Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 613: Sad reminder of the night sinking [fifth! 】

Ning Tianya was full of depressed shouts and flew out.

I only heard the sound of the long whistle all the way is depressed, more and more sorghum, all the way down the mountain!

He didn't want to stay in Chuyang for a moment.

I saw a punch in the face of this goods.


The night was drunk and murderous. I walked around in front of the team and waited for five or six days. Chu Yang has not come down from above. Night drunk is getting angry.

“Is there anything discovered?” The night drunk asked a night master who was flying in the other direction.


"I have already inspected all of the southeast and northwest. In these six days, absolutely no one like that passed! I can guarantee!"

"He must be on this mountain!"

The night drunk snorted: "It's still good on this mountain... This time, I will kill him anyway!"

When I think of myself returning to the family to pursue the soul of Zhuge, I found that Zhuge Soul actually went all the way, and it was almost out of the night.

Night drunk is a burst of depression.

I can't think of Zhuge Soul's decisiveness, and I can't afford it. If I don't hit it, I will immediately retreat and go far.

The people of Zhuge’s family can’t catch it, and the people of Lan’s family can’t catch it.

The only thing that can make him out of this breath is that Chu Yang is left.

Therefore, in the past few days, the night drunk has concentrated all of the power that I can mobilize here, and at all costs, I also want to kill Chu Yang!

If the person who did not rush to the northwest has gone too far, he even wants to master those masters. Also intercepted and participated in this battle!

To kill Chu Yang! Now, the importance of Chu Yang in his heart is listed as the first kill! Far from the top of the nine robbers!

At present, the number of night masters who are concentrated under the Baota Mountain has reached the point of horror. The night drunk biting his teeth, and there was a fire in his heart. .

Do not kill Chu Yang, sleep hard to sleep, food can not swallow!

Inadvertently revealing the biggest secret, it is already a nightmare that can’t be squandered in the night. In any case, you must kill Chuyang to be assured.

He was afraid, afraid that one day he woke up and someone pointed at himself and said: He is the extraterrestrial demon!

He is the real extraterrestrial demon!

Why did he get to the Supreme Four in the sword so soon? It is the devil! The power of the heavens outside the world!

Do not believe, I will know at a glance...

If so. It is really a nightmare of night drunk.

Even in these few days, he sleeps and dreams that he is being chased by the whole world! Falling on the cliff, but never in the end, the horror feeling of falling. Let the night drunk and tremble, then wake up from the dream, cold sweat.

"Give me the full attention! Even if it is a mosquito, it is not allowed to fly out of the Pagoda Hill!" Night drunken screaming: "No matter what. You must also destroy the extraterrestrial Tianyang Chuyang here!

"There is a leak from anyone, and I am guilty of giving up my head! The whole family is ridiculous. The three tribes do their best!"

"Now, everyone has to show me your eyes!"


The night drunk in the middle of the screaming unknowingly, already full of black gas; but the night family in front of the eyes are all looking down, not dare to look up.

Feel the murderous murder of the big son, and the violent anger that almost destroys everything, who dares to raise his head and refute anything.

At this moment, a long shout, suddenly sounded from the pagoda hill!

"He is down!" The night was drunk and screamed.

Everyone is looking up and murderous! It’s this kid, so many of us are here to train. You are finally down, brothers do not abuse you, really can't help the hard work and suffocation of these days!

But the next moment everyone became a horror, and then became a horror!

When the shouting sounds, it should be at the top of the mountain.

But this moment, already on the mountainside, the howling is becoming more and more majestic. It seems that between this moment, all the creatures in the whole world are neatly screaming!

The rumbling of the rumble was made nine days of mad thunder, and the golden thunder shocked the arrogance!


The howling is still going on, but the surrounding mountains and mountains are already dusty and skyrocketing!

A whirlwind, a thousand miles!

In the midst of the earthquake, everyone couldn’t stand, and there were some things that were low, and they had been shocked and fell to the ground. But it is still bouncing again and again with the tremor of the earth.

In the night of drunken eyes, the look of extreme fear, said repeatedly: "Who is this person? Who is this person?"

The night family is dizzy, and there is time to answer his questions.

There were a few who had participated in the siege and dance in the night house. At this moment, the instinctive feeling was not good: "Is it... this time the night drunk son, and kicked a iron plate again? How... this time the iron The board looks at this momentum, which is more serious than the last iron plate..."

The whistling sound has reached the top of the head, and the surrounding area is a thousand miles away. The dust is rising all over the sky, and it has become a huge mushroom cloud, rolling over to the sky.

In the howling, suddenly the sound of the cymbal sounded continuously.

