Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 763: You are a negative heart! [First! 】

"What's the new situation today?" Mo Tianji asked the arrogant cloud that had just come back from the battle.

These two people belong to different races. In the midst of the battle, the pride of the nature of one dragon and one phoenix is ​​not suppressed; always thinking about pressing each other. Whether it is practice, or spiritual realm, or power of perception, etc... everything is like this.

The reason why Mo Tianji came out with a dragon and a phoenix was that he was afraid to separate them and instead would drop their progress. It seems that this purpose has been achieved.

"There is nothing new." The sinister cloud is very relaxed: "In a few of them, only the second wave of reinforcements of the night family arrived. As for the first-time Shijia reinforcements, the casualties have been almost the same. Others are still Did not arrive."

Mo Tianji nodded: "What new moves does the law enforcement have?"


"Lingjia said that it is closer than the night house... but it has not arrived yet..." Mo Tianji said: "I don't know how to tell Li Wubo, let him pay attention to the movement of Lingjia. I guess, Lingjia may It is going to have a sudden attack."

"Okay." I can't turn around and go.

"What are the movements of the boss?" Mo Tianji immediately asked the proud cloud.

"No. This time, the boss and the non-injured little dance did not shoot; but Gu Guer and Xie Bun and Ji Duo and Luo Duo are frequently dispatched." Proudly cloud remembers the brothers' nicknames clearly. Chu, and it’s always on the lips, even if it’s so happy.

"Well?" Mo Tianji frowned.

"In fact, it is very well-resolved." Proud evil cloud smiled: "As long as the boss is out, the battle will inevitably send out a kind of majestic movement, and the kind of arrogant laughter is similar to this. ......"

Saying, the proud evil cloud imitates the posture of Dong without injury, chest and chest, big mouth. With a bully and arrogant gesture, a big laugh: "Ha...haha...hey! Dong Erye is also here!"

Mo Tianji was eye-catching, and suddenly he looked black.

The same action, Dong did not hurt to make it out, that is the heroic dry cloud can not be a lifetime, but the proud evil cloud imitated it, but how to see it is to sing.

"Continue to say." Mo Tianji whitened his eyes.

"Yeah, this battle did not hear Dong no harm haha ​​... so the boss did not shoot." proud evil cloud said: "It is a few other voices, I heard a scorpion in my ears."

"What?" Mo Tianji regretted the exit.

"I heard someone crying coldly: die! This is Gu Zhixing; there are people shouting: Look at the trick! This is Xie Danqiong; there are people shouting: 嗷呜吼~~嗷呜吼~~. This is Luo Enemy; there is a voice calling in excitement: the dog is awkward! The dog is awkward!~~"

The proud cloud uses a near-realistic imitation. Describe the sound on the battlefield.

"噗~~" Mo Tianji is drinking a cup of tea completely sprayed on the face of the proud evil cloud.

The arrogant cloud wipes the tea, and the face is tangled.

"Cough and cough..." Mo Tianji violently coughed for a while, and said with no anger: "Do not say this kind of thing in the future!" It is very angry and arrogant cloud actually broke the calming cultivation that he has been showing.

Proud evil cloud anger said: "I am not here to ease your mood ... actually sprayed my face..."

Mo Tianji rolled his eyelids. I thought to myself: "It seems that there should be no accidents on the side of Gu’s side... And there is an abnormal situation on the boss side..."

Amazing cloud: "Well? That needs us..."

Mo Tianji pondered a bit. Dao: "With the cultivation of the boss, he and Dong Wushou and others are together. This nine heavens can get their people. It is already a handful. If there are really enemies, then we will not help if we rush... so Wait quietly. Now the Scorpio Sword Star is bright. The boss will not have anything!"

"What we have to do now is to do something right here!" Mo Tianji said: "Nothing else can be distracted. And I have been delaying time, that is, let everyone grow up in battle... Otherwise, It’s hard to find another chance...”

The proud and evil heart will laugh at the gods.

Yes, if I wait until the Li family is over, I want to find such an opportunity. There is such a strong strength in front of the cannon fodder. Several of my brothers are just opportunities to experience strength. It is really hard to find.

"How about Li Xiongtu, how?" asked Mo Tianji.

"The injury has recovered almost, and he has no abnormal reaction." Proudly said: "But I can feel that he has some...some heartache."

Mo Tianji said faintly: "Since the injury has recovered almost, it should be played."

Amazing cloud heart: "Okay."

"Look at the family who dreams of Huanhuan." Mo Tianji reminded: "You can't let them have a poisonous hand."

The arrogant cloud has a difficult color: "But... if Li Jia really wants to start, they have countless opportunities, and Meng Huanhuan and her family have basically no strength..."

"Do your best." Mo Tianji quietly said: "Li Xiong can not afford such a blow, this is only our minimum respect for him."

