Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 786: Add four more strokes to the king [first! 】

"The return of the so-called one hundred battles is too much." Mo Tianji sighed: "Li Xiongtu, you can't afford this return, no wonder I didn't remind you that the other's reinforcements have basically arrived. The next Fighting will only be more cruel; the following battle is dominated by a supreme force belonging to the 仈jiu product, and the final battle between the two sides will soon begin."

"When it is really time, you can't insert it with your cultivation. Even the aftermath is enough to destroy you. Do you think your contribution is meaningful?"

"So far, you have fought for the Li family for 67 times. According to your algorithm, you have to play thirty-three times before you can finish it. You can do it now, but don't say thirty-three. Second, after this big battle, it is time to reach the final battle between the two sides!" Mo Tiandao said: "How do you complete your one hundred times!"

Li Xiongtu said faintly: "To tell the truth, I also know that the so-called "hundred battles are graceful" opportunity, but what I ask for is nothing more than the peace of mind, the righteousness, nothing more." He faintly said: "I also It’s not a fool, it’s not stupid. I don’t know if it’s worth it or not. But when I was at the end of the road, they helped me... This is a pass in my life, I must go in my own way.”

"I understand." Mo Tianji nodded, facing such a person, even if it is a god, it is helpless.

"Not to mention, I am eager to fight, I am keen on fighting. Only when I fight, can I feel the value of my own existence! Only the constant fighting is my way forward, belongs to me, belongs to the path of my sage." Li Xiongtu issued Sharp brilliance, with a kind of fanaticism.

This kind of fanaticism can be felt by everyone. At this moment, Li Xiong almost burned.

This kind of burning war, the people have only seen it before in Dong Wu.

this moment. If you close your eyes, everyone will almost think that Dong is standing in front of him without injury, and he is arrogant and arrogant!

These two people, there are almost no two people with similar appearances. At this moment, it is so much like this!

"When you arrived, I just broke through the supreme strength." Li Xiong's eyes flashed: "I didn't even make a steady state of interest adjustment, I immediately went into the battle of life and death. Continue the first game is to face the challenges of life and death, countless times and nine deaths I finally came over."

"I don't know why, I really like the kind of feeling that I am going to live and play in the ghost gate. That is the realization that I can never get the practice!"

"After five battles, I found that I broke through to the second product supreme. And it is still a direct improvement in the battle, what sentiment, what is repaired, all the **** is not important. It is a direct breakthrough in the battle. I was already in the midst of a mountainous and dangerous situation. Suddenly, a breakthrough was made. A sword would beheaded the enemy’s head in the opposite direction. I saw the incredible eyes of the enemy before I died. I suddenly felt that life was very Beauty!" Li Xiongtu said faintly: "The beauty is in the blood of the enemy!"

"After 30 battles, I am still in the mortal situation. I once again broke through to the realm of Sanpin."

"Every battle is a life and death experience of dozens of times. The life and death are suspended in one hair, and it may be a subtle feeling at the time of death. At the same time, Li, Li, and Li are all isolated. I am looking forward to my death, but I am not dying. On the contrary, I am more and more addicted! For them, between life and death, it is a painful and most unwilling situation, but it is for me. Say, it is the most rare opportunity!"

"At the end of the sixty-six battles, I have achieved the four products of supreme, and now, I am the peak of the four products!" Li Xiong said: "After one hundred games, I must be able to break through five products, even six. Product!"

"They don't frame me, I want to fight; they frame me, I still have to fight! Even if even the war is dead, I will fight to the last breath, and the battle will be destroyed until the last glimpse." Li Xiong said proudly: "Since So, why don't I fight for a peace of mind? With that hate me, I can't wait for me to die early, but I have a family grace that I have great grace!"

"You are a savvy person! I have served you!" Proud evil clouds and ignorance at the same time stretched out their thumbs.

Mo Tianji said faintly: "I admire a fart. People have been fighting since the beginning of the battle. In less than half a year, they have improved the number of products before and after, what about you?"

The arrogant cloud and the cockroaches are stunned, with a black line on the face, and then spit together: "You can mix things, can this be better than you? Are you guilty of saying this?"

I don’t blame the two people for swearing, even saying that Mo Tianji is losing heart. The current position of the two people is the guardian of Mo Tianji. The chances of going out to kill the enemy are naturally rare, not to mention that Li Xiong is always in the moment. In the midst of life and death, if even they have to go out to kill the enemy, it is estimated that Mo Tianji will have a great danger.

