Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 788: Have you ever slaughtered a knife, how can you avoid being fish? [The third! 】

Mo Tiandao said: "I can only say that if Li Xiongtu can live forever, he will be higher than your achievements, or it may be much higher."

Li Chunbo sighed: "You can say that this is enough. The old man's life martial arts experience, all in the body of Li Xiongtu, can be regarded as the old man's robes. No regrets."

Mo Tianji finally understood why the repair of Li Xiongtu was able to insert wings in this period of time and generally leaps forward. Dao: "People in Lijiazhi... What should Li Lao plan to do?"

Li Chunbo’s eyes swept in the hall. Everyone felt that the ancestors’ eyes were like lightning, and they were all in the heart. Everyone could not help but bow their heads and dare not face them.

Li Chunbo sighed deeply: "In addition to a limited number of people and the old and weak women and women... the old man's family ... has been all dead and alive! The old man's efforts, have been squandered, not a little bit passed down. The original intention of the old man to create the family was abandoned a few thousand years ago!"

His voice has even trembled a little: "Mo Tianji... Wait until you re-plan the world order... Although killing is inevitable, although human nature is greedy, I don’t know how to be lame... but I still hope that you can Ren Xiao, placed in the ranks of priority, so..."

Mo Tianji was shocked and raised his head and looked at Li Chunbo.

Li Chunbo is opposite to his four eyes. It has seen through the vicissitudes of the world, and now it is full of fatigue and death.

"This world has long made the old man feel sick and disgusted. The old man does not want to stay in this world again, and he does not want to go to the Nine Heavens. He does not want to see any old people in the past... It’s only now, only the dead war!"

Mo Tianji no longer speaks.

Li Chunbo no longer has a voice.


"You, the cruelest war is about to begin, I should have told everyone that I wish you all the best in the world, but now. At this moment, it is not meaningless and irresponsible to say those words that are illusory. "Mo Tianji packed up his mood. Adjusted the tone, facing the crowd, and said frankly: "For the inheritance of the blood of future generations. I want to seriously tell you the last truth: prepare for death!"

Everyone gathered below, all of them are dignified.

"Previous seniors will be so important today, and I will only do everything I can to do everything. However, the enemy is in a big position, and the current priority is not to compete with the enemy for a moment, but to keep the seeds for the family. On the day of the comeback, we, people, must seize the opportunity to cover the blood and escape the descendants. The means of cover, only the word - sacrifice!"

Mo Tianji said: "I am careful to remind you of the last time: every family, only two people! The best one! And, one of the advice, each should never play any more attention... At the moment, the blood is running away. The chances of survival for the sacrifice of the family... If any part of the problem arises from within us, then... no wonder I didn’t remind you, then the only ending will only be extinct! I believe everyone understands this, don’t I hope to take the millet in the fire, tired and tired!"

The following is quiet. There was no half-person to speak for a long time. Everyone tried their best to breathe. For a time, there was a hall full of thousands of feet. The head was dense, but there was no sound, and the needle was audible.

Li Wubo stood on one side, and stood fiercely and fiercely, and his father and son were obviously thoughtful at the moment, but they were only thinking about what they were thinking.

"Now, start counting the number of people and divide the allocation of the combat group. Please take the top of the eight-product supreme step forward." Mo Tianji said faintly.

Li Chunbo took the lead in stepping forward, followed by Li Xiangsi and several others as well.

"Eight!" Mo Tianji frowned: "It should be a total of eleven, that is to say, in the previous battle, there have been three eight-supreme supreme sacrifices... among the eight, there are two Seriously injured, the combat power is greatly damaged; except for the four people who have just appeared today, that is to say... the previous battle, we have lost more than half of the combat power!"

"The enemy's terrible power is evident."

"The enemy's reinforcements come from all directions, and they are almost inexhaustible. But here we have no backup and no rescue. It can be said that there is one less dead. You should never think that there are people like Li and others. Sitting in town, how optimistic the situation is!"

Everyone in the family is even more heavy.

"Next, please take the Seventh Supreme step forward." Mo Tianji said again.

Another seventeen people took a step forward.

"Six products supreme!"

Twenty-five people.

"Five products supreme!"

The five products of the supreme stand out, but only ten people; in the recent wave of battles, the five-product supreme has become the end of the war, but the most vulnerable life.

"Four products!"

There are still twenty-eight survivors of the four products, and nine of them are wounded. Li Xiong is in it.

