Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 807: The Nine Palaces are awesome!

Complex and changeable terrain, as the landlord's Li family, has the advantage of being familiar with the geographical environment, and can not give full play to the strength, so that it is the right way to defeat the enemy and win the enemy.

Not only is the fifth gentle, but even Chu Yang, Tan Yi and others have set their sights here.

However, Mo Tianji took the initiative to move the venue forward for a thousand miles!

In this way, the geographical advantage is gone, the real strength is far less than the Li family loses the geographical advantage, and the strength is even weaker.


Mo Tianji, what exactly do you want to do?

Xiao Chenyu and others rushed back, and the fifth softly said that there was a spoiler in the dance city. This is enough to interfere with the final results. Naturally, the leader of the decisive battle will be told in the first time.

But what puzzles everyone is that the fifth gentle letter is actually not angry.

Under such an absolute advantage, if you want to use the dagger to assassinate the Mo Tianji, disrupt the military, and destroy the last source of confidence, it is to be bullying.

The war between the two armies, although it is all the best, the fifth gentle face to anyone can take the means of decapitation.

Even in the face of Chu Yang, the nine-robbery master, he will not hesitate to take the decapitation as long as he needs it; first destroy the command center and destroy the enemy's confidence pillar.

But in the face of Mo Tianji, no matter how it is, he is absolutely reluctant to adopt this method.

It’s okay to be shameless on the battlefield, but the command center cannot move.

Because the Mo Tianji is the same as the fifth gentleness, it is the existence of the battle with the brain. The war between them is only the battle between the wise men. They only have their own intelligence and intelligence to the enemy. If you can't give Mo Tianji a relative fairness, simply use the most powerful force to crush and kill a wise man. The fifth gentle one will feel that he won't win, and there is no sense of accomplishment.

Even the devil will be created, and it will be faintly felt that he is afraid of losing to Mo Tianji, and will adopt this purely violent means that should never be used!

Therefore, he has not agreed with such a strategic plan before; if it is not the insistence of many homeowners, the fifth gentle has long completely rejected this proposal. Now there is just the intervention of the dance city, just to let Mo Tianji borrow the title, and this, but it is also the fifth gentle heart!

Therefore, for this "unfavorable" variable, the fifth gentleness has no slight resentment, and the bottom of my heart is even very grateful for dancing.


"Why do Mo Tianji choose where to fight?" The ink tears are very suspicious. Just two people saw no movement, and they went down to look at it. It is just back now.

The place where they were ambushed, because Mo Tianji changed the plan, became far away from the battlefield. In the end, the Tears are the strongest descendants of the Dark Devils. They have great research on the battle against nature. The top killers are most sensitive to the geographical environment. However, the choice of Mo Tianji is unknown. She really didn't understand what kind of considerations Mo Yunji had given up and gave up the place where he had a good battle.

Time, place, and people, this is an inevitable factor in the battle of the battlefield since ancient times. It is uncontroversial for the two sides to agree on each other. As for the people, the comprehensive combat power is not counted, and the decision-makers of both sides have the highest authority. No one is offensive, so at this point the two sides are also quite equal.

The location is almost the only place where Mo Tianji and Lijia have some advantages. Mo Tianji is at the end of the battle, and he is doing the opposite, giving up his own advantages, how not to be confused.

Chu Yang is not without doubt, and there are some people who are not able to understand the meaning of the second monk. They touched the chin and said: "This battle is... what is it used for? Is it necessary to set up a line... but even if it is a set, The fifth gentleness is not that I don’t understand it. In the face of superior strength, even if it’s a mysterious battle, it’s useless...”

Mo light dance gently smiled: "I advise you not to spend that brain, if you can guess the intention of my second brother, I am afraid that the fifth gentle and early guess! You are relieved; my brother Things have never been to suffer; if he is so arranged, he must have his reason. You should watch him perform."

Chu Yang agreed with the nod: "The little dance is right, just because we can't understand it, so the fifth gentleness certainly can't understand... I don't know if I don't understand, but I foresee that the fifth gentle will definitely eat. A big loss. Mo Tianji is so bad and bad."

Mo light dance is not fast: "How can my second brother be broken and broken? He doesn't just like to make a mystery, so people can't understand it. It doesn't mean that he is bad and bad."

Chu Yang saw that the gentle dance did not echo himself, squinting and smiling: "What is the little dance saying, you are right!" Women still need to be embarrassed.

In the heart: With the misunderstanding of past and present life, it seems that the status of Mo Tianji has signs of improvement, which is not okay... I must suppress it as soon as possible!

Mo light danced: "But the second brother is sometimes very annoying. It is like every time he counts up and sees his face smirking, I want to turn around and go."

