Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 760: , enchanting military division, sincere cooperation

Everyone suddenly became dumb.

Everyone is not stupid, and the stupid people will never cultivate to such a martial arts realm. But for those who are so curved, especially the two men’s warriors, they really do not understand. of.

Everyone knows that even thinking is a white thought, and it will leave a stupid impression on others, so that the old brothers who have been for thousands of years have an excuse to laugh at themselves for a lifetime. As a typical example, they become future generations of textbooks. So, everyone is very Smart, don't talk.

"Can't guess?" asked the fifth soft smile.

We have to guess and use you as a military division? Everyone thought so neatly, and they said the same thing: "Please ask the military to solve the problem."

"This time he was expected to be unexpectedly attacked; it was a cheaper one. It is reasonable to say that such a statue of a human head should not be left behind."

The fifth soft face is a bit gloomy.

"It is said that the age of this entangled think tank is not very big." Finally, someone still spoke, but Ling's team led the Supreme Lingkong: "Since young, there are young people's temperament. This Motian opportunity will not be in Under the weak situation, it is so cheap, can't help but want to show off and show off? This is a kind of mentality for a small person to be motivated, similar to the poor light egg suddenly became a nouveau riche, all kinds of show off the rich..."

In this attack, Lingjia was almost completely wiped out by the army, and it was the most lost among the major families. Ling Xiaokong hated the Mo Tianji, and Zhangkou did not have any good words.

"Even if I sometimes show off with a sneak peek, Mo Tianji will never be so shallow!" The fifth gentleness is a little unpleasant. The tone of this sentence is very heavy.

In the face of such a terrible enemy, a slight negligence is the annihilation of the whole army. I am struggling to fight the spirit and I am afraid that I will not be able to cope. Now I am so wonderful in my own team that the other party is selling...

To tell the conscience: I really didn't find it when I was looking for death; even if it was the original dream, I would never look down on any enemy so much; now, I say this from the mouth of an eight-supreme supreme. It’s amazing!

Ling Xiaokong's face is hard to see.

"Mo Tianji is the head of the man who told me that he saw through some of my things; at the same time. He also gave me some deliberately, which allowed me to see through some of his things as compensation. Because this time. For me He thinks it's not fair..."

The fifth is soft and faint: "This is the pride of being a top military sergeant. It has nothing to do with arrogance."

"As for what we have seen, is it true that he is not known? If I guessed it, it is the sentiment that he sent me, and I will not owe each other in the future; if I guess wrong, then it is a series of A fatal trap, and there will be no psychological burden: he has informed us. We still guess wrong, this is to find death, how can you blame him?"

Everyone can't understand and can't understand. How can we do such a strange thing in this world?

"Mo Tianji's carving is very hard. Emphasizes the charm, he himself should think that the artistic conception is higher than reality; and he is just right, but he has a good control, and his self-confidence is very strong; his hair is almost meticulous. Very strict... The last message shows that Mo Tianji is a precautionary person. He is never sure, he never does it!"

The Supreme Supreme is not a stupid person. After listening to these words, there is naturally a feeling of ignorance.

"As for the deeper one, I will try my best tonight. After all, what I can see now is only the most superficial thing."

The fifth gentle and sighed.

The people who are in the position of the Supreme Supreme are not mentioned.

The fifth gently looked at the people walking away, and it was a deep sigh. There is a saying that he did not say, and that is also a very important meaning of Mo Tianji.

Mo Tianji carved the head very accurately, but did not have any hard work on the human body. It was like a beautiful beauty face, growing on a decaying wooden stake, and it was particularly uncoordinated.

However, other people apparently did not notice this aspect, or they noticed it, but did not expect it.

It was this obvious point, but it hit the fifth soft heart and let him sigh continuously.

Jun is a top-notch figure, but I am the most valued opponent of Mo Tianji, but now you seem to be crowded, but it is leading a group of people.

A peerless woman's face is equipped with a cylinder.

Isn’t it sad to commit suicide?

And Mo Tianji said this is the fifth most gentle and helpless. Now that their prestige is improving step by step, they have suffered such a fiasco and they have not lost their confidence in themselves. This point, the fifth can be softly seen.

But one of the biggest drawbacks has not been removed. That is: although they are authoritarian, these people are still people of their own. No one is the power that truly belongs to you.

Moreover, Mo Tianji also reminded a little through this head: the fifth gentle situation. You continue to fight, come slowly, you are likely to complete your dreams.

But if you destroy the family now, then you can only wait for the rabbit to die, and the bird will hide.

