Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 768: The truth of pain! [First! 】

There was no speech in the dance city, but there was some pain in the look.

"In fact, in terms of the strength of the power of Tianzhu, it is not the same as that of the Purple Emperor of the Purple Emperor. Even the power is still over, but it must be restrained by the courageous cousin. Secondly, even if his power is filled in, he will only be able to end up with the same as the Zixiao Emperor. It will not help the overall situation. Instead, it will really damage the resistance of the nephew."

"So he can only choose to temporarily stand still, bear the burden of humiliation, never rashly move; and just two of the two foreigners have left the nine robbery sword, leaving a vitality for Jiuzhongtian, this power can make this change. So, this long-lasting ultimate plan was finally unfolded."

Chu Yang's voice is very slow, the tone is unusually plain, plain as if it is plain water, but his heart, but also like a dance city, magnificent, rare moments calm.

To tell the truth, for this matter, he really wants to smash the **** of the snow and tears, and even feels that he has a thousand knives... it may not be able to relieve his heart.

Chu Yang simply made a vow in his heart: once his strength has been reached, he will tear the snow into a pig's head anyway! If you don't get rid of it, you will have two or three meals... until you get rid of it. As for the snow and tears, it is the head of the pig, the head of the Buddha, the head of the panda, and even the girl. It is not within the calculation of Chuyang.

Love hoes and hoes.

Although the original intention of the snow and tears is good, it is good, it is great, but the "great" plan has hurt others. It has also ruined the dying of the dynasty of the dynasty. As for the ninth robbery of the dynasties, it is even more miserable.

Just for these "sorrows", Chu Yang must also settle with the snow and tears, who can't stop.

Chu Yang’s heart is full of abdomen, but at this moment, he faces the dance city, in order to prevent the dance city from having a radical reaction. Chu Yang can only start from the overall situation, as much as possible to say some good words of snow and tears, and the seriousness and necessity of this plan. In a word. How can I have to say this to the master and make the work home.

Otherwise, after he was wasting a little bit of spit on this side, the man suddenly got a temper. I yelled, ‘Boss, I’m sorry for you! ‘And then’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’

That is the real chicken flying egg, and there is no place to find even crying and crying.

"Therefore there will be nine robbery sword masters, and then there will be nine robberies." Chu Yang slowly said: "The nine generations of the robbers, in addition to a very small number of people, now, are in the field battlefield, and the Tianmo fight. Fight hard."

The dance city trembled a little, but was silently silent, did not speak.

"Those predecessors have done their best, but in terms of the situation, they still have the effect of harassment and harassment. Ten thousand will not be decisive; but they are a batch of past, and then cooperate with the locals of the nine heavens. The power has created a tug-of-war situation in the Purple Sky area..."

"Of course, another reason for the formation of the tug-of-war is because the extraterrestrial demon itself is not fully grasped, and it is feared that the war will lead to a comprehensive counterattack of the nine-day Scorpio. It is not dare to aggressively enter the aggression; but this recent hundreds of thousands of years Since then, because of the prosperous nature and vast territory of Ziyan, the extraterrestrial demon has completely got rid of the crisis of the genocide. They have more and more progeny, more and more people, and the original inhabitants who have migrated from the original site. Before I found another way to go elsewhere, now I’m going to hear the talents of the masters who are going to go, and more and more..."

"As they expand, it is estimated that the final battle is not far away... because if they don't fight, they don't have enough room to survive. They won the first time, and after they tasted a fruitful fruit, they absolutely Will not give up the quick means of war aggression..."

"The current situation is very serious. It is not too harsh to say that it is extremely extreme."

Chu Yang took a deep breath.

"For me, what you just said is nonsense! It doesn't make sense at all!" said the city's low and depressed repression: "What I want to know is where my brothers are now, what they are talking about." Where are the places? Most of all, are they still alive now? Also, where is my boss? What did he do? What role did he play in the process you said!"

"I want to know, you didn't mention it at all. I care about whether the Nine Heavens will be invaded. I only care about my brother."

Chu Yang faintly said: "Immediately mentioned!"

"Your brothers are fighting on the battlefield outside the field! But it is still alive or already... I don't know. But the possibility of being alive is great!"

"Then, my boss?" The dance city asked, "Where is he now? He... is he okay?!"

His voice was a little trembling.

