Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 835: perish together!

In a word, the reverberation is still echoing, and the palm of the hand actually hits the original indestructible snow layer, and the snow layer in front of it melts into a blue smoke, and then the surging magma is poured. Into, one is out of control!

The seven-product supreme was the first to bear the brunt, and there was no warning. When it was too late to know what had happened, it was already covered by the magma hoe, and then the whole person was drowned in it. I had a scream and I was already rotten.

The name is the ultimate disaster!

He was in a hurry and was trying to ease the injury and fight against external forces. However, this time has completely failed. He screamed sternly, but the magma was poured in from his mouth in a timely manner. During the day, a blue smoke rose and the whole person had evaporated without a trace.

Everyone next to him saw that the situation was wrong. He had already been hiding far away. However, watching this horror scene in horror, even though it was already hot to the extreme, everyone felt that the hands and feet were cold, such as the ice cave.

"This... what is going on here..." A supreme scream like a crying cry, a seven-piece supreme is so clean and neat, can he be spared? !

How can Laozi have such a big deal...

Under the engraving, the dark red color on the top of the head is getting thicker and thicker. The gap on the side is gradually expanding. The magma is poured in and out. Everyone wants to resist the inaction. They can only hide blindly, but the ground is already fast. Formed a magma ocean.

And it is still going on, rapid, and spreading.

Can you avoid it and avoid it when you can avoid it? !

Everyone is desperate in their hearts.

The dark red color on the top of the head is all magma, and then look up, the space around the top of the head is thousands of feet, all of which are dark red.

Where can I escape?

Here is the snow layer!

"This... Is this ** not in the northwest? Is this ** not a layer of snow?" A coalition army screamed with anger and anger: "** He **, where is this magma?... Not a pothole, this is not!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." A surviving Lijia Supreme laughed wildly, tears flowed out: "Good! Good! Nine big family, great power! Encircle the fierce family, great murderous! Hahaha ...not with us, we are all dead together, everyone is dead together! How about? What else can you do? Hahahaha... happy!"

"You are going to destroy my home! You must sever my children! You are here today... naturally it is sin!" He shouted loudly.

All the coalition masters are glaring at all, but what they say is simply not refutable.

In any case, it’s already a foregone conclusion, and it’s all meaningless!

The dark red color on the top of the head is getting more and more intense, which means the snow layer above the head. This last obstacle is getting shorter and shorter, which means that everyone can survive longer and shorter!

But everyone is helpless!

Here, one person is also a first-class master. You don’t have to say it in your heart. Even if you add a sword, you may not be blind. But at this moment, it is affected by the threat of the gradual approach of death. The mind has already broken and collapsed, but the only thought in your heart is I hope that there will be some miracles happening, you can stop this death catastrophe and save yourself from the day of birth.

The Lijia Supreme suddenly jumped up in a crazy laugh: "You guys don't want to wonder what miracles it has, and die early and die! Don't you still have Laozi to accompany you! I will go one step ahead and let you Take another cheaper!"

Immediately, the final force of the drums, the bombing and blasting dozens of palms and shots out, in the crazy laughter, the sound of the humming sound, booming rumbling...

The entire upper snow layer accelerated the collapse due to the influence of this wave of palm power, and completely collapsed. The magma, which had nowhere to vent, suddenly went to the road and instantly drowned it completely.

The fierce laughter of the Lijia Supreme is still going on. At this time, the magma has drowned his whole person, but he is actually self-supporting, using his right hand skeleton to tear his left hand down and laughing: "Dead Let's die!"

A raised hand throws his left hand out, the whole palm blasts and bursts, with the blood as the attack, and then the snow layer.

I don't know if it is God's will, and the last layer of snow will collapse.

The fierce laughter of the Supreme Master rejoices, but his people have disappeared between heaven and earth.

However, his trip to Huang Quan is not destined to be alone, and a series of desperate screams sounded in an instant, ringing!

Whether you are a sacred master, or a supreme product, or a product of three products; five products, six products and even higher... everyone's reaction is the same.

No one can be an exception to this mortal disaster.

Such a magma cover down, there is no dead corner in all directions, even if it is the supreme of the nine products, it is only closed to death.

There is no chance to even pull a back!

Everyone must be a peer, Huang Quan with the road!

Only the sadness and despair of helplessness!

When people bathe in the bathhouse, they are all clean and slick, and there is no difference between high and low. There is no difference at the moment. At the moment, there is no difference at all. On the occasion of the death of the dead, no one can be an exception!

