Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 791: Be sure to fight!

Aussie Jiuzhongtian 7_ Aussie Jiuzhongtian full text free reading _ Seventh 797th chapter must fight! From

The position of Dong Wu's back bruises was specially stunned by the dancing city. The purpose was to make him quiet for a few days, and there was nothing to do with the influx of flies. After the place was beaten by the dance city, the pain touch was deliberately strengthened fifteen times!

The pain caused by that palm, even if it is an iron man like Dong Wu, is also unbearable.

Just now, the purpose is to loosen the mud and promote blood circulation, even if the force is limited, Dong no injury is forced to come over, but at this moment, the ink tears use two points of force, although it is only two points of strength, it is already a small mistake, Dong has no pain. Zhang opened his mouth and couldn't make a sound. It was like a squid dying of thirst, and his eyes turned white, as if he had to step into death.

"Hurry... lighter... I drop a mother... You have to kill me..." Dong didn't hurt for a long time before he got back and sighed and sweated.

"Hey! You deserve it!" Ink tears rolled his eyes, and he was dissatisfied. She knew that Dong’s wounds were harmless. Even though it hurts a lot, it doesn’t really have any trouble, otherwise it will regenerate. Will not use the power.

"Woman, woman, ah..." Dong did not hurt and sighed.

For a long time, Dong Wushou finally breathed a sigh of relief and said something: "In the last few battles, I saw Li Xiong, and I saw him every time!"

He took a deep breath and said: "I can clearly feel that the enemies are approaching and constantly approaching! The speed is fast! I don't want to be caught by the enemy and be overtaken!"

"Li Xiong Tu? Is it actually him? Is he also reaching the Supreme Realm?" The ink tears frown and suddenly cared. She naturally knows that Dong is the biggest opponent in his life. The only recognized opponent is Li Xiongtu.

Dong Wu was one of the nine robberies. He had already smashed Li Xiongtu too far and far behind him. The ink tears were not on the heart. I didn’t expect to be here, but I heard Dong did not hurt. Moreover, judging from the meaning of Dong’s innocence, Li Xiong’s entry seems to be not slow, at least it can threaten today’s Dong.

"It is the supreme realm. Li Xiong Tu is now the peak of the supreme four products. Moreover, the kind of fanaticism of the body is becoming more and more intense. It is definitely not inferior to me!" Dong Wu injured and frowned: "I am One of the nine robberies. With the help of the boss deliberately, only to reach the peak of the Supreme Six Pins, Li Xiongtu is not a nine robbery, but the entry can actually be so horrible, in all fairness, I..."

Ink tears are silent.

She naturally understands that Dong is harmless.

From the level of the throne that was originally in the middle of three days. All the way up to the current Supreme Six products, but only a few years before and after; even if there are countless panacea medicines in Chuyang, but Dong Wushou and others can be upgraded can still be considered a miracle!

However, Li Xiongtu did not have such conditions as the nine robbers. But it can be greatly improved at the same speed. What does this mean?

Ink tears can not help but also worry in the heart.

"This section doesn't have to worry too much." Chu Yang smiled: "While you have your chance, Li Xiongtu will have his experience. For example, two Tiandi Dibao, you got a million years. Ganoderma lucidum is in the northern Xinjiang; why can't Li Xiongtu get the 8,000-year-old king in other places?"

Chu Yang leisurely said: "Some people who are not destined to be ordinary, naturally will encounter some adventures in their own lives, some ... Heaven's care. This is not surprising! Li Xiongtu is determined to bear fruit. The temper is straight, it is born The hero of the hero. It is not surprising that there is such an opportunity."

Dong did not hurt: "Yes, I understand that this is not the case. I am eager to fight with Li Xiong, but I will never stop to wait for him."

"Of course, if you wait for him, you will lose." Chu Yang smiled.

"This decisive battle, let's not intervene?" Mo light dance asked on the side.

"There is no news from the Mo Tianji. It can be seen that he does not want us to intervene." Chu Yang said: "To tell the truth, if this war is rashly involved, the risk is too great; the possibility of death Sex will surpass any previous adventure. So, Mo Tianji does not dare to make his own decisions."

"As for whether the brothers participated in the war or not, he is actually waiting for my choice."

Chu Yang frowned and looked down from the top of the mountain.

"What is your choice?" Behind him, there was a dance of the city's dignified voice.

"My choice is..." Chu Yang smiled, his eyes slid over the face of Dong Wu's ink-scarred tears, and he raised his fists and raised his fists on his chest: "Even though dangerous, even after nine deaths, But, set, want, participate, and!"

The last five words, one word!