Chu Yang stunned: "A smug smile"? 啥 ‘smile of laughter?? He has the kind of ‘smile of laughter’? Didn’t I notice it?”

Mo lightly danced and said: "That is how rare you are. Whenever his face shows a 'mysterious, well-thought-out" smile, it is the most proud time in his heart! Every time he plays a group, He would laugh like that, especially in the eyes of others. In other people’s eyes, he was a strategist and a man of great demeanor, but only I knew that at that time, his heart was already full of enthusiasm, his eyebrows opened his eyes, and he was forgotten..."

The sweat of Chu Yang’s face, I am at most saying that he is bad and bad. You are still not happy, but you said that he is jealous? ......

However, it is always the brother of Mo Rumei, Mo Qing dance memories of the past life, plus the impression of this life, for the analysis of Mo Tianji, can be said to be expert level, look around the world has its own.

Analysis of others may not be so thorough, but the analysis of the Mo Tianji...but it is as simple as the sacs, accurate and incomparable - a generation of nine robbers, a peerless sergeant, the only person in the world who can restrain him, is his sister.

This thing, how to say it is a bit funny...

Or, it should be a thing of the same thing, the biggest nemesis of the great think tank, without him, only Mo's light dance.


The sun rises in harmony with the joys and sorrows, as usual, and adds a lot of splendid brilliance to the land before the battle.

Hundreds of thousands of years have never appeared in this northwestern land, but today it is sunny, creating a beautiful view that is fascinating enough for anyone to be dazzled.

I don’t know if the heavens and the earth want to witness this vast struggle. A snow mist rises out and rises in the air. It is so low and not so low. Under the sun, it changes into a colorful light, and still Constantly changing shape and color level.

Sometimes it is like a rainbow traversing the heavens and the earth, and sometimes it becomes countless galloping horses, and sometimes it becomes a pavilion and a hallmark.

Everyone can't help but see this wonder.

At this moment, everyone seems to be not fighting here, but watching the scenery.

However, it is only when everyone is watching the rare sights of this 10,000 years.

Mo Tianji faintly said: "Li predecessors, Jiugong Mi Tian Shen Shen, immediately began to deploy!"

Li Chunbo nodded and waved his hand. The following people immediately acted, and then the flag fluttered, shaking for a while, the team of 8,000 people, immediately assembled!

The voice of Mo Tianji’s Wen Wen’s voice floated in the air: “The fifth brother, the line has been opened, can you dare to break?”

Mo Tianji is calling.

The bureau?

The fifth gentle heart moved, looked up and looked up.

But when I saw the opposite side, there were suddenly seven or eight people who stood out from the mountains like a cloud.

Immediately, the warriors of the first team and the first team stood at a very fast speed and stood out from the clouds in front, neatly, like a long dragon, swarming toward the battlefield.

Could it be that the first time I want to compete with me?

The fifth gentle eyes are dignified, but the bottom of my heart is sneer, Mo Tianji, I should say that you are not self-reliant, or are you too small to see this wise man confrontation? If a child falls into the wrong place and loses everything, a rash decision will lead to an irreversible battle, and the defeat will be more than just a talk!

Mo Tianji, you are clearly too rash.

Among the Li family, the foremost of the seven or eight Supreme in the forefront has crossed the center line of the two sides, but still has not stopped.

The speed of the Supreme Master is the same as that of Xiaoke, and the eyes of the group have suddenly entered the 17th and 8th places. The position at this moment is not far from the coalition forces. Even with the naked eye, it is already faintly visible.

If the whole area is compared to a straight line, then their location has already passed two-thirds of the entire journey.

At the moment when the coalition forces are about to come out to meet the enemy, the momentum of the eight Supreme slams will come to an abrupt end, and at the same time, the shot!

However, the target of the shot is not any one of the coalition forces.

"Boom", the snow dances!

Snow is empty, blurry sight, even the strongest strength, under such visibility, can not completely see things, can only hear the uninterrupted blows of bursting sounds, the eight supreme seems to be there There is a work in the fog.

The fifth gentle waved, indicating that everyone is a little safe, do not act rashly, temporarily waiting for work. It’s up to you to see what the other party can do.

Since the Mo Tianji is called the front, then it is definitely arranged on behalf of the other party. However, no matter what arrangement Moody can make, the fifth gentleness has absolute certainty to break! "It’s the same as changing the world."

"Suddenly", Li Jia and Acacia Supreme Supreme Sleeve, the crowds of the supreme force at the same time, the sky, dust, snow and dust instantly dispersed, such as a hurricane slamming to the northeast, thick and dense, rolling away.

............(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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