Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 827: Can talk now

Unless Xiao Chenyu can kill thousands of people here regardless of allies or enemies; otherwise, as long as he really killed these two female dolls, the news must be unstoppable.

Needless to say, the enemy side, even if it is a person, in order to open the suspicion, will definitely sell Xiao Chenyu in the first time, people are self-protective, especially in the face of the powerful and irresistible power.

At that time, it is absolutely foreseeable that the dance city and the Ning Tianya cloth will be able to kill the Xiao family on the day of the anger. Even if it is a huge thing like Xiao, the result is already doomed. One hundred percent is that even a complete piece of tile will not stay.

This is not finished, there is a city of dancing, I am afraid that the site of Xiaojia may not grow a grass in the next few tens of thousands of years. To perfect the human desert, there is no survival, let alone the inheritance of the descendants... Under the **** revenge of the three top Supreme Masters, the so-called retention of the descendants is a joke!

Your two little gimmicks are full of enthusiasm. Naturally, there is no need to worry about it, but how can we not care about it? !

During the talk, Chu Leer sneered, white shadow like electricity: "Xiao seniors, carefully pick up!"

Actually took the lead!

Mo light dance is not to be left behind, * flying like a fly, whispered softly: "Nine days of dance! A dance world!"

In the meantime, the red shadow is like a waterfall, sweeping the world!

In an instant, it seems that nine days and nine places, all become red and red!

Full of dreamy and infinite magnificence!

Even though he is in the midst of fighting, there is a danger of falling. Chu Yang’s heart is also inexplicably blurred at the moment, and a touch of life has already filled the whole heart.

Mo light dance knows that the opponent is tyrannical, and it is the effort to press the bottom of the box; the magical effort of the nine-day dance finally appears on the mainland of Jiuzhongtian for the first time!

Xiao Chenyu is also a long-time veteran of the battlefield. He saw the situation in front of him. He did not dare to make a second time. He screamed and his body quickly receded. However, he was surprised to find that his body was covered by the red shadow. The body is more like a viscous plucked by countless silk threads, and it has been unable to move.

Xiao Chenyu knows well that although he is in trouble, he has no real danger. Mo Qingwu’s tricks are really beyond his own budget, but his cultivation is too low to really trap himself. Whether it is a sword breakout, or a drum force to earn, they are sure to get out of trouble, but these two methods have the same shortcomings, that is, they will inevitably hurt the Mo light dance.

Under the magical and elusive practice of the other side, this strength is hard to control.

Just in the morning, Xiao Chenyu carefully considered how much he should use to ensure that he could get rid of the difficulties and not hurt the Mo-Dance. The two women’s offensives came one after another. He was very polite and injured two women, but two The woman is very rude, recruiting poisonous, swords and swords, but fear that he will not be hurt.

At the moment when Xiao Chenyu was temporarily trapped, Chu Leer’s sword was already on the verge of coming. At the same time, there was a dreamy red light flashing, and the light dance of the Star Dream Light Dance Knife has also been made. A blurred lightning, falling face to face!

Sharp knife, sharp sword.

Xiao Chenyu almost stunned at this moment; there is no such thing as a knife and a sword. Your body's suffocating suffocation cannot be stopped without being shocked.

But if it is a shock, the two chicks must be seriously injured, then they still have to finish, not only finished their own, it is likely to have the entire Xiao family to finish.

However, Mo Qingwu has already slashed his sword, which means that the contact with the previous red shadow has weakened. Xiao Chenyu took the opportunity to make a break, and the body gyro generally turned, and the sound of a cracking space was slid. Actually, I got rid of the red shadow and mixed up, and took the time to get out of danger. Mo light dance and Chu Leer’s figure were like electricity, and they rushed to catch up.

Xiao Chenyu hated his heart and hated himself. He did not dare to attack the two women. The two women were so unaware of the advance and retreat. They continued to kill, so it was not the way to go on, but now they will make a heart and decide to make full efforts. The speed of holding two women, as long as there are two women in hand, even if the three old undead to find the door, there is room for manoeuvre, and then they are just to control them, the decision will not really hurt the two women.

Moreover, the 'Nine-Day Dance' is too overbearing. With the repair of the six-headed Supreme of the Little Skull, it is almost impossible to trap his nine-piece supreme! This is simply unbelievable!

The idea is decided, it is necessary to shoot.

However, the air in the air fluctuated, and the dance of the city happened to happen.

Xiao Chenyu was as arrogant as he was, and hurriedly said: "Dancing seniors, please stop the disciples." After all, it is the next strategy to stop the two women. If they are forced to go out of the city, they will take away two women. It is the best policy.

However, the dance city is actually a very smiling smile: "The two girls are naughty, and they are not doing well in the weekdays. It is rare that they are interested today. You can play with them and grow more. Some combat experience is also a good thing. Everyone is so close, not hurting..."

Xiao Chenyu had a feeling of sullenness rushing up. An impulsive impulse, filled with chest in an instant!

