Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 802: Wei Gongzi is coming

"How do I know this?" Miao Zhendong has some collapsed mutter: "I am not on the same road with them..."

He naturally does not know this section. Because the development of things over there is quite unexpected.

It is completely out of anyone's expectation, even if the fifth gentle and Mo Tianji teamed up is also a huge variable that is unexpected.

The only chance to guess is Chu Yang, but even Chu Yang will not guess in that direction: the elite team of the law enforcer, under the leadership of the original Lang Yilang, is now heading to the southeast somewhere. In the rush...

This team does not have a significant reduction in the number of members of the Miao University. The team of more than 200 people has only less than 20 people.

I don’t know what to do with the punishment. I found out that the leader didn’t go, and I’m never going to go... I’ve just turned the whole team away...

At the time when Miao Zhendong and others arrived in the northwest, the large force on the other side of the penalty was about to reach the destination in the southeast...

It’s hard to guess the results for such a singularity. It’s natural for everyone to discuss a year without discussing a big day. It’s just a blink of an eye, or Xiao Chenyu’s almost perfunctory hand: “This is the case. Stop, don't mention it, or ask the two to be dedicated to the one you have encountered that has the supreme strength of nine products, and also has an indecent body shape, um, yes, just listen to the meaning of the two offerings, what is that strange? ... are still chasing you now?"

The ambiguity and doubt in the tone are completely unmasked, so that everyone in the room has a feeling of wanting to laugh.

Miao Zhendong glared at him. Xiao Chenyu does not care!

The two enshrines on the side quickly came to the round field and took the initiative to slowly take the experience of their own group. Miao Zhendong added a few words from time to time. With the two people’s remarks, including all the supremes of Xiao Chenyu, the original casual face It finally began to solemnly become, and then turned to dignity.

In the presence of people, there have been countless years of experience, and it is easy to distinguish between real experience and hypocrisy. Although the two statements were too absurd to be adopted, they even thought that they were shirking responsibility. But casually, after listening to the experiences told by the two, everyone expressed their trust and recognition of the two experiences.

Trust and recognition mean...

There is a miraculous existence, and a green cockroach can suddenly appear in the whole body, which can make the 10,000-acre forest alive and vigorous; it can make a tree suddenly grow rapidly, no matter how badly injured, it can recover quickly...

These, in any case, are not like what a human can do.

These are really amazing things to do!

Moreover, at the beginning, it was only the eight peaks of the supreme peak, playing with it, constantly being fatally wounded, but suddenly the breakthrough became the nine products supreme.

The people couldn't help but look up at Miao Zhendong and their minds. If they didn't see the two guys, they would tell them in front of themselves. The whole process is sensible, and there are no loopholes to look for. I am afraid that the goods are only I made a bizarre dream and brought the fantasy to people to talk nonsense.

Is there really such a thing in the world?

"If things are true as the two are described in the general description... It is really strange to be able to make these things..." The night sinks with a beard, Xiao Chenyu is here, his voice is not loud, but the tone is abnormal. Affirmation.

Everyone nodded and nodded.

Xiao Chenyu pondered, thoughtfully said: "If this is the case... If that is... what is really retaliating, really catching up here, the old man is very interested to see... what is it? thing……"

The implication is that Xiao Chenyu has also believed: it is not a person, it is a strange.

Miao Zhendong’s heart is cool, and Xiao Chenyu’s personal shot, where is our share? However, the form is stronger than the people. What can you say in one-third of the land? What do you dare to say? I have to cry and mourn my face: "Xiao Lao, if you can get your shot, that is the strange death period, the younger generation must try their best to help."

Xiao Chenyu turned over his eyelids and said: "You? Or go to rest."

Miao Zhendong suddenly lost hope, seeing this means that even the wreckage can not drink. Forget it, the monster is now likely to have reached the supreme level of the nine products, even if you think about it, there is no such ability.

Just at this moment, a voice of anger came out inside: "Miao Zhendong! You two dead and savage turtles, bait, and let the son roll out!"

Miao Zhendong’s spirit was shocked and said: “You still don’t believe it, that strange is really coming!”

"Boom", everyone rushed out of the account, the human form is a rare thing, let alone the powerful benefits it may have.

A group of high-ranking people almost flew up in the air at the same time, rushing forward and rushing forward.

A group of people waited for the big camp, looked up, but saw the sky in front, a person in the sky and snow in the sky, a green body. In a snowy snowfield, it is particularly eye-catching.

Still really strange!

The spirit of the people is a shock. Only at first sight, you can know that this strange and extraordinary experience, the strength is even more amazing, it has indeed smashed the nine supreme realm, the reason why everyone has this cognition and self-satisfaction, Wei Gongzi flies in the air at this moment, stunned If the immortal, this hand has belonged to the exclusive skills of the nine products supreme "imperate"!