The night drunk is standing still, and I suddenly see the masters who are placed in the various intersections of the Baota Mountain, and the dumplings are constantly falling in front of them!

Slowly piled up into a pile.

The whistle fell, a gray man carrying his hands and slowly falling. Falling in front of a dozen people, with some anger, faintly asked: "Is it you, disturbing the old man to clean up? What sin?"

The night drunk was shocked and hurriedly explained: "Predecessors are angry, we are..."

"Shut up!" The gray-shirted man was overbearing: "The man at night?" He didn't even listen to any explanation of the night drunk.

The night drunk nodded again and again, the fear in my heart reached the extreme, I hope that this person can see on the face of the family, do not be too bad!

"Hey! I said who has such a courage, it is a night house!" The gray-shirted man snorted, his hands flashed again and again, and only a dozen others left around him were caught by the chicken, thrown in The man piled up on the ☆ after a slap [a slap in the night drunk face, the night drunk suddenly pulled a foot off the ground, a toe on the ground, the gyro generally violently rotated seven or eighty laps before the Venus ......

"Little scorpion!" The gray man snorted. Whispered.

The night drunk suddenly became cold, and there was chaos in his mind: he knew, and he also knew my secret! Yes, I appealed to the mountain... How can I not hear this person’s cultivation?

More than one hundred masters above the holy level of the night, were piled together so much, each one is spit blood, lost the fighting power.

Everyone is still squeaky in his ear. Some people have even begun to shed blood in their ears.

Night drunk is sincere and fearful, and bows his head to the smoldering flash of a limit.

Hey, wait for my demon to get into the hand, I will pinch you with one hand...

The gray-clothed man snorted and shouted: "The night is heavy! Come to the Baota Mountain!"

The sound has been passed out, not ill, not ignorant.

The night house, hundreds of miles away, suddenly sounded a loud drink: "The night is heavy! Come to the Baota Mountain!"

Uh... The wall of the night house was once smashed once in the last time, and it collapsed directly.

The night that was being refurbished in the quiet room was awakened: "What happened?"

"I don't know."

"Who told me to go to Pagoda?"


The night fell and fell, and he flew out; he clearly felt that the man of Dagu was far above himself. Since this is called to go to Baota Mountain, it will make sense.

The figure flashed. The night fell on the roof, and the next moment was a flash. It has disappeared into the morning light.


In front of the Baota Mountain, Ning Tianya took the hand and stood behind it. Behind it was the night drunk, and the night master who was piled up in a pile, the night magic was completely blocked by the body of Ning Tianya. At this moment, the real hand No binding chicken power.


The sound of the distant sound sounded like a hurricane that passed the sound of the mountain forest. It is hard to believe that this is actually the sound of a person flying and flying.

A figure like a meteor in the sky, suddenly slammed, and the body gently shakes, has eliminated the terrorist inertia of fast walking, standing in the local area, and seeing the situation in the field at a glance, can not help but change his face.

"Ning Lao, it is your old man here." Can you not know the world's first master Ning Tianya? When I saw him, it was him, and my heart suddenly played drums.

The last time was to provoke a dance city. Was this time provoked Ning Tianya?

With this in mind, there is some toothache when the night sinks.

Looking at this situation, is it really possible?

"Cough... I said little night, what happened to you?" Ning Tianya first made a man, and came to a wicked person to complain first, first to occupy the child: "How can you do this? I practiced in Pagoda for a while... you actually instructed you The children and grandchildren came to trouble! What is your heart?"

The heavy face of the night suddenly became dark: the **** came out to make trouble, actually still playing my banner?

"What happened to you?!" Ning Tianya angered: "Do you see me bullying?"

The night is a bitter smile, if you are bullied, then there is really no bad bully in the whole world...

Reluctantly said: "Ning old is angry, this thing is waiting for me to check it! There will be a misunderstanding."

Ning Tianya roared: "What misunderstanding? The fact is, I am practicing in the mountains, but your children and grandchildren are big and big in the mountains, and they are big... This is simply unbelievable, night is heavy, what are you at night? When did you become so tutor?"

The night was full of shame.

It is also qi, and it is also awkward.

I am easy to me? I am a 10,000-year-old person, and I am considered to be highly respected. Today, within a month, he was trained as a son to train two meals.

The first meal was ok, that is, the dance city was provoked into the house. I don't know who is not blameless; but after that, I have been strict, and I am not allowed to make trouble again!

Now, half a month has not yet arrived, and it has been smashed by Ning Tianya, and reprimanded...

Who do I provoke who?

It’s just that the night is so mad by your own children, you are squatting, your hands and feet are cold!


(To be continued., vote for recommendation, monthly ticket,,.

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