Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 774: The human form is strange, the world is blessed! [Second more! 】

Wei Gongzi sat on his knees and five hearts to the sky, clearly feeling the massive elf gas from the top of the head over the mountains and the tsunami in general, rushing toward his body, instantly absorbed by himself, and then the top of the head became a vacuum Then, it was filled with the spirit of the elves that came from all directions, and then sucked again...

This cycle, when it is really flowing, endless...

In the next moment, Wei Gongzi was keenly sensitive to the fact that his own dantian had been completely filled with the spirit of the elf, and he did not hesitate to initiate the flush. The repair in Dantian turned into a sharp arrow and rushed to the nine products. The supreme relationship, the intention to accomplish its best!

But what he never dreamed of was that when it was this fatal, the accident came.


"I rely on! It is really a big change here." A master of law enforcement hands waved a hand, and the palm of the hand passed, and the obstacles on the road, the leaves, the roots, the vines and the vines on the roads in front of them were eliminated. Loudly screaming: "The scenery here is really incredible. The roots and trees and vines seem to be spontaneous, and all of them are coming out of the way. It’s just that when I came last time. How can the time of the month grow so fast? If there is no treasure to help promote the plant, I will not kill it."

Another person nodded, and he had already smashed the leaves of the dense branches of the sky that had completely obscured the sky, and said: "It is not true. It is really evil."

"Right, I have heard that those treasures are all spiritual, not necessarily there. Or the Northeast is still in the past, but the next moment feels better in the southwest, he went to the southwest. I Thinking about the spiritual events here, or I am afraid it is caused by such movements, or else, how can such a surprising scene come out in such a short period of time."

"Not bad, it makes sense. Wang Xiong really is knowledgeable."

"Of course, I have to judge that if I want to have such a high speed, I must think that I must be the top-level treasure of heaven and earth. It is full of spirituality, so I guess, or I am afraid that there is already a human form. Maybe even Say, this Tiandi Dibao has become a fine!"

"This is very likely!"

Everyone talks while moving fast. Between the moments of the moments, there have been dozens of miles deep. Wherever they pass, the roads hinder the removal of all the plants, and the branches and leaves on the top of the head are all cleaned up.

When the sky is clear, the sun shines in, and there is no end to the endless lush green.


See you again. The eighty Supreme Powers are happy,

The Wei Gongzi inside is even angry with his nose.

Before he had spent a lot of effort, the whole forest was covered by leaves, which further made the whole forest form a natural lawsuit suitable for the Elf family. Only in this way can we ensure that the spirit of the elves is not allowed. There will be no leakage. Hetu is prepared to attack the nine supreme.

Unexpectedly, at the most critical moment, suddenly this carefully prepared Elf ruined the unexpected flaws, and in some places there was a gap in the inexplicable sky.

When the gap is short-lived, it is unusually full, and there is a lot of choices for the condensed air of a few elves. From the gap, it starts to drift around. And there are signs of increasing speed...

This sudden change made Wei Jizi almost not on the spot.

How could this be like this? I have clearly arranged very well before...

The aura is dissipated, and the supply of nature is short of regrets.

The sorrow of Wei Gongzi’s 10,000 points was unpredictable. In the end, there was a mistake there. I was going to check it out. I heard a distant voice coming over: “Hey... Miao Lao, this time. We are destined to be developed wealth, you see this scene, this baby here is absolutely different."

The voice of an old man said very arrogantly: "Well, as long as you find it, everyone is good. Now I have to give me the spirit. If you don't want to let the baby face it, it would be a pity."

"Haha... Let's get the top of the old hunter here, and run the fox from the crack in your fingers..."

"That is!"

"Grass, how the leaves on the top of this head are still so dense, it seems that the more dense the middle, the more boring of his mother, seeing my army sweeping, a palm Jingping..."


"Haha... Li Xiong is really good at repairing, and the power of one palm is clean and sweeping."

"Where is it hahaha..."

Wei Gongzi suddenly spurted his eyes, but he was a veteran top-ranking supreme strongman. He still didn't know that there was a mistake there. I **** him. It turned out that someone was doing damage. When is your mother doing damage? Do you have to slant a bar when Laozi is about to succeed? Let Laozi’s defeat be defeated. Does Lao Tzu have any deep hatred with you?

Isn't this **** a bastard?

I don’t want to smash these few assholes, I’m sorry I’m wasted my efforts! Still sorry for so many elves!

