Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 621: Purple 霄 inheritance [third! 】

Chu Yang turned his head and saw the bottom of the hole. It was the place where the atomized flowers of the sword of the nine robbers were placed. At that moment, the flower was gone, but a disc appeared.

Smooth as a mirror!

It was just so quiet to stay, but when Chu Yang was about to leave, suddenly a faint glory came out.

Chuyang stunned and strode forward.

Sword spirit has some contempt: it is in this cave, and it can't run. You see it, four or five steps, it will arrive; this product is actually a big step and walked over!

Sword Spirit is speechless: You said that you are not wearing a squatting outside... But there are no outsiders here, what is the use of your dragon and tiger in front of me...

If Chu Yang knows what Sword Ling is thinking, he will be able to open the sword immediately!

Nima! Brother, there is a strong force there. It is really a huge attraction there. When I see that I am going there, I can’t wait to **** me over... I will not take a big step and I will be sucked in the next moment. Shit...

I am also helpless.

As Chu Yang walked over there, the disc became even more shiny and seemed to be excited. Moreover, it is getting bigger and bigger.

By the time Chu Yu had passed, the disc had a large desktop size, lying flat on the ground.

Chu Yang looked down and really didn't understand what such a plate called himself to do.

Can't help but ask: "Do you have something?"

The sword spirit behind it almost laughed, even if you talk to a chicken... At least it is a living thing, but you actually speak to a plate? !

But the next moment, Jian Ling suddenly stunned.

I saw that the plate actually screamed and stood up, and the plain ‘station’ was in front of Chu Yang!

The light flashed on the plate, as if I heard the question from Chu Yang and greeted Chu Yang.

Chuyang scalp also blasted a bit. By the way, this kind of spiritual event is the first time for myself...

Asked hard, "Can you understand what I said?"

The plate flashed and flashed, and it was extinguished.

Chu Yang licked his nose. Feeling that I am doing something is very boring: it seems that this plate is just a light. I can't communicate with myself.

I was thinking about it, and suddenly the plate shone a little, and it actually grew a little bigger.

Immediately, in Chu Yang's unbelievable, the plate suddenly trembled sharply, and a ripple of ripples passed over, and three blood-red words suddenly appeared on it.

"who are you?"

Chu Yang suddenly stopped, for this strange phenomenon. Also for this problem.

who am I?

this problem. How to answer?

I am human? I am a man? Or, I am Chu Yang? I am the master of the nine robbers? ......

It seems that on either side, it has nothing to do with this plate?

Chu Yang licked his nose. For a time, I couldn’t make up my mind.

But see a few words on the plate.

"Do you know the purple scorpio?"

Chu Yang’s eyes suddenly widened.

Purple 霄 阙!

Purple Sky Emperor!

Purple Hao!

Chu Yang suddenly awe.

The devil who fought outside the domain, until the death of the dead has not forgotten the heroes of the world!

The younger generation of children has to inherit. Do not forget the domain warfare demon!

Is this plate actually related to the Purple Emperor?

Chu Yang's standing, only feel that the blood of the body is boiling.

At this time, there was another handwriting on the plate, but the two sentences were repeated.

"who are you?"

"Do you know the purple scorpio?"

"who are you?"

"Do you know the purple scorpio?"


The above two sentences are so boring, repeated, and repeated.

Chu Yang took a deep breath. Consciousness entered the space of nine robberies. When he just entered, he was taken aback!

I saw the ninety-nine sacred crystals and the one **** crystal, and formed a huge circle in the space of the nine robbers, suspended in the air, and the purple light shining on the whole body.

Seeing that Chu Yang came in, these ninety-nine sacred crystals and a **** crystal suddenly flew to his face!

Chu Yang’s look. Muttered; "Sure enough, there is a relationship between you."

Just then, behind the Chu Yang, the plate seemed to feel something, and suddenly it screamed loudly. Supporting the entire hole!

Slowly turned into a door-like thing.

A purple light flashed, and the blood of the line continued to emerge from above.

First, there is a line of explanation: "The devil enters the purple scorpion. Only the death battle. Millions of brothers, **** six years, today's decisive battle, swearing out of the levy! One for the brothers finally gathered, the second is inspirational and more killing the enemy. Of course, this will die! In this swearing, all are iron bones and good men! Later generations learned that you need to leave a name for me! After the ancient times, my brother’s name will not be buried. Ziyan Tiandi Zihao beheaded!"

Chu Yang heart shock!

Here, what was recorded is the scene of the swearing-in ceremony that Zizitian finally went to?

Moreover, at that time, Zihao actually said the words "Dragon's first please" with the incomparable noble status of the Purple Emperor! What a heavy weight this is!

After all, this plate did not show the majestic and fierce picture, but only after that, the last words of different people appeared on the line!

"Purple 霄天,紫霄天; I am the first to kill the devil outside the field; I am afraid that the death of my grandson will retreat, and the blood will kill the old man! Zi Zi protects the law, the cold moon decides the swearer!"