He is a lottery! What is play? Who is so interested in playing with them at this time? You are not dead, I haven’t seen you and Ning Tianya’s baby apprentice just now. Every sword and every sword is directed at the heart of the throat, Dan Tian, ​​etc. If they are not inexperienced, they will lose sight of one another. It’s not that I died, that is, both of them died...

But now the dance city has come together, Xiao Chenyu, even though he is not happy, he has to accompany the two little girls to 'play'. For a time, the three people actually turned around in the air and smashed into a ball, fighting for a dead life!

Really you die and die, death is definitely Xiao Chenyu's death, life is naturally two women's life, the only regret is that the two women do their best, still can not kill the Xiao family, the real strength difference is too great!

"Light dance, happy, you don't want to mess around." Chu Yangqiang resisted and laughed and shouted.

The two hoes promised at the same time, and it was very obedient to return to Chuyang.

The minds of these two gimmicks naturally know that it is only by their two people that they absolutely can't kill Xiao Chenyu; but they still have to come out and make troubles, so that Chuyang has time and space for maneuvers.

Let the arrogant momentum disappear.

Sure enough, after such a trouble, Xiao Chenyu's face rose purple, just now intended to destroy the legend in one fell swoop, and the momentum of re-creating the legend is gone.

Even if it is a top-level battle, it may not be a bit of sweat when he studies it. But at this moment, he feels that the vest is cool; it is neither tired nor scary, but angry, too suffocating, since Xiao Chen When the rain came out to this day, there was no such suffocation as it is today for more than 10,000 years.

Chu Yang stepped forward and smiled: "Is the Xiao predecessor now mad?"

Xiao Chen Yu was so angry that I was awkward! If you get a cheaper one, you still have to sell your mouthfuls. If you change your position to your position, can you lose your energy? It’s just that at the moment, but I can’t help but answer it. Otherwise, I’m even more disgraced. I’m not angry at the moment: “If you have something to say!”

Chu Yang faintly said: "Xiao's predecessor is the home of Xiao's first generation, full of the world, I believe I should know that I am coming out at the moment, it is very out of date, contrary to common sense, even greatly unwise. But the reason why I will When I came out, it was because there were some unexpected accidents. It was not because there was no cause. I believe this, Xiao’s predecessors should have a number."

Xiao Chenyu did not answer, but just snorted, but in his heart he had some approval for Chu Yang’s words. Throughout the ages, the nine robbery sword masters can be said to be the public enemies of the nine great families before the fullness of the wings, and the public enemies of the nine great families are equal to the enemy for the last three days. Once exposed, what are the serious consequences?

Although Chu Yang has already reached the status of the Supreme Six-Pictures, it is rare to have this strength in terms of age. However, the comparison of absolute strength is still very weak, even if it is unbearable, it is not too Over.

Xiao Chenyu is naturally not a fool. I don’t know if the other party is so arrogant and bright, and it must have its intention. Especially the high-profile appearance of the other side, but also provoke their highest hatred, and then let the two little girl take the pressure to suppress, this is a very deep intention.

The whole process can be said to be unexpected, but it is not necessarily unreasonable.

Xiao Chenyu snorted, and asked: "The nine masters of the sword are the best means of glory. They also come up with the ancestors of the Ning Tianya, the cloth, and the disciples of the predecessors of the city. They are the amulets, and we are pressing us. At this moment, Also told me that there was an accident? I was also interested in knowing what happened. I can let you know that the Nine Robbery Swordsman is coming out to announce the world!"

Chu Yang ignored the sarcasm of Xiao Chenyu and said faintly: "We need a relatively calm conversation environment right now, and that's it."

Xiao Chenyu is cold and cold: "Our conversation environment? What kind of conversation environment do we need between us?"

Chu Yang’s eyes condensed, and the voice turned to sinking. He said very solemnly: “This is also my sincerity... After you talked about it, if Xiao’s predecessors still want to continue fighting, I can promise, music and light dance. Will not participate and will not interfere with our fighting by any means."

Xiao Chenyu blinked and said: "Well, you have already said this, if I still hesitate, I am not demeanor, you said."

For this commitment, Xiao Chenyu is undoubtedly very heart-warming. If the two little girls don't really get involved, they will naturally have no more grievances!

In fact, Xiao Chenyu also knows that even if Chu Leer and Mo Qingwu participate in the battle, it may not be able to play a big role. As long as two masters with far-reaching strengths are entangled in two gimmicks, the two women will be harder. There is, and there is, Chu Yang will not worry about the safety of the two women in this side; in this battle, even if it is God, there is no way to guarantee that there will be no accidents. If the two women's opponents are really eager to be stunned by the two women, and the killer, Chuyang has no place to buy regret drugs.


Chapter two. I continue with the third chapter of the codeword.

In the last chapter, I turned a mistake. The weapon of Ning Tianya is a knife... I cough, I am sorry. Everyone forgive me... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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