Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 783: A pot of turbid wine is full of joy!

Li Chunbo's heart gradually rose in the palm of his hand, and the wine gradually dissolved, repeating clear and clear.

"The wine is warm, but unfortunately, after the wine is turned on, the taste of the wine is gone." Li Chunbo pays attention to the wine of the palm of his hand, whispering.

Xiao Chenyu was silent and said: "Since the taste of the wine is lacking, the drink can't be enjoyed, simply replace it."

"But after replacing it, it is no longer the original two glasses of wine." Li Chunbo said with some sadness.

"The wine is still wine, still intoxicating!" Xiao Chenyu whispered.

Both men sighed for a long time.

The wine has been changed.

The spirit has also been invigorated, even though it is a strong smile, it is the last time in this life.

"Second brother, please!"

"Spring wave, please!"

"I was drinking alcohol for the first time 10,000 years ago. At that time, Yixing was flying, pointing to the world, what a pleasure."

"There were many drinkings nine thousand years ago. At that time, Qiankun had already settled, satisfied, and bold."

"The drinking of 6,000 years ago, but there have been a lot of sighs, the years have passed, and the time is difficult to pull."

"Drinking alcohol four thousand years ago, you and I are still brothers, what can't be said to each other, can't say, never said."

"Just you and me!"

Speaking of this, the two are simultaneously silent, it is an indescribable silence.

The next moment, the two looked up and drunk.

Three pots of wine under the belly, Li Chunbo laughed, and raised his hand, the three hip flasks flew far away, but there were more than a dozen pots of wine that had not been opened on the table.

Li Chunbo took a pot and took a palm to the mud. He smiled and said: "A pot of turbid wine is full of joy, today is a different matter..."

Xiao Chenyu’s eyes narrowed and he grabbed a pot of wine. The interface said: “Life and death are both brothers and brothers, and the heart of the nine heavens is cold...”

Just finished, the two suddenly caught at the same time. An emotion that didn't know what it was, rose silently, and suddenly the heart was sour.

This is a wine order. It was when the brothers had not yet established the nine family, they were drinking together and Ling Xiaoyang made it. This is the last four sentences.

At that time, all the brothers said that the wine was so good that it was passed down.

But at that time, the saying that "life and death are both brothers and brothers" is really a matter of righteousness. Now... to Xiao Chenyu and Li Chunbo, it really became like this.

Life and death are both brothers!

The words are still the same. But the meaning of it. It’s a slap in the south, and it’s quite different.

A pot of turbid wine is full of joy, but it is worthy of the name. It is true that all the brothers in the rest of the life are happy, and they are in a pot of wine today. After today, there is no more...

For a time, both of them felt so sad in their hearts. It’s hard to beat.

Li Chunbo poured a pot of wine into his stomach, feeling that there was a fire in his stomach, and he was drinking. It seems that if you intentionally or unintentionally say: "Life and death are both brothers... Haha, second brother, I don't know if you are still a brother after drinking this time?"

Xiao Chenyu bowed slightly and whispered: "The morning mine is missing." His voice. Some are gloomy and low.

Li Chunbo’s hand trembled: “Oh...”

Of course, he knows Xiao Chenlei, and he also knows the feelings of Xiao Chen Lei Xiaochenyu. For Xiao Chenlei’s disappearance, he was suddenly surprised and felt a bit shocked.

No wonder Xiao Chenyu came in person!

"He was missing when he was fighting with the Nine Robbers." Xiao Chenyu said faintly, but there was a cold flash in his eyes.

Li Chunbo shook his head, panting in his nostrils, and his emotions were no longer peaceful.

"The nine robbery sword master is now helping you to sharpen the family. This is a fact that no one can erase it. The facts are facts." Xiao Chenyu closed his eyes.

The voice gradually became fierce, and the word said: "This hatred, don't wear the sky!"

He will help you with your family. I will deal with them here; if they are defeated and die, you will have no backing, and it will be finished. Although it is not directly against you, it is also against you!

The words have been made very clear.

This hatred, don't wear the sky!

Li Chunbo was silent. He lowered his head and did not say a word for a long time. He finally said: "Two brothers, we drink."

The two silently, you have a cup of me, each other's eyes, but no longer contact with the other side, the atmosphere before the harmony finally has a flaw.

Thirteen pots of wine, a total of no use of time, then it is gone. The two major nine-supreme supremes have not used the cultivation to suppress and dissolve the wine. At this time, they are somewhat awkward. If they do not count on their own cross-cultivation, they can all be old people who have lived for more than a thousand years. Even though the body is stronger than ordinary people, the amount of alcohol is not necessarily.

Li Wubo took his ring between his fingers, and he trembled with a sigh of relief. He smashed out seven or eight wine jars again.

"Second brother, this wine is what we used to drink the most, and the stock of 4,000 years ago, I have only these. Today, I just drink it."

"Good! Just drink it!" Xiao Chenyu agreed very quickly.

