Ning Tianya a glimpse: "Oh?"

"Ning old, you come to see this hole." Chu Yang reached out.

"Well, I didn't find it before." Ning Tianya nodded and immediately became shocked: "Is this the hole that was drunk in the night to get the inheritance of the demon?"

"No!" Chu Yang said seriously: "Here, I will get the inheritance."

Ning Tianya is not stupid, exclaimed: "You mean, there are nine robbery swords inside?"

Chu Yang smiled bitterly: "Not only is there a nine-robbery sword, but it is still a crucial one. In the sixth quarter, this section. As soon as I get it, I can immediately lead to the passage of the nine heavens..."

Ning Tianya’s face is heavy: “It’s so!”

"But this time, I was very worried." Chu Yang said: "I have a brother in the middle of three days, there are red faces in the next three days. And Lanjia. It seems that the identity of the nine robbers has been determined... although not yet It must be me. But I know that the emperor of the next three days is the woman of the nine robbers."

Ning Tianya suddenly: "How are you so careless?"

Chu Yang smiled bitterly. At that time, who would have thought that something would happen today? At that time, it was only for the iron-filled days of a life-saving thing... Who can think that the impact is so great?

"So the Lan family arranged a few supremes in the morning, along with the Lanjia Dagongzi Lan Ruo waiting in Tieyun." Chu Yang said: "But I went down the last time and killed all these people!"

Ning Tianya’s eyes widened: “All of them have been killed... they are going to be one of the nine robberies. Keeping glory for a long time...and you’ve all gone...”

"Yes, it’s all gone." Chu Yang spread his hand: "So this time the channel is open, Lan family is bound to go down in the first time."

He sighed: "I am worried about the safety there!"

Ning Tianya finally understood: "You mean, do you want me to protect them in the past? Or say. Stop the Lan family?"

Chu Yangdao: "If Ning Lao is willing, I certainly hope that you will go in person!" He said heavily: "Protection!"

Ning Tianya long sighed: "Since you met your kid in the middle of the wilderness in the middle of the three days, the old man has never been comfortable... Now, you are actually a hitter... you have to travel so far and so far... ”

"I wanted to go see the apprentice first." Ning Tianya said.

Then suddenly caught it.

Chu Yang did not pay attention. Dao: "Actually, I am also very embarrassed. But if Ning Lao is helping this time, the younger generation will be grateful..."

"Whoever is very grateful to you!" Ning Tianya looked like he had promised, and suddenly he stumbled: "I don't go!"

Chu Yang is stupid.

What is this old goods?

Ning Tianya said with a sigh of relief: "I just reacted. You said that you are guilty, and that is my apprentice! You have my apprentice. You still think about your wife and wife!"

Chu Yang is dizzy.

How many days have you been? Dare to love this old goods did not react at that time?

This is not right...

Ning Tianya’s forehead was on the forehead, and the violent jump was like thunder: “At that time, I only remembered the encourage of Xue Daren. A new solution was for you... but I didn’t think that you were such a beast, and I was playing with my poor apprentice!”

"Your past life is too strong, so Wu Qianqian gives you softness. Your past life is too straight, so the iron-filled heaven gives you wisdom. Your past life is ruthless, so this life is not a light dance to make up for you."

Chu Yang recited a paragraph and said: "Ning old, you will not be nervous about it... This passage is not what you told me?"

Ning Tianya angered: "That is what Snow Master said! I just retelled it... cough, I only recently learned about these **** dishes..."

At the same time, Ning Tianya’s heart is also strange.

Retelling the tears of the snow, when the opening of Chu Yang's life, Ning Tianya found that he did not have any emotional fluctuations.

Even at that time, the whole period of time was very calm.

Actually, I didn’t realize that the one in the story was the only disciple I loved the most.

Until now, I heard the old things in Chuyang and suddenly realized that I suddenly realized.

Chu Yang sighed deeply: "I deeply admire your old reaction ability, how long has it been..."

Ning Tianya is also speechless. For this matter, he was also confused, just angered: "You actually want me to protect the love of the little dance..."

Chu Yang turned his eyes: "Don't you think... you are unreasonable?"

Ning Tianya’s heavy snoring, his heart is still uncomfortable, said: “If I am gone, what do you do? The following night scorpions are all facing you!”

Chu Yang frowns: "When you leave, it will take a lot of effort to clean it? I won't let you kill it? You can kill all of them and you can't move. I can kill myself after a while..."

Chu Yuzu is planning to stretch the work to the end.

So the first hit in the world, really do not need to be white!


Perhaps the mood is affected, and today the code is exceptionally slow. I finished the fourth chapter in three hours. Now at 2:50 in the morning... I continue with the fifth chapter of the code. >(To be continued!~!

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