Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 778: From chasing to being chased [first! 】

In fact, Wei Gongzi did not know that his injury was still under the enemy's hand. If it wasn't for the big offer, "I should pay attention to the strength, don't break it!" heavier!

Wei Gongzi did not dare to neglect. This is not a minor injury. Even if there is a spirit of elves, it will take some effort. Immediately squatting and healing, biting your teeth: You are the bastard, first teasing me with words, then My face said that I wanted to eat me, and I also made this son a stranger... Well, this son will give you this metamorphosis once.

Killing you, this group of **** plus three levels of metamorphosis, Lao Tzu himself will tear the chicken down to feed the dog!

This time, the forest power was rehabilitated. The transmission route was from the underground, the strong enemy was on the side, and all the guys with extremely sensitive knowledge. How can Weigong dare to rush away? However, the underground transportation is also the same. The general spiritual power of the tides is underground and is continuously transported into the body of Weigongzi.

At the same time, Wei Gongzi clearly felt that the depth of the underground did not know how deep, the atmosphere of a fairy city quickly emerged and entered his body...

Wei Gongzi only feels that his heavy injury is actually recovering quickly, almost instantaneous! ......

This makes Wei Gongzi find the heart of Chu Yang to restore the Elf City even more intense!


The wounds of the big offerings went along with the advancement. With the healing, they also took some healing medicines. They have already recovered a lot. In addition to the broken arm and ribs, it takes a while to recover. The internal injuries have basically no problem. It has become very full, and the look on the face is no different from the past.

All the way, the best masters open the way. There are also a dozen of light-minded people who simply step on the canopy and the treetops, lest they miss the traces of the baby.

not long time. It has already come out two hundred miles.

There is silence around, and this silence seems to last forever.

It is full of birds and flowers and a forest-like atmosphere. There is hardly any obstruction or interference. The only obstacle is the seventy or eighty snakes killed on the road. But this threat is completely difficult for the Supreme, and it is not worth mentioning.

"Don't that baby be scared? Already ran..." One of the five products is supreme.

"No, it won't be so smart..." Another person is also a little surprised.

If the baby knows that the machine ran, taking these people can be a complete chicken flying egg, and nothing is gained. Not only did not gain, but also the life of dozens of supreme masters...

At this moment, a scream of screams suddenly sounded, and a very familiar green color flashed away. Walk among the ten supremes of the road at the top of the tree. Two people fell over with their heads and fell, only to hear the rest of the people screaming, and then the sound of fierce battles.

People under the tree naturally do not dare to neglect. The "sudden" rushed up and found that the "fierce" battle had ended. However, the eight Supremes still maintained their fighting posture, but their enemies had no trace.

The large offerings ordered a few of the seven products to observe the movements, to see if they could find the traces of the sneak attackers, and then rushed to where the two sneak attackers fell. Look at it, two people on the ground. In the throat, he snorted and blew his blood. If he died, he could not die any more. There are many tree roots and vines entwined on the bodies of the two, it seems to be pulling two bodies into the ground.

The lower body has been dragged in a lot.

Seeing this strange situation, everyone looked at it, and the face was barely calm, and the heart was already cold.

“What happened just now?” Miao Zhendong asked loudly.

"Just... just now we flew all the way, searching for the strange traces, and never found anything. Suddenly a person emerged from the air in the air, and the whole body was green. Because he appeared too abruptly, I waited for nothing, Mu Laosan and the car's fourth person were caught in the throat, and then the blood spurted out, we rushed to the rescue, but the people immediately let go, and did not say a strange and strange Disappeared, the man’s time for the haunt, but still can confirm that it was the previous 'baby', that green, I will not admit mistakes...” The former person who was the highest in the group answered.

The person who talks back can still tell the beginning and the end, but the one who is next to him is clearly scared.

The two men who died just now are by his side. Near him, he can even feel the two people in the last moment, a short-term desperate struggle, just for a moment... the two supreme masters who are similar to their own cultivation, So finished...

If the other party’s goal is me...

"With the repair of Mu Laosan and the car's fourth, it is too late to make any resistance, so it's over..." Another person said with a white lips: "This... this strange is terrible..."

"Don't say it, everyone doesn't have to be self-interested, and they will continue to move forward." Miao Zhendong's face was gloomy.

Everyone is silent, because everyone can feel an extremely strong sense of crisis.

If the other party is out of the battle, the people themselves will be afraid, even if they can't ask for it; but the other party is obviously very clever, but stealth in the dark, a move, never stay, no trace.

