Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 780: Jiu Pin Supreme Breakthrough

At this time, everyone’s heart is depressed and depressed, and there are a few unspeakable fears.

The six products are supreme, and you want to change the air in the air. You need to be protected by others. You need to be dispatched to the two eight-supreme, two eight-supreme escorts. This is not very safe... How is this kind of thing? absurd?

Will anyone believe it when you say it?

But at this moment, the following four people have already surveyed the terrain, and the four people above are ready to fall...

Change elbow, accidental return!

A strange shadow close to nothingness is as fast as lightning from the forest below, and only a sound burst of ‘咻’ is heard. Over the sky, the meteor usually hits the middle of the four-six-supreme supreme!

The second is dedicated to the shackles: "Be careful~~~"

The voice did not fall, and the muffled sound of "砰" contained the ruthlessness of all the sons of Wei Gongzi. It was accurately photographed in a position of a six-supreme dantian, and the other three immediately counterattacked, the swords came out, and the lightning was shocked. The rainbow generally swiftly counterattacks.

Wei Gongzi smiled for a long time, but he did not evade it. He resisted the three horrible counterattacks, and the blood was flying away. He was holding another six-supreme shoulder and the other hand was cleanly on the top of the man. The knees jerked up and slammed into the man's Dantian!

Snapped! A very crisp sound!

The six-supreme Supreme first broke the skull, and then Dan Tian explodes. At the same time, which of the six supremes became the first-class flesh, they flew around.

The second offering of the sword was attacked by the sound of the wind and thunder, and the offensive was extremely fast. Wei Gongzi did not take the move and quickly retreated. However, his body, thighs and lower abdomen were inserted with a gleaming sword, and they were connected in front and behind, with two swords and four holes.

He flew down with dripping blood, and there was still a sword light like electricity. At the moment when Jianguang had just touched his back, he once again turned into a green light and disappeared completely into the mountains of the mountains.

The two offered to stand pale. For these unexpected situations, there is an urge to marry a mother! The other party is too deceitful and too murderous. I did not hesitate to hurt my wounds, I would rather kill the enemy with serious injuries, and I am a good person...

"Let's go!" The spirit of Miao Zhendong was a little wilful, and there was already a little bit of wood in his eyes.

In the subsequent gallop, two of the six products were successively degraded, and then the Seventh Supreme also began to become the hunting target of Weigongzi! The six products are dead, and naturally it is the turn of the seven products, and of course.

In the process, the big offer also confirmed a horrible fact. Let them completely dispel the last bit of recalcitrance.

This discovery is not a big deal, that is, they found that no matter how many injuries have been suffered before, this monster can be quickly restored, and once again in front of them, it must be full of vitality and state. that is it.

His injury has deteriorated all the way, and the other party has continued to recover. For example, Xiaoqiang, who is not dead, has such a unequal confrontational condition and a full negative away environment. If there is confidence, he will really be a ghost.

The big offerings came to the end. You only have one word - escape, escape is a big life, you can't escape is you bad luck, that's it!

The sky was in the evening, and I saw a smog that finally appeared in front of me. The big offerings and the two offerings were all bursting into tears.

Heaven can see the pity, this trip to hell, the journey of death, finally came to an end.

We finally have to escape this **** mountain forest; the Jedi escape during this time is really unbearable. Think about it, fear, eternal nightmare!

Looking at each other in a hustle and bustle, the two tears, the joy of rebirth after the robbery, how many years, they have long forgotten what tears are, this moment, tears can not be suppressed.

Eighty people came out, and now, there are only two of them. Even the three seven-supreme sages are now dead.

The other party's viciousness makes the two people who are long-awaited horrified, and they think that it is a chill, who can think of a seemingly "peaceful blessing" from the sky, but it is a great disaster in this blessing?

To say this road, the real most frightening thing is the last 1,500 miles.

At the time when the humanoid monster fights and kills the last two seven products, the two offerings are completely unwilling to help. The two offerings are not intended to be shot, but have no meaning. The human figure is too embarrassing, completely disregarding its own safety. Killing with life, but people have that capital, the damage they suffered before, not to mention an eight-product supreme, even if there are three more four, they die early, but as long as they hide for a while, Lima returns to the full state. How can you fight? It’s better to let the two monsters bear the stagnation of the two seven products. The injury is heavier, and the hidden recovery time is longer. Let us have more time to escape this “sneaky”.

