Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 782: The wine is cold and warm, how is the heart cold?

Li Chunbo’s empty door was revealed in front of Xiao Chenyu.

He did this without any precautions. He did it to the extreme. He didn’t have a slight bit of reluctance. It seemed that everything should be so general. Under such circumstances, even if the other party is not as good as Xiao Chenyu’s nine products, Eight products, even those who only have the strength of seven products to the top of the peak, a hit in the middle, is enough to have the life of Li Chunbo.

Strong as Li Chunbo, in his life, how many times will there be no defense like this? Is it that he does not know that Xiao Chenyu at the moment is already different?

Xiao Chenyu’s sharp voice has been watching him busy, his eyes are getting deeper and deeper, and later he has inexplicably covered a mist, seemingly sighing softly, calm and waveless face finally pan After a few ripples, I finally smiled warmly: "Let's get together, so hurry up, I haven't made it for a long time, but don't forget how to do it."

When he said, he squatted down and began to play with dry wood. The two nine products were supreme. Two of them were strong in the contemporary. Just one plucked the chicken legs, one dried the wood, then prepared the spices, and then made the fire...

The whole process has not been used at all.

They are dangling in front of each other's eyes. These two people, any one of them at this time, have absolute certainty to put another person to death, no difficulty, no risk at all!

However, the two are always busy, seemingly completely unable to take care of the other, and wholeheartedly invested in the big project of barbecue.

And the look is very serious and very solemn.

Wait until the fireworks finally rise. Both of these great tycoons have fallen into a smoky end, and there are inevitably many smudges on the face of the mighty majesty on weekdays. They look at each other and laugh at the same time.

Then, the two completely ignored the image, sitting directly in the snow, and fiddling with the fire in front of them. With his shoulders on his shoulders, the two men were very focused and didn't say a word, concentrating on the chicken legs. Sprinkle with spices, occasionally move some fire and put some dry wood.

Just like the year. A thousand years ago, or thousands of years ago, two teenagers were so ruthless, they made a barbecue, or because they were not careful, or because they were doing it, they painted their faces as dirty. The little cat is in general, but the heart is full of happiness, full of nostalgia, carefree happiness.

In the silence, only the snow falling from the sky is moving. There is also the burning sound of dry firewood.

A burst of scent fluttered. The snow chicken legs are half cooked, and the barbecue skills of the two seem really good.

The two people who focus on the barbecue game still do not speak, seem to be very patient, and seem to continue to work hard to enjoy this process.

For a long time, for a long time.

There was a voice that broke the silence first: "Two brothers. You can still remember, my barbecue craft is still what you taught me. That year, you fifteen, I am thirteen."

Xiao Chenyu was so fascinated by the deep and clear eyes, and subconsciously smiled: "Yeah, at that time. Our fathers... all of them are missing, nine children who have lost their jealousy at the same time. Together, at that time...hehe..."

"At that time, it was so good... it was like a brother between each other." Li Chunbo’s eyes have the warmth of remembrance: "Whoever has a bump, he hasn’t been stunned, but he is eager to follow what others are like. I still remember that I was chased by the thousand hands, but the second brother, you brought people to save me, the brothers joined forces to fight...hehe... At that time, the big brother had not disappeared yet..."

"Well... At that time, my eldest brother has not disappeared yet..." Xiao Chenyu almost unconsciously echoed a sentence and suddenly asked: "What you said is..."

Li Chunbo whispered: "I am talking about... Big Brother! The real big brother is not a heavy night."

Xiao Chenyu’s eyes reveal memories: “If the older brother is still there, I believe that our nine family decisions will not go to this point today...but the big brother’s family is inexplicably missing...”

Li Chunbo smiled and said: "Rare brothers get together, why do you mention those troublesome things, the punishment, second brother."

Xiao Chenyu laughed: "It is indeed the second brother's. If you don't have a cup, you will be punished for three cups."

Li Chunbo said: "Today's wine is enough, the second brother doesn't have to take the opportunity to cheat and drink..."

Xiao Chenyu’s eyes turned: “You kid, is your brother the kind?”

Li Chunbo’s hippie smiled and said: “The second brother is not the kind of person. You have never said anything...”

The two started to talk about some interesting things in their childhood, or they exposed each other's shortcomings, laughing from time to time, you patted my shoulder with a stained hand, I licked your hair, both More than 10,000 years old monster-level old people, the top strong, this moment, laughing like a baby is pure, happy like two innocent children.

Just happy, even if you laugh for a while, laugh for a long time, but after all, it is not the only one in life.

