Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 765: One is more difficult than one [third! 】

"Thanks to your reluctance..." Chu Yang took a long sigh of relief and smirked: "If you are willing, I will be broken."

"I won't give up..." Mo Qingwu hid his small face in his arms and murmured: "If you want to be willing, you will be willing to give up in your life. Since you have not been willing to give up in your life, you will not be willing in this life. You will not be willing in your life. of."

Chu Yang smiled gratifiedly, rest assured: "I am more reluctant."

"I was thinking about how to torture you... but I saw that you have been making up, I have been making up... My heart is gradually softening..." Mo light danced: "Do you know, Chu Yang, I want to What you want is not what you deliberately make up..."

"I understand." Chu Yang smiled, and his mind was alive, and his heart was alive, saying: "But... you want the seventh seventh and sixty-sixth chapters to be more difficult than one?"

Mo lightly danced on the red cloud and snorted.

"And now, you still have so many concerns..." Mo lightly danced and hated and said: "Chuyang, you are very romantic..."

Chu Yang was covered with black lines and looked at her with a pitiful look.

Mo light dance faintly said: "You said, you are only for me to live again... You are trying to make up for me, only step by step to the present... But you, are you making up for me?"

She looked up and looked at Chu Yang. There was a resentment in her eyes and she was asked.

Chu Yang is speechless.

I thought a lot, he wanted to say: I didn't know it beforehand; I also wanted to say that I have always adhered to my original intention... but after thinking about it, I didn't talk.

Just sighed. Tao: "I am wrong with this matter."

Since things have already happened, then the reason is the reason; there are thousands of reasons for your acceptance, but there is only one reason for your refusal.

Since you have not refused, then. No matter what the premise is, it doesn't matter. The final result is: You have not refused.

Mo light danced. Road: "I count you!"

The seventh hundred and sixty-sixth chapter of the seventh section of Chuyang is more difficult than one.

"But don't think that this is the case..." Mo light danced and said: "I will also look at you; if you... oh..."

Chu Yang hurriedly said: "I must be sincere and accept the inspection."

Speaking of this sentence, some whispered.

Seeing the arrogant Chu Yang in front of himself, he did not dare to breathe in the air, although he knew that he was pretending. But Mo light dance is still a bit unbearable in my heart, forcibly controlling myself, and swearing: "You are really a romantic seed, a master of national color, a female emperor of a genius, and there is actually a peerless master of Ge Gu Ling. ... Chu Yuzu, your fighting skills are certainly not as good as people, but your bliss is also amazing."

Chu Yang said with a sullen face: "Yes, yeah, my bliss is really not shallow. You also said that one less, there is also a light dance of the first beauty in the heavens and the earth, and that is my wife..."

Mo light dance face suddenly red, squatting and shouting: "Who is your wife!"

Chu Yang hugged her and said: "It's you. Little dance..."

Said, the two hands of the light road will not behave.

Mo light dance was soft, forced to pull his two hands out of his clothes, and complained: "I am the first beauty. I am the first ugly girl. I am almost abandoned. , you are insulted by you. Anything you want, and finally discard the poor woman..."

Chu Yang continued to attack with both hands, biting her ear and whispering: "So how did you be insulted by my arbitrarily? What did I do at the time?"

Mo light dance separated and resisted, but felt that his body was soft and became a pool of water. He said: "The beast! I am not satisfied with fifteen..."

Chu Yang's two hands were taken out from the robes, and they rushed to other places to attack. "You are only fifteen? I don't believe, I look at you everywhere like twenty-five, come to me to check and check." ......"

He knows that since Mo Qingwu began to turn over the old books, then this is absolutely not good for himself.

Going to the present level, and wanting to give up one, it is inevitable that it is a regrettable thing for all beings; but it is not easy to pass the dance here, but also has to resort to rogue means, first to disrupt the idea of ​​Mo light dance.

Before Mo light dance did not restore memory, in the eyes of Chu Yang, she is of course a little girl who is less than fifteen, but now, Chu Yang has a feeling of an old wife and wife...

The obstacle of that age actually disappeared at this moment.

"Slow..." Mo lightly held his hand tightly, his face was rosy, and he bit his lip and said, "No... I used to live... I am... I am in the wild mountains and everything is from you... ...but this life can't be... If you are, if you don't give me an account, you... I want to touch me!"

"Interpretation?" Chu Yang asked.

"I want... I want you to be regular and rule that I will pass the door! I want you to lift the big sedan and lift me over! I want you to swear to me as a wife, I want all your beauty to be behind me!" I’m honestly called Big Sister, I want them to be convinced in front of me, no matter what the master or the emperor... oh...”

