Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 762: a little bit of a dream

Dancing the city, smiled, turned his head, looked at the shoulders and black gas, while dripping the black blood wounds outside, it seems that the wound is not on his body, said: "If the old man knew that the law has this effort The situation is still better; at the moment, I am fully guarded against his imaginary land, and I did not expect that there is still this hand!"

Chu Yang nodded gloomyly and said: "This very strange, it seems to be...the magic? But it is not like it."

The dance city is faint: "Where is there anything that is not like it? It is just the addition of some soul poison. It is the poison of the demon!"

He looked up and looked at Chu Yang. The voice had a special meaning. One word said: "This is the poison of the heavenly demon!"

Chu Yang’s eyes flashed a bit, and it became a bit gloomy and did not speak.

"Since the last time, Fa Zun suddenly said that Chu Yang is an extraterrestrial demon, I am a little strange." Dance City said faintly: "Others may not know, but the old man knows that the extraterrestrial demon is not a fabricated name, but a real existence. !"

Chu Yang took a breath and stepped up his hand to exercise. The black gas in the wounds of the city was getting thicker and thicker, and his other hand was also working hard, and all the black blood gas was forced into the ground and corroded. In the hole; the mouth said: "Yes, the extraterrestrial demon is real."

The dance city gaze flashed and said: "Well, you know it."

He does not seem to have any deep meaning in his sentence.

Chu Yang discretion, said: "Yes, I know."

"The extraterrestrial demon really exists, this thing. It is what my ancestors told me... I can know. You are the master of the Nine Robbery, you should know some secrets, so you know it is not surprising." The dance city is a faint saying: "But Fazen can know, then it is intriguing."

Chu Yang slowly nodded: "Yes."

"At that time, I was skeptical. Is it because the law enforcement has internal information? But I did not think that there is a very pure magical martial arts in Fa Zun himself."

Dancing the city slowly said. The blackness on his face gradually subsided, and he restored his original white face. The bones in the body. It is also ringing, that is, Jiu Dan is recovering his injury.

This process is quite painful, but the look of the city is unchanged. It seems these things. It happened to others.

"What do you mean by saying ... Fa Zun, collusion with the extraterrestrial demon?" Chu Yang asked very cautiously.

"Collusion?" The dance city laughed and said: "Just rely on him, not worthy!"

"Oh?" Chu Yang frowned.

"It is said that in ancient times, there was once an earth-shattering war... and that time, there was a devastating one, and at the same time annihilated, there are several kings of the heavenly demon. And their inheritance, from that From the time on. The incompleteness is scattered among the heavens and the earth."

The dance city is faint: "According to my guess, I am afraid that I will only get one of the fragments, and that's it. But if he gets more than a trace, I can't die anymore!"

Chu Yang nodded: "It turns out."

All the clues and horses together, Chu Yang immediately understood.

Presumably, that year, the Purple Emperor Tiandi resisted the nephew. The tragic results.

During the speech, the blackness of the wound on the shoulders of the dance city has flowed out, and the blood turned bright red.

Dance the city and whisper: "Unlock my cultivation."

Chu Yang frowned, said: "You still need to wait, there is still no poison in your body."

He was also very surprised in his heart, the first time he saw it. There are also poisons in this world that Jiu Dan can't completely solve.

"No need." The dance city is faint: "I know what you are thinking, Jiu Dan is able to get rid of this poison; but the last poison has gone deep into the vitality, solved the poison, and the life will be solved. So this part can't rely on the potency, it can only be forced out by my own life!"

Chu Yang suddenly understood that he hurriedly untied the cultivation of the city.

Dancing a faint smile, said: "When I am forced to come to an end, ask you something, can you?"

Chu Yang’s eyes are deeply embarrassed.

He knows what to ask for in the city, but if he answers him now, will he accept the dance city?

"When you are forced to finish the poison, let's talk about it." Chu Yang said: "I can tell you, I will tell you."

In the eyes of the city, the flash of glamour, muttered: "Can tell me, I must tell me... that is, can you tell me?"

Chu Yang smiled lightly: "You are now trapped by poison, or it is good to detoxify as soon as possible."

Finished, stood up and went out.

Dancing the city looked at his back, the light in the eyes was flashing, and there was a hint of excitement.

"Sure enough, there is an inside story!" The dance city was deeply gasping, and with his cultivation and determination, when thinking about this problem, there were some people who couldn’t stand it.


Chu Yang walked outside the hole, standing in the snow, frowning and meditating.

Mo light dance was arranged by him to practice in the cave. Dong is not injured and the two are also protecting the law.

Now, here, of course, there is no way to protect the law; the reason why Chu Yang is so arranged is that he wants to think quietly about something.

"Really contradictory..." Chu Yang looked at the misty sky and whispered to himself.

Now, in his heart, there are two things that are always difficult to decide.

The first thing, the light dance, the second thing, the dance of the city.

Both things are actually about the same.

Related to a respective secret.

Mo Yang dance dream, Chu Yang has been worried, tell her? Still not telling her?

From the current trend, Mo light dance will wake up sooner or later; until then she knows, is it a big injury? But if she told her in advance, she is only fifteen years old, will she not accept it?

The other thing is the dance of the city.

Chu Yang has now understood that what was going on in the original dance city. However, if you tell him... the consequences, I really don't know.

Chu Yang fell into a deep dilemma.

The figure flashed, and the tears appeared on his side, whispering: "What do you think is the big brother?" Since the relationship with Dong was not determined, the ink tears have been followed by Dong no injuries.

Chu Yang sighed.

Ink tears smiled and said: "Big brother's heart, should be a long time?"

Chu Yangdao: "Yes."

Ink tears said: "I found out that my eldest brother had something to worry about half a year ago. It has been dragged until now, but it has not yet been resolved. No injury is a rib. Now it is protecting the law for the predecessors, and the little girl came out and asked a word. ”

Chu Yang nodded and said: "The observation of the Dark Lord, of course, I admire."

Ink tears grin and said: "Big brother may wish to talk about?"

Chu Yang indulged, said: "There is one thing, it is related to a person, she will know sooner or later, but I am hesitating now, need not need to tell her in advance..."

Ink tears also sinken, for a long time, said: "I only have one suggestion, that is, since you know that she still does not know and sooner or later he will still know, then ... the longer you conceal, the more disadvantageous The greater the damage!"

Chu Yang was so moved, and Huo looked up.


<Chapter 2. In the hotel code word, it is indeed no more than at home... This chapter is two thousand words. The plane will return home at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. If it is not too late, it will go to Jinan at 4:30, and it will go home before six o'clock. Will break out. >

< Even if it is late, the night will burst! >

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