Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 766: I don't believe that my old conference is not as good as you.

"Tonight, I want to know all the truth." The dance said the city. The sound is very calm, even a bit dull, but among them, there is a determination to never die!

Unquestionable and determined.

Chu Yang sighed deeply.

Road: "I know what you want to know."

Dance the city road: "I know you know."

“Do you have anything to know?” Chu Yang said silently, “You can ask.”

"What can I ask?" The eyes of the city are sharp and sharp: "That is, can you answer? Or can you not answer?"

Chu Yang looked up and opened his mouth, letting a piece of cold snow fall directly into his mouth, feeling the coldness of the silky bones, closed his mouth, closed his eyes, quietly said: "Yes, I have There is room for choice."

The dance city was silent, and for a long time said: "I am more than 40,000 years old this year."

Chu Yang sensitively knows what he said and deeply sighs: "I know."

"You don't know!" The dance city squinted and sipped low: "I want to tell you, I am more than 40,000 years old! I have seen the joys and sorrows of the world, and I have seen myself living and dying, even, Witnessed the sea of ​​sangtian!"

"Innumerable people are born by my side. When I look back, he is already old and dead, turning into dust! I have seen countless heroes rise and annihilate; I have seen the prosperity of countless families, to destruction!"

The eyes of the dancing city looked at Chuyang with a gloomy look, with a kind of tiredness that looked at the world, and said: "I want to tell you... there is nothing in this world that can hit me! At the very least. I will not Because what is going on."

Chu Yang deeply sighed: "I know."

"You still don't know!" Danced the city and drunk: "I still tell you, I am more than 40,000 years old. Over the years, my only wish is my doubts! It is the resentment in my heart! It is my death. Brothers!... All of this is on a problem, and this is my only wish!"

"I can't hold the next 40,000 years, Chu Yang." There are some erratic sorrows in the eyes of the city: "The people who can fulfill me now, only you!"

Chu Yang sighed.

Dance the state of the city now. Speaking of this sentence, Chu Yang absolutely believes.

"You once said that if one day arrives, you will solve my doubts; you also said that as long as I wait for a long time to improve my strength, I can still see my brother."

"I am waiting, but I am... so anxious! Before you appeared, I knew that I had not seen them again in my life, so I felt bitter in my heart, but I didn't feel anything. But after you appeared, there was hope. ""

"It is more painful to have hope!"

"More unbearable!"

The dance city is sighing with a sigh of relief. Looking at the snow, his eyes are like the wind and snow.

Chu Yang took a deep breath and said: "Dancing seniors, let's go?"

The dance city turned his head and looked at Chu Yang. Shen Shendao: "Good!"

Chu Yang was in black, floating in the snow, surrounded by a white dance city, the two walked side by side, just in this vast snow, on this cliff. If it is flat.

For a long time, they did not say a word.

In the twinkling of an eye, going out dozens of miles, is already in the empty wilderness, looking up at the sky and the sky, everything is silent. Only the sound of snowflakes falling in the snow is more quiet.

"Dancing seniors, this time, every moment, every moment, something is happening." Chu Yang said slowly, adjusting his inner thoughts and considering the words of export: "Everything has its own reasons. It also has its own results. Whether it is a rogue cellar or a royal family, it is no exception."

Dance the city with his hands and listen, silently listening, without a word.

"And in this day, there are always many fogs, and there are always misunderstandings, troubles, and incomprehensibility..."

"But all things, even... can only have one truth! And we, for the rest of our lives, are only for one truth. Even if the goals are different, but... the end result, there will never be two !"

Chu Yang has some generosity.

The dance city said silently: "Yes, even if it is a misunderstanding of his brother, then why misunderstanding is the truth."

Chu Yang was shocked.

The dance city is a faint saying: "At the beginning, Yueling Snow once said a word."

"At the time, he said: 'Don't you be the boss of the original, you were not born with you into the dead sea knife mountain? Before your boss betrayed you, do you dare to doubt him? Do you doubt? You are not trusting him like other brothers. If it was before, someone told you that your old assembly killed you, do you believe?!'" (See Chapter 427, Chapter 7.)

The dance of the city is not leaking, and the words that the moon is listening to at the beginning of the month are spoken out, and the tone is no change.

It can be seen how deeply the words of the month of listening to the snow left a deep impression on his heart.

Chu Yang is silent. The dance city is staring at Chuyang, and the word says: "I tell you now, I don't believe it!"

The heavy voice of the dance city made Chu Yang’s heart jump.