"The defensive" is absolutely different from the extraordinary savvy of ordinary Supreme Masters. Although the speed of flying can temporarily take off the ground and fly at high speed, it is still in the category of light work in essence, and it is largely a means of relying on air gliding. And at regular intervals, we must use our strength to change the air. Although the higher the time of cultivation, the longer it will last, but it has not left the inherent field.

The "Yuqixingtian" is the real "flying". The masters who have reached this realm can use their own cultivation to completely break away from the gravity of the earth, fly freely, and return to Xiangtian for nine days.

If the realm of the Supreme Six-Piece is "the separation of immortals," then the Supreme Nine Products is "the world is boundless!"

Although it is impossible to judge that its strength has been arbitrarily determined by the people who can fly to the sky, or that the monster itself is different, it is impossible to have the ability to fly by nature, but this extraordinary power is already conclusive.

Xiao Chenyu came out of the crowd and said: "What the **** are you, actually dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of the old man?"

Wei Gongzi smiled long: "I don't talk to your blind old bastard, and quickly call out the two vultures, the old king, and the son will kill him. I will leave immediately. It!"

Xiao Chen Yu sneered: "Don't ask us trouble? Good obstacles! In front of this seat, I dare to be so arrogant! I really don't know how high!"

Although Xiao Chenyu’s tone doesn’t seem to take Weigong’s seriously, it’s a careful way to distinguish the guy’s breath from the opposite side; the heart secretly counts: this thing is impressive, this momentum has at least eight peaks of supreme level. But his appearance... Although it is a human figure, there is no difference between talking and talking and ordinary warriors, but what is scattered on him is a purest natural atmosphere, like the elegance of trees and flowers.

There is also the smell that I feel from him. In addition to being strong, there is a long-lasting taste.

It seems that the so-called strange theory is not nonsense...

I think about it in my heart, and my eyes are shining. If this strange monster is taken down by myself... then my own method of heaven and earth can transform this kind of strange and perfect elements into its own strength. If it can be so, can it be...

When I think of it, my heart is really hot.

Cold and cold drink: "The monster, since you are so ignorant of your life, you are not inferior, not to find the trouble of our coalition alliance, the old man will be yours!"

Xiao Chenyu’s voice is still echoing in the sky, his body is already leisurely volley, his right hand stretches out, and there are thousands of palms in the air. At that moment, the shadows of thousands of palms suddenly converge to form a huge palm, facing the volley of Weigongzi. Catch it!

This palm, the power of the single argument is not outstanding, it will remain in the mid-level power of the nine products, but the scope of the attack is a full circle of forty or fifty feet. Xiao Chenyu’s attack can be said to have been exhausted. Full force, but its fundamental purpose is to arrest, not kill. Because he also has concerns, if he is killed at once, the aura will be lost a lot, and even the wounds and wounds will form a shortcoming for his future improvement.

As soon as Wei Gongzi looked, the moment had already felt bad.

This old man is actually a master of high hands! Although he has been promoted to the nine products supreme, but when it comes to cultivation, I am afraid that it is still not much older.

At the moment, I dare not sneer, grow up, and both hands wave a entanglement in the air, and say: "The miles of snow are frozen for thousands of years, I am here to bloom!"

The voice did not fall for a while, and the greenery appeared out of thin air. It rose up and there was a layer of green vines on the snow. It quickly entangled and turned into a green dragon. The power quickly ushered in Xiao Chenyu. The big hand!

The green vines rushed all the way, and the flower bones gradually bloomed, and then bloomed in full bloom! All the petals are like a storm, and at the same time they are out of the branches and spurt toward the door of Xiao Chenyu!

"Hey!" Xiao Chenyu shouted, and the move turned, the big hand suddenly turned and closed.

The two sides' offensives were solid, and between the air and the induction, Xiao Chenyu clearly felt that it was really the flowers and plants that were facing each other.

At the same time, the body of Wei Gongzi’s body was a ghostly flash, and it’s already in front of Xiao Chenyu. If the boxing palm is a whirlwind, there will be no difference attack and a lot of attack!

Although Xiao Chenyu’s heart was slightly surprised, his strain was still rapid, his body was spinning, his left hand was even beaten, and the “砰” hit, and the smell of a cool autumn bleak was scattered in the air, and instantly surrounded the square.

This move is one of the secret tricks of the Xiao family - Xiao Xiao Qiufeng!

Xiao Chenyu’s gas field has been fully launched, and he has made up his mind that he will never let this strange escape from his palm.

The face of Wei Gongzi suddenly showed the color of anger, and shouted: "Xiao Xiaoqiufeng! You are a Xiao family!"


It’s all here. I’ve been reading the world’s arrogance from yesterday to now, watching all the foreshadowing of this battle... If there are any omissions, everyone will remind me in the book review area. Time is still too late.

Second, ask for a monthly pass!

Today is the birthday of the "Dark Shadow Demon" lord; let us wish him a happy birthday! Every year, today, at the age of the present, step by step, the rise of big fortune; after the big money, billions of alliances... um. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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