Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 764: Light dance heart

Mo light dance gently whispered, whispered and said: "Chuyang, you are a negative heart!"

Then he hugged the neck of Chu Yang with both hands, and the show was slightly closed. The petal-like lips covered the lips of Chu Yang and kissed him deeply.

A tear fell from her eyes on the face of Chu Yang.

Chu Yang sat quietly, feeling the soft red lips falling on his face, the salty taste with tears, made him feel sour and happy, satisfied, and pity, heartache ......

Mo light dances with tears, affectionately kisses Chu Yang, almost wants to sneak into his body, while kissing Chu Yang desperately, while crying sadly.

Tears can't stop falling.

Chu Yang’s throat whispered, and with a force, he held Mo-light in his arms and kissed him.

The delicate red lips trembled under his lips, flipped, and did not evade, but eagerly greeted, dedication... The mouth muttered: "Chuyang... Chuyang... you, This family, you are a negative person... you...hey..."

But it was blocked by the lips and could not speak.

Chu Yang was very crazy kissing, but there was no point in the hearts of both of them.

Both of them understand that this is the ecstasy and compensation of the past and present.

Everything that is said to be open is relieved.

There is also a complex emotion that can't tell the truth. Both of them are mixed feelings, ecstasy and sour, and the dreamy psychology that is lost, the unreal feeling that I fear myself in my dreams...

Let them all need to use this crazy kiss to vent out and determine what.

This kiss, nothing about **, but about the heart.

After a long, long time, Mo light dance has been flushed, and finally broke away from Chu Yang’s mouth. He looked at him for a while, and suddenly his eyes were red and he whimpered.

Chu Yang hugged her and gently patted her back to show comfort.

Mo light dance first whispered, then slowly became crying, she covered her mouth with her hand, tears and looked at Chu Yang. Silent crying.

Chu Yang exhales deeply. Inhale, this moment, his heart is sour, for a time, it seems that there are thousands of words to say, but how can not say. The throat seems to be blocked by that uncomfortable.

I only feel that there are countless thick sputum in my throat, and I feel like I am going to suffocate. The chest seems to be exploding. I just want to scream in the sky.

For a long time, Mo light dance gradually calmed down the mood, no longer crying. However, it is still in the heart of Chu Yang, and it seems that it is his life’s wish to hold him so quietly.


"You...when did you know?" Chu Yang muttered; he didn't yell and scream, but now he wants to control his voice as usual. Actually can't do it.

"I... I don't know..." Mo whispered softly and said: "I have been doing this dream... I am more and more afraid in my heart... It is more and more clear... until, until the nine days open, suddenly Coherent, let me understand what..."

Suddenly whispered: "Now want to come, there are many things that cannot be explained..."

Chu Yang nervously said: "What do you think of?"

"For the next three days, we met for the first time..." Mo Qingwu said: "We are a family woman, and we are very hard-working. Although you saved us at the time, you have not been so familiar and friendly to the beginning..."

"But in the first half of that time, suddenly I was shocked by a sudden sleep, and then it seems that a person’s face appeared in my dream, but then I forgot... Then I will see you in the next three days. Inexplicably feels kind..."

Mo light dance: "I want to come now, the face in my dream is your face. So..."

Mo light dances with a confused face, but Chu Yang has already understood.

Nine robbery sword!

Half a year before that time, it was when I got the first nine-hundred sword in the Tianwai Building.

He won the sword of the nine robbery swords, and Mo light dance began to appear in his dreams. It led to the first time I met with Mo Qingwu. Although Mo Qingwu didn't know herself, she didn't have much wariness about herself.

"And then again and again... The figure in the dream is getting clearer... I only knew it at that time because it was only because of you that I was good to me, but now I want to come, but it is unusual."

Mo light dance: "Because every time, it appears in the vibration of a dream, and then more and more clear..."

"Until the nine-day channel is open..." Mo light danced: "And you also said that at that time, you got the sixth section of the nine-robbery sword. By that time, it was already obvious... I was strange."

"Dreaming is not surprising, but it is very strange to have a dream for a long time. Moreover, in general, dreams will not be real. Therefore, even if you have any skills in your dreams, you will forget when you wake up; but this In the dream, what I will, after I wake up, I will do it! I have never done it before, and now it will suddenly..."