The fifth gentleness does not want to be in the psychology and tactics of Mo Tianji, but he is now considering this.

The fifth gently looked at the snowy head on the table and watched it for a night; he did not use it to maintain.

By the time of dawn, the temperature of the tent was still relatively high, and the head began to melt, and the snow column began to melt.

Whether it is once a delicate head, or a once rough snow column, it has become a fuzzy group.

The fifth gently looked at it. Suddenly, if I realized something, I couldn’t help but laugh and do my heart.

Three laughs, one side fell on the bed, and fell asleep.

This is the first time he has been so unscrupulous in his sleep since he came to the northwestern war. This morning, he didn't even think about anything about the fifth family.

This is absolutely unbelievable for the fifth softness of the past.


the following few days. The fifth gentle start of the fierce attack; the coalition's reinforcements also began to come from this time; the fifth gentle wave of a wave of upwards to increase the number of soldiers, there is a kind of unresolved and will never give up Stance.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is the fifth gentleness that has not been calculated by Mo Tianji, taking a sigh of relief, not to find the way back.

Of course, this situation is something that everyone is more than happy to see. Moreover, everyone is willing to do it; after all, it is not only the fifth gentle one who is wronged, everyone is very wrong. Therefore, everyone in the coalition is more cooperative.

Opposite the plane. It seems that it is also a real unfolding explanation, and the soldiers will continue to block, the most urgent one morning. Mo Tianji issued a hundred and eighteen orders!

Every day, the coalition forces have masters who have been brought back from the battlefield, and some of the Li family have been carried back, death and injury, slowly becoming more and more, becoming more, and then becoming numb and indifferent.

If you die, you will die. Maybe the next one is me. Driven by such an idea of ​​'big and big enlightenment', everyone slowly and quietly. Instead, it is boring to kill and be killed.

It can be seen how intense the front battle is.

Everyone has a clear premonition: if this continues, the battle is not far off.

The fifth gentleness in front of people is more and more serious; and the look of Mo Tianji is more severe every day. In the eyes of each other, the two commanders also reached the most critical moment.

Later, even the leaders of the eight major families. I dare not easily talk softly with the fifth. The Li family is just like that. Li Wubo is now in front of Mo Tianji.

Because every moment I look at the kind of complex changes that the human brain can't load, step by step from the Mo Tianji, and then arrange for the enemy, it is correct. Then the other party changes, and the Mo Tianji changes accordingly...

Every change has made Li Wubo feel that he is not as good as himself.

At the end of the day, Li Wubo felt that no matter what kind of change at any moment, Li Wubo had a kind of thought: If there is no Mo Tianji, the Li family will not be able to linger for a while.

Such an idea rose, and Li Wu did not even dare to control the rights of Mo Tianji.

Now, Mo Tianji is already in the Li family...master! Supreme, the first leader.

At the beginning, I had to use the mouth of Li Wubo to issue the order, but then... Where did the ordering person still care about who ordered the order? Mo Tianji's order? nonsense! Mo Junshi does not issue an order who issued the order?

Both teams are in full swing and the feeling of depression, even the nine products supreme, also feel the pressure. Sleeping at night, sighing,

Only two people are in the dark.

The fifth is gentle.

Mo Tianji.

The intention of Mo Tianji, the fifth gentle and complete understanding, and completely gave up their own insistence, the two began to work closely together, make up each other, and each is quickly taking their own interests.

Occasionally, there is no friction and no harm; such a battle is a contest for the two, and it is also a tacit cooperation to the extreme. This kind of tacit understanding makes both people feel that there are eyes in the sky, and in this world, there is Jun who can be my opponent!

Moreover, both people have one thing in common: they have no feelings for their respective teams.

The life and death of the Li family, Mo Tianji does not lift the eyelids; the life and death of the coalition forces, the fifth gentleness is also not at ease.

Mo Tianji is fighting for time, and the fifth is also soft.

Although the cause of this incident is a killing of Mo Tianji, the fifth gentleness is passive acceptance; but now, the fifth gentleness does not feel uncomfortable.

He can fully feel the respect of Mo Tianji, the kind of respect that cherishes the enemies of life.

This kind of respect makes the fifth gentle feeling of life and death without regret, and there is also a strong fighting spirit rising.

Time is coming soon?


Two enchanting devils with intellectual deterrence, each mind is calculating.........


<The monthly ticket is caught up is my problem. In order to accompany my wife in the past few days, it is inevitable to go out and update less. It is inevitable that others will be caught up; others will work harder, why not exceed us, right? >

< Don't worry, I will go home the day after tomorrow, and it will explode on the day of going home. >. . )

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