Chu Yang has been talking about nine robberies, but never said that the nine robbers sword master, the dance city has long been suspicious, almost subconsciously asked the latter half of the sentence, he hopes to get a positive answer from Chu Yangkou.

I hate for forty thousand years, but when I really want to get the exact news, he still doesn't want to hear bad news.

"You boss...he...dead."

Chu Yang slowly spit out: "The soul flies, scatters, the soul, destroys! Death can no longer die!"

Dance the city and slammed down!

He was so hard that the cervical spine also made a fierce bang with his bowing movement!

"How is it dead?! How can he die? All the brothers are fine, how can the boss die? I don't believe... I don't believe, you lied to me, this is not true, it won't be true..."

It is completely audible to hear that the phrase of dancing in the city is to bite the teeth and say it with a broken heart. Deaf and sly, full of despair.

"I didn't lie to you. The nine robbery swords are a kind of selection. They have been detached from the past nine times. However, the sword masters of the past have never been able to reach the true standard of the 'nine robbery sword' itself!"

Chu Yang said: "So they can only use themselves as a foundation, or paving the way!"

"Foundation? Paving!? What do you mean, you make it clear, you can tell me clearly!" Danced the city and bowed his head, and both hands smashed their fists.

"Or use **** to describe it more appropriately. At that time, the nine-rocketing sky, the hole that your soul entered, is actually the passage to the extraterrestrial battlefield!" Chu Yang Shen channel.

The dance city hurriedly looked up and looked at Chu Yang, like a crying general squatting, screaming: "Channel?!"

"Yes, it is the channel!" Chu Yangdao: "After the passage of the soul through this passage, the exit on the other side will reinvent the body, rebuild the body, and advance to the devil!"

The dance city has shivered slightly, and the eyes slowly reddened. It is hard to imagine that a tens of thousands of old monsters would be moved by a young man's words, but this is the case with the dance city.

But he bit his teeth tightly, grabbed his mouth, and refused to say a word. Just staring at the mouth of Chu Yang, paying attention to every word of Chu Yang.

"However, this passage is accompanied by great risks, reincarnation and reinvention, and the same small, the sword in the process of reincarnation, the wind and the knife. Thousands of killing power can be added! The general soul, can not afford to go, often one step Stepping in, has been blown away by the smoke. In fact, there have been countless repairs to the vulgar, the physical death, but the Yuan Ling is not destroyed, the opportunity to reach this situation, but there is no way to safely transit the spirit."

Chu Yang faintly said: "The only way to pass this channel is to have a strong and extremely resentful body protection; only the hatred that can never be eradicated by eternal life, with the grievances of eternal life, can safely pass this channel. Reach the other side and reshape the flesh!"

"Your brothers have passed this way."

Chu Yang said softly.

There was no speech in the dance city, and Chu Yang did not say it again. Both of them stood silently in the snow.

The wind and the snow whistling, fluttering on the face of Chuyang, immediately bounced off; fluttering without a trace; but, fluttering to the face of the dancing city, but it was so attached to it; there was no slight resistance in the dance.

"My boss?"

"I just mentioned that your brothers have passed this way. In fact, the strength of the nine masters of the swordsmanship has different heights, but after the unification of the nine heavens, they will know their mission! I know that my strength is actually unqualified, but there is no exception, that is, their brothers are already qualified."

"So they will face two choices at that time." Chu Yang muttered repeatedly: "Two opposite choices..."

The heart sighed with a painful sigh.

Dancing the city dumb voice: "What choice? How is the opposite?"

"The first choice, to sacrifice the brothers, to achieve oneself; to take the path of the nine brothers' blood and soul, to be one, to open the extraterritorial channel with the strong resentment of nine brothers and the soul of the nine robbers. Send yourself in the past, fight the devil, and stay in the name of the ancients!"

"The second choice is to sacrifice yourself and find a way for the nine brothers to pass the channel with their permanent resentment against themselves! And they will die and die, the soul will fly, and the world will never be super-born! In addition, it must be carried forever. Stigma! Anonymity that the brothers always cast aside!"

The dance city suddenly opened its mouth, and the whole person seemed to suddenly completely solidify!

The next moment, the whole person suddenly became stiff.

At this moment, the look in his eyes is really indescribable! Hard to describe!

"But the second option has another advantage, that is, when the Nine Robber Sword Lord will sacrifice his actions for implementation; that kind of compassion and courage will be fully feedback on his brother!"

............ . )

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