Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 777: Strong and powerful! [The fifth! 】

With Wei Gongzi screaming.

The entire forest seems to be shaking, countless green airflows roaring, and surrounded the battlefield, Wei Gongzi exhaled, whale swallowing the sea, while fighting wildly, while resisting the physical attack, while absorbing a large amount of elf gas to recover the injury.

I am injured every moment, every moment is recovering.


Miao Zhendong took a breath and hardened the attack on the 17th palm. Wei Gongzi had already spurred the blood and rushed, and the blood in his mouth blew down. The four powerful weapons were also falling on him, but he still had nothing. Do not care.

After a hard fight, Miao Zhendong’s breath was exhausted, and he could no longer support it. His face slammed a bright red, screaming violently, and the whole right arm was broken, and the mouth spit out bright red. The whole body plowed a large ditch on the ground and flew out.

Until the back of the spine slammed into a big tree, the castration ended, but when Miao Zhendong did not return to God, the roots of this big tree automatically emerged from the ground, together with the vines next to it. Tightly wrapped him around for a few laps.

Miao Zhendong screamed and screamed, and it made a group of almost burning flames. It was around the roots and vines.

Wei Gongzi also intends to continue chasing and killing Miao Zhendong. He does not want to scream in the wind behind him. With a roar: "Don't be a damn!"

However, the second offering was finally killed. This time, it is already full-fledged, no more scruples, and then scruples, it is estimated that it will fall with the big sacrifice of Miao Zhendong. After all, the strength of Weigongzi’s tyranny and the fate of life The strength is really terrible.

Wei Gongzi saw that the two offerings were fierce. Did not pick up, a turn over, a tendon, volley, and in the air strange, has reached the trunk of a big tree, green light flashed. The aerial branches suddenly grew densely, obscuring the entire space above the heads of the people.

The second is dedicated to a big drink, and a palm slams out. Baizhang’s height was instantly clear, but the whole person of Wei Gongzi had no trace. There was only a hoarse laughter: “Wait to die! Bastards!”

The crowd flew up the treetops at the same time. Looking at it, there is no green figure everywhere.

Here is the painful boring, the source is the great dedication to Miao Zhendong.

"It's too strong!" Miao Zhendong's old face wrinkled into an eggplant, angrily said: "I didn't expect this baby to be as fierce as it is, coughing and coughing..." With the cough, a few mouthfuls of blood were spit out.

His initial retreat with Wei Gongzi was originally aimed at eliminating the huge coercion caused by the conflict between the two sides; this is no accident for the normal battle, and it is most reasonable, even the nine products. After you have a hard fight with yourself, you need to retreat.

Otherwise, it is necessary to use itself to resist the huge impact caused by the aftermath of the palm. The tenth of the ** will cause guilty concussion, but it is not easy to say that the Supreme Master is not easily injured. It can be quickly cured by general injuries, but it is not easy to heal the damage caused by this kind of master.

But I did not expect to encounter such a monster today! A guy who has reached the top of the eight-story supreme peak and is completely indifferent to his own safety.

This is really amazing.

Not only did the previous and the second offerings have a retreat, but they also had a complete defeat with themselves. Even more and more crazy!

Next to the sword, like a rain fist, any attack is not a joke, but he did not care, it is aimed at himself alone crazy 20-handed! I have fallen from the air and broke into the land. It’s not finished yet, I’ve been able to breathe a sigh of relief!

Miao Zhendong can take his life to ensure that the injury to this **** is definitely heavier than himself, and it is more than doubled!

But he did just that, and he did it without hesitation. He did it without any scruples!

The most grievance for Miao Zhendong is that this **** is not the only one I want to eat you. Are you so unruly? Do you dare to fight harder?

After carefully examining his injuries, Miao Zhendong was more angry and his five internal organs were seriously damaged. Almost all of them showed signs of displacement; the right arm was broken, the whole fragmentation was almost half-residue, and the ribs were broken three times. Breathing can cause severe pain!

Until now, there is still an impediment to vomit blood, what a **** thing.

"Really... It’s beyond the martial arts routine, there will be such a monster..." The big offering felt that he was very embarrassed, and he had no idea how long it was before his last injury.

"The big offering, the subordinate is thinking like this... that thing has this ability, it should be that way..." Another six-piece supreme smile said: "In the end, the other party is simply different from us... it But it’s awesome.”

