Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 769: regret! [Second more! 】

Dancing in the city desperately looked at Chu Yang, unable to gasp.

This fact has completely defeated him!

His pupils have been distracted, seemingly lost consciousness, and seem to be strolling in the clouds, the whole body is weightless, fluttering and flickering, and on the side of the ear, there is a constant thunderous thunderous beat once... ...

If Chu Yang’s words are turned into such a nine-day thunder, the sly wedges into the heart of the city!

Let his spiritual consciousness disappear.

Chu Yang is continuing to say.

"You just asked the Nine Robbery Sword Lord's final way, this is it! Nine robbery swords died in the main body, open the passage of the body, open the door to the outside, bones for the wall, meat paving; **** wind The soul is a young man; send my brother, the extraterrestrial warfare; raise my brother, reshape the flesh, become the golden body of immortality; let my brothers squat outside the domain, become an immortal work; enjoy the heavens and the earth with the supreme glory, the supreme glory!"

"That is to say... the sacrifice of the Swordmaster will make his brothers reshape the flesh and become undead! In the extraterritorial battlefield, there is more protection for life..."

Dancing the city without saying anything, just standing so stiff, as if a wood carving clay sculpture is also like.

His eyes were still very complicated, even very exciting. At this moment, it has become completely sturdy. There is no gloss at all, no focal length.

"It is very admirable that the lords of the nine robbing swords have chosen the second road. They all choose to sacrifice themselves and send their brothers to the past; therefore, they will make their brothers sad at the last moment; The heavier the better, until they will never forgive him, then kill the brothers and send the soul into the extraterritorial passage..."

"After everything has settled, the sword master collects the brothers' corpses and properly bury them. It turns into smoke and dust, completely disappearing between heaven and earth!"

"No, it is not appropriate to say that he eventually disappeared between heaven and earth, because the last place he died in his death is still...the passage of the nine brothers. Because only waiting for the brothers to finish the passage, The soul of the Sword Lord will be truly annihilated... He can only escort, watch, and feel his brother through the passage, in order to truly reassure and get what he wants."

Chu Yang whispered: "Your brother... It should be the same... Because, you are still alive, this is already a testimony! Even if Ni Shizhen rescued and survived to escape...but it is the same."

The dance city stood still and did not move for a long time.

Chu Yang knows that he is now in a complicated mood, not disturbing, just quietly accompanying him.

After a long time.

The dance city suddenly shook a little. It seems that some micro-activity has been restored from a rigid state. After this slight trembling, then he trembled fiercely.

The whole body is like the leaves in the wind, and it trembles.

He opened his mouth. Zhang opened his mouth and seemed to be caught in a person who was extremely hypoxic and severely suffocated. He gasped and gasped more and more, and the gasping became more and more urgent. The more he gasped, the more he couldn’t breathe.

There was a strange sound in his throat: "嗬嗬~~嗬~~"

This kind of sound. Filled with endless pain, let Chu Yang hear it on the side. I can't help but rush to a feeling of sorrow and death, remorse feelings of difficulty, it is a feeling of desperation to the extreme, can never make up for it...

The body of the dancing city trembled more and more fiercely, and finally shook his head gently, and the two strings of tears suddenly flew around with his shaking his head.

Then he still gasped and shivered, but the tears were like a river break, rushing out, constantly.

Then, he actually laughed, tears in the spring, laughing and laughing at himself: "Hehehe, big brother, boss... boss...hehehe..."

The trembling body swayed twice, and the dance city slowly slammed down, and the whole body collapsed and finally crouched on the ground.

He couldn't make a sound at all, so he was lying on the ground so dullly, both hands were desperately scratching on the snow with pure physical strength, grabbing a piece of snow, pinching it tightly, and then completely pinching it. Then grab it again, then pinch it, and then he frantically stuffed the cold snow into his mouth, stuffed it in, containing the snow that almost killed himself, suddenly hoeing.

boom! Oh...

He held his head against the snow, silently groaning, but only a heavy gasp.

"Boss... Boss... Boss..."

The dance city whispered in a low voice, Chu Yang could even clearly feel that at this moment, the heart of the dance city was fragmented in pieces...

"Boss... I... I hate you for thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-four years... thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-four years, so long years, so hateful hate!" Dance The sorrowful sorrow of the sorrowful city: "You are so powerful... You are really arrogant... You, you just sold yourself... but still **** let us hate you forever, you are real, I am serving You really served you..."

"Haha... boss, you are a man... you are a **** man... you are fucking... I am fucking... I am fucking..."

