Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 787: Absolute power [second more! 】

Mo Tianji frowned and his face was a little serious. He said: "The predecessors are coming back to the dust, and it is naturally helpful in the current situation. But the gods dare to ask the predecessors, which is the ancestor of the ancestors who participated in this war?"

"Mo Jun's name is not vain, only from the old man's appearance, it is judged that the change, not the military division, Xiao Jia Xiao Chenyu, the nine major family ranked second! The second master of the nine great ancestors has entered the battle!" Li Chunbo Gujing not wave Said. For the reaction of Mo Tianji, it doesn't feel strange. If Mo Tianji doesn't notice the change, or if he doesn't ask for his identity, he will look down on Mo Tianji.

"It turned out to be."

Mo Tianji did not feel strange, no accidents.

If the other party does not have such a dangerous person who can overturn the overall situation, how can Li Chunbo appear here?

Since Li Chunbo appears here, it means that the other party is also like a senior master of Li Chunbo.

"This is Li Xiangsi; it is my son." Li Chunbo introduced: "These two are my brothers; also my guards! We were born and died together, and have passed through 10,000 years!"

"Sweet Acacia is the peak of the eight products, and it is only a short distance from the nine products. As for the two brothers, I have broken through the nine products for two hundred years ago. Now it is the nine-level supreme primary, full."

Li Chunbo’s voice was calmly introduced to Mo Tianji one by one: “The old man is the supreme ninth, close to the peak, can only be regarded as high-level, full, this state.”

Mo Tianji looked and said: "With the help of your predecessors, I believe that we have added many opportunities in this battle."

Li Chunbo looked sad. Dao: "This time, the crisis of the Li family is indeed unprecedented. Even when the nine-day robbery was the most difficult and dangerous, it did not come to the present. It did not harm the family; the Mo Junshi would not have to say anything beautiful. There are countless numbers in the old ruthlessness. If there is no military sergeant to sit down and plan the whole market, Li will be slaughtered by the ancestors sooner or later. This is a matter of nailing."

"However, even if there is a military officer sitting in the town, strategizing, and being able to fight with the enemy. But once it reaches the 7893, the supreme battle, the high intelligence and mentality will not help. Before the absolute strength. Everything is empty talk. So The final outcome of Li Jia is still inevitable and will be destroyed."

Li Chunbo said faintly, saying that he stared at Mo Tianji and whispered: "Is the Mo Junshi thought it?"

Mo Tianji nodded: "The odds are really small, almost no, but if you want to keep a line of blood... it is not absolutely impossible to have hope."

Listening to Mo Tianji saying this sentence, everyone in the hall is a long sigh.

For this result, everyone has long been a common cognition, fact. Although cruel. But no one felt a little surprised.

“The geographical location is very bad in the northwest of Lijia. If it is in the center of the mainland, then it is necessary to keep the blood, you can hide it everywhere, but in the northwest. It is not easy. The only means is to rush out, only to rush out. There is a future."

Li Chunbo said: "At this point, the old man thought of it. Mo Junshi thought of it, and the coalition forces wanted to come to think of it. So, if you want to rush out, the difficulty is really great."

He paused, his eyes crossed the Mo Tianji, and he looked at the arrogant cloud, and he couldn’t figure it out. Li Xiongtu said: "You must take care!"

His tone did not change from beginning to end, but Li Xiongtu clearly felt that Li Chunbo’s eyes stayed on his face for a little more time.

Mo Tianji's eyes flashed slightly.

He heard it. The wise old man in front of him, the last seven words, is very meaningful.

Just want the four of us to take care of it? still is……?

The voice did not fall, and then Li Chunbo stood up and strode down the seat, facing everyone, Shen Sheng: "I have something to say."

"Please confess your ancestors." Everyone kneels down.

"Li Jia is at the juncture of life and death. Since you want to command the military commander, you must determine the status of the military. First, all of you, if anyone dares to play here, I will personally take the first one." he!"

"Second!" Li Chunbo reached out and asked: "Please, please, please sit down!"

The direction of his fingers is the position of the master of the family!

Then, Li Chunbo said loudly: "From now on, everyone in the family, including the old man, must unconditionally obey the orders of the military commander! Do not dare to kill, innocent!"


Everyone has no objection to this decision, because it is Li Chunbo who made this decision.

"The most important thing is that now, everyone will select their own descendants. Each family will only allow two people! Then they will be together. Once they find a suitable opportunity, they will send the descendants first. Ridongshan is starting again."

"Yes!" This time, everyone promised more happiness, and victory is hopeless. Only hope that his son will have a chance to come back.

