Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 781: Brother, have a drink before the war! [Fourth! 】

Although the two men were lucky enough to retreat this time, they almost voluntarily volleyed in the process of fleeing. In the last section of the road, they also used the secret method to accelerate the escape, and the energy consumption was large, and they fought several times. The consumption is still huge, and it is very difficult to repair it. Not to mention the many changes, the mood is slightly lacking. In this life, I want to break through the original bottleneck, and the desire to reach the top of the nine products is too embarrassing...

Miao Zhendong stayed in the woods and wanted to cry without tears.

At the beginning, I found the strangeness, thinking that Tiancaibao was from the door, and eagerly went to fight the treasure, but eventually fell into a whole army; the two also became the escape of the funeral dog... This is not the worst result.

Paralyzed, the real worst is still behind, the enemy actually relies on the battle experience of killing one's own people, breaking through the nine products supreme...

Is there still something that is more frustrating than this?

If Wei Gongzi knows the two people's feelings, they must vomit a sip: Oh, why not, if you are not a group of perverted bad things, Laozi can break through the eight-product extreme limit, and, without this sudden breakthrough, you Do you think that the two fish that you missed the net can retreat? People, learn to be grateful...

"Come on, let's go! He just broke through, and he still needs to stabilize the realm, but this process may not be very long. At most, the situation will be almost the same." Two enshrines: "I observe this strange thing." The vengeance is extremely horrible. Once the breakthrough is completed, we will come to us for trouble. We will send a letter to other people to let them go to support, and we will not take the road again. It’s just right to go straight to the northwest. The sooner the better. There are masters there, as long as they get there, the trick is real security."

"The opposite pole, go fast." Miao Zhendong nodded again and again: "At that time, if this baby really went, gather everyone's power to kill him, even if there is less point. I don't believe he left this piece. The weird woods are so sharp..." "Brother, you are my brother, you will be merciful. Don't think about killing people... everyone has nine products..." Two offerings are speechless: " Just block the knowledge and leave."

The two speeded up, and the sound of "嗖" disappeared without a trace.

It was another day and a half later.

A cry at the periphery of the Cangwu Mountain Forest. Out of a handsome figure; a Tsing Yi, a calm and gentle face, long and long, naturally with a cloud of light and elegant.

The coming person is Wei Gongzi.

I saw him distinguishing the direction, very simple to start directly, the direction is very fixed and very single: only the Northwest!

Chu Yang, I am coming, I don’t know if you still remember, the agreement between the three days in the middle of the day?

That is my elf family... the biggest hope!

The biggest wish!

咱Supreme nine products, peerless strong Weigongzi - come!


Night home.

At night, he was sitting in the hall and closing his eyes to calm down. Suddenly someone quickly came to report: "Qi's ancestors, the young master suddenly did not know where to go. Just a small to send him a meal, but found that the room door opened, he did not know where to go ..."

The night sighed and sighed: "Don't worry about him. Look at your home."

After the next person retired, the night slowly and slowly opened his eyes. The eyes are complicated to the extreme.

How can he not know when he is drunk in the night? All the movements of the night drunk were under his ecstasy; last night, drunk and desperately ran into the ban and escaped, and the night was heavy and did not stop.

I hope that you can find your own way and be able to come back alive.

If you can't find it, you don't have to come back. Even if you come back... I will personally destroy you... Xiao Jia Xiao Chenyu's support team. At present, it has crossed the place of alternating heat and heat and entered the northwestern boundary.

It is still a slow march, and it will not reach 700 miles in a day. This speed is naturally many times faster than the average person, but compared to the strength of these people, it is as slow as the old cow climbs.

From the southeast all the way to here, actually went for two months and ten days!

But finally, it has arrived, and has entered the northwest, ice and snow.

Xiao Chenyu was just sitting on the carriage and motionless, except for occasional drinking of water, even the rice had not been eaten.

He was silent all the way, and seemed to be thinking about and calculating what was going on, but it was always a matter of all the way, so that the entire team was also suppressed to the extreme. In a word, the atmosphere is more dull and dull.

"Stop!" Xiao Chenyu looked at the snow in front of him, faintly told.

Then he raised his sleeves and the snow on the ground flew without warning, revealing the ground below.

The Xiao family suddenly found out that underneath it was not an ordinary earthen stone floor, but a **** spot that had dried up. There were even some bits and pieces of flesh and blood. A head of flesh and blood that had dried up rolled on the ground and looked up. The northwest of the cold wind and the snow and ice, but the early death of the decaying blood, the cruelty of war.

"This is already the battlefield." Xiao Chenyu silently looked at the head of the ground, faintly said: "The coalition side ... actually did not clean up and bury the body, is this snow... Is it so easy to use?"