Then there are 1,500 miles of roads, and the two are dedicated to all the way, and they all suspect that it may be the ambush set by the strange, perfect interpretation of what is called "the wind and the cranes, the grass and the soldiers", but until they escape from the Cangshan forest area is still No attacks! This result made both of them feel amazed.

Did the other party give up at this time? Or the damage caused by the two seven-product Supreme dying to him was too serious to recover?

But in any case, whether it is because of anything or not, it is fortunate to escape. When the two people arrived, they simply applied the secret method and tried to repair the damage. It was almost unwilling to go out to the northwest in the jungle and rushed away.

Only hate my mother, I have two legs, mother, next time I dare not greedy, hey, no next time, absolutely no next time...

Wei Gongzi did not really want to continue to chase, but after he struggled to kill the last two Qigong Supreme, although he was seriously injured, the injury is still within the scope of rapid recovery, and there is absolute certainty. In a short time, I recovered and continued to hunt. However, at that moment, one thing happened - Wei Gongzi inexplicably felt some kind of mysterious feeling.

This feeling is very familiar and strange and far away, that is the feeling of breaking through...

Wei Gongzi really broke his teeth.

I had to break through immediately, but I was interrupted by a group of perverts, and I was also a strange person by the group of perverts. It’s hard to kill this group of perverted gangsters... It’s killing, but it’s giving me a breakthrough. What is this...

When you shouldn’t leave, you are gone. When you shouldn’t come, you are coming. What do you want me to do?

What? Can I do it? According to the highest specification? Attentively waiting!

Qi is angry, but Wei Gongzi still dare not have a slight scorn.

Since the opportunity for breakthrough is coming, it is still a good breakthrough. As for the only two eight-supreme Supreme, let them run for a while, and then take a break and then go to them to find trouble. Anyway, today's enemies can only be washed with the other blood.

Listening to them before and after, they said that they are going to the northwest to deal with the nine robbery sword masters. When they break through, they go directly to the northwest to find them to calculate the general ledger, and come out to mix, the account must be returned.

The temper of Wei Gongzi has always been like this; for those who offend themselves, even if they are thousands of miles away, it is necessary to learn from it.

As for the people who want to kill, they have never let go of half. How did the two sons who escaped worship, and how could Wei Gong easily let them escape? Can you escape for a while, do you have the ability to escape?

This is definitely not to say casually.

"Again, I would have liked to go to Chuyang to help me after I broke through the nine products. But I took the initiative to go to the door. That guy must have opened the mouth of the lion, let me help the gang... I have such a legitimate reason now. Going forward, but it helped him a lot, but it was the top master of the two eight-product supreme peaks... I helped him, and also reported the enmity. When I ask him again, I don’t have to be embarrassed. Good thing..."

Wei Gongzi’s heart is lively and calculated.

One day later, the two enshrines that had escaped from the vast mountains and forests were all rushing to the meeting place; suddenly they only felt the earth vibrate, and then a sweeping pressure drastically filled from behind.

The distance is already far away, and this feeling is also extremely indifferent, but the higher the order of the supreme, the more obvious this feeling.

"This is the mouth, there are nine products of the supreme power of the birth?!" The two looked at each other and saw the shock in the eyes of the other side, all exclaimed.

Only when the nine products are the first breakthrough, will this scale of power happen!

When it comes to breaking through to the nine-level supreme level, it is also the biggest wish of the two people since they reached the peak of the eight products until 1500 years ago!

Engraved, someone broke through, but not himself.

At this moment, the feelings in the hearts of the two people are really weird. Several non-verbal words can describe the description.

“Who is the breakthrough?”

The two men stood at the same time and looked back.

"Breakthrough location, the most likely location is pointing to the mountains and forests..." The two looked at each other and saw a cold sweat from the other side.

"Is it that the monster broke through?" Miao Zhendong is as dead as gray.

"Ten have **, I was still wondering why he didn't chase us in the last thousand miles. It turned out that he didn't give up, but he suddenly faced a breakthrough..." The two offerings swallowed a sip.

"If it is really his successful breakthrough, isn't the trick provoked an unbeatable enemy?" Miao Zhendong's old face was distorted. Nima, do you want to be so arrogant, kill us all the way, finish it, and make a breakthrough, isn't that let us live in the nightmare? !

"I even suspected that he broke through because of the battle with us. He has been killed many times in a row, and he has been killed for a few times. He is at the same peak. It is not a miracle."

The second offering can't help but turn a blind eye, heart: paralyzed, where is the 'trick' provoked a super enemy? It’s clearly your own, and Lao Tzu is all overwhelmed by you... (to be continued)

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