Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 806: Super scorpion

Do you want to say that Xiao Chenyu is the owner of the Xiao family? This is a very exquisite statement. It not only holds you a high-spirited dance, but also ensures that you are not allowed to participate in the battle. Don’t say that the dance city is definitely not a helper. Even if it is, you are embarrassed to say now,

"Don't say that those who don't have it, the old man doesn't eat your set. If the old man really comes to help the family, you can say it is beautiful, I will still shoot! To say good things, I just want to say one thing! Serious Explain one thing." The dance city said faintly, turned back and said: "Is it seen? The little girl over there is my apprentice!"

Xiao Chenyu looked up and suddenly suffered a bitter face.

Such a long distance, even the nine peaks of the peak can not see anything, do not know what the goal of the dance city refers to, but the direction is the side of the Li family is absolutely undoubted.

"That is my only apprentice, Chu Leer." The dance city said faintly: "She is there now, I don't want her to be hurt by anyone! That's all!"

Everyone was silent for a while.

It is the commanding office of the other side, the absolute core area. Now it has become a restricted area? Can't move? Still just that? ! What is this called? What is this called!

There was a strategy in the previous combat plan. When everyone wanted to fight together, they concentrated on the most elite masters to take action on a dagger, destroying the high-end combat power of the Li family, and dancing the city so that it is not obvious. Partial?

But should not be accepted?

Don't dare?

Even Xiao Chenyu, the nine-strong supreme peak, does not dare!

Seeing that everyone did not speak, the dance was a bit angry, and the voice was indifferent. "That is my apprentice, the only apprentice, you understand it!"

This tone is already close to swearing.

Everyone just felt that they were stuck in the chest and couldn’t breathe.

But in the face of dancing the city, in the face of poison doctors, who dares to say no words?

If the coalition forces do not hesitate to fight, they do have the strength to kill the city, but the number of people present must be at least 80% or even more.

And it's only possible!

The result is everyone's, but the life is your own. In the face of dancing, there is no possibility of annihilation. Who is willing to make a head bird, whoever comes out first!

Xiao Chenyu indulged, respectfully said: "The dancers of the predecessors, we naturally do not dare to offend. But now it is the two sides fighting, the soldiers are in turmoil, so that the love is on the battlefield, it will inevitably be inadvertently... Dance seniors Since you are not planning to participate in the war, it is better for you to bring the apostle away from the battlefield, so that you can get the best of both worlds..."

The heart, the dance of the city is a god, his apprentice is also a god, even if it is only a little girl, but the poison is used, the same horror.

Can send these two gods away, how much can be avoided?

The dance of the city turned over and said: "What is this? My child is young and I am accompanying me this old man. It is not interesting. I am old. I don't understand what little girl likes to play. Now, she Finally, I found a fun thing. How can I interrupt my apprenticeship?"

Xiao Chenyu opened his mouth and looked at the dance city. He could hardly believe his ears and could not help but stun.

play? Fun things? Don't interrupt your apprentice's interest?

This is this... This is really amazing! It’s too strange to be able to say this sentence...

We are the battle between life and death.

Are you coming to play?

Your apprentice is playing the lives of tens of thousands of people on our side. You actually asked us to accompany her to play? Can't hurt her?

I am really second time!

Xiao Chenyu bitterly said, "We naturally do not dare to offend the disciples; but if the disciples first shot our people... this..."

The dance city was furious: "Where did I manage the many? Who is she to shoot, that is her freedom! Can I limit the freedom of my apprentice? But when others shoot her, it is the dance of me." Provocative! I will never forgive!"

Xiao Chenyu and the high-ranking Supreme of each family almost fainted.

What does this say?

Can there be more shameless, more powerful words in this world than this one?

Know that you are guarding your throat, but you can't be such a guardian. It has become a model of the guardian of the nine heavens...

Only your apprentice is allowed to take shots of others. Is that still hers... ‘freedom’? ! This 'freedom' really makes people have nothing to say about home.

And others counterattack, is actually a provocation to you? Then if your apprentice is killed, can we only have a neck waiting?

If your apprentice is still dirty, then do we have to wash our neck first and then slaughter?

For a time, resentment!

One can't help but say: "Dancing seniors, this...this is a bit...somewhat doesn't make sense..."

Dancing the city with a white eye, a strange smile: "The reason? Have you heard that... When did I dance the city?"

Suddenly stepping forward, smiled and said: "What is the truth? Come here, explain the explanation to the old man..."

The man was so scared that he stepped back and forth, and even said: "Yes, it is... the words of the predecessors, that is the truth..."

