Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 836: The ultimate battle, is about to begin!

"I am going out to play!" I can't tell. There is something that I can't wait for, a little bit of excitement.

Everyone looked at him with concern. Rock's enemies put their hands on the forehead. They said suspiciously: "This product will not be nerves? You are just making a joke with you, happy and happy, no malicious. If you are not happy, I will help you to say that he is Qinglong! If you are not satisfied, let us say that he is a green dragon!"

"Roll! I am a person with a small amount of air? Take me as you?!" I couldn't help but slap the hand of Rock's enemies, watching the brothers look at each other with concern, and the heart could not help but float warm. Intention, said: "I said that going out is a matter of business. Have you forgotten? I am a Phoenix. Naturally, there is an indescribable desire for such high-heat things, and this kind of heat can add too much to me. The repair is... This is an environment that can't be obtained by ordinary practice. It is also true that the Phoenix is ​​reborn."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Gu Zhixing and Xie Danqiong loosened their hands, and they couldn’t help but scream, and they rushed out and rushed into the outer magma ocean...

Under the eyes of the public, the moment of ignorance is like a fluttering phoenix, hovering in the air, and immediately volleyed down five hundred feet, slamming into the deep magma. Splashing up the magma of the sky, I slammed down.

Ji ink bit his finger, but he couldn't help but squat and said to the enemy. "A wolf, how do I think that this product is suicide? How can I worry so much..."

Rock's enemies yelled: "Don't you call me Alang! You are dying! What about disgusting deaths?"

"Hey, you think it's beautiful, it's a wolf!" Ji Modao: "I told you that the wolf is still wrong! You have not always called the wolf sword? Do you want to call you a wolf?"

"Hey!" Rock's enemies punched in the face of Ji Mo. Suddenly a panda's eyes were fresh and hot, and Ji Mo was furious: "I am kind enough to talk to you, you dare to do it..." He slammed his fist back, and Rocke leaned back and sighed, nosebleeds, I was so angry at the time.

Then the two men smashed into a ball, rolling around on the ground; roaring in the mouth, hands and feet are not idle, eager to bite with a tooth.

The battle of loneliness and the century of wolves, this is staged!

The other brothers stood by and looked helpless. This kind of century war, not to mention every day, is similar.

Staying with these two living treasures, if life is boring, it is something that God can't understand...



"Not good!" Suddenly, Gu alone took a forehead and rushed out; Xie Danqiong’s eyes were fast and he hurriedly grabbed him: "You dry up? I said Gu Lao 2, I can’t go out, it’s because people are phoenixes. ...but what kind of bird is your old 2?"

Gu’s eyes are red: “This **** shouldn’t go down...this, this can be ruined; the following is a big ray of light; once the magma cools, the whole mountain and the earth become the whole If you don't know how to get baked, but he is deeply in the ground, how come out?"

In this way, the brothers face each other in an instant.

Yeah, now it’s in the big three light! I can’t get through this product and jump into the magma...

This... this is... it’s really hard.

"That won't work!" Xie Danqiong frowned. "Even if you are trapped inside, we can't go down. If you are trapped with him, it will have no effect! And, no matter what, you will go down immediately."缕青烟!"

"You can only find another way, or let Mo Tianji immediately go to Sanguang after the final battle!"

Xie Danqiong said.

"Yes, now there is only this method to think about." Ao Xieyun frowned deeply: "Against... I can't think of all the bad things, I can't figure out if I dare to go down. If I don't have a certain grasp, how can he? May be so rash?"

"I am afraid that he is eating lard and being blinded!" Gu alone sighed and sighed again and again.

Xie Danqiong was frowning and sighed: "It can also be seen from here that we are still lacking in these people. If Mo Tianji or Boss is here, I will definitely remember these things at any time, and we..."

The brothers sighed in unison.

"In any case, this kind of mistake can never be repeated again!" Gu alone said in one word: "This kind of taste is really too torturous."

"Yes." The brothers nodded together.

"However, Ji Mo and Rock Enemy, Dong Wu can be the exception of these three people." Gu was a cold and cold-eyed, said: "These three goods have no brain at all!"

Sighed, worried and looked at the magma sea that was cooling outside, frowning.

Ji Mo and Luo Ke’s enemies, who had no time to lay their guns, opened their mouths, pouted, rolled their eyes, and bowed their heads; the stomach was smashed seven or eight times.

This 2 ...... and so on Rui Gu old right out of nowhere, the two of us together have to beat you up a ruthless!


the other side.

Tan and the saints are directly watching.

"The pure power of the sun! God..." The elders of a sun family almost fell to the ground, watching it all violently, and trembled.

He snorted and said: "There is no interest! The power of the sun, can you accept it? Is it not self-reliant, what is it?"

