Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 790: War book!

Mo Tianji said: "At the beginning of the battle, only four teams came forward, and the other four teams served as backup teams. As for the independent team of Li Chunbo, it was the last reserve team and the most important and crucial force. Also, please ask your predecessors to do something."

Li Chunbo beheaded: "When you say that the old man has fully understood, rest assured."

Mo Tianji nodded and said: "In this case, the final battle will be determined."

He took two steps in his hand and said: "I have a letter, who can give me the fifth gentleness?"

"Give the fifth gentle? The other's military division?"


Li Xiangsi stepped forward: "How is the old man walking in person?"

"No!" Mo Tianji said: "Your position is too important. If you go in person, no matter how vaguely the fifth is soft, it is necessary to leave you... the person who sent this letter can not be too High, but not too low. Supreme five or six products are the most suitable, so the opportunity to retreat is the greatest."

"Li Tongtian, let's go this way." Li Chunbo will point directly.

"Yes! Heavy sun obeys!" Li Tongtian stepped forward and looked solemn. He took the letter from Mo Tianji and flew straight out. A gust of wind generally disappeared in the snow.

"I can ask, what is written in the military teacher's letter?" Li Xiangsi asked curiously.

"There is nothing, just a sentence, after ten days, the early morning battle! Jun can dare?!", that's all." Mo Tianji whispered: "This is the sentence."

"A decisive battle after ten days?"

"Not bad."

"Ten days? It's too anxious, if it's about a month..." Li Xiangsi gently inhales.

"Ten days is already the limit. It is impossible to be more. All the reinforcements of the other party have all arrived." Mo Tianji said faintly: "I believe that the other party is ready for a comprehensive decisive battle. If this letter is not delivered early Or, the day after tomorrow, the other party will launch a full-scale offensive. It is even worse and unprepared."

Li Xiangsi said: "The military teacher is justified, but the situation is already bad. Why are you sure? The other party will accept this battle contract. If you change me, I will definitely not accept it."

Mo Tianji smiled gently: "Because you are not the fifth gentle, and if he does not accept. It is not the fifth gentle."

He said faintly: "The ten days are my ten thousand brothers, 700,000 women and children, and ten days of deliberate fight! The last ten days."

"In fact, the decisive battle, even if it is started now, does not matter. But... Since this time, at the last moment of life... always have to enjoy the beautiful scenery to be less regrettable."

"Who has no parents? Who has no children? Who has no partners..." Mo Tianji said with a sigh: "You are doing what you are doing, now, the cycle of causality... Although it is uncomfortable, but how many innocents? ”

"With our current strength, even if you die a thousand times, you can't keep it!"

Everyone in the room was a bit stunned.

Li Chunbo is a heavy sigh.


Coalition camp.

The fifth gentleness is sitting opposite Xiao’s ancestor Xiao Chenyu, with a heartfelt respect and care to deal with the Xiao’s first generation ancestors.

"Ling home has not arrived yet?" Xiao Chenyu calmed his face.

"Not yet. I must have delayed the accident."

"It is impossible to delay! Ling Xiaoyang will never allow... they have not come yet, it must have been an accident. It is dead..." Xiao Chenyu said faintly: "You don't have to wait. It is doomed." I can't wait until the next batch."

The fifth gentle eyelid jumped, but this was the same as I thought.

"There are no people on the law enforcement side?" Xiao Chen Yu Dao.

"No, the same message is not available."

This time, Xiao Chenyu did not speak immediately and was silent for a long time. Only said: "I think the law enforcement person may be the real accident delay..."

Turning the road: "Now the battle, can you be sure?"

The fifth thought gently, and nodded affirmatively: "There is basically no big problem. However, if you are looking for security, you should wait for the best law enforcement."

"Now the strength is enough!" Xiao Chenyu said faintly.

"That will be a decisive battle! A battle is accomplished!" The fifth gently listened to the imposing meaning of Xiao Chenyu's tone. However, there was no accident and I immediately agreed.

"Reporting the general commander, Xiao Lao's predecessor, Li Jia sent someone to send a letter. It is said that the other army's sergeant is a supernatural commander."

"Come in." Xiao Chenyu frowned.


The letter has arrived.

The fifth softly opened directly, took a look, and actually could not help but laugh.

"What content?" asked Xiao Chenyu.

The fifth smiled softly and read it out: "After ten days, fight with the king; the heavenly machine is soft, and the life and death are counted. Dare to ask Xiao Chenyu's predecessors, can you give his brother ten days to rest?"