"Three products to one product."

This order came out, and the face of Li’s family was even more ugly.

The supreme of the three grades adds up to only 96 people!

"In the heyday, there were a total of 291 elites in the Li family." Li Xiangsi sighed: "Now, even we all count, but only one hundred and seventy-four people, and many of them are Negative scars, greatly reduced combat power."

"Supreme masters are the accumulation of thousands of years, countless years, countless resources, and piled up. Now, within one year... there are as many as one hundred and seventy, of which eighty Many people are killed in the four-month offensive and defensive war, which is horrible.

Li Chunbo sighed: "This is already a lucky one. If there are no behind-the-scenes plans for the four months, I am afraid that this one hundred and seventy-four people may not be able to stay a few now."

"The rest of the sacred masters, but those who have more than five products, stand out." Mo Tianji said again.


"Stand out under the five grades."


"The monarch is standing out."


"Under the monarchy, all the emperor and king level, stand out and go outside to line up."

Mo Tianji went out first.

Li Chunbo seems to know what Mo Tianji will do, and Li Xiangsi, Li Wubo and several family elders have followed suit.

Halfway through, Mo Tianji stopped.

He did not look back, so he asked in front of him: "I want to know that Li Jia eventually lost, the master died, and he can die. Then, the rest of the elderly and the elderly, how the enemy will be disposed of ?"

Li Chunbo’s eyes trembled fiercely and there was no excuse to speak. Next to Li Xiangsi sighed and said: "The possibility of being killed is infinite!"

Mo Tian’s fuselage fainted: “The old and the sick and the sick, the young children here, how many people are there?”

Li Wudao said: "There are about 730,000 people."

This is undoubtedly a rather large number, so large that everyone is silent.

Although these people also have some force, they are worse than the infants now. In the face of a strong enemy, in addition to leading the neck, there is no room for resistance!

Mo Tianqi calmly asked: "When you invade other families, when you expand the territory, how do you deal with the captives, or the defeated, especially those elderly women and the elderly? Do not tell me, Li has never done anything to invade other families! Or Li has never taken anything!"

The deeper meaning of this sentence is very clear. What have you done? Now others will use the same means to deal with you.

World affairs, it is such a retribution is not good, not not reported, but the time has not arrived.

Li did not wave in the mouth, but for a time he could not speak.

Not only is he alone, but all the people in the room are in silence, and they are silent. Many people have lowered their heads deeply.

Li Chunbo was furious, and he slammed his hand on the face of Li Wubo. He whispered: "What will happen in the end? Say! Dumb!"

Li Wubo’s cheeks bulged high and his lips smashed twice. “The men’s all killed and killed, the boys all killed, the girls...the women...the old, the ugly, the disabled, all killed, slightly Being ..."

Li Chunbo's face was pale and his body was shaken twice. He had been asking the world for too many years, although he knew that the family might be so badly smashed, but he couldn't think of dreams. He went to this point!

Li Chunbo has always ruled with his filial piety, and passed on to the world with his righteousness. He has a life-long ethics and a sense of innocence in his heart! However, once their own children and grandchildren are gaining momentum, they will not let go of even the women and children who have no resentment on the enemy side.

The old man hated his teeth, and it was a palm. The sound of "啪" will be fiercely beaten by a few feet. He fell on the pillar and bounced back. He stepped on the chest without a wave, and asked fiercely: " Speaking of it, what are some of the things that are pretty, how to deal with them? Just say!"

The old man’s heart is unclear, but at this time, he has to let Li Wubo say it.

"... sinful! Rewarding the meritorious minister to be a slave, or... change hands and sell it!" Li Wubo’s mouth spurted out of blood, and said with difficulty: "The ancestors, you must think that this is only what we have done." In fact, the nine major families... nothing more than this! This is the rivers and lakes of today... the fairness is not in the hearts of the people, and the right is the strength..."

Li Chunbo suddenly raised his feet: "This is the current trend of the rivers and lakes?"

Whoever looks at his eyes, whoever nods silently, then turns his face away.

In the rivers and lakes, such things are too much and too much. In the hands of everyone, there are not thousands of lives? And how many innocent people are in these lives?

"The fairness is not in the hearts of the people. Whether it is strength or not, if we are finally defeated... our family will fall into the hands of the other party and will be treated the same."

Li Chunbo has been stunned for a long time, and bitterly said: "Whether you have slaughtered a knife, how can you avoid being fish?!"

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