"There is also reason to say." Miao Zhendong heard a little relieved in his heart, and stood up from the ground; he did not mean anything else, and it was serious to quickly adjust the injury. The second offer is rushed forward, and the input is repaired to help heal. The people present, the second offerings have this ability, others help not be a glass of water, or the more help you are.

With the departure of the ‘quiet’, the environment here seems to have returned to normal.

Thinking of the inexplicable battle, just eighty people from home, actually lost half of it! Everyone is a bit heavy in their hearts.

"Everyone continues to move forward." Miao Zhendong recovered some strength and waved her hand. "You don't have to be discouraged. This strange monster has been hurt. My injury is like this. His injury is definitely more serious than me. The most important thing." Then, I have hated it for me. These alienated forms, narrow-minded, will be reported, will never give up revenge, and his revenge is the opportunity we can use. So everyone should play the spirit , pay attention to the surrounding movements..."

"Since the opportunity comes, don't let him slip away from his fingers."

"The big offer is said!"

Everyone is unanimous.

What are the deaths of a few people? If you want to get it, you have to pay! Without sacrifice, what success? What's more, the guy has been seriously injured, the injury is even heavier than the big offer, the big offer is good, and there are two offerings to help the wounder, then the monster will not find a similar kind of healing? ......

"Big brother, I have some uneasiness in my heart. I always feel that something is wrong here today." Two offerings frowned: "Is that... really a strange thing?"

Big offerings turned around: "Well? Do you have other opinions?"

"I mean, the fighting style of that person is very strong, and it is very different from the average person, but I always feel that it is still a person who is waiting for me to fight, not a strange one!" Two offerings some worries: "My feelings Tell me that what we got this time is a very powerful and difficult enemy...not a monster..."

"Hehehe..." The big offer laughed. "Second brother, do you estimate the repair of this guy, where is it?"

"Eight products are the highest peak! It will never be weaker than you and me, but when it comes to being stronger than us, it is not necessarily the same. It is roughly between the two." The two offerings are not thought at all, and both of them have the same understanding.

"Well, I will ask you again, the second brother, you said that there are such repairs, how many people are there in the whole continent?" The big dedication screamed, "Which people have such repairs, what are some?" Not in our materials? What are some, we don't know?"

"And most importantly, do you know that there has been such a person's existence? One person cultivated to the eight-product supreme, and how to say it also needs to be practiced on the rivers and lakes? Do you have any familiar feelings about this guy's information? Resume? Such a weird appearance, and almost hatefulness of the beasts. Have there been such a special strongman?"

"No, I don't have the impression, not even similar."

"Yeah, if he is really a person, not a strange one... Then he fell from the sky? Or is it drilled on the ground?"

"This..." Two offerings are speechless.

"And first let go of his weird appearance, and almost no rules of play, have you noticed another very important thing? He has two hands, one is green and green; the green is everywhere. The flowers and trees around you are growing rapidly. Have you ever seen such a special ability?" The big offering snorted: "Even the entire forest can be attacked by him as an army! What do you think you want?" Is there such a skill?"

Speaking of this, the big offer laughed.

The second offer nodded: "The big brother said it is reasonable, it is probably much I think!"

Big dedication and a smile: "Second brother, let go of your heart... Or you should imagine more, wait for us to capture this baby, how much benefit we can get... Hahaha, think about it!"


The seriously injured Wei Gongzi rushed into the jungle, and in a moment he went out for a few hundred miles in a green wave, and then he was relieved to check his injuries. A burst of grin.

His mother's, it is really awkward to die.

I have never seen such a thing, and I have never experienced such an inexplicable battle. Even, until now, Wei Gongzi did not know that this group of metamorphosis is dry? In the end, belong to that force?

Just like this, ping-pong is playing dead.

Look at his own injuries, Wei Gongzi grin, hurt.


Just a short moment of fighting, I was only thinking about chasing the leader's perverted devotion. I was completely disregarded by other people's attacks. At this moment, it was really shocking to see that I had not played the little life.

There are more than three hundred palms, more than one hundred feet, seventy or eighty fingers, and a dozen or so swords and twenty-three swords. I believe that the legendary "hundred palms" and "thousands of swords" are just that. .

If you don't motivate the forest to recover at any time, I am afraid that I have already left.


chapter Five!

<The time is still a little worse, the monthly ticket is also worse. But I finished it, and it was too sleepy, and it was even better. It seems that 3420 before the zero point is difficult... I sent it in advance. Seeking a monthly ticket! >. . )

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