Everyone is ashamed.

However, Tan Xin is also thinking about one thing: Mo Tian function can lead the three light lower bounds; then ... can you make a small three-light array? Let the great demon temper the magic body, forge the devil, and sublimate the demon?

Thinking about it, thinking of the beauty, can not help but reveal a smile.

Next to him, he was supporting the ancient drums against the magma by his own strength. He immediately took a nap and said with conscience: "Wang is really handsome today..."

Talking about the chic hair, pointing your finger, said: "Is it more handsome than this pure solar energy?"

The ancient drum was measured very seriously, and finally decided to tell the truth, saying: "It's not as good as this energy..."

"Hehehehehe..." Talking about the sinister smile, said: "When you fight, you are the first to play!"

"..." Ancient drums stayed.


Relative to the two highest mountains, they were originally two sides, and there were many small peaks in the middle. But now, it is almost equal to a horse.

Completely filled with magma, it is slowly bubbling with bubbles and gradually cooling down.

However, the surrounding temperature is still maintained in the heat of the fossilized fossils, and in a short period of time, it does not fall.

The hail of madness slammed down, only picked up the sky and covered the water vapor, then rushed to the sky, and then turned into a hail to squat down...

Chu Yang and others are far apart, and they have already removed the hole from Xuan Bing. A strange smell is coming from the nose, and with the coolness of the hail in the sky...

Mo light danced boldly to the hole, reached out and caught a hail, could not help but whispered aloud: "Great!"

This hail is actually as big as an egg, crystal clear.

Chu Leer's yin and yang strange road: "Great?"

"Well, it's really big!"

"Don't you see it?"




Chu Leer felt that he had the upper hand and was in a good mood. He held the Chu Yang arm and said: "Big brother, I want to be a purple sister... When are we going to find her?"

Chu Yang coughed twice, posing as a brother's shelf, said: "You do not have to work, how to find your purple sister on the nine heavens? It is necessary to repair the ground, it is necessary conditions, it is necessary to diligently... ..."

Chu Leer stared at the big eyes, some inexplicable.

Mo light dance smiled warmly, and said to Chu Leer: "When we have finished our cultivation, we will go up to find the purple sister."

Chu Leer was angry; suddenly he felt that he was not quite right in front of Mo Qingwu. It is clear that the ages of the two are similar, but now Mo Qing dance is very graceful and seems to be much more mature than himself. general……

In front of her, there is a natural feeling that I am a little girl.

This feeling makes Chu Leer very uncomfortable.

Road: "That is my purple sister, or I am a big brother, my older brother's wife! What is your relationship?"

Mo light danced a little smile: "It doesn't matter, can I see if it works?"

Chu Leer lost the battle, biting the beriboth, and said: "I am afraid that the purple sister does not like to see you!"

Mo lightly danced and relaxed, said: "The purple sister left me a set of exercises when I left. And, I left a lot of good things, such as this, such as this..."

When I talked about one thing, I never looked at Chu Leer, and then I closed it up: "Oh, I... I like it very much. Although my relationship with my sister is not as good as that of her... Oh, actually nothing... ..."

Chu Leer was completely defeated, because when the purple evil came, she did not leave anything for her; but she left so much for the light dance.

Can't help but look at it for a while, but there is nothing to say.

"The set of exercises that Zi sister gave me is called ... nine days of dance!" Mo Qingwu intentionally teased her, and some of them showed off: "I heard that even in the Nine Heavens, it is also the top level of practice... Purple My sister is so good, I miss her very much."

Chu Leer flattened his mouth and almost cried out.

Chu Yang shook his head helplessly, and kept Chu Leer behind him, saying: "You should not bully her..."

A little headache, although the memory is restored, but the character is influenced by this world is relatively large, very lively, very... although sometimes it is very quiet, but overall, it seems that this world's personality has dominated .

Or Mo-Meng dance is somewhat unbearable for the past life, deliberately suppressing the character of the past life...

Mo light danced and laughed, and the dance at the door of the city looked slantingly at this side.


Now both sides of the war are silent, and the war is temporarily suspended.

The coalition side looked at this side, the fire in the eyes, if you want to eat people!

Li Chunbo and others stood on the top of the mountain and felt the heat that had not cooled down under their feet. They stood on the wind and did not show weakness.

Everyone does not speak; but everyone is filled with hate. Once you fight, you won’t be in another place, and both sides can only be carried out in the same place where the comrades are gone!

This thought suddenly became the wish of all the enemy and the enemy!

The top of the head was hail like rain, and the cockroaches were on everyone, but everyone did not dodge at all.

The heat of the group rises on the surface of the magma, and the surface has already condensed; at the latest, the place will be restored to the battlefield!

Everyone, don't want to drag on!


Today is two more. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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