Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 819: Lure

"This is not a reason. It is awkward to be embarrassed." Dong did not hurt and calmly snorted; "Even if it is a Mo Tianji who faces 800,000 products and supreme ... strength disparity to that level, it is still difficult It is."

The dance city screamed heavily and wanted to shoot the goods on the stone.

Nima, although I know that your kid is telling the truth, but you are too ugly to listen to this truth?

"This deadlock, we are responsible for helping him unravel!"

Chu Yang said: "If it has been such a stalemate, Mo Tianji and the fifth gentle can hold the air, but I am afraid... the masters of the Li family will be unable to hold their breath... If they move, then It’s completely broken.”

"Not to mention not far north, it is the location of the Lijia rear base camp... Although the coalition forces will not deal with the women and children there before the end of the decisive battle, but if someone can’t stand it, they will check it... but it is also a The pile is a big trouble."

"We have this concern on this side, but there is no coalition. They can continue to consume it. This kind of stalemate, no matter which party is the initiative, it will be defeated, or even dead."

Ink tears are close to the eyebrows: "I have been thinking about this problem all the time, but how can we break this deadlock?"

Chu Yang calmly spit out a word: "Tempt!"

In the current situation, the fifth soft and soft machine is the same in both hearts, knowing that it is freezing.

Although Mo Tianji wants to break the deadlock, the fifth gentleness also wants to break the deadlock.

No one of them is so reluctant to be so rigid; two peerless wise men, in the face of the same thing, each exert their strongest ingenuity to count each other, and have racked their brains to the consequences, which is so froze. .

Because at this moment, whoever moves first means losing.

Although the fifth gentleness has sent out six teams of people, it is far from all manpower. The coalition forces still retain a lot of follow-up power.

across. There are still more than half of the people who have not moved!

Mo Tianji knows that the fifth gentleness is to wait for his own action, but he can't know how much strength he has retained, and how to deal with his backhand.

This is the so-called "know it, I don't know why"!

At the moment, as long as the Mo Tianji moves first, the fifth gentleness may come to a head-on blow at any time, but the consequences are not affordable.

In turn, the fifth gentle side is the same.

The fifth gentleness knows that Mo Tianji has let all the people of Li Jia hide. Just wait for my own first step, but I don’t know how Mo Tianji will act. In case you move ahead, the other party will come across a full counterattack... Then you will suffer.

Therefore, neither of them can move first, and they are even less willing to move first. At this time, it can only be trapped in a stalemate.

and also. Both Mo Tianji and the fifth gentle heart know another thing: this stalemate. If there is no external force to break it, this stalemate can only continue. Or one day, or ten days, or even three or five months.

But as it was deadlocked, the two were equally anxious. In comparison, Mo Tianji’s concerns are even greater. The foundation of Li’s family is far less than that of the coalition forces. If the fifth is soft, he will give up his own wits, and the coalition forces will be willing to pay a certain loss. It is absolutely possible to break through the last line of defense and enter the Lijia family base camp. At that time, it will be completely over.

Therefore, these two people are now eagerly looking forward to the intervention of external forces.

As long as there is external force to intervene, this stalemate can be broken. Once the stalemate breaks, there will be infinite follow-up.

And Chu Yang also saw this aspect, and decided to shoot!

The two wise men are holding back each other and are in a stalemate. Naturally, the external force of a third party needs to rewrite this situation.


“Tempting?” Mo Guangwu said with concern: “How can we induce it? We don’t have many people here. How to intervene...”

"Oh. Only with my own bait, can we break this subtle deadlock! Only in this way can we create opportunities for Mo Tianji." Chu Yang took a deep breath.

Taking a bait? Single into the battlefield of Wanjun?

"No! How can this be?!" Everyone exports at the same time.

"It is too risky." Even the dance city does not agree with this. In front of this battle, non-secular warfare is comparable, but there are countless supreme strong people. Even if it is as strong as a dance city, it is not necessarily good to be single, but not only Chuyang, but only six products. I rushed into it, saying that it’s not a bad life!

"I know this move is adventurous, but it is a big disadvantage for the deployment of the celestial plane! Once the fifth gentleness loses patience and gives up the wise men's confrontation with the celestial plane, there is no room for change." "Chuyang Road.

Just as Chuyang tried to convince everyone, when everyone insisted on dissuasion, the sudden change was suddenly caused by another external force! !

It’s just that no one can think of it. The external force that appears will actually be this person!