When he finished, he stopped talking.

Proud evil cloud took a deep breath and said: "If this is the case, I will try my best!"

In the distance, I can't help but rush: "The fifth is gentle and organized to attack."

"Go." Mo Tianji should go first.

It was another round of fighting and fighting.


When the Li family is in full swing, Chu Yang is also entangled.

The injury to the city has recovered quickly, but the toxins still have some stubborn retention in the body. Moreover, the vitality and blood of the demon gas are also more, so they can't participate in the fierce battle for the time being.

He has been silent for a few days.

Some words, he has already said it once; will not say the second time. He believes that Chu Yang knows what he means.

He is just waiting.

For this suspicion, he has waited for tens of thousands of years, and for a few more days, he feels he can afford it. In order not to increase the pressure of Chu Yang, he even tried his best not to see Chu Yang.

Have had dinner.

Chu Yang came to the front of the dance city: "Dances."

"Hmm?" The dance city opened its eyes and looked at Chuyang.

"Let's talk about it in the middle of the night?" When Chu Yang said this sentence, the impulse to swallow it definitely occupied 90% of it!

"Good!" In the eyes of the dance, the city suddenly burst into the light: "A word is fixed!"

"A word is fixed!" Chu Yang Qiang endured the urge to eat and fat, and refused to agree.


"Light dance, I have a story here. Do you want to hear it?" Chu Yang faced Mo Qing dance in the cave.

Mo light dances up to the head, some confused looking at Chu Yang, Chu Yang's tone, let her feel something wrong. Too solemn!

"I don't want to listen." Except for Chu Yang's expectation, Mo Qingwu refused.

“Why?” asked Chu Yang.

Mo light dance gently into the Chu Yang arms, a small body, some trembling: "I am afraid..."

"Afraid?" Chu Yang was a bit puzzled, I have not begun to say. What are you afraid of?

"I think... I want to be a little girl who doesn't understand anything forever... That way. Even if you are tired of me, I can rely on you, with all the means, with you..."

Mo light dance tears Yingying: "I don't want to know anything..."

Chu Yang’s heart suddenly shook his face with a light dance: “Light dance, are you... know what?”

Mo light dance closed his eyes. Two drops of tears slipped from her closed eyes: "Chuyang..."

Chu Yang’s eyes are getting more and more shocked, and some are flustered: “Light dance, you said. What do you know?”

Mo light dance deeply inhale, sucking the tears that have flowed to his mouth into the mouth, feeling the bitterness. Whispered: "What story do you want to tell me?"

Chu Yang stays like a chicken.

"Do you want to tell me one, a swordsman and a story of a red face?" In the eyes of Mo Qing dance, tears fell.

Chu Yang sighed deeply, only the arm was forced, and she was even tighter.

Mo light dance looked up in his arms. The eyes of tears are looking at him, with deep love in his eyes, and a deep affection that is almost selfless.

Chu Yang’s heart is shaking.

This kind of gaze, he can never forget his life, past lives, he has seen countless times, many times the heart trembles, but also countless times in this gaze away, leaving behind a bleak back, with the back After that, the heart that was almost tortured by him.

Mo light danced a fascinating smile, slowly lying down in Chu Yang's arms, one hand caressing his face, the other hand, holding his neck tightly, his head resting on his left shoulder, his eyes deep affection Unrelenting, lingering and hurting, whispered: "Chuyang, if there is an afterlife, I hope you look at me... I look better than the sword!"

Chu Yang only felt a bang in the mind, it seems that the whole universe suddenly exploded in his own consciousness!

All his thoughts, all reason, all...and his flesh, are smashed at this moment, and wandering between heaven and earth.

Mo light dance said this sentence this time, different from the previous few nightmare.

At this moment, the posture, expression, movement, eyes, words...

All of them are the same as those of the previous life that made Chu Yang heartbreaker broken.

Just in the evening, in front of Zizhulin, Mo light dance attacked, Xiang Xiaoyu Yu; before he died, he was in Chu Yang’s arms, he was so arrogant, looked at himself with such a look, said The last sentence in my life: "Chuyang, if there is an afterlife, I hope you look at me... I look better than the sword!"

Now, Mo light dance speaks this sentence again.

Even with a tone of breath, the tone is paused, and it is exactly the same as that at that time!

If Chu Yang still doesn't understand it, then he is really stupid!

Mo light dance raised his head and straightened up, his eyes quietly watching Chu Yang, whispering: "I have been waiting for you to tell me a story, but now you have to tell me, but I don't want to listen... ..."

Said, she slowly approached Chu Yang, some nervous gasping, gently covering her petal lips on Chu Yang lips, whispered: "You are a negative heart..."


< Going home, I can't wait to eat and sit on the computer in front of the code, the first is more. >

<Seeking a monthly ticket! >

<I followed the code word second, third! >. . )

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