Mo light dance biting his teeth and almost swearing said: "As for ... other, you want to think too, to go to the bridal chamber night... I have been cheated by you for the rest of my life, this life... you, I don't think about it!"

Chu Yang’s head is as big as a bucket, but the little girl is small and his ambition is not small.

The nine-day continuation of the mainland is the patriarchal supremacy, the man's three wives and four scorpions are commonplaces; even more so in the major families, Mo-Meng dance grew up in the family, and it is really a smug in this regard, not a man. What is wrong with the three wives and four sisters.

Although my heart is very uncomfortable and jealous, it is not acceptable.

Competing for a status, but it is the education of the family of the family: who is the master of the house, the blood of the future can be the system! The other women are born, they belong to the "side out"; the status is far from the distance.

Mo light dance, this is also considered to be a rainy day with Mo Tianji.

Chu Yang feels that he is forced to sign the alliance under the city.

"How... are you angry?" Mo squinted and stared at him, his look a little embarrassed.

"No..." Chu Yang coughed a few times.

"Hey. I don't have trouble for you... By the time, every skill!" Mo light danced a sigh: "At most, regardless of size, the children will fight for themselves."

Chu Yangdao: "It’s only fifteen... I have thought of the children in the future..."

Mo light danced and shy, not to follow.

Chu Yang quickly advised, for a long while, this little Lolita was not angry.

Both of them know what the other party means, and no one has taken the last words seriously. It’s just that with such a fuss, it eliminates the strange feeling of the last ‘the past and the present’ between the two.

The two people know each other very deeply, and naturally know what methods can be used to eliminate the block in the other's mind.

After a long time. Mo light dances faintly: "Chuyang, if it is this life, you can only choose one between the nine robbery swords and me... What will you do?"

The entanglement of past and present. Mo light dance can never be relieved. A big beauty of a national color, actually lost to a sword!

This is really the deepest knot in her heart.

I will never forget.

"Then I will only be you!" Chu Yang's sentence is absolutely sincere: "As long as you have it, the nine robbery sword is not important to me! If it is really a choice, I will throw it now."

The nine-robbery grievances turned a circle in Chutian Dantian and made a crying sword.

Mo light dance is satisfied, come together and kiss, said: "Forget it, I forgive you."

This sentence is to restore the true character of this life. Chu Yang suddenly saw a glimpse.

Suddenly there is an idea: even if you only have one light dance, it seems to be a wife and a wife... a pure and invincible loli. A pitiful woman.

Very different.

"I still need to merge..." Mo light danced with a wry smile and said to Chu Yang: "The two characters are simply Nanbeibei... I myself sometimes worry..."

"Nothing, no integration." Chu Yang smiled evilly and leaned over to her ear and said, "Wait later... You are this character tonight, tomorrow night is that kind of character... I don't mind ......"

"Roll!" Mo light dances. The little face is like a ripe persimmon, shameless, and kicked out: "Don't be a disciple!"

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled, one turned over and said: "Light dance, I went to see the dancers."

Mo light dance buried his face in the quilt. The ostrich generally swears: "Well..."

Chu Yang smiled and turned away.

Both of them know that the impact of memory is not completely eliminated by a conversation this evening; even when it comes to dawn, it will not. There must be a buffer of events, so that both of them gradually calm down from this aspect, and then they can slowly accept it step by step, and become accustomed to it.

Although it is a hooliganism tonight and it is ugly to fight the family and it is unreasonable to go through a few things, but ... is not enough!

This is what both people understand.

But, after all, it was a matter of letting go.


Chuyang walked out of the hole and poured a cold snow and a whistling wind on the head. The hot brains of the brain suddenly converge to a large part, and when it came to the snow, I saw the snowman in the snow that had become a statue. At the time, the mood was inexplicably heavy.

Dance the city.

In comparison, the level of Mo light dance is better. Because Mo Qing dance, regardless of past and present life, is deeply rooted in his own love; Chu Yang does not have to pay anything...

In fact, it is the same.

But dancing this city is more difficult. Say? Still not to say?

Do not say, the dance city may be unhappy, until the old death, can not open the face. If it is said... This poison doctor is really likely to wipe his neck himself - in the fierce character of the dance city, this tendency is close to 80%!

Some people in Chuyang are not afraid to take risks.

However, it is also like the tears of the ink: the longer you drag, the less acceptable you can dance! Chu Yang told him that it is still stronger. If you know what you are going to do after dancing, then there is really no room for change.

"You are coming." The dance city turned from the snow, the snow fell on the body, and a pair of eyes stared at Chuyang. Seriously, calmly said: "Tonight, I want to know all the truth... Mom, I am exhausted! My brother has not had dinner since he got off the plane...

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