Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 826: Enemy each other, you are welcome!

In the distance, Mo Tianji fluttered with Chu Leer.

Chu Leer exclaimed excitement: "Big Brother!" Just came in and clung to Chuyang. I wanted to pull Mo Qing dance from my big brother, but it ended up unsuccessful. I had to hug together, and the two little Loli powder makeup jade, and they were beautiful.

"Big brother! I want to die you! Hey, this little girl is really whimsical, actually you are taking advantage of my big brother..."

The previous sentence was told by Chu Yang, but the latter sentence was said to be a light dance.

Mo light dance now has a memory recovery in the past, where there will be general knowledge with Chu Leer, just a gentle smile.

"It seems that there is still one missing, who is the last person?!" Xiao Chenyu is cold and cold.

"Why, are we not enough to overtake you? Do you want to try it, we can fight with you alone! Of course, we collectively single out you!" Ji Mozhen sneered.

The fifth softly stood opposite, his eyes looked at Chuyang in a somewhat complicated way, and faintly said: "Chu brother, you are the master of the nine-robbery of the contemporary! The king of Chu, the king of Megatron, is actually the master of the Nine Robbery! It is really I am shocked and inexplicable!"

Before the fifth gentleness, I had already guessed the true identity of Chu Yang, but I never said it.

Chu Yang has a natural heart, faintly said: "The fifth brother, everyone has long been a violation."

"There is still one person!" Xiao Chenyu said with anger: "Where? Come out!"

There is still one person.

This is a well-known thing.

However, among the brothers, even Mo Tianji did not know who else is besides this!

In fact, not only them, but even Chu Yang, it is not clear who the last person is.

I know that the rest of the people must be by their side, but they never know which one.

The eighth interception of the nine robbery sword will show the identity of the last person.

Before this, even the sword master did not know. And this last person, in the nine robbery swordsmen and the nine robbery brothers, is one of the most crucial ones.

Chu Yang once thought: Is it the son of Wei? Or is it talking about the kid?

However, it is really uncertain and even more uncertain.

The legend of the Nine Robbery, stretching for more than 100,000 years, the legends of the past dynasties, countless, each leading the way, each has its own merits, but it is difficult to say, but there are still traces of clues to be found -

Nine robberies are nine people in history. This is one of the precedents. What is wrong with the nine robberies?

In the second instance, the nine robbery swords do not enter the ranks of the nine robberies, but the head of the nine robbers, but not the head of the nine robberies.

In the third case, the nine robbers have never had the same surname. If the same family name, how do the nine family? How is it listed?

In addition to the above three practices, there is a rule that does not know whether it is a fixed case. There is no woman in the nine robbers.

The above four articles are the secrets known to the highest levels of the major families.

Throughout the ages, every generation of the Nine Great Family has a perennial pass, and all of them have been concentrating on the new generation of nine robberies. Unfortunately, exhaustion of means, or conspiracy, or coercion, or trickery, or beauty traps, can be described as no I don’t have to use it, but I’ve always been incompetent, and I’m finally going to get rid of it.

Chu Yang is very confused, because he does not know, who is the remaining person?

Even Chu Yang, the master of the Nine Robbery Sword, did not know the identity of the last person, and others were naturally less likely to know.

In fact, this problem has long plagued everyone for a long time.

So at this moment, when the brothers heard Xiao Chenyu asking this question, they subconsciously turned their heads and looked at Chuyang.

Chu Yang turned quite innocently, staring at the brothers who were watching him.

Then Mo Tianji turned his head on the first look.

Do not know who the last person is? Really a joke!

Ji Mo opened his mouth and closed it. He didn’t dare to say anything.

Chu Yang thought about electricity, and did not want to entangle on this issue again, then a faint smile, his eyes turned to Xiao Chenyu again, said: "Why should Xiao Lao care about this matter? Even if Xiao Lao knows who the person is, how can it be? However, I can guarantee that the person will not be surnamed Xiao, so Xiao Lao can feel at ease?"

Xiao Chenyu laughed like a thunder: "Why make sure that the old man naturally knows that the person will not be surnamed Xiao, you don't have to make up the words to cover up, the cover is that there is something wrong, presumably your last robbery, that is the Li Xiong map? You I don't want to know what I know after I know who the person is. I will tell you how I can? Also let you have the peace of mind of the nine robbers! Haha... At this moment, the nine robbers gathered together, the sword master appeared, Nowadays, the northwest is the grandest gathering of people in the past ten years. But it also saves the old man from trekking, so let you be buried here! Today is the end of the Nine, the final of the sword!"

Then he waved his hand and shouted: "Everyone has to quit! The old man wants to pick up the sword and the nine robbing of the sword! Look at the so-called nine-robber legend, can you continue the legend! Nine robbery, the world is invincible! The old man should look at it, this nine robbery, how can be invincible in front of the old man!"

At this moment, Xiao Chenyu is domineering, and when it is really like a god, the body reveals endless glare and shines.

