Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 751: Going out of the nest, the military is taboo!

w Mo Tianji is in full swing, the fifth gentle is actively preparing, the world's two wise men, has begun to play against Taiwan.

In the other people's guess, another King of Chu, who is qualified to compete with the fifth, is a good friend in the past few days. He has nothing to do and is very comfortable.

Everyone thinks that Chu Yang will definitely participate in the war, and even the fifth gentleness is ready to be an enemy, but in fact, Chu Yang does not participate in the battle.

Instead, it is easy to swim with the four people who are not hurting, and they are just watching the cold.

"Chuyang, my second brother is fighting with the fifth frivolous wits, but now, have you already withdrawn from this battle? Just in the form of bystanders or singular soldiers?"

In a huge cave.

Mo lightly lifted his head and looked at Chu Yang. He asked, "Why is this? If your wisdom is combined with the wisdom of my second brother, you are dealing with the fifth gentleness. Isn't it a steady victory?"

Chu Yang was surprised to see Mo Mou dance. He could feel that the wisdom of Mo Qingwu was also growing at a rapid speed. Now, for the situation, she also has her own judgment.

And now this sentence, if it is the previous Mo-light dance, will not be able to say it.

"Yes, this time is the tacit understanding between me and the celestial plane. I can only attack at the right time, but it will not affect or command, and all decisions, this time, are all secret."

"This is the battle between him and the fifth gentleness! It is also the thing that the celestial machine has longed for; and, such a confrontation, for the celestial plane, perhaps he can only have this one time in his life!"

"So he won't allow me to intervene!"

Chu Yang slowly said and said.

Mo light dance nodded: "It turns out."

"Well, in fact, you still don't understand some things. This war is the secret of the day, and I hope to see it." Chu Yang said with a smile: "After this war, if the plane can win, then from then on. Underneath, no one in the wisdom plan will be the opponent of Mo Tianji!"

Mo light dance surprised and widened his eyes: "This battle, are you training for your brother?"

"Training?" Chu Yang laughed: "If this is said, it is indeed... too suitable!"

Mo light danced.

After the four people left from there, they came directly here, which is very close to the Li family. This mountain is high enough. The most important thing is that this mountain can't be shaken!

Chu Yang took the sharp edge of the nine robbery swords and dug out such a big hole to let the four people take part in, and it took some effort. There is a suite in the big hole; it seems that the passage of the dog's teeth is the tears of the ink that forced Dong to use a big knife to cut it out. It seems to be full of the rough style of Dong.

Turning two bends inside is another big space. It is a bedroom.

It’s Dong’s injury and ink tears living here.

In the opposite direction, there is also a passage, that is, Chu Yang and Mo Qing dance live here.

Now Dong has no injuries and ink tears have gone to rest. Here only Chu Yang and Mo light dance. Two night pearls are embedded in the middle of the stone above the head, making this stone room full of sultry milky white light.

Mo light dance in Chu Yang Huaizhong, very quiet.

a long time. Suddenly asked: "Chuyang, you said that there are some things to tell me, don't know what it is?"

Chu Yang took a deep breath and said: "Well, it is indeed something. But..."

He thought about it, and finally decided to take advantage of the time now, and explain the white in advance with Mo Qingwu; if Mo Meng dance suddenly the dream is no longer doubtful, and what is determined, Chu Yang worried that he would Lost once.

Moreover, since the establishment of the iron-filled day, he did not think about hiding from the light dance.

"It's like this, about my emotional problems." Chu Yang had a very difficult opening: "There are other women who like me very much, and..."

Chu Yang’s heart is in the middle, and the original thing is said.

Mo light dances with big eyes and looks at Chu Yang's face. In addition to some jealousy on the little face, more, it is actually the gossip curiosity...

This makes Chuyang have a kind of crying and laughing, after all, it is still small...

"I will know, Chu Yang brother, your conditions are so good, how can there be no girls are tempted by you." Mo light dance finally listened to, a long sigh of relief, some resentment in the tone: "Now all of a sudden Come out two..."

Chu Yang has two coughs, and the inexplicable feeling is a little nervous.

"What about me?" Mo lightly raised his face, some nervous and a little afraid of some uneasy words: "Chuyang brother, are you making choices? Then would you choose them and not want me?"

Chu Yang suddenly stopped.

I am open and honest, and I want to be honest and lenient, and strive for a leniency; I can’t think of myself, I still have no uneasiness, and I have a sense of crisis.

And it is from this aspect.

Chu Yang feels a little dizzy.

"This... light dance... that..." Chu Yang asked some of the minds: "Little dance, what do you say?"

