Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 785: Hundreds of wars

As the first snowman disappeared, the second seat disappeared. Li Chunbo's body froze, his mouth coughed, and then he vomited hard. A rich and extreme alcoholic shot was shot from an arrow in his mouth. Wearing the air and falling snow, with the sound of whistling, the road is inserted into the opposite side of the stone wall!

With a bang, there is a completely through hole in the opposite mountain!

A spit!

Li Chunbo looked at the hole, but did not speak.

"Zhenzhong! This is true." Xiao Chenyu also looked at the hole, his eyes were a little condensed, and then flew up, the speed of movement was not very fast, as if it was a place of nostalgia, as if staying a little more time It is also good.

"Zhenzhong! It's true too!" Li Chunbo drifted in the opposite direction, and the speed was equally unpleasant. The two left and right, and also left at a very slow speed, but neither side turned back.

This time, the next time you see it, you will be divided into life and death!

Even if the speed is slow, it is always part of the way, and the figure of each other gradually disappears into the hurricane.

There are still thousands of good wines on the ground that are not opened in the six altars. In this snow and ice, they remain quietly, leaving a testimony for this brotherhood.

In this silent silence, suddenly a gentle resilience came from the direction of Xiao Chenyu, and a hovering on the ground, the six altar wines were taken up, it seems to be to collect the wine go with.

At the same moment, from the direction of Li Chunbo’s departure, there was also a kind of flexibility that broke through the air, and it was also entangled in the jar. It seems that it is also going to take this wine away...

Once the two energies are in contact, the masters of both sides have already understood each other's meaning.

The two men stopped at the same time and seemed to want to leave the wine to the other party and give up.

However, the two people’s actions were coincidentally unbelievable. It was exactly the same, and the two spirits were recovered at the same time. The jar that had been suspended for a dozen feet suddenly lost its support and fell down together.

A few bangs, six wine jars smashed!

In the jar, the semi-solid Yin red liquid splashed everywhere. No half drops!

The original intention of both people is to preserve a few altars, but the consequences of the two people taking the shot together are the ultimate destruction of these altars.

Two directions. Two people. At the same time, stop at the end of the sky.

Both faces are the same loss.

Standing for a long time.

The wine is fragrant, drifting to all sides, and ultimately it is tasteless. The wine is like blood on the snow, gradually infiltrating into the snow, leaving only a piece of blood.

The final testimony of this brotherhood will not exist. People care, God is good, and who can distinguish clearly.

Both of them had a broken tearing feeling in their hearts.

After all, nothing is gone.

At this moment, the two people came up with this sentence at the same time.

however. The two still have not looked back.

After a long time, Xiao Chenyu sighed low and sighed. The body speed is instantaneously accelerated and completely disappears into the snow.

On the other side, Li Chunbo stopped and stood quietly for a few moments, as if he wanted to turn back, but he did not look back. Gently shake his head, two drops of crystal tears fell on the snow, suddenly looked up, and laughed!

"Ha ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ..." Li Chunbo Yang Tianxiaoxiao: "Everything is empty! Nothing! I insisted on things for 10,000 years, it was abandoned as early as 10,000 years ago, everything is like a fart A fart! Fart is not as good!!"

He vented his usual arrogance, and he sighed like a cry, and finally he ignored it. All the way to the big laugh shocked the world, the mountains and the mountains together, but the unparalleled determination.

Xiao Chenyu, who was flying, suddenly stunned, looking back, listening to the infinitely familiar, but now some strange sneer, and gradually disappeared, sighed for a long time, sighed and flew away.

The two men are like two straight lines, and they no longer intersect, and each disappears between heaven and earth.

I understand each other!

At present, it’s a matter of life and death.

You have to be treasured, you have to be dilemmas.

I am also!

The battle between the coalition forces and the Li family has now reached the most critical moment.

This kind of tension can be broken at any time. Even Chu Yang, who has been watching from the cold, can clearly feel the kind of oppression that the Wei Ling collapses like a mountain!

In the coalition, in addition to the reinforcements of Lingjia and law enforcement, the reinforcements of other major families have already arrived. The momentum has more than doubled before it!

More importantly, the fifth gentleness is slowly gathering the coalition team, and the reorganization can be seen. The decisive battle is in sight.

During the uninterrupted battles during this time, Li Xiongtu has been violent, and Li Batian fights side by side; every battle is scarred, and every time, it is a life of nine deaths.

Mo Tianji did not care about this. It is only responsible for treating him, giving him medicine, as for anything else, no matter what.

Li Xiong's face is getting more and more ugly, and his eyes are getting more and more gloomy.

It’s okay to say it once or twice, but... almost every time I can meet some unexpected situations, it’s not an accident.

