Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 833: Magma instillation!

People who are like such a singularity, as long as they are aware of their nature, are despised, despised, and ignored when and where they are.

Of course, I don’t know that I have been ignored. At this moment, he is still completely immersed in the escape of countless people, the escape of the six gods, and the whirlwind rushing down the canyon...

His only thought is only - I want to escape, I want to live...

Under the ground, thousands of people fought.


on the ground.

The fifth soft and vaguely felt a sudden shock, although the face was as constant, but the heart could not help but be surprised.

Now it is in the contest with Mo Tianji. Any abnormal movement may be that the other party is moving. The fifth gentleness does not dare to care about it. He also attaches importance to this confrontation.

"There seems to be some movement in the sky..." The night squinted his head and his mouth groaned. But in fact, it is not too serious.

"There is movement in the sky?" Although the speaker did not care, the listener was intentional; the fifth gentle stood up and walked outwards: "What movement? When did it start?!"

"Just just now, it seems that there is some change in the sun... but it is normal now." The night is very uncomfortable: "It should be the special weather change in the northwest. It just suddenly lit up. I have to say that this piece of northwest There are no sun appearances for hundreds of thousands of years. When the sun shines out, the rare things are also coming out. Let these bunny see and see, what is the sun..."

The few Supreme people around him listened to him and said that they were funny, and they all laughed. But then I found that the fifth soft face turned heavy, and I couldn’t help but smile.

Since the farce of the previous day, Xiao Chenyu has ordered the death. From below, no one can violate the fifth soft command, and the offender will not be punished!

The fifth soft and light ‘oh’ sounded; stepped out of the tent and put it on the forehead with his hands, staring at the sky.

At this time, Asahi, which was rising in the sky, came just like a warm fireball. At this moment, it suddenly became an extremely dazzling blazing white. A round beam of light suddenly shone from the sun, like Stunning sword, straight shot.

The goal is that before the three-light array, the whole three-light array will be covered.

The fifth gentle person and others are staring at the sky with their eyes open, and the sudden glare hits. Everyone makes a scream of surprise, and their eyes are sore and unbearable, and tears flow out.

This is also the strength of this group of people, the physical strength is far better than ordinary people, change a repair almost, the eyes will certainly not be able to save!

After the aurora, everyone in the temporary blindness, but there is a new induction, suddenly around the four became hot.

It’s important to know that here is the northwestern part of the country. The winds and frosts are frozen all year round. The temperature is low and scary. It’s no exaggeration to say that even if a person is soaking in urine, he can freeze without landing, or even become a fine ice. Rare things...

So in this northwest, there has always been a folk song, that is, ‘Peeing should be careful, always move. Once the ice cone is up, the birds and birds are stiff. ’

That is to say, when you have a small solution, you must walk while walking. If you don't move, you will quickly get a cone of ice. If you can't even get it... it will freeze together...

Someone once encountered this embarrassing situation. When moving, it was a bit slow. In the end, I had to reach out and reach out and smash the frozen part. I finally didn’t get it, unfortunately, I was lucky...

(Coughing... This is not my creation. The knife has done this. This is his personal experience... on the other side, he is stunned; he said, the three northeastern provinces are very cold... cough. )

Closer to home.

Well, there is a hot feeling in such a place, isn’t it too ridiculous? If not many people have the same feeling, they will definitely think it is an illusion.

But now it is actually feeling like this.

"Mother's, my eyes..."

"His mother, my eyes are also hurting..."

"What happened to his mother, how was the **** sun suddenly so bright... stabbed my eyes..."

"Hey, how are you so hot..."

"Yes... it's really hot!"

"What is going on here? Here is the northwest, the coldest land under the sun..."

"This is really difficult for his mother to understand, and the northwest can be so hot... Hey, my eyes, really his mother..."

The fifth gentleness is also incapable of escaping this, the same soreness in both eyes, the tears flowing, but he is not as loud as others, because he suddenly remembered a terrible possibility, and this possible possibility Sex is too big, regardless of the uncomfortable eyes, close eyes and gather skills to exhale and screamed: "People quickly withdraw from here! Danger! Extremely dangerous, fast!"

"What is the situation? Why should I evacuate?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with this? Is it enemy?"


Numerous noisy questions have sounded, and there are very few responding to the fifth gentleness. At this moment, the elbows are born, the strength is high, and they are willing to stick to the original place, so that they should not change, and those who are low in strength will not dare to move. Five gentle retreat commands.

