Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 832: Sunlight bursts, start!

Li Xiangsi suddenly bowed.

Li Chunbo trembled, and even his beard was shaking. Hey, suddenly he screamed: "Sure!"

The sound is like a thunder.

At this moment, Li Chunbo is obviously hateful!

Mo Tianji frowned, but also felt that it was too tricky.

I spent a lot of my own calculations, and arranged such a seamless plan, it would be destroyed by such an idiot so cleanly, this is really a variable that no one can think of.

"No way, the original plan must be changed." Mo Tianji sighed for a long time.

I can't think of the fifth gentleness. I just had a guilty conscience. I haven't had a schadenfreak on this side, and I have the same situation.

Is it really God's will to get people?

"I will go on another look! Look at the situation, if it can save a few people..." Li Chunbo frowned, and Li Chunbo thought about it. Now the situation is so bad, you need to try to remedy it. If you can rescue the remaining Lijia children, Always save some fighting power, and the most important point, the old man can't bear to let his descendants and grandchildren sacrifice in vain, and the sacrifice is meaningless.

"No! Absolutely can't go any further!" Mo Tianji hurriedly stopped: "Because it was unclear, I need to understand the current situation. I have not stopped Li Lao from entering the dangerous place. Now the situation is clear. The following can be said to be chaotic. It may lead to an unknowable crisis. In particular, it is impossible to see things underneath. Even if you are too old, you will not help. The effect is too small and not worth it." "Some dangers, I will pay attention, always seeing all killed." If you can retain more than one point of combat power is more than a point of life." Li Chunbo is obviously anxious, and rarely questioned the judgment of Mo Tianji.

"Li Lao, I know that you are in a hurry, but if you are dispatched again, the coalition forces will not sit down and watch, Xiao Chenyu will follow the rate. If you are old, you will be stuck here. Until now, rescue is by no means the best policy. Only...there is only a follow-up change in the three-light array in advance - the sun is bursting." Mo Tianji sighed.

“Starting the sun array in advance?”

"Yes, this is the only way to break the game."

"But... this is just the second team... if..."

Mo Tianji said faintly: "Is it necessary to wait until it is all dead?"

Li Chunbo shuddered and looked awkward in his eyes. He nodded silently for a long time: "Alright! Anything! Just do what you said."

Mo Tianji's white robe fluttered and turned away. At this time, only action is the most practical.

Li Chunbo followed, but with the footsteps of Li Xiangsi and his father and son, they all looked abnormally stagnant.


Under the snow, it is still running in madness, constantly exposing its own hidden ambush to the enemy. At this moment, the young master has already run blindly like a lost soul. It is completely a walking dead.

Now he has no ability to think. He can only instinctively seek the shelter of the people. Even if the person who came out has been killed immediately, he will feel safer: because he has seen his own people.

I have my own companions.

Having a companion is equal to having asylum.

However, I did not think that my own stupidity had dragged my own people down the bottomless abyss.

Behind him, there are more than twenty high-end sages of more than six products, followed by him, and seven or eight more than seven of the supreme, with a shimmering light in his eyes.

Keep an eye on him and keep him from getting out.

The most ridiculous thing, the seven or eight people of the seven or more supremes have a purpose to protect the safety of life, because there have been several waves of family members in order to get rid of this scourge, launched the same death attack, but unfortunately, Under the joint guards of seven or eight of the seven or more supreme, all the attacks were like a moth, and it had no effect.

And before confirming that the family has not died under the snow, it is absolutely impossible to die!

This is the treasure of the guide, the magic weapon to defeat the enemy!

Other Li family members will be killed as soon as they appear, but they can move freely.

Just singularly but not at all, he is still blindly looking for the shelter of his family and doing everything he can to find it. He is already irrational!

He is actually safe. He is actually the safest family member. At this moment, the only safe family.

"Save me, help!" Strictly rushed over the head, repeated the movement words that I could not remember repeating many times, yelling at a cave hidden under the snow, and did not get a response, he actually rose up Palm, sweep away the snow there, revealing the secret hole: "You come out to save me, I am so singular, why don't you come out to save me, I am being chased, I am going to die... ”

The people inside are almost swearing.

Do you ask us to save you? We also ask you not to hurt us! You are dying, why are you still not dead, you are going to die, the world is really quiet and peaceful.