"I don't care!" Xiao Loli shook her head in a domineering manner, proclaiming: "No matter what, you can't stop me!"

Chu Yang once again stunned!

"Even if you have them, you can't help me!" Xiao Loli was fierce, but her tone was getting weaker and her eyes were getting redder and twitching: "Although they are older than me..."

Chu Yang thoroughly understood.

Suddenly I want to lick myself a pig.

Yes, in the last world, Mo-light dance is the only one of its own, the earliest; and the last; but this world, Mo-light dance is a latecomer.

At least, whether it is Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian, they must dance earlier than Mo.

So it’s a bit uneasi to be a gentleman.

"How can I not want you?" Chu Yang felt his mouth stupid and said: "Even if no one wants, I will also want to dance... I am just worried, um, worry that you will reject this piece. Things, don't accept them... um, yes, after all, she has my children..."

"Why don't I accept?" Mo whispered his mouth and vinegar: "They are older than me; I am worried that they will bully me..."

Chu Yang held her in her arms and sighed and said: "Little dance. I don't know what to say... but in my heart, you are the earliest."

"Really?" Mo light danced and stared at him, full of brilliance.

"Really!" Chu Yang nodded and confirmed.

"Then I won't worry!" Mo light danced and hugged Chu Yang's neck. He suddenly kissed him on his face and put his head on his shoulder. The voice was a little shy: "Chuyang brother... In fact, Actually... I can also be a child..."

Chu Yang squatted for a moment.

Suddenly the blood of the animal boiled up.

Forcibly suppress the mourning in my heart. Take a deep breath. Road: "Light dance, actually you don't know..."

Mo light dance gently covered his mouth with a small hand, whispered: "No need to say anything. I am satisfied with you by your side..." She smiled a little fascinated, said: "Is it better than a dream? Dream I am so hard to keep you and beg you. There is no self-esteem, no self, but you are abandoned. Now, I am free to stay with you, you take me like a pearl I... I am very satisfied!"

She quietly said: "I am very satisfied, Chu Yang."

Chu Yang couldn't help but it was a sigh of relief. The previous speech was a little Lolly Mo light dance undoubtedly; but now, why did you give yourself a feeling of a past life?

"Little dance. If that dream is true?" Chu Yang asked.

Mo Jiao dance's petite body shook abruptly, suddenly clasped Chu Yang: "No! I don't want that dream is true... then I will die... I will really die and die..."

Chu Yang held Mo light dance, his eyes wide open and looked at the top of his head, smelling the fragrance of Mo Qing dance, his eyes were scattered.


Mo Tianji finally launched a counterattack.

Li's master, he was divided into ten teams, like ten arrows, shot fiercely.

"Sit and wait, it is better to take the initiative." Mo Tianji said: "So, although we are weaker than others, we must take the initiative."

"If you lose even your initiative, then you will be completely defeated!"

"Battles have always been going out, no one wants to fight in their own home!"

"This time they were hit in the territory of Lijia. The territory is too big. The strength of the other party is too strong. There is nothing wrong with it. However, the last fortress of the Li Family Courtyard must not be a battlefield!"

"So we will attack immediately! Go to their place!"

Mo Tianji said faintly: "No one can think of us with such a weak strength, and face the efforts of the eight major families to take the initiative to attack, but this misunderstanding of ideas is our opportunity!"

"This time I will go with the army and direct the command. My only requirement for you is: the order is forbidden! There can be no hesitation for every order... Otherwise it is the survival of the family! I hope that you can really remember. ”

"set off!"

Lijia master, in addition to the ancestors did not participate in family action, Mo Tianji left a dozen others to look after the home, other people, all set off!

This is a very bold adventure!

The current Li family is equal to an empty city. If it is copied by the other side, then it will really not retreat.

No one thought that after the commander Li Tianjun passively dealt with the fifth soft dozens of attacks, he immediately chose the whole army to take the initiative to attack!

Li Xiongtu was arranged in the first wave, and together with the fierce force.

This is also the time when the arrogant cloud and the blasphemy are not available. On the way, I asked why the Mo Tianji had such a decision.

"Gambling! In fact, life is gambling... When you look at the timing, you will all be out of your house. If you make a big profit, you will lose it!" Mo Tianji said: "But... our posture is sticking to this time. I have never had any large-scale dispatches... and it’s a taboo for the soldiers to sneak out of the nest. I’m a military sergeant, but this time I’m going to make a big taboo!”


<First! Today's state is a bit wrong, very lazy. Don't vote for the moon. I said that it will break out today. After the explosion is over, everyone will vote again...> Welcome to your support is my biggest motivation. . m

{飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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