Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 834: The ultimate killing of horror [buy! 】

Looking at the moment before, the surface melted, and the next moment has formed a torrent of floods, rushing down the mountain and rushing into the canyon! All the surrounding mountains have melted a surface with a few feet thick!

Under the influence of extremely high temperatures, on the top of the mountain, a kind of magma was formed and poured into the canyon!

And for these unimaginable miraculous changes, the people on both sides of the snow layer who are still fighting fiercely are all ignorant.

I don’t know at all, the infinitely horrible things are rapidly approaching...

The snow layer melts too fast; the bottom is still the ice layer, which is already boiling water, almost completely omitting the cold water process, and then the magma. After the full filling, there is still a distance below the thousand feet of snow.

There is a distance between them, and the people below are in the process of forgetting to die, how can they find out.

But the barrier is a layer of snow, just a layer of snow.

Under such high temperatures, how long can the snow layer in the area last?

The rumble of the rumble, the magma has turned into a reddish red color, and the entire valley has been filled up. In the midst of the strong fog, I saw that the magma inside was constantly bubbling, and it was still falling down gradually...

Li Xiangsi and Li Chunbo closed their eyes at the same time.

In this way, everyone below, regardless of the enemy or me, no matter how high or low, absolutely no one can escape the birth of heaven!

The ending is already doomed, and the same is true!

And it’s still the real meaning of the smoke!

"They originally intended to be with the enemy of the crimes; now, life and death are together, and the same day turned into a blue smoke, returning to the heavens and the earth, is not an unacceptable ending." Although Li Xiangsi said so, but it is deep Sighing, his words are not so much to comfort Li Chunbo, but rather to comfort himself.

"Life is a world, there is too much truth in the spring!" Li Chunbo turned around and his voice was chilly. "You can return to the enemy, it is the most glorious home of my generation! The children of Li, never And stealing. So going back, it’s the world’s majestic! The old man has only a deep pride, how come sad!”

Mo Tianji said faintly: "This is war!"

He sneered and said: "This is the ultimate killing! This method is irresistible, but the operation takes time. If there is not enough mixing, the enemy has too much time to escape. My original intention is to trigger a decisive battle. Then the following side is used as an ambush base. Once the war begins, the following arrangements will inevitably take the lead, highlight the level, kill, and contain the enemy, and launch the ultimate battle here! Then introduce all the enemy and the enemy, so There is enough buffer time to bury everyone in it, regardless of the enemy and me."

"But I never thought that I would be arrogant and arbitrarily arrogant, causing a change, but it would abolish this ambush; since it is impossible to take the lead again, it is naturally impossible to trigger the other party’s crisis. The fifth gentleness will never again. Reinforcement, this arrangement can only be launched in advance. It was originally expected to be able to bury more than 10,000 people here... but now only buried less than two thousand, much different from the expected!"

"It’s really... people are not as good as days!" Captain Mo Tian sighed: "According to my best plan, if all the people here are finished together, and the follow-up support of the enemy will take time, there will naturally be room for manoeuvre, or You can still leave a cigarette fire, at least those women and children, no need to sacrifice, and there is a place... but now, everything is empty talk..."

"Although it is a bit cruel and painful, it is very hurtful and humane; but, after all, it is to save hundreds of thousands of women and children... there is still a price. But I did not expect..."

Mo Tianji sneered: "Hey, even if it counts the secrets? An unexpected human factor rewrites the finale, a stern, pig-like thing! Destroyed my whole plan, and let you sing, from now on, Really in a desperate situation! A glimmer of life? Nothing is gone, I have no life to give you a hard home! I can only pray that the last big array will work."

Everyone is silent, desperate and ordinary.

All the family members have all bowed their heads. There are hopes before, and they naturally sacrifice themselves, but there is hope for the survival of the women and children in the family. But now, even the only hope is lost. How can we not despair? Even though desperate, I still don’t know what to say, only to be silent.

For a long while, Li Chunbo gnashed his teeth: "Strictly, this beast, even if it is 10,000 deaths, can not make up for this loss! This time it is dead here, it is really cheap!"

At this moment, Li Chunbo did not know that the two sides had wanted to kill, but they were still alive. It was the only survivor of the two sides’ battles under the snow...


Opposite, Xiao Chenyu and others are standing tall in the air, the best way to evade such natural disasters is to stay away from various disasters, and the best place to go, Mo Ruotian, the weakest of the coalition forces, also have the royal The power of the virtual, at this moment, the magma of the entire canyon is seen. Although they are already dozens of miles away, they can feel the heat coming from the surface, and they must all pay attention to it.