There are always more interesting things, and there is always a moment to finish.

at last……

"It seems to have forgotten, when did we start... We all started to retreat, and we all began to sprint, and upgrading is the most important goal in our eyes..." Li Chunbo smiled: "When we finish a goal, I found that the family is already a giant, and the initial goal is not enough. So I continue to retreat and continue to improve. I really don’t know that when I closed the retreat for the first time, the brothers missed each other and sent a letter from the night to invite the brothers. We gathered together. I always believed that that time, that party did not contain any utilitarian purpose, brother, do you believe it?!"

Xiao Chenyu sighed: "I believe... I also believe. But when we got there, we found that each other has changed, and we have become very amusing. Some jokes that used to be natural have not been opened. So, the exchanges between each other have become less, because everyone doesn't know how to talk to the brothers, use diplomatic words? It's better not to say..."

"But that time we were still drunk and happy, and everything was in the middle of no words, it was also a happy thing." Li Chunbo said softly.

"And at the second meeting, there seemed to be more exchanges, but no one dared to get drunk, and that time was at my house..." Xiao Chenyu shook his head and sighed softly.

"The third meeting... I remember that Lan did not regret and Chen Yingfeng hit it. That time was in Lingjia... The Ling family was beaten, and Ling Xiaoyang was angry and drove them out. Everyone, everyone is not happy, that is the last time the brothers gathered together..."

Li Chunbo said a little embarrassed and said: "Yes, since then, there have been no gathering of nine brothers together. Now, Lan does not regret that he is already dead..."

Xiao Chenyu sighed softly: "You can't get it anymore..."

Li Chunbo sighed in the sky: "Yeah, I can't get together anymore. There will be no chance for nine brothers to gather together..."

At the same time, the two stopped the movements on their hands, watching the sky and the snow.

"I don't know when it started... Our family began to calculate each other. It was a very difficult thing to imagine. I don't even believe that there will be such a day, that day..." Li Chunbo is a little sad. Frowning: "When did it start? Brother, do you remember?"

Xiao Chenyu patted his shoulder: "How could you not remember it, it was the time eight thousand four hundred years ago? It was the night that couldn’t hold you, I knew all about the beginning and the end. But... I didn’t tube."

Li Chunbo Yan Yan smiled and said: "Second brother, you remember badly, not eight thousand four hundred years ago, it was the fifth day of October, 358 years ago! Second brother, that day is my birth."

Xiao Chenyu was silent, then he used his hand to play with the chicken legs. He said: "The chicken legs are not baked well, don't say those old things."

Li Chunbo smiled and said: "Since it is an old thing, let me talk about it, it is from that time. From that day on, everyone suddenly found out... It turns out that each other can also be designed and can be oppressed... Li Chunbo endures, then Who else can bear it? Who can I bully? So the chaos finally appeared..."

Xiao Chenyu said again: "Don't say it, I said don't say it."

Li Chunbo smiled: "The second brother and the night are heavy, don't want me to say it again, I won't say it." Then he smiled and said: "The chicken legs are good, and finally baked, and finally you can taste the skills of the second brother. I still doubt if there will be such a day."

Xiao Chenyu raised his face and looked up, his mouth wide open, facing the sky, welcoming the falling snow, but the scorpion was closed. The face is still a calm like the sea.

His throat, so clearly bulging out, like a chicken to be slaughtered, it seems that anyone can slash.

Li Chunbo looked at his throat and smiled: "Second brother, you are my second brother, this will never change."

Xiao Chenyu’s throat knot rolled up and down, swallowing a bite, and his smile was a bit miserable: “Why are you not my brother, will it change?”...

The spicy and crispy roasted chicken legs are placed on the tabletop, giving off a rich aroma.

However, the wine in Juven was already cold, and even it was condensed in the wine glass.

Xiao Chenyu was a little embarrassed, saying: "The wine is cold. Wait for me to warm up."

Li Chunbo shook his head in a bit of awkwardness and said: "When the wine is cold, it can still be warm, can it be warm if it is cold?"

Xiao Chenyu screamed, and the subconscious said: "No."

Li Chunbo smiled and seemed to not want to talk about this topic again, and said: "I am in the northwest, or I am coming to warm wine." Reaching out to hold two glasses of wine in the palm of his hand, he trembled and said: "It's cool! ”

Does Jiuji Supreme care about a piece of ice? How cool can cool?

However, Xiao Chenyu is a deep interface: "It's really cool."

The sound seems to be full of endless sighs.



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