Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 804: The blue sky is now, the battle is open!

"This power is much stronger than me. If I am close to it, will it be swallowed up by it?" The cultivation of Fa Zun is much higher than that of night drunk. The first time I think of it is not an opportunity, but crisis.

Then I thought: "If this power is obtained by me, then, under the heavens, who am I afraid? Even if it is the dance of the city and Ning Tianya, what are the fears? Even the terrible person is coming, I also have There is room for it!"

Slightly tilted, the darkness retreats.

However, in the eyes of Fa Zun, it is clear that a faint black gas is rapidly advancing toward the south in the sky.

Fa Zun frowned, and finally decided to catch up. At the same time, I touched the meditation of the Tiantian jade in my arms. Even though it is harmful, I still have the celestial jade in the darkness of the darkness. It is not difficult to get away from it...

Hearts together, floating up.

In the next moment, a unique thought has been emanating to find the two shadows.

After confessing a few words, he was like a black mist, and the sound of "咻" disappeared without a trace...

The battle array has been fully opened!

Today is the evening of the ninth day!

Mo Tianji has already restored some of his souls at this moment. Before he tried to make his body become very weak, he also had a lot of troubles.

This unexpected change made the situation of Mo Tianji even worse.

After eating an incomplete version of Jiuzhong Dan, the body recovered, but even so, the brow of the great **** stick is still locked and never developed.

"Li Lao, after the first battle today, Li Jia will not be there!" Mo Tianji said quietly.

At the moment, it is not the two people who talked alone, but in the Lijia Hall, in front of all the high-ranking supremes of Li, Mo Tianji did not have a voice, so it was said clearly.

The situation at this time has long been clear, and perhaps, or, perhaps, such comforting words are meaningless, and Mo Tianji simply explains the status quo in the most direct way and breaks the situation.

Li Chunbo's face is calm and quiet, Shen Sheng said: "It is true that today's Li family has almost lost everything, and the ending is already doomed! At the beginning, the old man adhered to his father's wish and established a strong family in a situation of almost nothing, creating this heritage for thousands of years. The foundation of the industry, just dreaming, did not think that Li family was established in my hands, and ultimately, it was also destroyed in my hands."

"But the matter has come to this point. No matter how much emotion does not help, it is just that I really did not expect that the final destruction of Li Jia was destroyed in the hands of his most beloved brother. It is difficult to score." Li Chunbo smiled lightly: "Although there are always reasons for this, but I have come to this stage, I have nothing to say."

"Just be for the Li family to do in the past few years ... to make a repayment, use the entire Li family, to a complete repayment." Li Chunbo smiled.

“Predecessors are open-minded.” Mo Tianji praised it with sincerity, and then showed some bitter smiles. “The ending is inevitable, but we still have to face it positively.”

"I will do my best to let the enemy who commits the crime, pay the most cost!"

Mo Tianji said faintly: "Tonight, let's all of you. Life and death, near the eyes; everyone, if there is anything else to say, you need to do it, before the evening, you must complete all the instructions! Yes, no chance!"

"I have already prepared for it! Nothing to worry about, only to kill the enemy!" All of them screamed in unison.

"The murder has killed a lot, the hostile kills a lot, the innocent also kills a lot, and it hurts the heavens. We don't do less! If you can pull a few padded back together, how can it be enough? !"

"Not bad! The left and right are already a must-have, then, still have nostalgia for it! It is serious to kill enough."

Mo Tianji nodded and thought: If all the previous signs are really a sign of the devil's coming to the world, then the war here must end as soon as possible! In this battle, the nine major families have to suffer from it.

As for the subsequent development, there is really no way to predict it...


That night.

Li Chunbo alone alone on the top of the mountain, a nine-product supreme peak of the gods read unreservedly spread out, straight into the sky!

With the spread of God's thoughts, the snow in the air was completely dispelled by his thoughts, and a strong force soared the sky!

Some people in the place can clearly see that the snow can no longer invade the body of Li Chunbo, and the scope of intrusion can be gradually expanded. It seems that there is no limit. In the end, the clouds in the sky are also divided by neatness. ! Moving slowly towards both sides, it seems that there are two big hands, slowly pushing the clouds, separating them, revealing the blue sky that has not been fully demonstrated in the northwestern land for hundreds of thousands of years!

All the people at the bottom of the family can't help but look up and look at the starry sky that has just emerged!

Witness this manpower to drive the wind and snow, dial the clouds, see the great miracle of the stars!

The night is deep, the sky is like the sea, and the waves are vast. It seems to contain countless secrets.

The starry sky in the northwest is surrounded by the northwest starry sky in the snow.