With this sentence coming out, in the back of the dance city can obviously feel that a war, almost to be conceived into a real, fearless war, burst out from the two men and two women in front of them.

In the guise of the dance city, there is a sincere appreciation of the color, saying: "You can know that if this time is a decisive battle, the major families and law enforcement parties will join the war to the Supreme, more than 2,000 people! And among them, more than seven products Supreme, no less than two hundred, eight or more supreme, the lowest one hundred! Even nine products supreme, not less than twenty people!" "You are currently the strongest but only six products to the peak of the peak... ... It can be said that once the war is waged, the possibility of a commandment is too great! The most conservative estimate is over 90%."

Dancing in the eyes of the city, flashing, said: "You are nine robbers, nine robbers sword master, if you die here, it is inevitable..."

Chu Yang and Yue's smile: "Life is dead, if we are destined to die, then even if you practice at home, you will be enchanted. If the meteorite falls in the sky, you can also lick your head and split your brain. No matter how dead, the result It’s just one, but it’s just dead. So why bother?”

Dong did not hurt, haha ​​laughed, heroic and majestic, laughed loudly: "It's a good talk! The boss said that I am talking about my heart! The dead birds are in the sky, not dead for thousands of years! Where is there so much?"

This sentence has a strong rogue nature; at this moment, from the mouth of Dong's innocence, it is full of heroic, majestic meaning, and people feel the indecentness.

Chu Yang smiled and said: "In the end, every experience of dying for a lifetime is actually an improvement of the belief in the soul and soul, and the mind is strong, and the cultivation will be strong. Even the ordinary people say that 'rich In the midst of danger, the martial arts practitioners need to roll between life and death. If there is no collapse, they are detached."

In the eyes of the city, there is a smile in the eyes, saying: "It’s good to be a good person. If you do anything, just do it. If you win or lose, where is it?"

Dong did not hurt: "Boss, since we have decided to participate in the war, then, is it necessary to inform Gu Er brother?"

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Gu Haoxing's belligerent heart is never under you, not to mention there are two strange freaks that have just been reborn. I believe that even if we don't shoot, they will not let go. This is a real opportunity."

He squinted and smiled. "Yes, we haven't participated in the battle these days. We have no say, but you didn't hurt. But every time you went, you saw that the four guys had fallen. field?"

"It’s really nothing." Dong did not hurt and laughed: "The basics of every dog ​​can hear the shouting of a dog..."

When I thought about the two living treasures, I couldn't help but laugh at the tears.

At this moment, I suddenly heard Mo Mou dance and said with some surprise: "Dance seniors, you... how did you change?"

Chu Yang turned to look at it, only to see Mo Guangwu staring at the dancing city with amazement, it seems that he was too surprised to speak.

Chu Yang and Dong Wu injured two big men can not help but confused and shake their heads, is there a change? !

However, after Mo Guangwu said this, the two also faintly felt that the appearance of the dance city did change a bit, but what changed, but could not say why.

In observing the appearance of others, men are slower than women.

Ink tears turned his head and looked at it. It was also amazed to be called: "Dancing seniors, how old are you so much, and your hair is actually blackened again. It is what you eat in Changchun. Treasure..."

Chu Yang and Dong did not hurt at the same time, and they felt ashamed of each other's dullness. Such obvious changes were not noticed.

Even if you want someone to remind you to see it, the dance city is indeed a sign of rejuvenation, and the change is quite remarkable. The white hair from the beginning of the hair has actually turned black from the root of the hair. In terms of image, at least young. Twenty years old.

The dance city laughed and said: "Where to eat what is the treasure of heaven and earth, I am just making a living as a living, changing my face and trying to get close to what I was when I was young."

"The dancers are really amazing... this is fine." Mo light dance and ink tears are envious of a look.

Both of them are women. Can you not know the value of the technique of dancing in the city? This is almost equal to eternal youth...

Forever, this kind of thing for youth, no matter to any woman, has a strong and extremely attractive attraction, and it is almost irresistible!

If both life and appearance are preferred, most women will choose the latter. Without beauty, what is the use of a long life? ! But never think, even if it is beautiful, without life, it means no future.

"That method is still in the stage of exploration..." Wucheng smiled and said: "When I find out a set of effective methods, I will pass it on to you."

Mo light dance and ink tears cheered at the same time: "Great!"

Chu Yang is very late to ask: "I don't know what the predecessors of the dance mean..." In Chu Yang's heart, the dance city is never a person who cares about his appearance. Since he does this, he has a deep meaning.


Aussie Jiuzhongtian 7_ Aussie Jiuzhongtian full text free reading _ Seventh 797th chapter must fight! update completed!

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