Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 767: The real mission!

"The extraterrestrial demon?!" The dance of the city suddenly shocked, the eyes were bright, and the eyes looked at Chu Yang: "Is this thing related to the extraterrestrial demon? Is it the extraterrestrial demon, which has harmed my boss?"

Later, his face was distorted.

"Not so." Chu Yang said: "I only ask you, how many things do you know about the devil outside the domain?"

The dance city was silent and said: "I don't know. I was only last time... When the ancestors arrived, I introduced the magical powers of the extraterrestrial demon, and once told me about the harm of magic power; more than 10,000 Years ago, I also killed a small cockroach that got the inheritance of the celestial... I learned a little about it, but I don’t know much about the nature of the extraterrestrial demon. I can say nothing."

Chu Yang nodded and said: "This matter, we must start from the extraterrestrial demon."

The dance city nodded and listened carefully.

He knows that he is in a hurry at the moment, but he also wants to listen to Chu Yang in detail, and Chu Yang is definitely not directly in place.

Even if Chu Yang wants to explain in one step, the city must worry about whether it can bear such straightforwardness! After all, this involves the goal of one's life, the person who cares the most, the most painful thing...

Therefore, even if he directly said the final result, he still has to take the final step, and ask the same thing.

Now his only feeling is that his heart beats faster and his breathing is short.

For more than 30,000 years, the first time so close to the truth!

It’s just this prelude, and the dance city has felt that it can’t be loaded. Although it was very beautiful with Chu Yang. But the dance city knows it. It is just comforting Chu Yang and comforting himself.

In fact... I can't comfort myself.

"The dancers, on our nine heavens, there is a nine-day scorpion; and this is obviously not a secret to you." Chu Yang said softly: "What I want to tell you is a million-year secret." Xin."

The dance city swallowed: "I know."

Chu Yang squatted down, reached for a grasp, a piece of snow flew up, formed a slender sliver in his hand, drew a circle on the snow, said: "Dance of the predecessor. This circle, the assumption is the nine heavens!"

The dance city frowned, looking at the circle on the ground, and fell down.

"In this circle. The people are rich and the products are rich. So, in the surrounding area, there are many people. The most powerful group is the extraterrestrial demon."

Chu Yang's snow stick in his hand, he made a big circle, wrapped the previous small circle inside, and then ordered a few points in the big circle.

If you dance the city, you will find the treasure. Look at the big two small circles that Chu Yang has drawn, and look serious. It seems that this kid graffiti is something. It is fatal to him.

"I don't know how many years ago, the living place of the extraterrestrial demon suddenly deteriorated. You can't afford so many demons. In order to survive, they must expand and find a new living environment."

"And the nine heavens are obviously the best of them."

Chu Yang said faintly: "Then the extraterrestrial demon launched the attack on the Nine Heavens." He smiled and said: "The so-called enchantment that we are now encountering is just that the outer scorpion is so small that it can no longer be small. The power used, the power generated."

"Therefore, the true power of the aggression of the extraterrestrial demon... is the point we can never imagine."

Chu Yang said heavily.

"Yes!" The dance city sighed, and after a while, it seemed to think about the appearance of the demon outside the field, and finally smiled. Road: "I understand what you mean."

"At that time, there was a hero. He guarded the door of the Nine Heavens and led his six brothers until he died!"

Chu Yang faintly said: "The hero was the master of the Qiu Tiantian portal at that time. The master of the nine-day scorpio was the holy prince, until the heroes under the command of millions of brothers all died, nine heavens, In addition to the sporadic rivers and lakes organization to go to the difficult, in addition to this, Jiuzhong Tianzhu, no one to support the soldiers!"

Dance the city's eyes: "What?!"

Chu Yang said quietly: "What you heard is what I said, absolutely true!"

Dancing in the city, squinting at the eyes: "Fart! Resist the nephew, isn't it overnight? For so long, the nine-day scorpio master, like the cloud, and the highest-ranking person, actually did not have a soldier to support? What is this?! ”

"Resist the nephew, I don't know how many years, but for decades, there is definitely it." Chu Yang said deeply: "But, it is indeed that there is no reinforcement. Later, the Zishen Emperor who guarded Ziyantian was forced to helpless. At the time, I started to blew myself! I went with all the gods."

Chu Yang sighed deeply and said: "And the one you met, the slaying sorcerer passed down the scorpion, and the sacred lord... or someone else, was the day after the singer of the purple scorpion blew himself. After the demon ash flies, the fragments and fragments left behind!"

The dance city suddenly fell silent.

It is like the silence of the volcano that is about to erupt.

Just when Chu Yang just wanted to continue to say, the dance city suddenly broke out: "What? The law is the bastard, but the solitary hero who used it is self-destructive and resists the demon fragments left by the nephew...that is, the hero The deal with us?!!"

Chu Yang is a bit stunned.

He knew that the dance city would be excited, so try to pave the way, and strive to let the dance city calmly spend this heart.

