Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 831: What is the merits and demerits? [Buy! 】

Li Wubo sneered, paying attention to listening to all the movements outside, and noticed that the sound of chasing outside was gradually disappearing, suddenly bursting out, and chose not to participate in any battle, nor to manage his own baby son, but rather like a fish. Go up and go.

Li Wubo’s move is not to follow the example of how to escape, but to send a letter!

The great changes under the snow must be notified early.

Otherwise, not only will the Lijiazhong people sacrifice in vain, but they will seriously affect the layout afterwards, and will even completely lock the dead end, and there will be no room for change!

Li Wubo is undoubtedly full of resentment, a vicious voice, a plot of intrigue,

But at this moment, the decision made by the Lijia contemporary family is still, the family!

Because, we are Li family!

The loss of the son, as a father, as a child of Li, himself, to make up!

Li Wubo’s body slid quietly upwards, and the speed was relatively fast; he was completely indifferent to everything else; even, two of his family members were under siege, and his strength was absolutely easy. Rescue, but also completely ignored as seen, but with all the hidden cover that can be used, to break through.

It’s light and heavy, and Li Wubo’s own mind is calculated.

Before and after the shot, he has gone up more than two hundred feet.

"There, there are people on the other side!" A coalition striker who was fighting seemed to have a movement behind him. For the sake of caution, he broke the snow layer with a knife and slammed into the source of the movement - Li Wubo.

Li Wubo cross-swords one block, "When", by the blade of the force of the "squeaky" slammed up, flying at full speed, before dare not make too much movement, had to slowly, now the left and right lines have been exposed, Simply speed up and do everything possible to break through the snow layer, as long as it will reach above, even if you can make a shout, it may bring a turn.

This voice is full of vigilance, and there are countless coalition masters who have come around in all directions, and some people have begun to go up in desperation, including high-ranking supreme power.

Once you have been rushed out by the Li family, let the above know the following changes, it is not a complete victory, at least not the stunning effect of "Qingbing".

Mo Tianji, the nine-robbery think tank, will certainly make a corresponding strategic change. At that time, he still wants to take advantage of it, that is another matter.

Li Wubo does not entangle with any enemy at all, and does not even respond to any opponent's attacks. No matter what kind of attack, he is blindly used as an upward force.

The price paid for this is extremely fierce. His body is almost in the blink of an eye. It is already **** and bloody, with no body and trauma. The internal injuries can be imagined. You must know the attacks from all sides. Focus on palm power.

But he still stubbornly rushed upwards, and the rate of rise at this moment has reached its peak.

Here, there is still 30 feet above the snow layer!

Li Wubo's face is stern, and at this moment, the last remaining force is erupted, and the rapid rushing, this rush, almost concentrated all his power.

His entire body flew upwards like a cannonball; a knife in the crossbone flew in with lightning, and the target was originally his neck, but the upper body of Li Wubo had already rushed over in an instant that could not be allowed;

At that moment, Li Wubo only felt that the knees of the legs were cold, and the body was inexplicably light. Half of the body finally succeeded in rushing out of the snow!

Li Wubo's two-legged blood waterfall is generally rushing out to look at it. It seems to be the blood as the impulse to push him up.

I just breathed the air outside, and Li Wubo couldn’t wait to scream at the sky: "The ambush is broken! Our fiasco! The ambush is broken..."

I have to do this, because Li Wubo is not sure how long he can live, or the next moment, he has already gone to Jiuquan!

However, the message must be sent out, must be sent out! To be sent out in the first place!

On the silent snowfield, his roar was spread far and wide, and his voice shook.

The surrounding snow cracked open, and several of the coalition's supreme members also jumped out, and the swords were all out. The snow flakes generally swayed toward him, recruiting and killing.

Li Wubo does not sneak at all, not because his legs are disabled, but also because he is unable to struggle, but he is afraid that if he resists and evades himself, he will use his residual strength; it is the real evil that can not be heard in a family.

At this moment, as long as the family heard it, what is this cruelty? !

In the rain of swords and swords full of desperation and killing, the blood and blood splashed, and there was no sorrow in the sky, and the last sentence of this life: "The ambush below is broken! Mo Tianji! Mo Tianji! Did you hear it? The ancestors... ”

It’s a pity that the words are still not finished. The rest of the voice is still answering. In a series of squeaking sounds, Li Wubo’s body has turned into a pile of minced meat. A coalition’s supreme hate, flying a foot and kicking his only intact head into the volley. Fly out and fall outside the hundreds of feet...