As everyone knows, this whole forest is clearly the home of the other party. The other party can do it without a ghost.

This time it is Mu Laosan and the car old four, then, who will be next? Will it be yourself?

Everyone was silent for a while and continued to move forward; the original excitement of the treasure-seeking journey, but because of the great changes just made everyone feel at risk.

Everyone carefully walked through the scenes for a few miles, and there was a sudden scream of screams. The person who walked in the last part of the body slammed into the sky and blood, and everyone rushed back to see, but only saw a green The figure flashed without it.

The laughter of a sinister test reverberates in the air.

"You monsters come out to the old man!" Miao Zhendong screamed: "Where is the head and the tail, what heroes are heroes?! There is a kind of, come out to be a big battle!"

In a green forest, there was a low-pitched smile: "I am not a hero, I am a strange..."

Miao Zhendong screamed and screamed.

Everyone can't help but talk for a while, big offerings, what kind of heroes do you say with a strange...

There are many people with abdomen, the strange look is a clever and strange, people stupid, rushed out and we are so a large group of supreme single heads? What's more, I have already suffered a bit ago?

As long as you are not crazy, you will not automatically come out to dedicate yourself? !

"At the moment, the enemy is dark, and it is quite unfavorable for me. At present, I can only speed up the speed of the journey and pass through this vast mountain forest as soon as possible." The second offering frowned: "Even if he wants revenge, at best, When we are still in the mountains, we will retaliate. Once we speed up, we will certainly upset his plans. As long as we can leave this place, we don't have to worry about his calculations."

"If he doesn't move, then, after we go through it, the next time we come back and call some good hands, we are not afraid that he can run to the sky." The second offering said: "And this strange strength is so strong, even if someone else comes, As long as it is not a targeted strategy, I believe that it may not be able to subdue him, so the big brother does not have to worry about being taken away by others after returning. Right, we can take a fire attack and simply burn the whole piece of wood to him. Is he giving birth fast, or is it burning fast..."

"Fire attack can't be done. If there is a fire here, I am afraid that we must first get into the sea of ​​fire. It is so far away from us. It is very difficult for us to go out. Besides, this strange action is fast. He can hide at any time, and the fire can't catch up with him. ""

"In this case, only come next time."

"This is a good thing." Miao Zhendong sighed and said: "Just decided to wait for the next time, take this thing in one fell swoop."

The spirit of everyone is shocked.

Next, the people were more and more alert, and they accelerated their footsteps. All the way through the thorns, bravely march forward.

However, even if it is fast, this mountain forest covers a full range of thousands of miles, and can it be crossed in a short time? Not to mention that in the past, everyone deliberately slowed down the speed in order to search carefully. The current process is less than a quarter of the whole process...

With the advancement, three people were permanently dumped in the forest and became the nutrients of the plants.

There were only forty people in the original half, and there were still more than twelve.

Some people have been killed, and everyone's face is more gloomy, and they are rushing to the road at full speed.

Every time Wei Gongzi takes a shot, he will choose to start from the weakest and the easiest to deal with. Every time he shoots, he will not lose his mind. Once he succeeds, he will never stop! He is like a ghost that walks around the world, and this environment is still night.

Home! Absolute home!

He can even emerge from any tree to carry out an attack, suddenly appearing from any shrub bush, and every time there appears, a person will permanently disappear between the heavens and the earth.

As the number of people continues to decrease, the feeling of panic about the unknown attacks in the hearts of the people is getting stronger and stronger. The initial kind of excitement of seeing the ‘humanoid’ has long been unknown when it flies to the clouds.

"There are twenty more people!"

Wei Gongzi still walks freely between the trees, watching the crowds who are advancing rapidly and intending to leave the forest, not counting the silent calculations. Since I shot again, I have already killed twelve people.

This kind of victory makes Wei Gongzi feel that he just chose to fight the enemy in front of him is a foolish act.

However, now the low-end Supreme is basically extinct, and the rest are high-ranking Supreme masters. The strength is stronger than one. I want to kill it as usual before, and I will kill it. The whole body is retreating, and the difficulty is undoubtedly increased a lot.

The son of Wei Gongzi projected a light like a green leaf in the dark forest, and carefully considered the strategy below.

In the still forest, two more screams rang again!


<Seeing that some people are intolerant of this episode, I would like to ask: Is it true that I directly wrote Wei Gongzi to find Chu Yang and then dig the city of the elves, and dug out the eighth interception sword, are you satisfied? >. . )

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