At the same time, an unprecedented arrogant arrogance rises to the sky, overlooking Chu Yang and other people, his face still with a hint of cold smile, his right hand slowly and slowly stalked the hilt.

His right hand was originally hanging on his waist, but it was such a simple lift, a small movement that slowly landed on the hilt, but suddenly there was a gust of wind between the heavens and the earth; everyone seemed to see countless palms at the same time, countless Hilt.

At the same time, fall!

Although Chu Yang and others are all juniors, Xiao Chen’s mouth is also very arrogant. He wants to use one person’s power to pick up contemporary legends, but this moment he has undoubtedly used all his strength.

For 100,000 years, the nine robbery sword master is equal to the legend, and the nine robbers are one, it is the legend of the world invincible!

Today, Xiao Yuchen has to rewrite this legend and create new legends with his own strength!

Can you not go all out? !

The hostile relationship between the two sides has become clear, and the conflict will start. Chu Yang is waiting for a step, and suddenly there is a flash of white shadow, and then there is another red shadow.

However, the graceful posture of Mo-light dance is like a cloud, but on the other side, Chu Leer’s big thorns are on the chest, and there is a silent wave of sorrow. go with.

Xiao Chenyu's face changed sharply, and the whole body was windless and automatic. It rose more than ten feet from the air. The movement was especially unstoppable, and then quickly retreated after ten feet of space. The big sleeves waved, and the tyrannical force hit the front of the void. A slamming sound, the space in front of the scene showed signs of fragmentation, just like a piece of broken glass, and then the entire piece of broken space was sent directly to the far away by Xiao Chenyu until the safety was confirmed. This is what condenses: "The poison of the void!? Are you a poisonous doctor?"

Before the dance of the city, but far away, the distance is too far away, Xiao Chenyu actually did not see what Chu Leer looked like in the end.

To be honest, Chu Leer’s void poison is a bit of a jealousy for Xiao Chenyu, but there is no fear. With Xiao Yuchen’s cultivation, he has too many means to cope. Freedom, but the poison of the void still means another thing, which is to show the identity of Chu Leer's poisonous doctor; the people dance in the city can be on the side, how can Xiao Chenyu dare to make it? What if there are too many means? I don’t dare to use it.

Chu Leer’s eyes turned, and Xiaoxiao looked forward to the sigh, saying: “It’s just like Le Er, Le Er is here to invite Xiao’s predecessors.”

Xiao Chenyu smiled bitterly.

Please recruit? Please a fart, I dare to invite you this little poison? !

Xiao Yuchen had to open his mouth and said that suddenly the red clothes fluttered, the red shadow flashed, and the light dance snorted. The volley attacked, and the sword floated like a passer-by, a sword passed, a lonely and free-spirited mood Void out.

This sword seems to have abandoned three thousand red dust in an instant!

It’s pure and lonely!

A sword alone and arrogant straight thorns Xiao Chenyu throat!

"Ning in the end of the world to see the solitary sword; not into the red dust and dye the luxury!" Xiao Chenyu sees the face again changed, the body shape is like a cloud of water, the rapid retreat, the eyes of the strange light burst, said: "wearing a small red Girl, Ning Tian Ya Ning supreme, who are you?"

Mo light dance, this sword shot, is the real sign of Ning Tianya.

If the poisonous medicine dance is the most incompetent person in the world.

Then Ning Tianya is the first person in the world to be untouchable!

Mo light dance faintly replied: "It is the teacher!" He smiled and said: "The light dance was first involved in the rivers and lakes, so Xiao Xiao’s predecessors laughed."

Xiao Chenyu's face at this moment is a bit distorted.

I’ve heard about Ning Tianya and Bu Liuqing, two **** but undead old guys, who have received an apprentice, what the baby has to do with it; I’ve been wondering what the qualifications of the sky are to be both I didn’t expect to see it today.

I saw it, I saw that I was qualified, and I was very young. I have already reached the high-level level of supreme. This kind of achievement is very valuable and can be described as valuable. It is truly unique, talented, but...

Why do you want to stand on the opposite side? why? Why is that?

The apprentices of the poisonous doctors and dances in the city, and the apprentices of Ning Tianya, who have collected their feelings, actually stood opposite each other?

Isn't this too boring?

Chu Leer and Mo Qingwu smiled at the same time. It was very humble and courteous: "The younger generation of Xiao did not have to worry about what the teacher is. Now that the position is obvious, since it is already certain that they are enemies, then it is a matter of course for you to die; please, Please take it."

This sentence is really reasonable, the real atmosphere, the top grade, very rivers and lakes flavor, the open-minded style of the children of the rivers and lakes.

However, Xiao Chenyu also had the supreme masters of the coalition forces behind him, and the faces were completely distorted.

What you said is simply too good.

What is no need to worry? ! How can you not worry? And don't say that the dance city is now on the side of it; even if the dance city is not here, then it is absolutely impossible to ignore it.

There are still tens of thousands of people watching here.


"HENGAHENG, DIYIGENG!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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