Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 818: deadlock

Lan Mofeng heard the words, but also looked at it with his eyesight. He also had no income. He said with doubt: "Nothing is wrong, the fifth command is what you are looking for..."

The fifth is soft and does not answer, staring at the gods, sensing with heart, half awkward, finally smiled slightly: "It turned out that it was a little less popular..."

"People can be courageous and strong." The fifth is soft and deep. "The location of a battlefield is usually a barren mountain. But if there is a large army ambushing inside, no one can see the army." The figure, but from a distance, the weather is very different."

"Similarly, even after the battlefield that has just been brutally killed, after both sides have cleaned up the bones of their own people, the place is as desolate as ever, but it is a bit more dead."

"People, it is a wonderful existence. As the saying goes, **** is a human being; in fact, the key to this sentence lies in the word "humanity."

"People, in the mountains and rivers, this grassy mountain, is also able to 仗 ‘humanity’.”

"At the moment, what is missing from the opposite side is ‘human power,' so I decided that the other’s base camp has now become an empty city.” The fifth softly gives a conclusion, but it is not like anti-worry, quietly meditating.

There is no doubt that the place of the decisive battle is here. This is no change, but the other person’s hand has disappeared. Where did you go? Even if it lurks under the snow, where is the snow? ?

What is the plot?

At this moment, the fifth gentleness has the uncomfortable feeling of ‘one punch in the empty place’.

What kind of enemy is the most terrible? The enemy that has never seen the cards is the most terrible!

What kind of enemy is the most fearful? But the unknown enemy is the most fearful!

"The order is passed down, and the master is assigned to check the progress of the detected snow layer." The fifth softly commanded, and the blue ink seal went away.

The progress under the snow layer must not be said on the bright side, in which there is a special way of communication; it is how far apart there is a person responsible for receiving the sound and then transporting it out.

"Chen family did not find anything."

"Ye has not found anything."

"The Xiao family did not find anything."

"The stone family did not find anything."

"There was no discovery at night."



The fifth gentle brow wrinkled deep. Not found everywhere, but the other's base camp has clearly become an empty city.

What about people? Where did the people go there? Not in the snow, can you fly? Even if you really fly in the sky, should you have a shadow?

Also, the first two teams sent by Mo Tianji, then gave up?

Before the fifth gentleness was placed on the ground, although I have gone out to four teams, it is estimated that the other side will certainly have a corresponding arrangement, but after all, it is not seen by the eyes.

Now, when you see such a strange situation, the first guess is: Is the other party retreating?

If the whole staff retreats, it is really impossible to send someone I think it is the two teams.

But the fifth gentleness did not take it lightly. The order said: "All the military is on guard, don't be swaying! Mo Tianji spends hundreds of millions of amethysts. It is impossible to just sneak a trick... miss today's terrain, today's timing, he is a day. There is no such opportunity for the chance to decide the final battle again."

"This place is bound to be the main battlefield undoubtedly! Since Mo Tianji wants to be more patient than us, then we will compare it. It depends on who can't hold it first." The fifth soft eyes flashed in the light: "Tell Xiao Lao, Just say that I am pleased with him, don’t be rash!"

The coalition forces did not move, and the Li family went missing collectively; the so-called final battle was like an anticlimax, and it never really started! Obviously, both sides are competing and patient, whoever can't hold back, who will fall.

The fifth gentle hand waved, and Lan Mofeng immediately ordered that the two men and horses that had been swaying in the snow would quickly float to the top of the mountain like white smoke. Watch the canyon in a condescending position, paying attention to any point of the wind.

Everyone is a sword out of the sheath, such as the enemy, not to mention the wind and the crane, the grass and the soldiers are almost the same.

But until the occupation of the commanding heights of the top of the mountain, I was worried that it would encounter a block but it did not happen at all. It is the most commanding heights that are completely risk-free.

The following is still a horse, there is no movement.

But everyone knows that the team of more than 3,000 people on this side is in the snow layer below, and the other person's people are also lurking inside!

However, it is such a small saying that it is not small, but it is not a big snow layer. Why is there no movement? I believe that just one person can also pick up all of it here?

Mo Tianji stood at a high altitude, smiling and looking down, and he had a well-thought-out look.

Chu Leer has some puzzles: "Mu Da Ge, I really don't understand what medicine you are selling in this gourd."

Mo Tianji smiled and said: "Can't say, can't say."

"Hey! Who is rare!" Chu Leer turned his head and swelled his mouth.