At this time, the heavens and the earth are clear, and Qiankun is clear!

Life, or just have to see it.

Someone suddenly burst into tears and choked again.

Li Chunbo's face was extremely heavy, serious, full of a pilgrimage and moved.

In the northwest, I have been entrenched in this place for more than 10,000 years, but my sons and grandchildren have never seen the true colors of the stars. Tonight, at this moment, now that the family has reached the end of its survival, let us fall to the silence under the starry sky that has never been seen!

For this reason, even if I am exhausted, I have a problem.

In the distance, above a mountain.

Xiao Chen's first ancestor, Xiao Chenyue, held his hands and stood quietly, looking up at the fascinating sky, the unusual surge of clouds in the sky, and a deep sigh.

Suddenly understood the purpose of Li Chunbo.

Do you want to die under the stars?

it is good! I will fulfill you, you will be perfect!

He closed his eyes, and suddenly the white robes were windless and automatic, and the same nine-pin peaks of the supreme momentum rushed, and instantly smashed for nine days, and they continued to move the clouds with infinite repairs, and they were far away from their own side. .

At the moment he shot, Li Chunbo immediately noticed and blinked his eyes, but finally did not respond, but immediately removed the power of that direction, and turned to push the other side of the cloud, and continued to the opposite direction. promote!

The scope of the starry sky is becoming more and more broad. Later, the cloud has gradually formed inertia. Although the two have already closed their hands and withdrawn from the shocking repairs, the clouds in the air are still rolling over and rolling toward both sides!

This day, this night, the northwest sky, no wind, no snow, no clouds, no fog!

Blue sky and Zhan Zhan!


Covered by hundreds of thousands of years of the northwestern sky, the wind and snow covered the original appearance of the infinite magnificence.

So the stars are so late, so killing is so love!

The originally concealed sky is now more clear and clean than others, and the starlight seems to be more brilliant.

There were two long shouts, and with the different moods of their masters, they rose to the sky.

Li Chunbo was alone in the peak, and he screamed in the sky, whistling like a dragon, squatting in the sky; but with endless thoughts, endless sourness.

Father, your old man has been missing for 10,000 years, for more than 10,000 years, but I don't know, are you still there?

If you are there, it will be in this starry sky... Which one? Will it overlook the earth and watch the people?

Will you know that our Li family is falling tonight?

This night, the two supremes stood alone at the peak and did not move. Even if it is perfect, the distance will not be, and each other will never look at each other, but it seems to be with each other.

On the tenth day, in the early morning, the decisive battle will come!

Mo Tianji appeared on the highest peak near the battlefield.

Beside him, there is a rare lack of arrogance and ignorance, two bodyguards, only Chu Leer, 10,000 people, into a single shadow, the package does not return four people!

Accompanying protection is what Chu Leer asked.

Because the singularity of the singularity of the two guys is going to fight, Chu Leer volunteered to act as a bodyguard.

On the verge of surging, facing the vastness of the vast land, Chu Leer couldn't help but feel happy, and the heart raised an inexplicable trigger: no wonder many men want to climb to the top, it turns out that this feeling is really good, really well.

Although I am a woman, I want to be in the world today, standing in the world!

"How do you feel? Not bad!" Mo Tianji asked with a smile.

"Very good! Really good." Chu Leer's pretty eyes sparkled.

"One day, we will stand on the top of the real peak." Mo Tianji Wen Wen smiled: "Although here is the peak, it is only the peak in the scope of the nine heavens... Today's peak, for us, just started ,that is it."

"I know that what you are talking about is the true peak. It is the legendary nine-day scorpio." Chu Leer smiled and said: "I am also going up!"

"The most important thing, I want to stand on the real peak!" Chu Leer suddenly smiled and shouted: "I will definitely go up! I will be able to go up!"

The crisp and delicate voice spread far and wide, and it reverberated in the air for a long time.

On several nearby hilltops, several pieces of snow were shattered and roared.

Throughout the battlefield, everyone looked up at the same time and looked for the master of the voice.

"It's Le! How did she get to the battlefield? What did she come here?" The distant dance was a little anxious: "How does this little girl run out of words? Is this a fun place?"

There are some surprises in Chuyang: How did Leer come here?

After the brows of the city’s brows, I’m still worried. “I have to go to warn, don’t let these **** affect my apprentice, the swordsmen have no eyes, or they must be precautionary.”

Chu Yang has not had time to talk, and there is already a snow-capped peak in the white city.

Now that the two sides are on the verge of an enemy, they will be on the verge of exploding, and the city will continue to warn the warring parties.

This kind of scorpion is really dead...


Seeking a monthly ticket! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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