Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 752: ‘see’ question

Proud evil cloud grabs the head: "It's too risky!"

"The fifth is soft and cautious, and will not make such a mistake." Mo Tianji has light in his eyes: "So he will not believe that I will commit such a taboo. If the fifth gentleness can be expected in advance, then we will fight Has lost."

"But I am sure, the fifth gentle will not be expected!"

In the rapid advancement, Mo Tianji said: "Because I didn't think of it before this time; this is the decision made after the flash of light, the time to make a decision, from now on to the five hundred miles away. , no more than half an hour."

The arrogant cloud was shocked: "When you are in a whim, are you going to the whole army?"

"I am accidental! So, the fifth gentler will not be expected in advance." Mo Tianji looked at all the white clothes, almost to the team in the snow, and some smiled smugly.

"And then?" asked the proud cloud.

Mo Tianji frowned and said: "Then, there is no plan now. The fifth gentle use of soldiers has reached the point where there is no trace; therefore, I can only see the move... and then decide the next step."

The proud evil cloud is silent.

Mo Tianji smiled and patted the shoulder of the proud evil cloud: "What kind of strategy should be used to deal with what kind of enemy... Well, that's it."

Said, Mo Tianji galloped forward, throwing the proud evil cloud behind him, obviously, do not want to talk about this topic.

The proud evil cloud scratched his head and asked, "What do you think?"

I couldn’t get a blind eye: "I want a fart, when there is a Mo Tianji around. I have never used my brain."

The proud evil cloud is the knot of gas, and swears: "Grass! When the Mo Tian machine is not around you, you have never used your brain! You have no brains!"

I couldn’t help but sneak up, inexplicably saying: "What does this matter have to do with me... I’m **** you inexplicably facing me..."

The proud evil cloud has already flew beyond dozens of feet.


After several consecutive contacts, the fifth gentleness has already deeply understood the power of the opposite Mo Tianji.

He has never encountered such a powerful opponent. For a time, his heart is also burning.

It’s always only the fifth to gently take the nose of others; but now he has a feeling beyond his control. Every contact. What do you want to achieve, the opposite person seems to know all!

And when he wants to cooperate with himself, it is usually when he wants to benefit from it. He can make corresponding fits and even compromises according to his own deployment; let himself achieve the goals he wants to achieve.

For example, to boost morale, for example. Increase your prestige, for example, to improve the formation of the fifth family and so on.

But when he doesn't want to get this out of his own, that is to say, when his deployment wants more benefits, that side will often give a head, or destroy it all, or break it down... and these are also in a kind of There are extremely few cases to carry out.

Of course, when you want to get something. Then you have to leave room for the other side to make the other side have the same gain, just a little smaller. At this point, you must release the signal in advance, and the other party will cooperate.

In other words, if you let the other party not see the benefits. Then the other party is determined to not cooperate.

And when there is any action there, what kind of interests and interests you want to seek, the actions there will clearly give you a hint; at that time, you will see the corresponding benefits. Despite some grievances, in order to be able to get it. You must also cooperate!

But the current situation is a bit.

The fifth gentle knows that he has the upper hand in strength, but in the real plan, he is slightly lower than the other half.

That is... I once made a move that I wanted to reap a lot, beyond the tolerance of the other party, and that time the other did not cooperate, and gave the head a stick. Although I did not suffer big losses, the fifth gentleness can be seen from the deployment of the other party: the other party is a little angry.

In contrast to the other side, such things beyond their own tolerance, did not do it at all!

Everything is done within the scope of being measured, measured, controlled, and grasped!

This shows that the other party's sense of proportion is very good, and it is not greedy! The overall situation and other aspects are also extremely numerous. Gnomish, laughing and watching the situation.

The fifth softly sighed: "Sure enough, it is a nine-robbery think tank! Sure enough, it is a well-deserved name. It is also a great demeanor. But... I am rushing in that day, one is to test you, and the other is the desire of the fifth family. It made me very stressed, and you didn't have such pressure at all, so I lost a trick."

"But still this kind of mistake, I can't make it anymore! So, who will die in the future, I don't know. I have realized my mistake now, and my strength is several times that of your side, so... initiative Still here with me."