“Isn't this very bizarre?”

Mo light dances beautiful eyes: "Chu Yang, I have been following you during this time, sometimes occasionally cooking, barbecue... Can you not eat some familiar taste? Although I try to cover up, but as long as With you, I can't help but pack everything, make bed stacks, and sort out housework... Don't you feel a little bit like you've seen common familiarity?"

Chu Yang suddenly realized.

In the recent period, I have always felt that something is wrong. For this feeling, I have been uneasy for several days to pursue the reason for finding.

I think that the original source is on my side...

"I am really careless... I have once claimed that I am a wise man..." Chu Yang annoyed and patted his head: "If I have already discovered, I will hesitate for so long... pain for so long... ..."

Chu Yang Yang Tian long sigh.

Mo light dance smiled softly and said: "I have been skeptical that the dream is true. If it is not true, how can I easily learn the things in the dream that I have never done before?"

Her rich lips moved and said: "Including killing..."

"At that time, I felt like I was turned into two people, one is a naive little girl, but one is... a woman who has experienced all the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes... I am afraid, but I dare not say..."

"It’s all the way to Bai Yang Gu, you got the seventh section of the nine robbery sword, I realized that my dream is to follow your sword!"

"Because at that time, I suddenly understood everything, knowing that everything is true!" Mo light dance biting silver teeth, hateful words: "I hate!"

"What I hated most in my life is your sword! I hate it all the time! You hold your sword all day long, all the feelings, all the concentration, give a cold iron block! I don't bother Gu..." Mo light dances and screams, said: "I was dying in my previous life, still thinking about the high and low of your sword, I did not expect to live again, the memory actually followed it!"

Mo light dance is very strange now.

A young girl's Loli looks like a sizzling scent, but her voice is a mature girl. This kind of two different styles, at the same time unified in her; let this little girl change, it is as fascinating as ever.

Chu Yang can only smile when he is full of eyes. He really doesn't know how to answer this question.

"At that time, I knew it." Mo light danced low and thin.

Chu Yang’s throat was so dry that he coughed twice and swallowed a sip. “Why... why don’t you say that?”

"Because I haven't thought about it yet." Mo Qing dance sighed softly: "I didn't think about what I should do... I am scared."

Chu Yang’s dry road: “Afraid?”

"I am afraid, will you leave me again? I am afraid... I will lose you again... I even think, just take all your good deeds, have birthdays, can remember, all It’s your thoughtfulness and care, and there’s absolutely no harm at all...”

Chu Yang was taken aback and hugged her, saying: "No! No!"

"I won't be willing to come later..." Mo Qingwu sighed and said: "I can't bear it... Suddenly I rose up with a strange mind, just like the past life... that mood."

"I will follow you, just follow you, even if you are hurt again, then you will be abandoned once, even if you still don't feel relieved, even if you still use my affection to practice the sword..." Mo light dance head down , softly said: "I don't regret it!"

"No! No!" Chu Yang hugged her tightly, and even said: "Light dance, you must believe me, I will never do the same thing, do it once, It’s been a pain for two lifetimes, and now I have finally had the opportunity to make up, I will definitely not hurt you.”

Mo light danced his head down and said nothing, the shoulders shivered slightly, seemingly contemplative.

But Chu Yang did not know, Mo light dance at the corner of the mouth at the moment, slowly sketching a fascinating smile.

This intelligent woman is still using her heart, but this kind of mind is so innocent and trustful. For the sake of her life, she finally took the most crucial step in her life.

"You don't believe me?" Chu Yang nervously said: "I can swear..."

Chu Yang has not finished, Mo light dance has turned softly, blocked his words with his own lips, for a long time, said: "The oath is used to violate ... I do not want you to swear, I only believe in you. ”

Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"From the time you got the seventh section of the nine robbery sword, my memory has completely recovered. Then on this road, I am always in your arms, always follow you, observe you... so long, I have to make up, I will make up, I Also have a look, how are you doing to me..."

"I have been thinking about how to toss you, give me a bad breath, and punish you for this negative person..." Mo Qingwu sighed: "But until now, I still don't want to... (to be continued)

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