"At the time, I was filled up and escaped. After tens of thousands of years, my heart has been resentful and I always wanted to take revenge." The dance city sneered: "I have to say that people are very selfish; I only think of my own grievances. I thought of the resentment of my brothers like me. I didn’t think about anything else. My whole heart has been filled with hatred. The hatred of the boss!"

"I am so extremely resentful, after tens of thousands of years!"

"In this period of time, I also thought about whether the boss has a hard time; but every time I think about it, I am even more resentful, because there is no hardship to let him sell his brother like that! Killing his brother like that. !"

"So I am more painful."

"More want revenge!"

"Until I meet you, I meet the moon and hear the snow."

"A month of listening to the snow, let me start thinking more. The more I think, the more I can't sleep. Before the boss hurts us, he has countless opportunities. There are countless... even he understands each of us, he knows us. Everyone is thinking about what they are thinking; every time every person looks at every action, the boss can immediately know what we are thinking."

"He doesn't need to talk, he only needs one look, a hint, he can let the brothers die for him! This is the boss."

"But he still hurts us like that. Why? It's just a matter of doing it! And I have been guilty of more than 30,000 years for this."

"Then I looked at you, in Tianji City. I began to wonder; you and Dong no injuries are just ordinary people, why is it faster than the genius of the family? But at that time you are not many, my Suspicion. It is also very light; after the Chu family, I slowly began to really doubt; then slowly determined from all aspects. You are the nine robbers!"

"This discovery made me almost crazy at the time. Almost excited to go crazy, I finally found the party... But after that, I have been sitting on the sidelines, I looked at your brothers and friends, watching you laugh together, Look at your few brothers who have unreserved trust in you. You have unreserved love for them..."

"I looked at you, just like when I was back to my youth, I remembered my brother and remembered my boss."

"You are exactly the same as we were at that time."

"Every time I look at you to do things together. At night it is a night's whirl. Sometimes, my heart is sore to cry. Then I think about them infinitely. When I am a mother, I am not as good as death."

"It’s been a long time, and I’m starting to ask myself slowly. You Chu Yang is now in this way with the brothers. At the crucial moment, will your brothers be killed?”

The dance of the city is a bitter smile: "The answer I gave myself was, no, no!"

He turned his head and looked at Chu Yang, saying: "Do you know? When I told myself in my heart: 'Chuyang will never harm his own brother', that moment, I was like a lightning bolt in my head. I fainted in my heart."

"When I woke up, I asked myself, since Chu Yang wouldn't, then, is my boss worse than Chu Yang? My boss is better than this **** Chu Yang! More weight and righteousness! At my boss In front of me, Chu Yang counts something! He won't, why is my boss?"

Dancing in the city, gasping, squinting at Chuyang, serious and fierce low drink: "Chuyang counts a fart! In front of my boss, fart is not as good!"

Chu Yang touched his nose and smiled.

But at this moment, Chu Yang knows that the dance city has been completely immersed in his own memories, not really blaming himself. So he can only smile.

There is also a deep touch in my heart.

It’s just a few decades of brotherhood, but it can make a nine-product peak supreme after 40,000 years of thoughts can still be dizzy and faint...

And there have been such serious misunderstandings!

When Chu Yang thought about it, he suddenly felt that there was a warm heart in his heart.

"I want to know the reason." The dancers looked at the sky and snow, and after a while, they turned their heads and asked seriously: "Why did my old assembly do that??"

He did not wait for Chu Yang to answer, saying: "I know what you are worried about, but I am saying now, I think I can already dispel your concerns."

Chu Yang looked at his quiet eyes and sighed and said: "Yes, there are some."

Dance the city and bend it to the ground: "Please also confuse!"

Chu Yang has no choice but to nod.

The preparatory work for the dance city was very good. He pointed out all the concerns he could have; he also made an explanation. I didn’t tell myself: I won’t commit suicide!

This is the case.

Speaking of this level, Chu Yang also succumbed to the heart; although it is still impossible to determine whether the city of dance is really wanting to open, but Chu Yang feels that now has his own side, should be able to avoid certain things.

"Yes, there is only one truth. Moreover, the truth should be cruel." Chu Yang said: "Dancing seniors, you must be mentally prepared."

He bite his teeth and said: "Dance predecessors, since you know that there are extraterrestrial demons, then you know, something about the devil outside the domain?"


<First more. Second, I am writing, let me brew my emotions, maybe later...>. . )

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