This letter is not as simple as that of Mo Tianji and Li Xiangsi. The real content is written to two people at the same time. The fifth is gentle, Xiao Chenyu.

"Since it is a brother's request, how to refuse, I give him ten days and how!" Xiao Chenyu's eyes touched and sighed softly. In the mind of Mo Tianji, can you give his brother ten days to rest? This sentence directly touched the softest part of his heart.

I remembered the last drunk on the day, and the last testimony did not exist. The sad smile of the sad and desperate when the brothers left, seemed to echo again in the ear.

So Xiao Chenyu made a direct decision.

Don't say ten days, you will give me twenty days!

The fifth soft nodded: "I have no opinion. It is just in these ten days, waiting for the law enforcement to assist. I immediately wrote back to Mo Tianji, and asked the messenger to bring it back."


"The decisive battle to decide the fate is about to begin." Chu Yang stood on the snow-capped mountains and cliffs, and it seems that some thoughts are not.

On the other hand, the ink tears are giving a large piece of bruise on Dong’s back, and the blood is scattered. Dong did not hurt his teeth, and his black face was full of twisted pain.

Speaking of this product is also really flustered. In the past few days, there is no itch in the battle, and it is almost the same as smoking in the smoke. You said that you have a itch and want to have fun and find someone to practice. No problem, how many people can be used for his training, Chu Yang ink tears can be a fun.

But Dong did not hurt but said that it is not interesting to fight with you, not enough. So the goods directly found the strongest, actually went to the dance city to learn ...

And dancing in the city will be infinite depression and depression, see a good and die to come to look for abuse, ready-made gas pump to hand, naturally not polite, kicked the goods under the three fists and feet Snowball, in a big mood, then gently patted the back of the thick back.

It’s just that this is a slap in the face. Dong’s no scars can’t get up. So far, I’ve been squatting in front of everyone’s feet for three hours. Looking at his state, his hands and heart should not tickle, and he’s all transferred to his back. Is the slap in the city of dance so good?

As for the algorithm, I respected the dance of the city and still have to recuperate for three months... not to mention that Dong’s general ants are now in front of the city.

The ink tears screamed with great enthusiasm and said: "The two sides have not acted for four days. It seems that the two sides have reached a certain tacit understanding, it should be to start playing big."

Chu Yang faintly nodded: "This result is not unexpected, I can even be sure that this change is dominated by the heavens."

Mo light dance, and said: "Why must it be my second brother? The fifth is soft?"

"It's not that the fifth gentleness does not have this wisdom, but because the fifth soft side is now in an absolutely strong situation. If it is dominated by it, the two sides must have been in flames of war at this moment, and may even have already won the game. Uncertain." Chu Yang smiled: "It is absolutely impossible to be so quiet and peaceful. This should be the last peace before the final battle."

Mo light dance, oh, said: "Chuyang, what are we going to do here? In the previous battles, we are not involved here."

"Who said no one is involved?" Dong did not hurt: "The little girl can talk indiscriminately, you didn't participate, but I have all died. The scene came to an end!"

Ink tears are angry and anxious, and angered: "You are too embarrassed to say that it was not only the last half of the life to come back? When you heard that this battle will be like a madman who eats honey, it is really nothing to say. "In the speech, Yu Zhang's strength is a bit bigger, hate and hate: "It is a material that is born to blame!"

Dong did not hurt and hurt his mouth, but he never complained. His woman was distressed, and the pain was to be held back.

"Well, there is no war on both sides, and there is no rest, but I don’t want to go to the dance to learn from the dead. I really don’t know how many bowls of dry rice I have..." Come: "The dance of the predecessors is the peak of the world. This time it is the mercy of the people, and if you are really angry, a slap can make you die even if you don't know how to die!"

Unexpectedly, when talking about this, Dong was not hurt. Said to Chu Yang: "Boss, you don't know, this time fighting the predecessors of the dance, I have realized some knives. Do you still remember the words you said in the next three days? Turning the air..."

Chu Yang brows a show: "Oh? Do you understand it?" (See the fourth part of the knife 175, 176)

"Now I can't say that I realized that I have some eyebrows." Although Dong Zai was not able to move on the ground, he was dancing. "When I can stand up, I will go to the predecessors to learn from each other. I believe... ..."

I heard that this product actually went to the dance city to "cut the discussion", the ink tears suddenly speechless, rushed to the brain in one breath, simply transported the power, smashed two times, said: "Go, go. Killing you forget... I’ve been beaten half-length, actually still... still going!”


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