"But no matter what, it can be a battle with such an opponent, and live up to this life!" This is the fifth soft heart.

After using the rumors to create momentum for himself, the fifth softly and clearly felt that the masters in the camp now look at their own eyes, and they are all very different.

This makes the fifth gentleness on the basis of a kind of pressure and fighting spirit collapse, and how much is somewhat floating; this is not self-satisfied, but a feeling that the goal of lifelong efforts is in front of you. !

At your fingertips!

The fifth family, what I thought for more than 10,000 years is to reinvigorate the family; but under the wings of the Zhuge family, it was suppressed when it was improved, and it has become the hope of countless generations!

I finally saw the dawn!

And it is the kind of dawn that dominates the world!

Because I did not think that the fifth family actually has such a sturdy background!

Law respect!

There have been no movements for two days, and the fifth soft heart is secretly thinking. Presumably the opponent should also be unable to resist it?

So now, you should be ready to deploy the next step.

I thought, the fifth gentleness went to the big account.

It is daytime.

"The chief commander, the other party has an action." Halfway, some people came to report quickly.

"Oh?" The fifth smile in the soft heart: the other party couldn't help it.

"Intelligence said that the other side now seems to have a large number of people coming to this side, a decisive battle." The man had some nervous reports.

"A large number of people? A decisive battle?" The fifth gentle almost laughed.

This is really a funny head. With the strength of the other side, why should he fight with us?

He can only drag slowly, and will never fight!

"Yeah." The fifth gentle way: "So, the other party is coming..." Suddenly, he said: "You repeat the sentence just now, don't make a mistake!"

The man glanced at it and recalled it. "The intelligence said that the other party now seems to have a large number of people coming to this side, a decisive battle. ... Is this the sentence?"

"Not bad!" The fifth soft nodded: "It is this sentence, and there is a word "seeming" in this sentence. Is this the original words in the intelligence?"

"Yes." The man nodded.

"It seems...hehe, it seems..." The fifth gently shook his head: "There seems to be a large number of people... really interesting. The order is passed, and the major family leaders are called to meet."


"The sooner the better!"


But when I was breathing, everyone was rushing to the ground.

Among the tents in the middle, Lan Mo sealed the jade of the communication, and did not move. Now, his task is to maintain the communication jade with his own support to ensure the smooth communication.

Originally, this did not require the use of his level of masters, but now the war is urgent, the fifth gently put forward Lan Mofeng guards, everyone has no objections.

Everyone has sat down, and both eyes are looking at the fifth gentle.

“What's new?” The fifth gently asked Lan Mofeng.

"No, only the news has just arrived." Lan Mofeng said: "There are a large number of people coming to this side and have crossed the area where our messengers are."

"Is it a team? Or a few teams?" The fifth gently asked again.

"A big team!" Lan Mofeng immediately replied.

"Is there a special feature in the form of the other party and the posture of the other party before the action?" The fifth gently frowned, asked quietly.

"It's exactly the same as any previous action, just this time, the scale is bigger." Lan Mofeng answered very pertinently.

"But this is a bigger scale, but there is a ‘seeming’...” The fifth soft brow was close and asked, “Is that the case?”,

Lan Mofeng took a little consideration and said: "Yes!"

"Contact the other side immediately!" The fifth gentle wave: "Ask me what this ‘seems' is going on!”

Lan Mofeng immediately delivered the repair, communication jade immediately bright!

Then there was the news immediately: "Lan, what's the matter?"

There was a quick response over there, indicating that it was always in front of the communication jade. The fifth soft and faint nod.

"The information just now, why is it?" Lan Mofeng immediately asked: "There seems to be a large number of people coming to this side? It seems that what does it mean? A decisive battle; when the decisive battle is also you can evaluate of?!"

There was a little rush in the voice, and replied: "This is the case. The posture there is no different from before, but this time it appears in a horizontal line, and our position can only see the side; need to wait After they passed, they can judge the number of people, but after they used to, they all deliberately raised snow and dust, blocking the body shape. We can only guess the number of people from the scope of snow dust... As for the decisive battle, it is Because it is very fast, almost full we thought..."

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