Fortunately, the fifth gentleness can not be seen at this moment, otherwise it must be mad at this group!

"What happened? Did the enemy move again?" Xiao Chenyu hurried, and all the way to the road felt that this would be all in the shirt.

And the temperature is still increasing.

If such a strange situation is not the other party's work, there is no reasonable explanation.

"If I guess it is correct... This is the killing of the three-light squad!" The fifth gentle way: "Immediately convene everyone to leave at full speed... Otherwise, maybe it will be burned by the sun, manpower again Strong, and incompetent against the sky..."

Xiao Chenyu was shocked and hurriedly issued an order.

The order of Xiao Chenyu is not the same as the fifth gentleness. Everyone has no doubts, and he shows his body and rushes forward like a wind.

"Three light arrays can ignite the three light stars in the sky, fix the mountains and rivers, and make the mountains and mountains permanent. This is a relatively common statement..." The fifth soft and somewhat envious, some regretted said: "But there is another ridiculous It is said that the operation of the three-light array can ignite the lower bound of the three light forces, destroying everything with the supreme star power."

"This argument is too extreme, and no one has actually seen it, and no one believes it. So the insiders believe that this is an exaggerated absurd statement... but this time, with the current situation, Mo Tianji should It is a certain kind of adventure, and the real mystery of the operation of the three light glory, the ridiculousness is real, and the old legend is the current legend..."

"So, this is a squad that can't be resisted by manpower! We have no hiding place at all. Everyone must withdraw from the scope of the Sanguang Array as soon as possible to escape. Otherwise, there will be no death!"

The fifth gentle walk, while the voice explained quickly.

"Ah, there are such squadrons to kill... Well, what about the people in the valley below?" Xiao Chenyu was shocked. In the valley, there were more than 1,300 people, all of which were big. The elite power of the family.

Now the situation is so critical, to inform them to evacuate? Can you have time?

"It’s too late, it’s fortunate that we can retreat in time. We don’t want them to be there! Especially they are now under the snow and the snow layer... It’s definitely too late in time.” The fifth softly sighed.

Xiao Chenyu heard a word, and even the pace of rapid speeding is also one of the slow...

At the time of the full-speed retreat of the coalition forces, the sun from the sky has turned into a giant fire dragon, completely covering the entire three-light array.

Because of the influence of the three light arrays, even the supreme master has no help in the snow. On the top of the mountain, hundreds of thousands of years of snow have been left. As soon as they melted, they were turned into hot metal magma, and they rushed down.

Among the canyons, the deep buried snow also melts rapidly at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the bite flows down. As the temperature is too high, the area has just melted, and it has changed into boiling water and boiling water. As the temperature is getting higher and higher, A stream of water vaporized and slammed, but if it had not been able to evaporate, it turned into a magma heat flow and ran down.

What is the concept of hundreds of thousands of years of snow melting together?

This is a scene that can never happen. Today, it has appeared!

On the head of the canyon, the side of the singularity was coming out of the six gods, and it was attacked by hot water. It was completely unprepared, and there was a scream, almost no fainting on the spot.

Reluctantly seeing the current situation, it can be said that the souls are all dying, and they jumped up and rushed out. They rushed to the body and resisted the external pressure. However, they did not go out of the distance of hundreds of feet. The flesh and blood are blurred and covered with bubbles.

But at this moment, it seems that there is no pain in general. For example, walking dead and walking with instinct all the way, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Rumble and rumbling...

Surrounded by mountains, the snow has been melting for more than tens of thousands of years, and the rivers have been rushing down. This is not a "million horse", I believe that even millions of horses will rush together... ...the sound is just that it is just that!

Along the way, the water vapor rises all the way, covering the sky!

Slowly, the snow layer on the ground began to melt in layers, disappearing layer after layer...

The time is not long, the snow on the top of the mountain has been completely cleaned up, maybe the temperature is too high, and even some stones have begun to melt, becoming a layer of oil and similar things, as the stone melts the product More and more, each other began to gather, gather, and then hula, down.

The temperature at this moment in the Sanguang array has risen to an incredible height!

The hardness of the stone in the current three-light array, even if it is only the surface of the stone, is something that the nine products can not destroy; however, this "can not be destroyed" thing can be achieved by the heat of the sun. The degree of melting it will melt quickly and quickly. What kind of high temperature is this? !


I continue to work hard to fill the code. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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