What's more, the two have now climbed to the peak of the six products, and the supreme has reached the level of six products has been superhuman fairy, the upgrade is not as difficult as the ascent, from the time of the war to the present, so short time, It is already a remarkable achievement to be able to upgrade from the junior six products to the top of the six products. This has to be changed for a few people. This progress has not been able to come down for thousands of years.

Mo Tianji actually used this to fight against two people, is not very speechless.

"Don't you know that everyone must ascend to the Supreme Nine Products as soon as possible! We are racing with time, have time to argue with me, and it is better to consolidate our own cultivation." Mo Tianji's sentence, even Li Xiongtu is a 趔趄Almost fell to the ground.

What you said can be really light, the Supreme Nine Products is the thing that touches the upper and lower lips; but... Do you know how many talents can be stuck in these levels?

Mo Tianji fixedly looked at Li Xiongtu, and the eyes of the blind man showed their contemplation.

There is a strange glint in the faint flash.

Li Xiongtu asked himself not afraid of the day, even if there was no injury to Chu Yang Dong, there was no "fear" in his heart, but at this moment he felt cold in the eyes of Mo Tianji.

The yin in this cargo is really hard to prevent, and it is really omnipotent.

In fact, what Mo Tianji is thinking about is really not related to Li Xiongtu itself: Li Xiongtu is so fast with the help of the battle, then, if his own brothers want to join the battle, experience life and death, whether it can be like Li Xiong Generally go to improve?

But thinking about it, the flame in the eye gradually went out.

"This idea is undoubtedly very attractive, but it is still reluctant..." Mo Tianji sighed in his heart and silently thought: "Although knowing that this will definitely work, it is still too risky..."

At this moment, in the direction of the Lijia Hall, suddenly there was a shout of earth-shattering cheers! It seems that something is going wrong, it seems to be a good thing.

"Everyone went to the hall with me, ready to arrange the next wave of battle." Mo Tianji stood up and went out first.

The proud and evil cloud could not stand at the same time, and Li Xiongtu also followed.

"Xiong..." Meng Huanhuan sighed with mourning.

Li Xiongtu fixed his body and stood still, not looking back. "Reassure, I will not die! As long as I don't want to die, I want to die. Anyone in the world will take my life. I am finished." Li family here, but wish, immediately propose to you, let us leave here!"

After Li Xiongtu finished, he strode away.

"I am waiting for you, you must come back..." Behind him, the dreams are filled with tears and eyes, and focus on the head.


When Mo Tianji walked into the hall, he immediately felt that four pairs of sharp eyes were condensed on his face and body.

A shock in my heart, look up at the head of the light source.

I saw that it was originally in the position of the Lijia family, and there was another person sitting in the front.

He went there one by one, naturally it was the Yuanluo Yuelu, majestic like a mountain, like a mountain, it seems that the ancients have already existed, everything is taken for granted, overlooking the world, the king of the world!

The position of the Lijia family owner has always been unshakable. Even the later five ancestors of the four ancestors, in this hall, must also stand under the position of the homeowner to show the absolute authority of the owner.

But when the people came out, they sat there, but everyone felt it for granted.

This pair of people's eyes are like electricity. Looking up and down, it seems that the young wise man will see through.

Beside him, still standing another person, his face is almost similar to him, like a brother, and seems to be a father and son.

That person owns this is a pair of eyes full of vicissitudes to see through the world.

Mo Tianji was stared at by these eyes, and his heart was somewhat sad. It seems that in such a short period of time, the other party’s emotions have already infected him.

And behind that person, there is one person standing on the left and right. At the moment of these two people, their eyes are also staring at Mo Tianji, but they are expressionless.

The cultivation of these four people is astonishingly high. For Mo Tianji, it is unfathomable and cannot be understood.

In the heart of Mo Tianji, there was a clear consciousness: this must be the real peak figure of Lijia.

"Mo Tianji? Nine robbery think tank?" The man asked.

"Don't dare." Mo Tianji said faintly: "Predecessors must be, Li Chunbo, Li old predecessors?"

Mo Tianji guessed it right, this person is Li Chunbo.

Li Chunbo came to visit and re-elected the family.

Only Li Chunbo can have such power, and only him. Whenever he comes out, the owner must give up immediately and be willing to give way!

Li Chunbo said faintly: "The Li family is facing a huge change in life and death. The great disaster is already at stake. I am waiting for the air to bear the force, but there is no way to manage it. Everything is completely ruthless. The old man came out this time, that is to tell Mo The military division, under your account, there are four more pawns! The military division can use it at will."

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