The two no longer use wine glasses to carry wine, it seems that it is too slow to drink with a wine glass, not enough.

Although I know that when I finish drinking these wines, it is equivalent to drinking the brotherhood of Wannian, but the two are still directly one person and one altar.

Almost a semi-solid thick wine was formed, because the two people drunk too much, and many of them rushed to the face, but they ignored it at all. They just drank loudly, as if drinking was the only thing that can be done right now. .

As the wine slipped from the face, both eyes were a little red.

After a moment when the fourth altar wine of each other had just been lifted, Li Chunbo suddenly reached out and held down the wine jar of Xiao Chenyu: "Slow!"

“How?” Xiao Chen Yu’s eyes were drunk and said: “What else do you have to say about Chun Bo?”

Li Chunbo said loudly: "Yes! I have something to say!"

"You said! I am listening!" Xiao Chenyu licked his neck and whispered.

"There is one thing that has been boring in my heart for thousands of years! Today, it is necessary to make a clear understanding! Missing today, I am afraid that there will be no more light on this day!"

Li Chunbo’s eyes became dangerous: “When the King’s family disappeared, there was a younger brother in the uncle’s house! The uncle’s younger brother, we naturally want to be an uncle. His name is called Jun Han! Second brother, you should remember it. ?"

Xiao Chenyu’s eyes slammed up: “I certainly remember!”

"Big brother is missing, not what you did. I am completely convinced of this. However, the uncle Jun Han is not missing, but is being ruined by the whole family! This is the matter... Who did it? Tell me!" Li Chunbo Eyes are as sharp as electricity, watching Xiao Chenyu.

Xiao Chenyu frowned, but it was unanswered. After a long, long time, it was a difficult road: "I did know the beginning and end of this matter, but the only thing I can tell you is - not what I did."

"Of course I know that you didn't do it. We were drinking that day! I want to ask you, who did it! I didn't say it was you! I never doubted you!" Li Chunbo's eyes became aggressive. Deep in the bottom of my eyes, it is very sad: "After a few months, I realized that there was such a huge change. I immediately asked you, when you said that you didn't know, even if you stayed with me, look for it on the rivers and lakes. The murderer, I believe in you, because I never doubted you, but... But now you say that you know the beginning and the end of the matter? At the beginning... the second brother, you look at me like a fool in the rivers and lakes to pursue the murderer? Looking for me together, are you playing games with a fool?"

Xiao Chenyu avoided his eyes: "Yes. I was lying to you at the time."

"Ha ha..." Li Chunbo laughed, but the flame in his eyes was extinguished a little bit: "Enough loyalty! Really loyal, and Xiao Chenyu is willing to play games with the idiot brothers. It is a good brother!"

Xiao Chenyu blushes, suddenly anger: "What do you know? Do you know the relationship between them? At that time, if I told you, your Li family is gone! It’s gone! You know?"

"Oh, I am afraid of harming the family. I really appreciate the deep feelings of my brother, but now? You broke the truth, are you not afraid that the family will be gone?" Li Chunbo squinted and asked some ridiculously.

Xiao Chenyu sighed heavily: "Brother, this is the last wine in your brother's life!"

"I know, so I have to ask more clearly!" Li Chunbo smiled: "You and I know in my heart that our father was one of the nine robberies of the year! And the father of Jun brother is nine. The robbery of the sword is the Lord! Our fathers are all honored as the eldest boss!"

"Then their whereabouts are unknown on the same day, and the uncle's family is even more bizarre."

"The nine-day-old surnamed Jun, there is only Uncle Jun Han."

"However, Uncle Jun Han’s family was killed by a night without any reason..." Li Chunbo asked: "At that time, the nine big families have not really formed, but..."

"There have been only nine major families on the mainland, and there are no ten major families. During that time, our fathers will kill a sacred day. In addition to our own family, there are no masters in other places who can threaten Uncle Jun! Even if there are people who have that strength, there is absolutely no such courage. If you move Uncle Jun Han, you will move the nine strongest families in the future and kill the uncle Jun Han, which is equivalent to suicide, even the Jiuzu funeral!"

"The only reason I can think of is that you are afraid that Uncle Jun will have a share. So he is hurting?" Li Chunbo asked: "Is it?! Tell me, isn't it?"

Xiao Chenyu didn't answer for a long time, but finally answered: "Yes. They thought so at the time. Why do the ready-made nine family maps have to be separated, or even the best and most prosperous?" Therefore, the night sinks, Lan does not regret, Chen Yingfeng, stone roar, Zhuge Cangwu five people join hands, Zhuge Cangzhen set, night sinking poison, together with the night attack on the family, will kill it! This matter asked me I didn't participate, but I didn't stop it."

"But this thing, I don't know why it was known by Ling Xiaoyang. Ling Xiaoyang personally disguised his shot and finally saved Uncle Jun Han's five-year-old child Regal! Since then, Ling Xiaoyang has become the target of public criticism."


After writing this chapter, I laughed.

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