Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 759: What is the world? !

"The fifth is soft, I am not like you?"

These words, a problem, made everyone feel a strange feeling.

Although it is asking, it is definitely a sigh of relief. It seems that the stalwart sergeant, who is known as the "God's Ghost", stands in front of himself and others. He smiles and looks at everyone, and he has a well-thought-out saying: This is the fifth gentle!

The fifth gently looked at the words, but gently shook his head and smiled slightly.

"It’s not like me... Mo Tianji, are you giving me a gauntlet?" The fifth soft eyes were deep and muttered: "But you know, this sentence reveals your weaknesses?"

Immediately, the fifth soft and faint command: "Invent the casualties, properly arrange; the whole army advances, the original camp, advance a thousand miles, before moving to this mountain!"

After being counted, he ate a big loss, but the fifth gentleness did not retreat.

The fifth is soft and funny, watching everyone busy, but my heart has its own opinion: "What you mean is nothing more than a warning, let me fight with you a bit of a measure? But if I really care about your position everywhere, then wait for your fullness, I It’s just the general commander, and the fifth family is far from being formed; what is the use?”

"Moreover, everywhere, the battle of the wise man in my dreams, isn't it impossible to carry out? So you know what you want, but I must beat you!"

"The chief commander, the casualties are counted out." The sound of the night is a bit heavy.

"how about it?"

"The loss is very large. The death toll has reached 200. Seriously injured 15 people and slightly injured 84. It is almost equal to the alliance of the three families and was disabled."

"Fortunately, the high-level supreme is not a loss. But the underlying power is almost completely annihilated."

The underlying power that the night is saying is nothing more than the holy master under the supreme, now. Those sages who have been looked up to have become the bottom.

This has to be said to be an irony.

“How is the casualty of the other party?” asked the fifth soft voice.

"I'm afraid... no more than fifty people." The night sighed deeply: "It's too sudden. Suddenly, it was impossible to prevent it. Chen and He's family were basically half-defended when they were unprepared. Hehe..."

The fifth is soft and silent. Dao: "This is my mistake. The enemy has guessed that my reaction this time is correct. It is a failure. It should be."

Xiao Yu said: "How can we blame the general commander, mainly the opposite kid?"

The fifth is soft and awe-inspiring: "One will be incompetent, and the army will be exhausted. The main thing is that the responsibility is only for me to carry it back. If it is to evade, then my fifth softness is not qualified to lead the army."


The Li family went all out to escape, and they did not know how far they went, but they continued to change in accordance with the instructions of Mo Tianji. After turning it into zero, it turned into zero. After three times, I finally saw the snow in front, and Mo Tianji smiled.

Now, everyone looks at the eyes of Mo Tianji. It’s like seeing a fairy.

"how about it?"

“Very enjoyable.”

The people laughed together.

"Well, let me talk about it, what should we do next... 恩?" Mo Tianji laughed and was about to talk and arrange, suddenly his eyes turned and his face was cold and ice. He said: "What about Li Xiong?"

Everyone's face changed, and Li Bo did not see it. It seems that this is that Li Xiong is not there. He couldn't help but be shocked. His face was white. He looked like a panic. He asked, "What about Xiong Tu? Who saw him?" Say it!"

'Face like gold paper, dying', swayed and stood up, his eyes were red: "Xiong...Hey, he was with me, but then I was injured and I was going to be slashed. The corpse is the hero who saved me... my good brother, the male figure... it was for me to fall behind..."

I was so sad that I was so sad that I was so sad that I was crying. "Where is my brother? Xiong Tu... Xiong Tu... Isn’t my male brother not coming back? Cang Tianyi..."

Severely sorrowful.

The arrogant cloud and the sorrowful sensation only felt that the goose bumps of the whole body rushed out of layers, and suddenly there was a cold sweat.

My day, this Li Dagong is not going to act, it is a pity that this talent is ......

So eloquent, so emotionally true, so tears like a torrential rain come.

"Li Xiong Tu is to save you, is it behind?" Mo Tian's mouth with a strange smile.

Strictly slammed the chest: "Yes, yeah... my brother... oh... if my brother is not going to measure, then I am not alive..."

Well, Li Xiong is trying to save me before he falls behind.

There are so many high-end supreme killers behind, it should be dead, is it better to die?

If he is dead, he is a hero, I am the hero's brother, and my brother is deep. If the Nine Robbery needs a substitute, then I am the first choice.

There is no doubt about this.

Mo Tianji really changed his face and changed his face again and again: "How is the male figure... Hey! How can this be good... immediately send a few people back to meet!"

"I am going!" Severely jumped up, if it was not dead, I would give him another knife.

"No," said a voice. "I am back."

Although the voice is weak, it still does not change its majesty; it is the voice of Li Xiong.

"Li Xiong Tu!" Proud evil cloud and stunned at the same time surprised and called.

Severely slammed and slowly turned back: "Xiong..."