Mo Tianji’s heart was soft, and he said: “In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know why, the tricks will change, and each has its own ingenuity...”

Chu Leer frowned and thought about all the causes and consequences, but still had no income. He had to look at Mo Tianji dissatisfied, apparently waiting for him to answer.

Mo Tianji smiled and loved.

This time can't explain!

Now it is too close to the enemy. The nine-product supreme may not be able to intercept the sound. This risk, Mo Tianji, can't take it. Don't look at the dance before the city, so that the Mo Tianji no longer have their own safety concerns, but people can not move you, special monitoring you can always?

When the face is quiet, Mo Tianji can't help but admire.

At this moment, it is the same as the fifth gentle feeling: a punch is in the air!

The fifth soft choice is to change invariably, completely ignoring all kinds of illusions made by the Mo Tianji side, always standing still, not moving, and completely defending its own vitality. This move also makes Mo Tianji have a headache!

Originally, the calculation of Mo Tianji is that if the fifth is gentle and fooled, it will be sent directly to kill people. Then, just use your own means to withdraw the people, just to exchange the position with the other party.

The place where the focus of the decisive battle set by Mo Tianji can exert the greatest power is not the side of the station, but the side of the fifth soft station.

Imagine: camping here, and then suddenly give up, the other side is different, can you just look at it? Once an empty city is found here, the first reaction is: the enemy has escaped! Especially in such a situation, it is absolutely reasonable to make a plan for the collective retreat of the family for the sake of stagnation and stagnation.

Then all the attention is naturally going deeper; the people there will be moved smoothly, and occupying the other base camp can be said to be a huge profit on the big strategy! .

However, if at this time, it was unexpectedly discovered that the other party did not escape at all, but instead slipped to his side and copied his hometown. Can you not go back and fight back? But as soon as I turned back, I fell into the vast trap of Mo Tianji!

By then, the ambush in the snow and all kinds of battles will be fully launched!

Mo Tianji is very confident that the other party's eight-product supreme will also die in such a trap.

But... the question now is: You are comfortable with everything, but the other person is not acting in accordance with your script; you want to make him smart, but he is stupid like a pig. Not moving...

If it is based on Go, it is equal to Mo Tianji and the fifth softly hit a life and death robbery, I will let you eat me first, then I will eat you again, and also lay down a dragon trap, as long as you come over, I am sure Drop the dragon. But the fifth is gentle but it is totally unresponsive. You have a thousand temptations. I am not sure about it. How are you?

The fifth gentleness should not be the answer, it is really tricky!

What can I do?

Mo Tianji naturally understands that the fifth gentleness is definitely not a pig; he is also estimated to have broken half of his plot.

But the problem is that each other is at a loss!

"False. The world's affairs, or the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, or the harm is greater than the benefits, and there is no such thing as a whole good thing." Mo Tianji sighed in his heart: "All this, including the settlement of the mountain, should not be. But if Without pre-determining the mountain, the other party has already ruined this side at this time; now it has settled the mountain; but the other party has also successfully concluded that this is the place where the final battle will be."

"It caused the other party to have doubts."

"How can we solve the current predicament?" Mo Tianji frowned, and now he is in a dilemma.

On the other hand, the fifth gentleness also frowned. What he thought of was the same question that Mo Tianji thought: "How can we solve the current predicament?"

Both sides are now in a difficult position. The other party is their own big problem

No one dares to launch first!

And the fifth gentle knows that Mo Tianji must have a backhand on his hand, but he can only see the move. Once he takes the initiative, he must pay a considerable price, so most of the initiative is in the hands of the enemy.

Therefore, Mo Tianji does not move, he will not move first and foremost.

This is precisely the most uncomfortable place for Mo Tianji: You don't move, how can I proceed to the next step? !


"The two sides have actually fallen into a deadlock!" On the mountain in the north, Chu Dajian’s master said: "I was so embarrassed to see Mo Tianji for the first time."

The more I look at this situation, the more Chu Yang wants to laugh.

Mo light dance is also a bit frowning: "Now both sides are waiting for the other party to move first, but no one dares to move first. The second brother is here, it is clear that some places have made mistakes."

"But it doesn't become a mistake. If you don't do it, I am afraid this station is over. But...the current situation is really uncomfortable."

"To tell the truth, Mo Tianji has done so well so far, the fundamental reason is that the strength of Lijia is too weak." Dance City is very fair. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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