Everyone is stunned for a moment, and their hearts are awkward. They are also involved in this battle. Will the final outcome be the same?

Xiao Chenyu suddenly exudes an inexplicable breath, a supreme power of the nine peaks, and suddenly rushed to the Han, spreading rapidly toward the northwest.

After a long, long time, he closed his eyes tired and said: "Go ahead, aim for 1,500 miles ahead, camp. Go forward as fast as possible!"


That night. It is still snowy, and since the war, the entire northwestern snow has not stopped.

Xiao Chenyu sat in the tent and waited quietly, what he seemed to be waiting for.

Very quiet and very secure waiting.

The next moment, he suddenly felt a sense of heart, the tent door did not wind up, Xiao Chenyu quietly stood in the snow. The pair of people who have seen the world have looked at the northwest direction.

In the snow, a voice said a little hard: "Is it Xiaoji?"

Xiao Chenyu said calmly: "Yes. The nine major families ranked second, and the southeastern part of the Bohai Sea!"

The person sighed softly.

Then the wind and the snow slammed apart, and a white shadow appeared in the air. One person with a white hair, tall and straight like a sword, appeared.

It’s just a pair of scorpions, but full of helplessness, fatigue and sorrow: “I didn’t expect that Xiao Erge came in person.”

"To tell the truth. I did not think that I will go this way." Xiao Chenyu looked at each other and said: "Spring wave, these years. You are old."

That person is Li Chunbo.

I saw his complex look at Xiao Chenyu, said: "Xiao Erge, can you speak in one step."

At this time. The people of the Xiao family have already come out of the tents, looking at Li Chunbo one by one, as if they are enemies.

Xiao Chenyu said faintly: "You all retreat. I said a few words to my brother."

"The ancestors must be careful! After all, now is the enemy's position. If it is..." One person has not finished talking, and it was stopped by Xiao Chenyu's sharp eyes. "When, I The decision also needs to pass your permission?"

The man suddenly sweated and slammed on the ground: "The ancestors, my rumors..."


After a cold sigh, the two nine-supreme saga have disappeared at the same time. As if it had never appeared before.


In the snow, a jug of wine is slightly hot, and the two wine glasses are separated from each other. A table made entirely of ice and snow is quietly placed in the white snow.

"Xiao Erge. Last time we were drinking together, probably about four thousand years ago?" Li Chunbo looked at Shitai, and said something very embarrassing.

"Yes. Your memory is still so good. Last time, it was the wine I brought. You are hunting. Your barbecue technique is really good." Xiao Chenyu carried his hands, and the eagle's generally sharp eyes saw this stone platform and two When I had a cup of hot wine, I also raised a little bit of awkwardness.

"The second brother is sitting, the younger brother is going to play a few prey. This time, the second brother came to the northwest, this East should be done by the younger brother." Li Chunbo arched his hands and turned.

"I like to eat snow chicken legs." Looking at Li Chunbo turned around, Xiao Chenyu added a faint sentence.

"Good! Will be satisfied with the second brother." Li Chunbo calmly answered.

Then, after a flash, it has disappeared into the snow.

Looking at Li Chunbo's disappearance for a long time, Xiao Chenyu was slowly, slowly, long, and sighed.

After Li Chunbo left the sight of Xiao Chenyu, it took a long time, and finally it was long and long to spit out a chest and sigh gently...

After half an hour, Li Chunbo came back with a large bundle of snow chicken legs and piles of dry wood. At this moment, his appearance, no more than a little nine strong supreme strong demeanor, it is like a busy coworker in the mountains.

Carrying dry wood far more than his own weight on his back.

Xiao Chenyu is still holding his hands, his face is as calm as ever, but his heart is like the undulating ups and downs of the sea. His mood at the moment can be said to be complicated until he feels the subtlety of bitterness.

With Li Chunbo’s cultivation, if I just hunt for such ordinary snow chickens, it took so long to use it, but it’s almost like a shock to kill a million people. As for what to do, it’s a wave of things, dry firewood. It will be automatically shaken into his hands.

However, he prepared these things for a full half of the time.

So, what exactly is he doing during this time? Is it the same as yourself, the ups and downs?

“哗啦”, Li Chunbo put the dry wood on the ground, then shook hands, and a large pot of pots appeared out of thin air. It turned out to be all barbecued.

"Second brother waits a little, I will start this, wait for the second brother to try the younger brother's craft, whether there is a step back." Li Chunbo said while busy. The ups and downs of the nine products, the generation of the strong, the anecdote is actually meticulous, seemingly like.

However, the vitality of his back is so completely brightened to Xiao Chenyu, there is no defense at all.

At this time, if Xiao Chenyu gave birth to a heart of harm, just a palm, you can let Li Chunbo completely ruin!


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