The snow layer underneath, especially in the rapid melting, the original foothold has become a sea.

Seeing the mist rising in the sky, everyone is pale.

A few people were not strong, and they were even more nervous and trembling.

No one thought that Mo Tianji still possessed such a vicious hand!

The true meaning of Sanguang’s large-scale fixed mountain river was originally to turn this into a whole big iron pot!

In the end, everyone will be all in one pot!

The fifth soft forehead is full of cold sweat, deeply inhaled, said: "Fuck!"

"Lucky?" The crowd looked at it, apparently very confused and still had some resentment.

So many people here are pitted inside, you actually said that you are lucky?

This is to say "lucky", then you are not lucky?

"I think back and forth, now I can conclude that this must be the last slaying of the Mo Tianji! It is the same as the enemy and me, and the same tactics."

The fifth gently touched the sweat on the forehead and said: "I think, this is exactly what happened next, and there is no condition enough to attract us, so it will cause Mo Tianji to launch this game in advance."

"Because if he insists on not starting, the following changes may cause him to be cheaper than the last one. Even if there is no killing, it is useless..."

The fifth is soft and bitter smile: "You can try to think about it. If there is some kind of change in the lower level, once the decisive battle begins, we will be attacked first and be in a disadvantage. How we will do it, we must fully support it, otherwise, If all the other members are gathered in the canyon, will we go on a decisive battle? Whatever the reason, as long as we go down, start a melee, and then come back, who can escape? Who can confidently escape? What?!"

When everyone thought about it, they couldn’t help but make a sigh of excitement.

Each one's face turned into a color like a dead person, looking at the opposite face, but also full of fear. I only felt that a cold air in the vest climbed up along the spine ditch. When it was so hot, I still felt the infinite coldness and creeps.

Indeed, if this is the case, even if it is Xiao Chenyu, it is very possible to be dragged by Li Chunbo's death, so that there is no way to escape, and finally only drink and hate on the spot!

Fortunately, it is a fluke, it is really lucky, it is too lucky!

"I can't think of that Mo Tianji can set up such a vicious killing!" Xiao Chenyu's lips trembled twice, and his face turned white.

"This is also not how to fight drugs. What are we doing? What is the purpose?" The fifth is soft and awkward, saying: "We were originally going to destroy the family. Even if the other party is more vicious than this, it should be, no. It’s just right to use it."

"I can only say that Mo Tianji is indeed a scholar of heaven and earth. This has already got the true meaning of the world. I am not as good as it is!" The fifth soft eyes have envy: "If you can get the inheritance of such a super-marginal arrangement... I can also……"

The fifth gently hangs his eyes, and admire, but his heart is thinking: If I am a Mo Tianji, I will never use this lore game now; even if Li Jia is dead, I will lose even if I lose it for a while. It doesn't matter.

This large array, if it is to be used in the Tianding event, you can definitely kill all the masters of the nine family and law enforcement, all the nets! If the millions of masters who participated in the meeting at that time were turned into blue smoke, wouldn’t it be easy to unify the nine heavens?

Mo Tianji, you are still not enough! On the 狠 word, you are not as good as me, you are not as soft as my fifth!


Under the snow layer.

At this time, the people on both sides, especially in the fierce battle, have already begun to feel the heat, as if they are in the steamer, the people are fighting, and they are a little surprised: What is going on?

After this period of crazy killing battles, people in the Li family have already died almost, even if they survive, most of them are seriously injured, and they have few thoughtful bodies.

The masters of the coalition forces naturally grow stronger. Someone has been able to make time and observe the terrain.

"I'm not right; how can it get so hot here, this temperature is too bad..." One person wondered: "This is under the snow layer, why shouldn't it be so hot, hot people sweating all over the body, This……"

"Yeah, what the **** is going on?"

"Ah, how do I feel like it's red?" one shouted.

Everyone felt an unusual atmosphere at this moment, and stopped at the same time and looked up.

I saw a dark layer of snow that could not be seen on the top of my head. At this moment, I have already presented a dark red color.

At the same time, a maddening heat has already covered the top! Even the temperature is still rising,

"What happened?! What happened?" A seven-piece supreme screamed: "What happened to this?" During the speech, he reached out and attacked it.


The owe is more complete, ask for a monthly ticket! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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