However, Li Xiongtu did not have any solution to this.

Mo Tianji and others ignored him completely. He finally gave him treatment and helped him to recover. Li Wubo and others had no opinion on this. They only looked on the sidelines; and they were more and more unscrupulous. Later, even blatantly and unscrupulously gave Li Xiong a scorpion and set a trap.

When the army retreated, there was always someone who intentionally or unintentionally pushed the scarred Li Xiongtu to let him fall behind, passively acting as a person after the break.

Together with the battle, and waiting for the enemy line, Li Xiong often suddenly found himself to be a lonely man, Wan Majun, all my enemies!

Others are working together and helping each other. Only one person is facing a circle of enemies, at least one lap. Everyone is killing in the blood, watching the six-way ear listening to all directions, but the companions do not look at themselves in the end of the eye, as if they are transparent.

If it is not Li Xiu, the foundation is solid, the repair is honest, the ability to fight and fight is strong, and the ability to resist damage is even better. Then he has died at least thirty or forty times!

Li Xiong's heart is going to cool in a little bit.

He is not a fool!

"Why?" He finally couldn't help but ask Mo Tianji.

He only has to ask Mo Tianji, or can get an answer, because Mo Tianji does not bother to lie to him, ask others, he will only take his own humiliation.

"Why? Why not, why aren't the reasons on the table?" Mo Tian said: "Because you have lost the value of being used. It is time for you to return them, no matter how you return in any way. It should not be too much, not too much!"

Li Xiongtu said with anger: "But the reward should be done by me. I am willing to pay in return, so it is also a reward." Mo Tianji dismissed: "Of course it is a return! Active will? You can say These words can only show that you are too naive!"

Every time, Meng Huanhuan saw Li Xiong’s wounds on his body. I will cry in tears, and I will squat on the ground more than once and ask Li Xiong to stop fighting.

Now that you know that they are using you, they are even harming you. Why are you still stupid enough to go out and desperately?

Dream Huanhuan is persuading, but Mo Tianji and the proud evil cloud are not convinced.

The arrogant cloud and the ignorance have been unable to rush out several times, but it has always been forcibly stopped by Mo Tianji! For this matter. The two men did not talk to Mo Tianji for several days.

I have never seen such a heart-wrenching person, such a hero man, so designed and framed, you are not only indifferent, you have to push for help. Adding to the snow?

Mo Tianji is also watching. He is watching Li Xiongtu. What kind of choices can he make under such a blow? For Li Xiong's choice, Mo Tianji is looking forward to it, really looking forward to it.

"I want to fight! Continue to fight!"

Li Xiong figure is faint.

"They are killing me, I know! They started to save me for what I am now. I know it now. As for what they are thinking now, I know the same. I stay here, only one way to die, I know it!"

Li Xiongtu with an angry heartache, said: "But they saved my life after all! Give me too much resources, once used me as hope... no matter what the original intention, no matter what kind of mentality, no matter What kind of attempt... They are always kind to me, that's it."

"They are despicable, and there is a purpose. It is a fact that it is true to me. I have to pay back anyway."

"I have to fight for the Li family for a hundred games! Now it is sixty-seven battles! It is still thirty-three times."

"The battle is dead, it is my life. It is my luck to survive."

"I am not fighting for Li, I am fighting for myself, fighting for my own heart!"

Li Xiongtu held his head up: "The road to my peak will not be flawed, the road to the peak, the heart without destruction, can not help but say!"

Mo Tianji sighed deeply, too. I don't know if this sigh contains the gratification, rest assured, or appreciate or what it is... Other meanings, Li Xiong's choice can be said to be all in his expectation.

That shock is also true.

Li Xiongtu has always been such a temper, and Mo Tianji fully understands and even appreciates it. But this does not mean that Mo Tianji is recognized by people. On the contrary, Mo Tianji does not hope that Li Xiongtu can make some modifications: people have to kill you all over the place, all kinds of conspiracy and conspiracy calculations are used, it is not good. When the bright knife kills you, you actually still want to fight for someone else for a hundred times to repay!

Such a thought is so boring.

If you are wise, you can understand this kind of thinking, but it cannot be recognized.

Should this be said that Li Xiongtu is straight, or is it still... stupid and ignorant?

Mo Tianji couldn’t say it himself. He wanted to despise Li Xiongtu and despise the dead mind of this person. There is no flexible way of thinking. However, it is one thing to think about it. It’s one thing to disagree, but it’s really despised. However, I found that I could not ignore it at all, and even had some appreciation, admiration, and even respect.


I want to break out, I can’t break up, I have to plan well, and I will start writing a decisive battle tomorrow...

Still asking for a monthly pass...

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