Li Xiongtu's figure is step by step from the wind and snow, covered in blood, full of bags. In addition to injuries, more are stoned.

"Brothers..." Lie finally returned to God, yelling and screaming with open arms and madness: "You are back..."

Li Xiongtu stepped back and didn't hug him. His eyes looked strangely and strangely. He only felt a sudden and complicated feeling in his heart.

At this moment, I want to cry, but also want to laugh, there is a feeling of being under the stage; the stage is performing, long sleeves are good, and myself. I am watching the show under the stage.

Watching the show... Hehehe... Li Xiongtu suddenly burst into an ironic impulse to laugh.

"Brother, it is me, it is a big brother." Seeing that Li Xiongtu did not speak and his face was strange, he was afraid that the other party had already noticed his own thoughts and said eagerly and eagerly.

Li Xiong nodded, and a bright red rose on his face, just about to speak. Suddenly, I vomited a blood, and after a few steps, I lost my consciousness and fell down.

Serious hardships and an indescribable soul are created. Let Li Xiong figure can't hold it anymore.

The direction of the fall is the direction of the proud cloud.

He fell after he was in a coma and seemed to be in his subconscious. Even the arrogant cloud that used to be an enemy is more reliable than the self-proclaimed ‘big brother’.

Strictly just want to reach out, arrogant cloud has rushed to catch him, quickly exercise, check his body. Then he took a breath and said with a sigh of relief, "Don't worry, he's fine, he can't die." Then he smiled: "I will do it for him again, haha, Li Dashao. Thanks. Me."

Severely nodded, my heart said: He can't die is the most let me not worry... What do you thank you for? But of course, I am grateful to say: "Grand brother, thank you very much..."

The proud evil cloud haha ​​smiled, shot his shoulder, said: "Thank me. Empty mouth can not speak the vernacular, to be practical."

"That is, that is." Severe nodded, no worries in my heart, Mom, you saved the person I want to kill the most. I want to thank you now... and you still rip the grass... grass!

What is this world!

At this time, Mo Tianji's brow wrinkled, as if he had heard something, some accidents, said: "Take care of the wounded, immediately retreat, and immediately start the action according to the second variable of the first plan mentioned earlier."


Li family went with Mo Tianji.

Chu Yang appeared and smiled.

Just now, of course, he was talking to Mo Tianji, and Mo Tianji was waiting here, also for Chu Yang’s voice, and got the latest news from the coalition forces.

This time, the momentum came out very loudly. Mo Tianji naturally hopes to do more things. However, except for the beginning of the fifth gentle and slow half-shooting, all the responses are basically seamless.

Therefore, Mo Tianji can only retreat temporarily. At this moment, no matter what the action is, it can only be caught by the other party. If the strength of the two sides is similar, Mo Tianji will certainly dare to move; but now the difference is very different, and the other side's reinforcements are constantly coming, and the lack of light on this side is light, and it belongs to the rootless water...

This can't be spelled.

So after he got the sound of Chu Yang, he immediately chose to withdraw.

On the other side, the fifth gentle two-way terracotta warriors have already been dispatched. After the group has turned over the mountain, they have set up a camp in the land 50 miles away from the mountains.

Simple general command camp.

The fifth gentleness is still watching the head and the snow column that I personally moved into the camp, thinking deeply.

Nights and other people are a bit strange.

"The general commander, why do you always look at this statue?" The night is far from puzzling.

The fifth gently shook his head and said: "This is not an ordinary statue. There are a lot of things in the world, the advantages of the Mo Tianji, the shortcomings of the Mo Tianji, the temper of Mo Tianji, the character, all in it, some It’s Mo Tianji’s telling me, but there are some that the statue tells me... If it’s not broken, it’s the result of a broken family.”

Everyone suddenly looked stunned: this little sculpture is just a mischief made by Mo Tianji. Can you say that there is still a lot of learning in this? Can you actually relate to life and death?

"I asked you three questions."

The fifth soft and soft voice: "The first question, why do you want to give me this statue?"

"The second question, what do I think after seeing this statue? What will I do? What do you want me to think about? What do you do?"

"The purpose of Mo Tianji, and what I think, is it the same thing? If there is a difference, where is the difference? If what I want to do, it is exactly what Mo Tianji wants me to do... then, what are you there? With my fifth soft life, I was in the mood of Mo Tianji."


<It’s not your own two legs today that are tired. So one more... I will try to make up for the update after I go back. >

<Renewed less brothers yelling at me, I can't see it, but if you don't have a good wife, you can be around, you can't hide, you can't make it, you can do it, and you can move it... although I Not afraid of her, but still some... cough. >

<Today is the birthday of the ‘Dragon Shadow’ lord, let us wish him a happy birthday and always be happy! I heard that the Dragon League is a beautiful woman, coughing, and the heartbroken brothers have passed by. Don't miss it... Come on! >. . )

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