Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 803: The demon is coming to the world!

The sound of Wei Gongzi's voice at this moment is extremely repressed, and it is like a **** enemy that can't be solved in all parts of the world!

When I was chased and killed in the last three days, the culprit was Xiao Jia!

Xiao Chenyu sighed and said: "I can't think of you, this monster also recognizes my Xiao family stunts, and I don't know what to do!"

Wei Gongzi screamed for a long time: "Xiao Lao Gui, since you have Xiao family here, then this son must be sure to kill you! Come back later!"

A long body, "砰" slammed into the air and surrounded by Xiao Chen's rain field, it was like a terrible rainbow, pulling away.

Although he is good at elf secrets, in this snow and ice, it is greatly weakened. Fighting here is not an opponent of Xiao Chenyu.

So he immediately retired!

The night that had already been waiting for the night, and others, shot from all sides, in order to prevent Wei Gongzi from leaving, Wei Gongzi laughed: "Wan Shui Qianshan! I am the king! Just because you also want to stop me?"

The whirlwind of the body generally turned, hehe, and a dozen or so eight supremes at the same time, a sigh, screaming, before Xiao Chenyu came, the volley turned a corner, the figure has gone to Baizhang Between the flashes, the green figure has disappeared completely in the snow.

Xiao Chenyu was reluctant to pursue it at full speed. After a move, he had already come to the place where Wei Gongzi finally disappeared. However, he looked around and snowed, and there was no trace of the green on the earth.

For a time, everyone's face is not very good looking.

This strange cultivation is not only the highest level of the nine products, but even high enough to reach the peak of the mainland!

It turned out to be so powerful.

Before the people still suspected that Miao Zhendong and other two were dedicated to the atmosphere of Hu blowing, touting the strength of the monster, in order to shirk their responsibility, it seems that these two people clearly put the power of the monster is low!

Xiao Chenyu was standing in the snow, watching the snow in front of him, and the eyes were shining, thoughtfully, but nothing was said.

At this time, suddenly a sudden bang suddenly sounded, and the whole sky suddenly darkened!

The crowd was shocked!

Here is the northwest, the snow is everywhere, it can be said that even if there is no moon night, the true darkness is not where it is, but this moment is the total darkness.

I can't reach my fingers!

Such a change has eclipsed everyone.

"What happened in the end?"

"How suddenly is it dark?"

"How is this going?"

"There is northwest here, even though the night is coming, but how can the reflection of the snow disappear?"

At one time, the voices of various doubts came one after another; the night sinkers and others wanted to chase the monsters, but at this moment they suddenly fell into the darkness of the sky, and no one dared to shake them.

In this sudden darkness, even the Supreme Peak is actually a little panicked.

The darkness continues, and an inexplicable evil atmosphere is gradually diffusing. The strong ones, such as Xiao Chenyu, can't help but feel a little cold in the heart, only feeling the vest of a drop of cold sweat.

An inexplicable horror rises, Xiao Chenyu only feels that his two hands are full of sweat! Although I couldn't see anything, I still looked at it with wide eyes.

Such panic has almost never happened in 10,000 years!

what on earth is it?

"Is it the ninth robbery sword master who got the eighth interception sword, which triggered a change in the heavens and the earth?" Someone said in disbelief.

The man spoke in the crowd, but the opposite person could only hear the voice and could not see the person who spoke.

Someone retorted: "Absolutely not! The nine robbery swords have always sent out a very bright and sacred atmosphere, and the powers shake the world, but there will be such dark and evil!"

Everyone feels that this statement makes sense, but if it is not the change caused by the Nine Robbery Sword, what is the change caused by it? Actually, the whole world is black all at once, so black is so thorough?

The darkness is getting thicker and thicker. At this moment, everyone is not afraid of the enemy. It is uneasy and there is a feeling that the sky is falling.

It is a sense of despair that is darker than darkness. This moment is like the end of the world!


The other direction.

Chu Yang frowned at the sky: "What is going on? How suddenly it became so dark, and what is this evil feeling? It is such a strong."

There are some doubts about dancing in the city: "This is a completely unreasonable change in time. How can this be..."

Chu Yang looked up and had a familiar taste. He couldn't help thinking: "This feeling seems to be somewhat familiar... I should have felt it from there... but it is much weaker than this one. ”

Dancing the city nodded: "It is really familiar, it is still very dangerous."

The two men said this sentence in no particular order, and then the two suddenly fell silent at the same time, an unspeakable repression, and suddenly the two people rose.

Because, just now, they thought about where this familiarity comes from.

The first time I danced the city, I thought of the magic of the gods!

As for the first time Chu Yang thought of it, it was the night magical spirit of the night drunk.