However, I never imagined that I hadn’t said the key point yet. Even when I was separated from the topic of 100,000 miles, the dance city was already excited!

"What!" The dance city whispered: "Is he still a human?"

The mood of dancing in the city is very exciting. Successive curses, indignation can not be added.

Chu Yang had some mistakes at first, but slowly, suddenly realized the true character of the dance city.

This is a supreme master born from a family, and in his heart, there is a smash of the rivers and lakes. It is indelible to have brotherhood. But the same, there are some heroes who belong to the family!

In other words, the typical family is less.

Use the author's words: angry youth!

The innate nature of the family is almost equal to the naive heroic and knight style, still ingrained!

Chu Yang has some appreciation and some envy: dancing in the city, can be said to be a pure person, but also a respectable person! cute person!

There was some excitement in the face of the dance city. "Who is this hero?"

Chu Yang is awe-inspiring: "His position is, Ziyan Tiandi Emperor! His name is called Zihao!"

"Zihao!" The dance city is somewhat fascinating. Road: "So a hero... If you can see one side, what a slogan!"

Chu Yang whispered: "This purple god, the last words, said: Do not forget the domain warfare!"

"Don't forget the extraterrestrial warfare..." The dance whispered and said: "Even if the whole world is not helped, even if it is used as abandoning son. Even if the isolated helpless body is broken, the goddess of the purple scorpion still leaves Has this last word?"

Dancing in the city, looking at Chu Yang, seriously said: "I dance the city, will!"

Chu Yang took a deep breath and said: "The singer of the Purple Emperor said: "The nine heavens rise up, what is the extraterrestrial direction? Of course, I am seven million soldiers, one year of war, six years of war, the end of the road to the end of the road, life and death, the nine heavens Thousands of people’s songs and dances have risen, and no one has been assisted! I am dying. I have no place to die, no regrets, no regrets, no one to die, but my heart: Why is the heart so cold?

Chu Yang said slowly.

On the face of the dance city, there is a kind of pilgrimage expression, respectful listening. In his fanatical eyes, Chu Yang absolutely believes that he saw the shadow of the **** killing of the enemy.

"After the battle of the Purple Emperor, the Purple Dragonfly fell into the hands of the demon, and the extraterrestrial demon occupied the purple sky, and used this as a base. Entering the Nine Heavens, aggression!"

"And, the Scorpio St. King does not strongly resist, the default is the status of the extraterrestrial demon in the purple sky. As long as the devil outside the domain does not appear purple, the Scorpio will not be confiscated. Only this. Although the battle continues, but in general nothing."

Chu Yang said here. The dance city suddenly angered and rose: "How do you say this? The extraterrestrial demon occupies the purple sky, isn't there a place to recuperate? They are now safe and sound, that is, the devil thinks it is not enough to swallow the entire nine heavens. But when the time is right, isn’t it... it’s over?”

Chu Yangdao: "Yes! It is because of this that you and my destiny have appeared."

The dance of the city was shocked, and it was stunned and shouted: "Nine robbery swords?"

Chu Yang nodded heavily: "Yes! It is the nine robbery sword!"

The feeling of dancing in the city suddenly feels like a dream, actually feels a whirlwind, muttering: "Nine robbery swords... actually related to the extraterrestrial demon... actually like this... actually..."

He hugged his head in his hands and suddenly slammed on the floor with a painful voice. "You continue to say... nothing, don't miss it..."

Chu Yang Shen Shendao: "There were two great powers at that time. Passing through the nine heavens, the prophecy said that after hundreds of thousands of years, this piece of heaven and earth will be occupied by the demon. Therefore, it has deliberately left the thing to restrain the demon. sword!"

The dance city is deeply sighed.

"At that time, I took over the nine robbery swords. It was the life friend of Zihao Tiandi Zihao... He saw Zihao’s unyielding, but he also saw the inaction of Tianzhu. With his ability, he could not reverse the overall situation, so he was in all kinds. Among the stars, I chose the Jiu Tian Tian Continent, which is the most vigorous, as the inheritance of the Nine Robbery Swords, and selected the talents who can resist the extraterrestrial demon."

"I hope that one day, I will be able to get rid of the demon and restore the purple sky!"

Chuyang said one word at a time: "You...and the nine robbings of the past dynasties, that is, they should be robbed and born, and they have obtained the recognition of the Nine Robbery Swords, and they resist the evil spirits outside the domain!"

"This is the nine robbery swords, the nine robbery sword masters, and the nine generations of the robbers..."

Chu Yang said softly: "...the real mission!"

His voice was very light, and he drifted in the snow and dance with the wind; but the city of dance felt that as he spoke, a heavy pressure like the earth and earth suddenly fell on his shoulder!

The real mission!


I said that I have reviewed dozens of chapters in this chapter. You may believe it, but I said that I wrote this chapter four times... I don't know if anyone believes...

... ask for a ticket! . . )

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