There was a lot of grievances in the hearts of the people.

For a time, the heart of the neck was wiped.

Dancing the city will see their reactions in the eyes, cold smile: "This is a good saying, Laozi is in this world, that is the truth! I repeat, your battle, I will not participate! This secular The battle array is really meaningless to me. However, if my apprentice is injured, then no matter which family is injured, there is no need for the family to exist."

The hearts of the people roared again and again: his mother, you are standing up and pulling your hand, and there is still a face saying that you are not involved... do not participate, what do you appear here? Is it the art of acting to engage him?

Don't worry about how hard it is to hear, there is still no one who dares to whisper, this is the basic, who is the sound of who is unlucky!

Everyone can hear that the dance city is a little angry, and the two eyes are also somewhat unscrupulous. It seems that they are looking for an object of Liwei.

Who wants to go out and be the chicken of this ape?

The head is kicked and won't go out!

Just listening to the dance city smiled: "Xiao Chenyu, you said I can do it?"

Xiao Chenyu's face rose purple, and he gasped for two breaths. He resisted the anger: "The predecessors of the gods are alive, and when the world is one, it is easy to destroy a family in the district."

The dance city laughed and said: "I am very good! My request is as simple as this. If this is the case, I will be relieved. How can you fight how to fight, but you must not make mistakes, the old man will say goodbye."

Then he smiled and said: "The little girl is actually playing. You are so happy that you let her play. Isn’t it all happy? Her name is like music, music, naturally, I am happy!"

Together, the white figure "嗖" screamed away, and the volley had a turning point that had disappeared without a trace.

Everyone felt that the pressure on the body suddenly disappeared, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

“Have everyone heard?” Xiao Chenyu said with a sullen face: “That little girl, no one is allowed to move! Don’t make mistakes! Don’t miss others!”

Everyone only feels that they are wronged to live. His mother, what is this, you tell us to let us not make mistakes, but also how can we fight how to fight? How can I fight?

His mother's, really his mother!

Who wants to move that little girl? What we want to move is the people around her, the gods are countless!

Now it’s good, we’re going to move the Mo Tianji, the little girl is definitely not allowed; if I move the little girl, the dance is definitely not allowed, the consequence is that the whole family will be compensated...

But don't move... Just watching the hairy boy calmly commanding?

Moreover, even though we are still responsible for the cheerfulness of her play, wouldn’t she be happy? 'I bother! How do you say this sentence?

Those of us are not dead, can your apprentice be happy?

If we want to 'let her play happily', then we collectively committed suicide!

The name is called happy, should you be happy? The old man changed his name to ‘kill the world’, wouldn’t he really kill the world? It’s really second time!

I have never played such awkwardness since I have been fighting.

The night said: "Xiao's predecessors are right. Don't make mistakes. Who cares who moves, anyway, we don't move at night."

Everyone has a look at it.

"You are embarrassed!" Xiao Chenyu screamed and turned around. Everyone was downcast, only to feel the uncomfortable feeling of eating a bowel movement.

Just like the rainbow momentum, high warfare, actually killed half of the life.

On the contrary, the opposite momentum is the tsunami of the mountains, the sound of shouting and killing, the blood of all people is boiling...

The war will start!

At this moment, both sides of the decisive battle will be silent!

The fifth gentle eyes looked at the vast plains in front of a horse, and I was really puzzled. In such a flat terrain, what can Mo Tianji rely on, can he be confident and grasp with himself?

The main venue for the war between the two sides is a mountain surrounded by mountains. Only the central boundary is vast and empty, like a plain.

This is a bit strange.

The battles that take place at such venues have always been suitable for frontal assaults and do not apply to any strategic layout. Even if it is a subtle play, it will lose most of its opportunities on such a vast plain.

Because, no matter what changes you make, in this almost undisguised environment, the other party will certainly see it in the first place. It is also possible to respond in the first place, as long as there is no fundamental judgment error, it will never affect the established results.

With the fifth gentle wisdom, it is absolutely impossible to make a fundamental judgment mistake. That is to say, Mo Tianji chose to fight here, which is equivalent to fixing himself in a position that is almost inevitable.

The difference between the real strengths of the two sides is so disparate; we must choose a positive confrontation and do not consider using the topography to make a fuss. Is this not puzzling?

Mo Tianji is not like a suicide person.

The plain is further north, but it is a rolling hill.

Here, it is the final decisive battle place in the fifth soft original prediction.

But did Mo Tianji get rid of it? why?


Seeking a monthly ticket! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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