Chu Yang remembered a sentence: the seven brothers cold moon fought the devil, lost to be killed!

Chu Yang blood scroll, praised: "Good man! Greed is afraid of death grandson retreat, **** killing Laozi! Good!"

"The scorpion scorpion warfare demon, with my brother more than a million; but this will pay for the hot soil, who will be judged after the body control! Purple 霄 霄 law, cold gun battle swearing master!"

I remember that Zihao once said: The six brothers were alone in the guns and guarded the Sirius, and they were killed by a soldier.

Chu Yang heart shaking. This cold gunman died in a strong, but from these few sentences, it is also a free and easy person.

"Today, fight the devil, do not bear me; if you don't die, come back to Tu Shengjun! Jiuzhong Shengjun, I! Purple Guardian, razor swearing swearer!"

This mad knife is really cute. The character is straightforward and daring. ‘If you don’t die, come back to Tu Shengjun! And the rude to the extreme, even more people can not help but feel deep sorrow.

If the Holy King is willing to send troops to help Ziyan, then, why is Zizitian falling? So many good guys, why are you dead?

"My name is blue and fall. This is going to the blue sky; if there is an afterlife. Then fight the demon! Purple Guardian, the swearing swearer."

"Cultivate my sword and smash the devil's head; this will not return to life and death; who dares to humiliate me, and the world will not be enemies! Ziyan protects the law. Snow songs decisive war swearer!"

Chu Yang sighed. Unexpectedly, the words that Zihao said.

‘Second brother Xuege guards the purple door, body and blood! ’

This snow song adult must be an absolutely responsible person. Moreover, the love of the purple sky is deep, and even if the swearing, it also issued a warning. Who dares to humiliate me, and I will not be enemies in my life!

And in the end, he is also guarding the purple door, in order to protect the millions of purple people in the door and die!

"A happy person to do the arrogance, a knife and a sword, a Xiao; after going to the broken bones, may dream back to my purple? Purple 霄 霄 。. Dream back to the battle swearer!"


"St. King, we will die in battle and death, please send a soldier to the sky after we die!..."

"Sir! I am grassing you! I can't **** your whole family in this life, come and continue me!..."

"Purple day is invincible! Long live the day!"

"If you die, you will die, and you will say a fart!"

"I don't think I will die. I heard that the plague of the demon is over..."

"Who guarantees me purple?"

"Really cold, dead or good. Eyes are not bothered! Do you have hundreds of billions of people? Are you dead?"

"I am dead and uncle! It’s better than yours and stealing!"

"I hate the Holy King! Come and be sure to **** his mother!"

"The holy monarch died early, I heard that there is a daughter..."

"You are this garbage! This is a swearing-in meeting! Don't use these things. It's useless to come back and say, let's go together!"

"This life follows the Zihao adults, even if they die in battle. It is not awkward."

"The above words are really cultural, but they are still ‘not swearing’; I have no culture. Just say: Grass kills the devil!”

"I will add one more sentence: There is a holy prince!"

"I heard that Xue Daren’s troops were blocked; I only hate that I am not a holy priest!"

"Last life, buddy, I have nothing to say, my parents and my wife and children are gone, I will tell you the last sentence."

"Battle war!"

"Only death!"

"Big, everyone is dead, don't forget the soul team, I am afraid."

"Dream, you are dead here and there is a bird's soul?!"

"Birds and birds have better souls..."


The above information is getting faster and faster, and it starts to brush down like a waterfall. Chu Yang looks at it one sentence at a time. Sometimes the teeth are bitten, sometimes smiling silently.

This is how good a man, how cute the soldiers, most of them are rude, direct, and even a little unsightly, but... what a respectable hero!

Smile proudly and die, face the enemy. Even the last words are said to have their own merits, or free and easy, or angry, or funny... just a short sentence from this, you can completely speculate on each person's temper!

But they all have the same goal and die for the same goal: the devil!

There is a lot of information, but this kind of brushing down is also very fast.

After a long time, I finally recovered.

This door, like a book flipping through a page, made an action that turned the book page over, disappearing without a trace, revealing a huge disc below.

On the disc, there are a hundred holes in silence. Ninety-nine small, around a big one. Deeply bottomless, flashing purple gas, began to shine brightly.

Chu Yang looked, suddenly felt a little familiar.

In the nine-robbery space, the position of the ninety-nine sacred crystals and one of the gods suddenly suddenly realized that the hole above it corresponds to the position of the sacred crystal and the crystal.


<My codeword is very slow today... I am light and fluttering, and I feel dizzy for a while.

It has also written a plot for the future. It is also the biggest bedding of this book...

This is the third, today's ten chapters, I am afraid it will not be finished. Overestimated my own physical strength.

I continue to code words, how much can be written, and owe the next month. But not doubled up, everyone understands. ......>{Floating Astronomy Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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