Li Wubo’s conspiracy in his life, his life is shameless and mean, but the last moment is...

How can one comment on a person's life?

In any case, it can't be conclusive!


Chu Yang and others have now returned to their respective ambush locations.

Mo Tianji is negotiating some details with Li Chunbo; everything has been decided to stop; only wait for the final battle to begin.

The so-called deliberation now is only in the pursuit of excellence, regardless of the amount of discussion, will not have much impact on the final situation.

However, at this moment, the scream of a cone of blood and blood suddenly came over, and although the volume was not large, it could be heard clearly.

The indescribable grief and helplessness in the discourse, as well as the remorse of the vomiting of blood and blood, is so clear that everyone can feel the same!

"The ambush is broken! We are defeated! Mo Tianji, Mo Tianji, you heard no..."

"It's Li Wubo! Is it him? How come?" Li Xiangsi suddenly stood up.

"The ambush under the snow layer is broken? How is it possible?" Li Chunbo raised his head incredulously: "This rigorous ambush is a magical work. It is seamless. How can it be broken when the decisive battle has not yet begun?" may!?"

"Things are unusual, go see!" Mo Tianji is also somewhat inexplicable.

Several people flew out like a fly.

After a while, I came to the snow layer and saw a lonely person heading up to the sky, where it fell, it was Li Wubo!

I saw his grief and anger at his face, and his eyes were so wide that he was dead.

"It seems that the ambush below is really broken, I really can't think of it..." Mo Tianji sighed: "Li Wubo is in the last wave of the second team, and the hidden position can be regarded as hidden in concealment. Yes, with a poetic personality, the fault is not to the end of the mountain, I am afraid that it will not..."

Li Chunbo's face is hazy, and there is a lot of wind and rain, and he is very angry. "The old man is only a little strange. The ambush in this place is seamless. It uses so many resources, and there is a place for good, not to mention the advantages." The party is not too much, how can it be broken?"

Mo Tianji silently said, "If the inside is not chaotic, there is no reason to be broken! This is the only possibility!"

Li Chunbo must be all Zhang, roaring: "Which family affairs, who dare to leak? Who will leak? The old man does not believe that Li will come out like such a traitor! I will go down and see!"

Mo Tianji and others were too late to stop, Li Chunbo roared, and the whole person quickly fell into the snow.

The nine products are supreme and sinking into the snow, just the suffocation of the body, it is already evil. With a series of attacks, it went all the way down to the end, just to see a Lijia master being besieged, the situation is already in jeopardy.

Li Chunbo screamed and screamed at the two palms; two screams, the two masters of the coalition were smashed and smashed, and the spurts of blood blew out on both sides; then the roar of the four screams, and countless coalition masters flocked.

Li Chunbo raised one of the best masters in his hand, and his left hand quickly stroked a circle. A strong and violent wind blew out, blocking the life of the people from a few feet, and then his body flew out.

Even if Li Chunbo is a strong and powerful person, he can't be forced to fight so many forces with one person.

The next moment, with a bang, Li Chunbo once again flew out of the snow, stood on top, put the saved person in front of him, and put a medicine into his mouth.

But this person is already full of oil and light, and the breath is stunned. Only the last breath is left, and the drug is reminded to return to the light. He said: "Old... ancestors..."

Li Chunbo’s eyes were dark and he knew that he was no longer saved. He asked, “Tell me why the ambush was broken?”

The man heard the words, and suddenly there was a strong anger that was difficult to vent, and he wanted to speak, but he coughed because of emotional shock and violent coughing.

Li Xiangsi hurriedly touched his back with his hand, slowly inputting the vitality, but shook his head, and it was obvious that his vitality was gradually dissipating, and such injuries were difficult to recover.

"It's a stern... that **** beast! I..." The man with strong resentment, can't wait to sleep on his skin and eat his teeth: "There was nothing left, we have been waiting for the final battle to come... It was the savage of the beast, and I jumped out inexplicably! I was chased by the enemy, but I was flustered. I went to each side of our ambush, and eventually exposed us all. Many brothers were blocked in the hole and lived. dead……"

This person was seriously injured, and it was already a breath of breath, but at this moment, the strong resentment in his heart made him speak fluently.

"I... We are forced to fight, we have to fight out, and we are trying to fight for it; but we have completely lost the land.... The enemy is multi-faceted... We... We are... not at all..." The master's eyes were white and the throat creaked, and finally screamed: "Sure! I can't let go if I die... you!"

The body suddenly became awkward, and finally it was silent again.


Monthly ticket... How many more? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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