Li Chunbo turned around: "Mo Junshi, please! From this moment, you will sell all of our family members... We will also obey! There is a husband and wife, I believe that no one will dare to disagree!"

Mo Tianji nodded and stepped forward.

The proud evil cloud is not following him.

Li Xiong took a few steps to stop, and stopped to stand by Li Chunbo.

Li Chunbo's brow wrinkled.

Mo Tianji finally walked to the front of the seat, turned and slowly sat down.

Proud of evil clouds, if you can't get through, you will stand behind him, and you will be two gods.

The situation is fixed, the people below suddenly feel an unprecedented pressure, it seems that there is more pressure than the old master Li Chunbo in office, as if the moment when Mo Tianji sat down here, the whole Li family will be in full control. In the hands!

Absolute power! Mastered in the hands of an outsider.

But no one is dissatisfied with it, and the ability of Mo Tianji has already conquered them.

Only Mo Tianji’s heart smiled, but I didn’t expect that this hot potato was still not thrown away.

The old rivers and lakes are the old rivers and lakes, the old monsters that have lived for more than 10,000 years, really are personal objects, humanoid monsters!

When Li Chunbo came out, he quickly established the position of the highest authority, and the position of “the suspect does not need to use people without doubt”, this attitude can be said to be very beautiful, even the function of the sky. It’s not just a gesture, it’s clear.

It is indeed true and sincere.

It seems that Li Chunbo really feels that the fall of the Li family is imminent; even he should feel that the only vitality of Li’s family should be on Mo Tianji.

This move, on the face of it, is to hand over the whole family's life and life in the hands of Mo Tianji. It seems to be very risky, and it is extremely devastating, but in the deep sense it is very clever. Decide.

Because Li Chunbo is not Li Wubo.

Li Wubo only knows the legend of the so-called "nine robbery", but Li Chunbo knows clearly what kind of existence is the nine robbers.

Just like the Mo Tianji in front of you, you don't believe him. He will still help you to make suggestions and fight with the enemy, so that the hardships of the family will be delayed, but the bones will only be regarded as a war tool. After the death is over, it will be dead.

But if you believe in him, he will still try his best, but for this sincere belief, he will make a certain degree of return.

What Li Chunbo needs is a certain degree of return - the continuation of Li's blood.

No matter how many blood continues in the end, as long as there is just one, even one or two! It is better than a broken grandson.

Mo Tianji owed to the wise old man and said: "Predecessors, I try my best!"

In the eyes of Li Chunbo, there is a smile like a spring wave of green water, and gently dagger. He knows that the words of Mo Tianji are promised, and the answer is good, and everything has hope.

The voice of Mo Tianji came from the ear: "Predecessors, I can only guarantee that if you don't play with me, don't engage in internal destruction, there is no intrigue and inconvenience, I will promise to do my best to keep the house." Part of the blood. But... If it is against, the family will be destroyed, it will be a fixed number!"

Li Chunbo calmed his face and said: "If it is the future generations of the Li family, it will not be necessary. Li has no need to exist anymore! I have established a strong family from the ruins. The original intention is only to protect my affection, if it is affection. No longer, all the benefits have been made, then, from my hands, it is impossible!"

"Predecessors open-minded, the younger generation admire!" Mo Tianji heartfelt.

This sentence "admire", Mo Tianji can be said to be sincere, such as Li Chunbo, has established a huge family that has been stretching for thousands of years, said to abandon and abandon, if there is no sea, the chest is not impossible.

"The old man still has a request, I hope you can fulfill it." Li Chunbo said faintly: "Li Xiongtu must live! Even if all the blood of the Li family is cut off, Li Xiong plans to live, this is the last wish of the old man!"

Mo Tianji Su Rong said: "This predecessor can rest assured that I did not want him to die!"

Li Chunbo faintly conveyed: "Li Xiong is never one of the nine robbers? All this is actually your layout design!" He said this sentence directly with a positive tone.

Mo Tianji said faintly: "He is not! Never!"

Li Chun’s wavelength is a long sigh of relief, and the sound is complicated: “Sure enough, God did not care about the same family twice. Li is just a chess piece, and it is a chess piece from beginning to end. Fortunately, Li Xiongtu can live...even if not The bloodline of the sputum is always surnamed."

At this point, although there is resentment in Li Chunbo’s voice, he did not say anything about Mo Tianji.

There is no need to say anything!

Now that this situation has arrived, even if it is to clarify, who will believe? Even if you believe it, you can no longer let go of it.

The **** tens of thousands of lives, the precarious situation... the benefits at your fingertips!

Mo Tianji’s plan, from the very beginning, was successful when Li Xiongtu was taken for three days.


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