He suddenly jumped up and said: "Big brother! Big brother! I am sorry for you, younger brother..."

He used all his strength and suddenly burst into tears: "I can't help you with my younger brother..."

With that violent temper, all the snow-capped mountains in the hundreds of miles have had avalanches without warning, and there are not only avalanches, but also numerous mountain collapses at the same time! The snow is rolling, the rushing down, the rocks rolling, and the four are scattered...

Dancing the city with his hand on his chest, repressed mania: "ah ~ ~ ~ ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"

Chu Yang Yang Tian long sigh.

In the past nine robs, nine robbed sword masters, life and death brothers, but the end is so, all so, no exceptions.

The nine robbery brothers with the hatred of always admiring the boss, enter the extraterritorial channel, decisive battle of the devil, believe in eternal life, will not forget the last betrayal of the boss, that hate is undoubtedly a stinger in everyone's heart, a forever The stinger that can't be pulled out and eliminated is enough for these hero heroes to sleep at night, and the heart hurts like a twist...

However, the nine robbery swordsmen personally destroyed the body of their brothers, sent them into the passage, and then after everyone left, the sword master alone collected the bodies of the brothers who killed themselves, what would it feel like?

Who can imagine!

When he ossified the green bacon mud into the passage to guard his brothers forward, while watching the brothers resentment against themselves, what is the feeling!

The ending of a generation of true heroes and true men!

What a bleak, how sad!

Even if the Nine Robber Sword Lord sacrifices his own, he does not regret, no regrets,

But this is always the most tragic thing between heaven and earth!

Dancing the city, fortunately escaped from the inside, with revenge as the goal, hate the hatred for more than 39,000 years, but now it is a misunderstanding, it turned out that he was wrong, hate the wrong should not Hateful person...

What is the feeling?

Can such feelings be concealed by a word of 'death'?

Although the Nine Robbery Swordsman died in the dead, there is no longer any emotion, but his brothers, although they have a great future, have become masters of the Gay, but they are better than ever to die.

Every time I think about it, my heart will break once.

This taste...

What is the word 'miserable' that can be described?

On the one hand, Chu Yang has already been in a state of urgency; although there has been so much preparation before, the excitement of dancing in the city is still inevitable.

After all, it’s tens of thousands of years of hate and tens of thousands of years of precipitation. In the end, it’s hateful, and the complaints are wrong. How can it be?

Real suicide is late.

Although Chu Yang still keeps his voice, he has already upgraded himself to the limit state. At this moment, Chu Yang is like a bow full of energy.

As long as the dance city shows a tendency to self-destruct, the Chu Yang will immediately rush to try to stop it.

Looks like the sign has been out more than half, and the city has shouted out: Boss, I can't help you...

At the next time, it seems that you should die of death, right? !

In Chu Yang’s anticipation, the old guy just needs to make any more points such as luck, qi, and palm, just when he is acting.

But Chu Yang waited for a long time, this bow is almost broken, and there is no movement in the dance city.

There was really no movement. After a vent of venting, the city was quietly standing there, and it didn’t move.

The only little bit of movement seems to be the tears flowing down his eyes and the tiny sounds that drip into the snow. It’s not Chu Yang’s early mention of the whole body to the limit. It’s not necessarily heard by the ear, but even if you can’t hear it, you can still see it.

In front of the foot of the dance city, there has been a small piece of snow sag, which is proof of the hot tears falling.

For a long time, the dance city stood like a statue. The breath that had been rushing slowly became steady, the eyes were red, the endless sadness and remorse, and embarrassment, emanating from him.

"The extraterrestrial warfare..." The dance whispered and said: "Boss, is this your last wish?"

He stood obsessively, staring blankly at the snow fluttering in the sky. He seemed to be completely unaware of the surrounding mountains. It seemed that in the long snow, he saw the strong face of the original. Once revered and once hated, it is an endless face.

It seems that I heard the man say, "A city, I have been there!"

"A city, you are among the brothers, the best is born, the deepest foundation; but your temper, but also the most impulsive. If one day, the brothers are not around you, you must remember, Mo Be impulsive!"

"No matter what happens, we are all! Whether you are right or wrong, we will support!" "I am Yundong! I am on the grass, the sword refers to Baiyun East! Who dares to bully my brother!?"

"Brothers, fighting is each other, but victory is ours!"

"Brother is on the side, I am invincible!"


The second is to ask for the monthly ticket, I continue to code the third.

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