But the hole has already appeared, and there is no point in concealing it. The three of them can only choose to show up, and they have to wait for the road of life. The last meaningful thing for the family can only be killed. Dead and stern.

The palm power, the boxing power, the sword spirit, and the three sets of the three people in the cave finally made their best efforts, only one goal, killing the scourge,

Unfortunately, they are destined to be disappointed. In the moment of the three lore attacks, there are a few more violent temperament, blocking the three offensives horizontally, and a few gentle forces will send out the dead.

Immediately, more than 30 high-ranking supreme forces of the coalition forces quickly surrounded each other to form an encirclement, attacking the caves. It was only a round of blows. Two of them even had time to leave the cave and they had turned into smouldering.

"... ah! Don't come over..." The singularity that has left the dangerous land is still full of fear, and the pupils are magnified. In the scream of "catch-up", even fleeing and fleeing, screaming in the mouth: "Save Me, save me... save me!"

The terrain has gradually increased.

Although not sure, but the coalition Supreme followed by the face is dignified.

Before the Li family, four teams were dispatched, all of which were hidden under the snow. The first two of them were now almost completely annihilated. And this land boundary is already approaching the ambush location of the other two teams.

I couldn’t help but raise my vigilance.


At this time, Mo Tianji has returned to the top of the mountain and entered a very secret cave. The right hand did not know where to press it. This piece was covered by three light, and the rock that had been as hard as a stone suddenly Tightening, the stone wall above slid open to the sides, revealing a skylight.

Mo Tianji stood up.

Here, there are three unusually complex arrays, all arranged in amethyst chalcedony, exuding the brilliance.

The entire cave is crystallized like a colorful illusion, magnificent and splendid.

Mo Tianji walked to the position of the map in the middle, and stood up.

Li Chun wave sighed long.

Mo Tianji slowly reached out. At this moment, his hand suddenly turned into a transparent color of white jade. Nine gold-colored copper coins appeared in his hands, and when they flipped, they suddenly floated in the air and formed. A small nine-pointed star array, emitting an extraordinary dazzling light, then drifted into the middle of the Sunlight hub!

Under the flash of a series of sun bursts, it emits a blazing brilliance, and then the surrounding amethyst chalcedony smashes together, and it is nothing!

"Sunlight has been officially launched." Mo Tianji snorted, his face white, and then faintly said: "Notify everyone, continue to be hidden, never come out! So as not to be affected, the pool of fish."

Li Xiangsi immediately ordered.

The family on the mountain, the "call" all disappeared.

An embarrassing stream of air rushed into the sky, merging with the rising sun.

The invisible changes in the air in the air seem to be a strange change.

Then under the snow, a slamming sound seemed to come from the depths of the ground.

After the people who lie in the ambush feel the shock, they seem to get any hints, and they succumb to each other from their hidden caves and go all out to kill the enemy!

At this moment, the sudden awkwardness was really unpredictable. The high-handed defense of the all-way winds and rivers was greatly reduced because of the previous strangulation. Under this sudden offensive, there was a lot of unprepared feelings. Many people lost their lives at that time. Under the inexplicable attack.

The reason why this raid can be so successful is that it is based on three reasons. One is that the coalition forces are too smooth and windy because of the previous battles, and the vigilance is naturally down. Second, the battle site is now under the snow. It is the most familiar combat location for the Li family; the only coalition can compete with Li in this respect, but the Ling family who are equally familiar with snow combat is not here. This is also an important reason for the successful launch of this family.

The most important reason is that only the ambush sites of the first two teams are only familiar with it. For the latter two teams, he is basically ignorant. It is because of this great fortunes that this unfortunate has left an opportunity for this Jedi counterattack.

Also for the Mo Tianji, the entire Li family left the opportunity to reverse the situation!

However, the glory of the moment has nothing to do with eternity. After all, the coalition forces are crowded with people. No matter the quantity or the level of the masters, they are far higher than the Li family. After a panic, they quickly stabilized their positions. The ground began to engage in war.

No one is going to catch up with it.

The people of Lijia, who have the heart to kill the thief, are powerless, and they are doing their best to fight against the strong enemy. There is no effort to deal with the family scum.

As for the coalition forces, it is definitely a waste of no use value.

Such a waste of nothing, no one wants to look at him again.

............(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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