Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 620: The law of the law [second! 】

A black shadow flashed around him and said: "Yes. At present, the Li family runs the entire northwest, and all the affiliated families are launched in a unified way. It is already like an iron bucket! It is surrounded by warnings, and Xu Jin is not allowed to make a line of demarcation with blood. Say, no matter who you are, enter this line, die!"

Fa Zun full of long hair without wind automatically: "Be bold!"

The sound of the black shadow is like a wave of water, flat and straightforward: "According to my guess, we sent the law enforcement branch in the northwest, may have been uprooted."

"Those who entered the Li family may have been cleaned. The first wave of Lang Yilang's chasing the Tian Mo and the party entered the northwest, but was ruthlessly killed by Li, this is beyond doubt."

Fa Zun slowly nodded.

The black shadow continued: "And according to my analysis, the reason why Li Jia suddenly is so strong, there is a reason!"

Fa Zun said: "Oh?"

The black shadow said: "Fa Zun, the Li family has been forbearing in the past, has been pleading for the whole, but this time suddenly suddenly strong, a strong mess and inexplicable!"

"But just today, my subordinates suddenly understood."

Fa Zun said quietly: "You mean..."

"Yes! It is the thing of the nine robbers! The Li family suddenly became strong. Moreover, after the sudden launch of the Li family, the nine robbers and swords masters actually got the sixth section of the Nine Robbery Sword and opened the Nine Heavens. The passage began the road of true conquest by the nine robbers!"

"You mean, Li Jia knows a few months in advance..." Fa Zun looked far away.

"This is exactly the case!" The shadow smiled faintly: "In addition to this reason, I really don't know why there is any reason for the family to be so mad and to the eight major families and law enforcers!"

Fa Zun took a few steps and frowned. "I remember, you have never believed that Li Xiong Tu is one of the nine robbers."

The black shadow is a little embarrassing, there has been no ups and downs, and it has finally changed. "This... I used to be convinced that the Nine Robbery would be exposed. But this time, Li’s action is clearly The nine robbery sword masters are pioneers; if they can't think of it, then I only have one... I have been killed."

Fa Zun indulged in a moment and said: "I still have some doubts in my heart... I always feel that Li Xiongtu is not a nine-robbery... However, since things have reached such a point, then, whether he is a nine-robbery or not, Li must be To be destroyed!"

The black shadow Shen Sheng said: "Yes. If it is not nine robbery, then it is so chaotic. It is the reverse of the practice, the sin is extremely evil. If it is nine robbery, destroy him. It has also cut off the huge crisis of the nine robbers!"

"This is the case!" Fa Zun nodded lightly. Then he said: "How is the Eight Great Family?"

The black shadow said: "Among the eight major families, they have already sent secret forces to the northwest. They have sent a letter asking my law enforcement to assist in the annihilation of the family. In addition to the Chen family who offended the city and was killed by forty or fifty people. Other major families have complete strength."

Suddenly, added: "Lan is slightly weak!"

"Yeah." Faun nodded. Immediately, he thought for a moment, and suddenly ordered: "Through my order: the law enforcers in the world. Immediate action, the main hall hunting hall is all dispatched, the dark hall is all dispatched! The Presbyterian Church is dispatched one-third! With the eight major families, Concentrate on all strengths, first kill the family!"


"Go! Slow!" Fa Zun sinks, his face is a bit complicated: "The one I let you pay attention to?"

The black shadow paused: "The adult is saying... the fifth is gentle?"

"Not bad." Fa Zun said: "Tell the Zhuge family, let the fifth gentle starry night go to the law enforcement hall. Then. This battle of the encirclement, by the fifth gentle and full command!"

The black shadow was shocked: "The fifth gentle command?! He... this..."

Fa Zhuang waved: "Do it now!"

The sound is ruthless, and there is no doubt about it.

Although the black shadow is full of doubts, it can only lead. Retreat.

"The fifth blood... If you can re-light, you will see you." Looking at the sky, muttering to himself.


At the same time, night home.

The night sinks out of the ice heart that is holding the night drunk.

After the night drunk back, the night was heavy and he was locked here, and then a little look, finally found in horror that his own grandson, Xuan Xuan, is really a kind of martial arts.

Moreover, at present, it is already beginning to change the magic body!

This kind of discovery makes it almost impossible to make the night sink! Had to turn the night drunk into the ice heart; I hope that the power of Xuan Bing plus the righteousness of the world, can kill the magic.

Although I know that it is not possible, but the night sinks now I really can't bear to abolish the night drunk!

The younger generation of the night, the night hurricane has died, and the night sorrows to leave a book, go out to find what medicine to go, and actually explain the white: if it can not be found, never return.

Others are almost killed by the night...

Then the night drunk this big son to kill ... night home, but it is very embarrassing.

The night sighed and sighed, and I couldn’t make up my mind for a while.

Then I saw the vision of heaven.

After a long night, the face was changed. After a long time, I returned to the ancestral temple and sat quietly for an hour.

Isn’t the night house so fast, is it coming to an end?

Then, the night drunk came out, leaving only one sentence: "I went out and went to Xiaojia to see." Immediately, I took my two old brothers and three people together.


Amethyst hole.

"Three products supreme peak! Sword in the supreme!" Chu Yang嘿嘿 smiled: "Now if I see the night drunk, even if he is the peak of the four products, I can abuse him!"

Sword Linghe smiled: "Congratulations to the sword master, the road to conquer the nine heavens, starting today! Now, all the channels of the entire Nine Heavens have been opened."

Chu Yangyi: "Already opened?"

Sword spirit definitely nodded.

"Then I have to leave here quickly and go to the next three days to see." Chu Yangdao: "Ning Tianya has gone... but I don't see it with my own eyes, I still don't trust."

Jian Ling smiled and nodded: "Good!"

Chu Yang walked out, but at this moment, suddenly suddenly stopped, and then he trembled.

Sword spirit is awkward.

Chu Yang is also inexplicable: just now, he just wanted to go out, suddenly a force suddenly hit, let him stop his footsteps, strength, and even make him almost unstable.

Moreover, among these forces, there is also an urgent kind of emotion.

"What happened?" Chu Yang asked with a puzzled look at Jian Ling.

"Ah?" The sword is stunned.

"Where is the problem?" Chu Yang has a bit of scratching his head. Looking around, I saw that the ground was full of amethyst powder, and there was nothing unusual on the stone wall.

Stepping out and going again, the same situation happened again.

He took him to death!

Chu Yang frowned and looked carefully. But there has never been any discovery.

"Adult, here!" Sword Ling suddenly pointed to the bottom of the hole. {飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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