Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 775: Too excited... [third! 】

Wei Gongzi's brow slowly erected. If it was just furious, now it is already furious and furious. Mom, it’s really nothing in the world.

Such a broken sleeve demon, usually meets one is already that stunned, I did not expect today I met a group!

And they are all masters! Just one of the masters of the supreme level! What the **** is this!

Is it possible that people can be reflected in this important matter by group and thing, and can be presented so clearly?

This is really too ridiculous for his grandmother, a group of men actually want indecent ass? .

"You are looking for death!" Wei Gongzi shouted, and the murderous air was filled with turmoil.

Obviously, Wei Gongzi has already made a move.

"Ha ha ha... looking for death?" A supreme screaming, squinting, laughing and seeing his eyes: "Yes, yeah, Laozi wants to die happily, you can make Laozi happy, I understand, you Understand?."

"Oh... this guy is still angry, and murderous! Very powerful murderous, I rely on... It’s a good thing."

Miao Zhendong drank: "Everyone doesn't move, I have already said it well, this male veteran is the first to enjoy!"

"That is, that is." Others have echoed: "Nature is to satisfy the big offerings first, but ask for a large offering and leave some soup for me to wait for one or two."

Wei Gongzi was so angry that he picked it up.

It’s so disgusting, how can this group of people be disgusting, what are these people? .

One of them did not know what psychology he was out of, and he took a careful step forward. The nose slammed, and I took a strong breath. I suddenly felt satisfied and satisfied. "It's so sweet! You all smell it. He is really fragrant. It's an indescribable smell... Oh, Laozi is intoxicated, and a fragrant scent..."

Others suddenly found the New World. The nose is swaying, and dozens of Supremes are breathing together. What power is that?

In a flash, this piece became a vacuum.

All the people who breathe are intoxicated and satisfied: "The real incense... Hey. I can't wait for it... This kind of good thing, how many years can I get it once, how can there be such a fragrant smell..."

nonsense. Can the elf's body be fragrant?

Miao Zhendong screamed: "Enclose! Don't let him run!"

"Yes! This is really cool, we have to be cool enough!"

"Hurry up and repair the ground, you have to be drilled by him."

"Good. Fast!"

"I rely on, everyone is watching, this guy is angry, the fragrance is actually stronger... I am drunk again..."

"It’s so cool..."

"Yeah, yeah, it’s still a man, oh..."

"I don't know if this thing is delicious?" Someone had a whim and looked fascinated: "I really want to taste it..."

"Crap, who doesn't want to taste it. That's definitely the essence! You think you are also worthy? It's my turn not to turn to you... forget it, don't think that those who are not there, the thing is definitely to be sacrificed. Exclusively...we will be able to touch the hand in the end..."

"makes sense……"

"There is only a big offering to have this blessing... Hey, think about that scene... The big offering is... oh..."

"That is... I don't know how thick it will be. The roots and trees outside the tree have been rough. I don't know if his ability to promote life is good for him..."

Everyone doesn't know what it means to laugh.

The large-scale dedication to Miao Zhen’s east face is red and red, and he said: “A group of idiots! I’m eating it as a medicine! What are you talking about? What is the system!”

"Right, eating that is taking medicine... Yes, it is medicine, not that..."

"No, if it really regenerates. Then we don't all have a chance to turn it? Cut one, and the one grows a long one... Of course, the first round is definitely a big offering, we can catch the first Second, third, fourth, what is content!"

Everyone has echoed.

"Don't say that those who don't have four or six acquaintances, this thing looks like it's quite high. Everyone must be careful to deal with it." The second offer is loudly reminded.

During the speech, Wei Gongzi's murderousness is getting stronger and stronger, and he has already reached an unstoppable level.

What are you doing in the trough? What kind of abnormality is this **** group? It’s enough to be disgusting to play, and actually want to eat me... then what?

Actually still... as that is to take medicine to eat?

You **** don't eat your own...

"You should all look for death!" Wei Gongzi screamed and flew up.

The current situation seems to be no longer to say that they will not let go of the problem of Wei Gongzi. On the contrary, Wei Gongzi will never let them go.

These people, the highest ones are the two old heads who are headed. The strength of both of them is basically the same as their own, and they are all at the peak of eight products.

But don't forget that this land is here, below is the city of the elves, and there are thousands of miles of the vast mountains and forests, but here is the absolute home of Wei Gongzi!

In this place, Wei Gongzi does not have to worry about his own injuries; even if he is seriously injured, he can recover in a short time as long as he is not on the spot.