However, there is no doubt that the evil atmosphere possessed by both the law and the night drunk is definitely not as powerful as the present!

There are too many powerful ones!

Is this the nine heavens, even the devils come?

"Is it... this nine heavens really appeared..." Chu Yang’s voice was a little dignified. When it came to this, it stabilized the mind and said it: "The devil?!"


These two words, Chu Yang and Wucheng City, at the same time, said the same thing.

The hearts of the two also sank with these two words.

If it is, then, judging by the earth-shattering atmosphere of today, no one can do it!

How to do?

Dancing in the heart of the city ups and downs, how can these powerful forces that are so powerful to the extreme can match it, can the family ancestors prevail?

My brothers, are you fighting against such evil forces now?

Chu Yang’s heart is restless, how can these evil forces, such as the powerful to the extreme, match, or only the purple evils reappear, will have the opportunity to defeat the enemy!


Li Jia.

In the face of darkness, Mo Tianji sprinkled a golden copper coin in the air; in the darkness, his nine copper coins exude a dreamy halo, seemingly with a creamy aperture, tumbling in the air.

"Master the world, nine hearts to measure the sky!" Mo Tianji's face changed the past indifferent, at this moment has been serious to the point of iron blue, the heart silently sighed, reaching out the palm.

Uh... nine copper coins fell on his palm at the same time.

Five fingers, one for each finger, one for the tiger's mouth, one for the palm, one for the wrist, and one last, the one on the palm of the hand that has not been settled.


A series of small sounds, Mo Tianji's forehead has already sweated, breathing is also a little rush, eyes look at the golden copper coins spinning in the palm of his hand.

Finally, "啪".

The copper coin was buckled on the copper coin of the palm of the hand, and the back was up.

Mo Tianji stared at the nine copper coins, and his heart was silently calculated. Suddenly his face turned blue and purple, and then became red, and a wow of blood spurted out.

But he is still watching, watching the copper coins intently.

For a long time, it was a blood spout, bright red.

Such a continuous vomiting of blood three, Mo Tianji can no longer support, one **** sat on the ground, looked awkward, pale face.

"Nine heavens, big robbery! Nine robbery... robbery!"

"The devil is coming to the world!"

Mo Tianji spit out a long breath and closed his eyes with exhaustion.


In the other direction, talking about the sky, muttering: "He is **, which is the genocide, if you let Laozi know, it must be destroyed..."


Along the northwestern nights of the night, a flying figure is advancing toward the northwest.

It is night drunk!

When the night drunk came out of the night, I felt that there was some loose sign of the hidden magic in my body. It seemed to be gradually active, and the strength of being sealed was also a little bit washed out.

In this regard, his heart was full of excitement, all the way to the northwest, but in the middle of the road suddenly the magic in the body meridians in a mess, spent several days, finally finally straightened out, continue to starry night to the northwest.

He seems to be able to feel that there is a huge opportunity that he has longed for his life...

He is so tireless on his way, his eyes are getting more and more fanatic.

At the moment I just stepped into the snowfield, suddenly it was dark and dark!

"Ah! Come!" The night drunk has no harbinger and screams, and the voice is full of passionate excitement and happiness that is almost boiling! The sudden darkness, the duration of the journey is not very long, but the feeling of giving people is like a long time spent countless centuries!

After a quarter of an hour, the evil atmosphere gradually converges, and the desperate darkness dissipates. The heavens and the earth slowly return to the original Qingming.

Everyone in the room looked at each other and saw the face of the people around them.

Although the darkness has been exhausted, the terrible evil atmosphere is like a heavy pressure on everyone's heart.


The feeling of despair, no one can forget, no one can forget.

Everyone feels that this nine-day continent is probably a big thing... it’s going to happen!


In a snow-covered cave somewhere in the northwest, the law-respect of a black man was just completed, and Huo Ran stood up.

The next moment, the whole person has already reached the hole.

There is a hint of pleasure in the eyes of Fa Zun: "Dance the city, if this time let me find you, you will die."

His body is faintly filled with black air, which is the magical power.

Suddenly, at this moment, suddenly it was dark and dark!

The familiar evil atmosphere of a law suddenly spreads the whole world.

The cultivation of Fa Zun is the ultimate in high strength, and it is the same as the evil atmosphere. Immediately there is a sentiment.

"It's such a power...and, this power seems to be searching for something..." Suddenly, in the heart, Fa Zun has a kind of heartfelt joy and uneasiness...


Recommend a new book, "Teaching the Immortals", the heroic novel, click on the list on the front page. I read it today and it was very bloody. If you like Xian Xia, you can go and have a look. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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