The magma fell rapidly and gradually increased, and all of them had been drowned together for a while!

Then there was a violent turmoil, and then the vortex rose and the canyon was completely formed into a sea of ​​magma. On the magma, several heads were desperately squinting, and the next moment the magma rolled, and these heads disappeared without a trace...

The magma above is still falling, but the momentum has been much smaller.

Because the sun has fallen from the sky, Chen Yang is just so mad in the sky.

Exudes bleak warmth.

But this whole piece of land, thousands of miles away, has been turned into a hot summer!

No, even in the summer, the hottest days will not have such great power; or it should be said... the crater!

And still the hottest crater!

The sound of crickets rang continuously on the earth. It is that countless layers of ice are still spreading outwards. The whole area, with the amazing speed visible to the naked eye, rapidly expands outwards and gradually merges into a river, or The sea.

Blue waves!

Sparkling scales!

In the distance, it is still covered in silver, a piece of ice and snow.

Here, it is clear and clear, and it is quiet and peaceful...

These strange sights can be described as the first wonders between heaven and earth. Not only are there unprecedented, I believe that the future may not be copied.

However, who can think of these wonders is caused by a terrible thing?

The infinite water vapor quickly gathered in the sky, and immediately after a while, the hot and cold intersections, the lightning flashed, and the hail was smashing.

The hot temperature between the whole world and the sky, after the end of the daylight, quickly fell...

The fifth is soft, and Xiao Chenyu and others are all in the middle of it.

Fortunately, it is really lucky!

Looking at the new blue waves at the foot, and then looking at the magma that is almost flush with the mountains, everyone is feeling an unspeakable sinister coolness rising from the heel, through the calf The back of the thigh neck has been raised to the heavenly cover!

Everyone who did not agree with the spirit of the spirit took a nap.


One side.

On the cliffs of the peaks, in a hidden cave; the city of dance is standing still, and the hole is sealed with a large piece of black ice, and it is maintained by its own skill. The magma above it falls, Mo light dance, Chu Leer two Women are all small faces and white.

If Dong does not hurt his neck, if nothing happens, Chu Yang can still talk and laugh at this moment.

Both of them are totally inappropriate.

Ink tears also jumped in some hearts, saying: "No injury, you can really live up to breath..."

Dong did not hurt and said: "What is this unsettled? If you can't fall, you don't have to worry about it. If the predecessors can't stop it, then don't worry about it..."

Ink tears are eye-catching.

I knew that this cargo was huge, but I didn’t think it was so big...

Chu Yang laughed and patted the palm: "It is so! No injury is right!"

Ink tears, Mo light dance, Chu Leer three people turned up their eyes at the same time.

"This Mo Tianji! Don't say anything in advance to make such a big thing!" The dance city is a bit sullen: "I almost scared my apprentice! Waiting for the old man to look back at him and count it, not seeing it." The spirit loss fee can see that the old man can get the kid!"

Chu Yang and Dong have no injuries.

At this time, this man actually considered these things. If we have nothing to do with it, it’s obviously impossible to talk about it.


The other side.

"That's really fucking! That confession is nothing!" Ji Mo's angry scream: "If you don't have the place prepared by Gu Lao 2, it's still concealed and deep enough; some of us are not all floating inside. Really his mother’s pothole, Lao Tzu is still a virgin...”

傲邪云道: "Don't be his mother, we are lucky enough here, how can it be floating, but if it doesn't work in it... it can be ugly, a bird is ugly enough, If you turn into a bald bird, how do you face the Phoenix ancestral ancestors..."

Everyone was already sullen, and at this moment they couldn’t help but laugh.

If you don't know what you are in your heart, you can't go over your face. You must be arrogant and arrogant. You don't want to know what to do. You just want to gaze at the magma in the distance. It seems to be thoughtful. For the singularity of the sinister cloud, It seems that I have not heard.

Everyone can be a little surprised.

This is not like being ignorant.

If you have heard the arrogant cloud in the past, the most likely way is to fight with it, and maybe even hit the pool fish. Why is it so quiet today? Is it really angry, can't you? !

I couldn’t help but suddenly stood up.

Xie Danqiong and Gu Duxing, who are working together to seal the door with Xuan Bing, are surprised: "Why are you going?"


The second is later... I will talk to my wife this afternoon. The two of them said for an afternoon... I cough, I will continue to work hard. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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