Even if the nine products are coming, Wei Gongzi has the confidence in such a place that he can definitely fight, even win the battle!

Not to mention the people in front of you.

"There is a real anger in the trough!" someone shouted.

"Oops, don't know if you are angry, will you vent the essence..." One person made a pity and continued to think.

"Where does it come from?" Another person followed the fun.

During the speech, Miao Zhendong had already flew up and took the lead, and couldn’t wait to meet Wei Gongzi in midair. The three voices screamed loudly, and the two men's bodies were separated by two sharp arrows.

Miao Zhendong shook his hands almost and screamed, "This thing is very high, not necessarily under the old man. Everyone is careful!"

The sound has become heavy and cautious. The so-called expert shot, you know whether there is, although it is only a move, Miao Zhendong already knows that the human figure in front of the eyes is high, and if you don’t just shoot it in time, the guys who sell the mouth will not die. At least hurt!

Even myself, just a light enemy, was almost seriously injured!

However, I was amazed. But there was another kind of excitement that was suppressed to the extreme.

A human figure formed by a heavenly treasure, can actually have such a repair, then ... if it can swallow this baby. How will it be eaten...

As soon as I read this, I am more excited and almost suffocated. The eyes are much more eager to look at the squat of Weigongzi, where the essence of the baby should be even more...have the effect?

If you can eat it... wow hahaha...

Too excited! I am so excited!

It’s not a strange thing to let the old man like a trough rise to a fairy.

The response of all people is almost the same.

After hearing this sentence, everyone's heart is a shock, surprised by the strength of the humanoid baby, but then it is even more powerful excitement dizziness; actually is so strong to such a baby, really baby...

The only baby in my life.

Besides, this guy is really just about the strength of the big offering...

We have so many people here. Even the heap piled him up.

Wei Gongzi was in the retreat, his hands were open, the green brilliance rose, and the two arms suddenly jerked, grabbing two people from left to right. With the back, drag straight!

Suddenly, the mouth suddenly screamed, suddenly suddenly, since his two arms, there are two groups of green energy suddenly burst out, in an instant. The surrounding flowers and trees suddenly grew wildly at an alarming rate that was visible to the naked eye and even stunned.

Countless vines were stretched several times in an instant, hard as iron, like the octopus on the seabed, waving their tentacles to the crowd.

Countless roots flew out from the ground and wrapped around the crowd.

Even the grass on the ground, at the moment, slammed out countless branches and wrapped around the legs of the people.

In an instant, the whole forest turned into a green sea of ​​fury!

All these things changed in front of them, making everyone stunned.

"Good baby! A powerful baby!" Miao Zhendong stunned the light, and the excitement had reached a very high level. He shouted with a trembling voice that was almost completely vented.

A palm flies out, countless vines should be crushed, but more vines are entangled. After the vines, it is the cold eyes of Wei Gongzi, just like watching the dead and indifferent.

By his side, there are already two dead bodies, but he has just retreated, and the two people who have been killed by the hand, there is a green rush in the legs and feet, and immediately there are countless vine roots rushing up, and the two flesh and blood are dripping. The body was dragged into the ground and became a fertilizer.

Weigongzi kills the heart together and can no longer contain it!

For so many years, he was forced to hide in the three days of the three-day family, which is simply unbearable for him who is so proud of his arrogance! But I can't bear it, I have to bear it.

But now I have finally recovered the strength of the past. After I came up, I found such a feng shui treasure. I am going to make great achievements, but I have encountered such a group of metamorphosis! It’s just that you can’t bear it! Unbearable, you can't bear it!

Grandma drops! Laozi is going to break out!

In the sound of Li Xiaosheng, the whole body of Wei Gongzi flew out like a green lightning, and he grabbed his hand and grabbed it. There was a three-product supreme celestial fragment, and two offerings flew from one side to rescue. Wei Gongzi did not fight with it. He flew up and kicked the three sects who had just turned into corpses, and fell to the second in the air.

In the occasion of the retreat to avoid dodge, Wei Gongzi’s face was mad and murderous, and once again killed!

After three consecutive trips, almost no matter the high-speed kicking out, the front left and right sides of the three supreme voices screamed at the same time, flying and flying high above the sky, the air is mad, the air is blowing, the trees on both sides automatically fly out of the vines, half-air 揪Live the body of three people while pulling on both sides!

"Open!" Wei Gongzi shouted.

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