This external force can be Chu Yang, it can be talkative, or even a dance city. Of course, if the city is involved in this time, it seems too shameless, but this person appeared at this time, it is really unexpected.

At the moment of stalemate between the two sides, suddenly a clear but extremely ridiculous laughter suddenly sounded.

Immediately, a blue figure, like a meteor across the sky, still brings a fresh morning breeze.

The blue figure stood so violently across the fifth gentle side of the horse.

And still use a very burnt bag is very arrogant, very embarrassing and very unscrupulous, and the face of the Malaysian Golden Knife.

That is a wicked virtue that you simply want too much to be too eager to dream of beating him a hundred times a thousand times!

Xiao Chenyu’s pupil shrinks sharply: “It’s you! It’s you, I haven’t been looking for you yet, you dare to come out!”

The man laughed happily, just in the air, the long-sleeved and good-looking style, Mann’s long voice said: "The Eight-Year Liuhe Jun is the honor, the Wanshui Qianshan I am the king!"


Chu Yang can see that it is also a smart and sturdy Wei Gongzi, and naturally can see it. So he simply smashed it out!

Do not say that the coalition forces, because of the accident of the person appeared a lot of embarrassment, even if Chu Yang is also shocked!

Actually this guy is coming, it’s still so chic... It’s chic or swaying, this question is a matter of opinion!

Chu Yang’s face twitched strangely.

Dong’s unscrupulous face was suddenly flattened.

Who is dancing in the city, I found out the strangeness, I was very interested to ask: "What is it? Who is this guy who burns the package? Do you know?"

Chu Yang smiled bitterly: "I really want to say that I don't know a guy who burns a package, but unfortunately not, I don't know it... I know this guy's little dance; his name is Wei Gongzi."

"Wu Gongzi?" The dance city screamed: "This guy's appearance is not too small."

Chu Yang distorted his face and said: "Is it not too small? It is not small, you always don't know. Every time he plays, he said these two words. The first time I heard these two sentences, really I feel that this popularity is really good, really powerful, true and powerful, true atmosphere..."

"When I heard these two sentences for the second time, I still felt very shocked."

"When it was the third time, I felt very ordinary, and I didn't feel anything special..."

"After then, he said every time, every time he said... It seems that he is tireless and tireless... This has caused me to be completely numb a long time ago. Until now, every time I hear this sentence, I am all over the body. A layer of goose bumps. Speaking of the degree of disgust, he holds the top three!"

Chu Yang greatly sighed: "It’s too hard! It’s really... It’s like you can die without it... It’s like now, he is facing a force that can kill him hundreds of times.” Actually, I can still read his two sentences so arrogantly... I am really convinced, and the legendary life is just like this..."

The dance city listened to the words of Chu Yang, and then looked at the airborne Fengshen Junxiu, the graceful and graceful Weigongzi, the heart was quite emotional, and could not help but blinked and shook his head.

This is indeed the pumping. This degree of arrogance is not even worse than that of my old man. The coalition’s side is also not planted by his mother. The kid is like this, and his mother’s tortoise is a tortoise!

"Don't be really cleaned up by the coalition guys, the bastard, but still owe me a lot!" Dong did not hurt, said: "One day, one day, I will definitely turn this kid into a pig's head. ! but also beat him in front of his wife and his Dayi Zi, in order that my heart of gas! "

Everyone is eye-catching.

This sturdy goods are some admiration; you just a mere six products Extreme, actually dare to promise to beat a Nine supreme.

In particular, you are still the Supreme in the knife. The words just now are "揍", what kind of props do you use? It seems that only the fists are used, then... Dong did not hurt the confidence that comes so far? In addition, Dong can be depressed to the point where he is so unsatisfactory. The power of Wei Gongzi can be seen in abundance. There is no shortage of Dong Gong in the dance city, but I have never seen this product so hateful.

Not to mention the condemnation here, there, the accident of Wei Gongzi has already played a very good effect.

The coalition forces are naturally very species...

The Miao Zhendong brothers took the lead and made a big sigh: "You are a **** scorpion! Actually dare to come to this provocation! The death of your obstacles is here!"

Xiao Chenyu came out from the crowd: "The world is strange, it is extraordinary, and I was hit by the day, I can recover it so quickly, really."

Originally, in the identity of Xiao Chenyu, he gave Wei Gongzi a slap in the face and ruined his body, but failed to completely kill the uniform. It can be said that if he misses a shot, he should not shoot at Wei Gongzi again. Si Tian Ti Di Bao, what is the loss of face? !

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