Wei Gongzi grew up and looked like a fury, a violent gas, and his arms flew out. It was like a string of arrows, and it was shot in the direction of the sound.

Miao Zhendong and others all walked the way to the open, and opened the big move forward, paying close attention, fearing that the traces of the heavenly treasures would be missed. As they proceeded, they gradually felt the sense of a certain kind of difference. The closer it is, and the approach speed is actually very fast.

Everyone was excited at the moment.

Tiancai Dibao is definitely in front of you, hahaha, it seems that you have to take the initiative to send it up, howling luck, this is not the case...

"Beep, don't bother to disturb the treasure of heaven. If the baby is alarmed, if one runs to the ground and goes out of the way, then we can take a shower on the bamboo basket. Resilience, it’s boring if you lose money."

Miao Zhendong solemnly warned everyone.

"Big offering, do you say that this baby is already a strange thing? I have lived so old. I have never seen a humanoid baby." A second-class supreme is very fascinating.

"This is hard to say now." Miao Zhendong said with caution: "Where it becomes a humanoid heaven and earth treasure, it is something that can be met and not available. It has always existed in the legend, and no one has ever seen it." I heard that only the greatest law can be seen."

"But no one said that this must not be. Can we have this opportunity today?" Another humanity.

"Yes, if it is really... let's talk about the posture here, where is the general heaven and earth treasure?" Let's meet these different things. Isn't that the great fate?" Said.

"This is also true, it is really a big law..." Miao Zhendong also had some excitement in his heart.

At this moment, a sudden burst of sound was so fast that it was far and near. A voice seems to suppress the great anger of the three seas and rivers, and asks: "Who are you all? Why are you going to destroy my good deeds?"

Everyone turned around and suddenly saw a burst of joy and excitement!

I saw the person in front. This person is full of green color, even the hair is green, and on the hair, there is a small flower that is slowly opening.

This person seems to be angry and angry, but he still feels a sense of utter anger.

More discerning people are keenly aware of another incredible phenomenon: With the appearance of this green man, the flowers and trees next to it seem to be suddenly excited and happy, and even a few grasses are starting to go green. Bud.

What is the situation, miracle. This has something to create such a shocking scene! Great creation!

"Look at it... I have a grass..." A supreme excitement pointed at the grass under his feet, and he talked with excitement and stuttered: "Look, this grass! This grass!... Grass! My grass!..."

Everyone looked down and looked at them instantly. They instantly screamed for a whole piece of time. A total of 80 supremes shouted "grass" together. This scene is really shocking and exclaimed.

"This grass... my grass!"

"I have a grass, this grass is really... my grass!"

Immediately, everyone looked up at the same time, and they all looked at the green people in front of them with a blistering look that could melt the steel. They stared at them, and even the population began to drool.

It’s really strange. Still a complete humanoid baby!


My goodness, I really want to be happy and dead. This world really has such a bad baby... and it was met by us. It’s really a smoke on the grave. This is the so-called Da Yuanfa, what is the legendary...

For a time, everyone looked at the eyes, and all focused on Wei Gongzi, from head to toe, read over and over again.

Wei Gongzi was full of anger, hate to be able to swallow a bad **** who had broken his good deeds, but he was actually seen by these people’s eyes and looked like a goose bump. It felt like a naked beauty. Suddenly, I met a group of old bachelors who had never seen a woman in 80,000 years. The top ones are all super hooligans, and the gaze seems to be to devour themselves for life!

A chill of gas in the vest rose, the super-strong man who had climbed to the top. I can't help but take a step back. Some people are amazed: "You, what do you want to do?"

"Wow..." A supreme laughter, with infinite triumph: "Baby, what? What do you want us to do? What do we say we do? What can we do, hahahaha..."

When Wei Gongzi suddenly turned his hair straight, did Lao Tzu meet a group of words? Still a large group of words?

The anger said: "You bastard, your dog's eyes are clear! Laozi is a man!"

"Men?" The Supreme has widened his eyes and suddenly smiled, and he was very happy: "Men's better! I like you as a man! Hahaha... That's a piece of more."

The other dozens of people laughed and laughed. "It's not bad. It's so good. It's really good to talk, it will swear, and it will be self-proclaimed, it's rare..."

"Yeah, yeah, what's even more amazing is that he still knows he is a man, very smart..."

"I am so lucky. If I don't come here, where will I meet this man? I am really waiting for Hong Fu!"

"That is."

"Good baby..."


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